Public Class Terminal Public currentdir As String = root Public prompttoupdatesave As Boolean = False Dim trackpos As Integer = 0 Public Sub terminal_Innitiate(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized loadgame() AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") SelectBottom() If prompttoupdatesave = True Then AddLine("ShiftOS has encountered an error loading configuration files. Press any key to reset damaged files.") End If End Sub Public Sub Interpret(command As String) command = command.ToLower If command Like "help" Then ShowHelp() ElseIf command Like "cd *" Then If boughtdirectorysurfing = True Then Dim folder As String = command.Replace("cd ", "") If folder = ".." Then If currentdir.ToLower = "c:\shiftos" Then AddLine("cd: Error! You are at the root of your drive.") Else currentdir = IO.Directory.GetParent(currentdir).ToString End If Else If IO.Directory.Exists(currentdir + "\" + folder) Then currentdir = currentdir & "\" & folder ElseIf IO.Directory.Exists(folder) Then currentdir = folder Else AddLine("cd: Directory """ & folder & """ doesn't exist.") End If End If Else wrongcommand() End If ElseIf command = "dir" Or command = "ls" Then If boughtdirectorysurfing Then AddLine("Type | Name ") AddLine("-------+-------------------------------------------") For Each Dir As String In IO.Directory.GetDirectories(currentdir) Dim dirinf As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Dir) AddLine("[DIR] | " & dirinf.Name) Next For Each file As String In IO.Directory.GetFiles(currentdir) Dim filinf As New IO.FileInfo(file) AddLine(filinf.Extension & " | " & filinf.Name) Next Else wrongcommand() End If ElseIf command Like "mkdir *" Then If boughtdirectorysurfing = True Then Dim foldertomake As String = command.Replace("mkdir ", "") If IO.Directory.Exists(currentdir + "\" + foldertomake) Then AddLine("Directory already exists!") Else IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(currentdir + "\" + foldertomake) AddLine("mkdir: Directory created successfully.") End If Else wrongcommand() End If ElseIf command Like "give me * codepoints" Then Dim args() As String = command.Split(" ") Dim cp As String = args(2) AddCP(cp) AddLine("Added " & cp & " to your existing ammount of Codepoints.") ElseIf command Like "set * *" Then Dim args() As String = command.Split(" ") Select Case args(1) Case "username" If boughtcustomusername Then username = args(2) Else wrongcommand() End If Case "textcolor" If boughtterminalsettextcolor Then Select Case args(2) Case "black" AddLine("Error! Black and black don't go too well...") Case "white" txtterm.ForeColor = Color.White Case "gray" If boughtgray Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Gray Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "red" If boughtred Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Red Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "green" If boughtgreen Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Green Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "blue" If boughtblue Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Blue Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "yellow" If boughtyellow Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Yellow Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "orange" If boughtorange Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Orange Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "pink" If boughtpink Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Pink Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "purple" If boughtpurple Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Purple Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case "brown" If boughtbrown Then txtterm.ForeColor = Color.Brown Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color.") End If Case Else AddLine("Error! Unsupported color, check 'colors' for a list of supported colors.") End Select End If Case Else AddLine("set: No valid setting node in configuration file for """ & args(1) & """.") End Select ElseIf command Like "open *" Then Dim progtoopen As String = command.Replace("open ", "") Select Case progtoopen Case "shiftorium", "packages", "pacman", "code shop" shiftorium_cmd.Show() Case "files", "fileskimmer", "file skimmer", "fs", "file browser" If boughtfileskimmer = True Then file_skimmer.Show() Else AddLine("open: Invalid program """ & progtoopen & """.") End If Case "textpad", "text", "notepad" If boughttextpad = True Then TextPad.Show() Else AddLine("open: Invalid program """ & progtoopen & """.") End If Case Else AddLine("open: Invalid program """ & progtoopen & """.") End Select ElseIf command Like "shutdown" Then savegame() Me.Close() ElseIf command Like "math*" Then mathquiz = True changeinterpreter() ElseIf command Like "guess the number" Or command Like "guess" Then guessthenumber = True changeinterpreter() ElseIf command Like "code*" Or command = "code points" Then AddLine("You have " & codepoints & " Codepoints.") ElseIf command = "colors" Then showterminalcolors() ElseIf command Like "" Then 'This is here to make it so that the Terminal doesn't say "Wrong Command" if the user doesn't input anything. Else If IO.File.Exists(currentdir + "\" + command) Then OpenFile(currentdir + "\" + command) ElseIf IO.File.Exists(command) Then OpenFile(command) Else wrongcommand() End If End If End Sub Dim firstuseconversation As Integer = 0 Private Sub tmrfirstuse_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrfirstuse.Tick Select Case firstuseconversation Case 0 txtterm.ReadOnly = True AddLine("IP Address is connecting as ""DevX"".") Case 1 AddLine("DevX: It seems my updates have completly installed.") Case 2 AddLine("DevX: Unfortunately, due to your hard drive being formatted, you have lost all your data.") Case 3 AddLine("DevX: However, Don't worry! I've added some pretty cool features to the Terminal to make up for this.") Case 4 AddLine("DevX: I can't tell you much, except for ""Type Help for a list of commands"".") Case 5 AddLine("DevX: I've got to go, but I'll contact you as I develop more updates; and you test the OS.") Case 6 AddLine("User ""DevX"" has disconnected.") Case 7 txtterm.ResetText() AddLine("user@shiftos ~$> ") txtterm.ReadOnly = False tmrfirstuse.Stop() End Select firstuseconversation += 1 End Sub Private Sub txtterm_KeyDown(sender As Object, e As KeyEventArgs) Handles txtterm.KeyDown If prompttoupdatesave = False Then Select Case e.KeyCode Case Keys.ShiftKey trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.Alt trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.CapsLock trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.ControlKey trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.LWin trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.RWin trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.Right If txtterm.SelectionStart = txtterm.TextLength Then trackpos = trackpos - 1 End If Case Keys.Left If trackpos < 1 Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True trackpos = trackpos - 1 Else trackpos = trackpos - 2 End If Case Keys.Up e.SuppressKeyPress = True trackpos = trackpos - 1 Case Keys.Down e.SuppressKeyPress = True trackpos = trackpos - 1 End Select If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True If mathquiz = True Then Dim question As String = txtterm.Lines(txtterm.Lines.Length - 2) Dim answer As String = txtterm.Lines(txtterm.Lines.Length - 1).Replace("> ", "") If answer = "exit" Then mathquiz = False AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") Else Try MQInterpret(question, answer) Catch ex As Exception AddLine("The answer provided isn't a proper number!") End Try AddLine("> ") End If ElseIf guessthenumber = True Then Dim answer As String = txtterm.Lines(txtterm.Lines.Length - 1).Replace("> ", "") If answer = "exit" Then guessthenumber = False AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") Else Try GTNInterpret(answer) Catch ex As Exception AddLine("The answer provided isn't a proper number.") End Try AddLine("> ") End If Else Dim command As String = txtterm.Lines(txtterm.Lines.Length - 1).Replace(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ", "").ToLower Interpret(command) If mathquiz Or guessthenumber Then AddLine("> ") Else If command = "clear" Then txtterm.Text = username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> " txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0) Else AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0) End If End If End If trackpos = 0 Else If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then Else trackpos = trackpos + 1 End If End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then If trackpos < 1 Then e.SuppressKeyPress = True Else If txtterm.SelectedText.Length < 1 Then trackpos = trackpos - 1 Else e.SuppressKeyPress = True End If End If End If SelectBottom() Else e.SuppressKeyPress = True savegame() loadgame() AddLine("Self-repair complete with no errors.") prompttoupdatesave = False AddLine(username + "@" + osname + " " & currentdir.ToLower.Replace("c:\shiftos", "~") & "$> ") End If End Sub End Class