Public Class Terminal Public currentdir As String = root Public prompttoupdatesave As Boolean = False Dim trackpos As Integer = 0 Public Sub terminal_Innitiate(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized loadgame() AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") SelectBottom() If prompttoupdatesave = True Then AddLine("ShiftOS has encountered an error loading configuration files. Press any key to reset damaged files.") End If End Sub Public Sub SelectBottom() txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0) End Sub Public Sub Interpret(command As String) command = command.ToLower If command Like "help" Then ShowHelp() ElseIf command Like "cd *" Then If boughtdirectorysurfing = True Then Dim folder As String = command.Replace("cd ", "") If folder = ".." Then If currentdir.ToLower = "c:\shiftos" Then AddLine("cd: Error! You are at the root of your drive.") Else currentdir = IO.Directory.GetParent(currentdir).ToString End If Else If IO.Directory.Exists(currentdir + "\" + folder) Then currentdir = currentdir & "\" & folder ElseIf IO.Directory.Exists(folder) Then currentdir = folder Else AddLine("cd: Directory """ & folder & """ doesn't exist.") End If End If Else wrongcommand() End If ElseIf command = "dir" Or command = "ls" Then If boughtdirectorysurfing Then AddLine("Type | Name ") AddLine("-------+-------------------------------------------") For Each Dir As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(currentdir) Dim dirinf As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Dir) AddLine("[DIR] | " & dirinf.Name) Next For Each file As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(currentdir) Dim filinf As New IO.FileInfo(file) AddLine(filinf.Extension & " | " & filinf.Name) Next Else wrongcommand() End If ElseIf command Like "mkdir *" Then If boughtdirectorysurfing = True Then Dim foldertomake As String = command.Replace("mkdir ", "") If IO.Directory.Exists(currentdir + "\" + foldertomake) Then AddLine("Directory already exists!") Else IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(currentdir + "\" + foldertomake) AddLine("mkdir: Directory created successfully.") End If Else wrongcommand() End If ElseIf command Like "give me * codepoints" Then Dim args() As String = command.Split(" ") Dim cp As String = args(2) AddCP(cp) AddLine("Added " & cp & " to your existing ammount of Codepoints.") ElseIf command Like "set * *" Then Dim args() As String = command.Split(" ") Select Case args(1) Case "username" If boughtcustomusername Then username = args(2) Else wrongcommand() End If Case "textcolor" If boughtterminalsettextcolor Then Select Case args(2) Case "black" AddLine("Error! Black and black don't go too well...") Case "white" txtterm.ForeColor = Color.White Case "gray" If boughtgray Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Gray Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "red" If boughtred Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Red Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "green" If boughtgreen Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Green Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "blue" If boughtblue Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Blue Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "yellow" If boughtyellow Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Yellow Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "orange" If boughtorange Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Orange Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "pink" If boughtpink Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Pink Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "purple" If boughtpurple Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Purple Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "brown" If boughtbrown Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Brown Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color, check 'colors' for a list of supported colors.") End Select End If Case Else AddLine("set: No valid setting node in configuration file for """ & args(1) & """.") End Select ElseIf command Like "open *" Then Dim progtoopen As String = command.Replace("open ", "") Select Case progtoopen Case "shiftorium", "packages", "pacman", "code shop" shiftorium_cmd.Show() Case "files", "fileskimmer", "file skimmer", "fs", "file browser" If boughtfileskimmer = True Then file_skimmer.Show() Else AddLine("open: Invalid program """ & progtoopen & """.") End If Case "textpad", "text", "notepad" If boughttextpad = True Then TextPad.Show() Else AddLine("open: Invalid program """ & progtoopen & """.") End If Case Else AddLine("open: Invalid program """ & progtoopen & """.") End Select ElseIf command Like "shutdown" Then savegame() Me.Close() ElseIf command = "colors" Then ShowTerminalColors() ElseIf command Like "" Then 'This is here to make it so that the Terminal doesn't say "Wrong Command" if the user doesn't input anything. Else If IO.File.Exists(currentdir + "\" + command) Then OpenFile(currentdir + "\" + command) ElseIf IO.File.Exists(command) Then OpenFile(command) Else wrongcommand() End If End If End Sub Public Sub openfile(file As String) Dim filinfo As New IO.FileInfo(file) Select Case filinfo.Extension Case ".txt" If boughttextpad = True Then Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(file) TextPad.txtfilebody.Text = sr.ReadToEnd() sr.Close() TextPad.Show() Else wrongcommand() End If Case Else wrongcommand() End Select End Sub Public Sub wrongcommand() AddLine("Invalid command! Type ""help"" for a list of commands.") End Sub Public Sub showterminalcolors() AddLine(" ==== SUPPORTED TERMINAL COLORS ==== " & vbNewLine) AddLine("Below is a list of values that you can specify in arguments. Note that only certain colors are supported; and if the video driver can output a color but it isn't on this list, it is not supported by the Terminal display engine." & vbNewLine) If boughtgray Then AddLine("gray") AddLine("white") AddLine("black") If boughtred Then AddLine("red") If boughtgreen Then AddLine("green") If boughtblue Then AddLine("blue") If boughtyellow Then AddLine("yellow") If boughtorange Then AddLine("orange") If boughtpink Then AddLine("pink") If boughtpurple Then AddLine("purple") If boughtbrown Then AddLine("brown") End Sub Public Sub ShowHelp() AddLine("ShiftOS Help" & vbNewLine) AddLine("Usage tips: " & vbNewLine) AddLine(" - The terminal runs in full-screen.") If boughttextpad = True Then AddLine(" - Typing the path to a text file will open it in Textpad.") AddLine(" - There are no window managers or desktop environments.") If boughtbasicgui = True Then AddLine(" - Applications can use the GUI server to display a proper GUI.") Else AddLine(" - Applications are fully text-based.") End If AddLine(" - Terminal commands are case-insensitive." & vbNewLine) AddLine("Commands: " & vbNewLine) If boughtdirectorysurfing Then AddLine(" - cd: Change to the specified directory.") AddLine(" - mkdir: Create a directory inside the current directory (marked before the %)") AddLine(" - ls, dir: View the contents of the current directory.") End If If boughtbasicsettings Then AddLine(" - set : Change some minimal settings in ShiftOS.") If boughtcustomusername Then AddLine(" Settings: ") AddLine(" username : Set the username of the OS.") End If If boughtterminalsettextcolor = True Then AddLine(" textcolor : Set the terminal text color.") End If End If AddLine(" - shutdown: Shuts the system down.") AddLine(" - colors: Shows the colors supported by both the Terminal display engine, and the video driver.") AddLine(" - help: Shows this screen." & vbNewLine) AddLine("Installed Programs:" & vbNewLine) AddLine("Below is a list of all the programs on your computer, followed by what they do. You can open one by typing ""open ""." & vbNewLine) AddLine(" - shiftorium: Upgrade the OS with Codepoints using this application.") If boughtfileskimmer Then AddLine(" - file skimmer: A handy little file browser.") If boughttextpad Then AddLine(" - textpad: An application that allows for creating and editing text files.") End Sub Public Sub AddLine(text As String) txtterm.Text += vbNewLine + text SelectBottom() End Sub Dim firstuseconversation As Integer = 0 Private Sub tmrfirstuse_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrfirstuse.Tick Select Case firstuseconversation Case 0 txtterm.ReadOnly = True AddLine("IP Address is connecting as ""DevX"".") Case 1 AddLine("DevX: It seems my updates have completly installed.") Case 2 AddLine("DevX: Unfortunately, due to your hard drive being formatted, you have lost all your data.") Case 3 AddLine("DevX: However, Don't worry! I've added some pretty cool features to the Terminal to make up for this.") Case 4 AddLine("DevX: I can't tell you much, except for ""Type Help for a list of commands"".") Case 5 AddLine("DevX: I've got to go, but I'll contact you as I develop more updates; and you test the OS.") Case 6 AddLine("User ""DevX"" has disconnected.") Case 7 txtterm.ResetText() AddLine("user@shiftos ~$> ") txtterm.ReadOnly = False tmrfirstuse.Stop() End Select firstuseconversation += 1 End Sub Private Sub txtterm_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtterm.KeyDown If prompttoupdatesave = False Then Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.ShiftKey trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.Alt trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.CapsLock trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.ControlKey trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.LWin trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.RWin trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.Right If txtterm.SelectionStart = txtterm.TextLength Then trackpos = trackpos - 1 End If Case Keys.Left If trackpos < 1 Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True trackpos = trackpos - 1 Else trackpos = trackpos - 2 End If Case Keys.Up e.SuppressKeyPress = True trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.Down e.SuppressKeyPress = True trackpos = trackpos - 1 End Select If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True Dim command As String = txtterm.Lines(txtterm.Lines.Length - 1).Replace(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ", "").ToLower Interpret(command) If command = "clear" Then txtterm.Text = username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> " txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0) Else AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0) End If trackpos = 0 Else If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then Else trackpos = trackpos + 1 End If End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then If trackpos < 1 Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True Else If txtterm.SelectedText.Length < 1 Then trackpos = trackpos - 1 Else e.SuppressKeyPress = True End If End If End If SelectBottom() Else e.SuppressKeyPress = True savegame() loadgame() AddLine("Self-repair complete with no errors.") prompttoupdatesave = False AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") End If End Sub End Class