We're one step closer to the full Basic Window Manager implementation.
I've created a UserControl called "TitleBar" for the BWM. This
UserControl contains the window handling code for draggable windows, as
well as a design-time settable AppName property that allows you to
change the application display name (what text is shown on the
Shiftorium upgrades to unlock Draggable Windows will be added soon, but
I have to clean the beast.
WARNING: Due to a bug that made the save engine think it was ShiftOS
0.0.8, I had to change the actualshiftversion variable to prevent older
ShiftOS versions opening the save file thus crashing. Due to this,
ShiftOS-Next will automatically delete C:\ShiftOS and rewrite the save.
Besides that, I've added a new Window Manager that can be bought after
buying Gray, Basic GUI Server, File Skimmer, and Textpad. This window
manager allows you to run multiple apps at once in their own window, as
well as having up to 3 Terminals running at once. It is a
work-in-progress feature, but it's currently stable.
I've added some new Shiftorium upgrades, as well as some save engine
fixes. If you add to the engine, and try to load, say a Boolean value
from a line containing a blank String value, it'll detect that and tell
you it'll rewrite that line. It preserves what it has already loaded.
I've also added some new terminal commands, and some Shiftorium