2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Imports System
Imports System . IO
Imports System . Text
Imports System . Net . Mail
Public Class HijackScreen
2015-05-23 10:21:24 -04:00
Public actualshiftversion As String = " NEXT 0.0.1 "
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Dim newgame As Boolean = True
Dim tcount As Integer = 0
Dim rtext As String
Dim gtexttotype As String
Dim charcount As Integer
Dim currentletter As Integer
Dim slashcount As Integer
Dim conversationcount As Integer = 0
Dim textgeninput As Object
Dim di As DirectoryInfo
Dim needtoclose As Boolean = False
Dim oldversion As String
Public upgraded As Boolean = False
Dim fs As FileStream
Dim sw As StreamWriter
Dim hackeffect As Integer
Dim percentcount As Integer
Dim cdrive As System . IO . DriveInfo
Private Sub HijackScreen_Load ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles MyBase . Load
Control . CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = False
cdrive = My . Computer . FileSystem . GetDriveInfo ( " C:\ " )
Me . FormBorderStyle = Windows . Forms . FormBorderStyle . None
Me . WindowState = FormWindowState . Maximized
If My . Computer . FileSystem . DirectoryExists ( " C:\ShiftOS " ) Then
If IO . File . ReadAllText ( " C:/ShiftOS/Shiftum42/HDAccess.sft " ) = actualshiftversion Then
conversationtimer . Start ( )
needtoclose = True
2015-05-23 10:21:24 -04:00
loadgame ( )
If boughtbasicwm = True Then
BasicWM . Desktop . Show ( )
Terminal . Show ( )
End If
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
2015-05-23 10:21:24 -04:00
oldversion = IO . File . ReadAllText ( systemdir + " HDAccess.sft " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
upgraded = True
2015-05-23 10:21:24 -04:00
System . IO . Directory . Delete ( root , True )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
BackgroundWorker1 . RunWorkerAsync ( )
conversationtimer . Start ( )
hackeffecttimer . Start ( )
End If
BackgroundWorker1 . RunWorkerAsync ( )
conversationtimer . Start ( )
hackeffecttimer . Start ( )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextType ( texttotype As String )
conversationtimer . Stop ( )
charcount = texttotype . Length
gtexttotype = texttotype
currentletter = 0
slashcount = 1
textgen . Start ( )
End Sub
Private Sub textgen_Tick ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles textgen . Tick
Select Case slashcount
Case 1
If currentletter < gtexttotype . Length Then
textgeninput . Text = rtext & " \ "
End If
Case 2
If currentletter < gtexttotype . Length Then
textgeninput . Text = rtext & " | "
End If
Case 3
If currentletter < gtexttotype . Length Then
textgeninput . Text = rtext & " / "
End If
Case 4
If currentletter < gtexttotype . Length Then
rtext = rtext + gtexttotype . ToCharArray ( currentletter , 1 )
currentletter = currentletter + 1
textgeninput . Text = rtext
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . typesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
End If
End Select
slashcount = slashcount + 1
If slashcount = 5 Then slashcount = 1
If currentletter = gtexttotype . Length Then
gtexttotype = " "
conversationtimer . Start ( )
textgen . Stop ( )
End If
End Sub
Private Sub conversationtimer_Tick ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles conversationtimer . Tick
Select Case conversationcount
Case 0
If needtoclose = True Then Me . Close ( )
Case 1
textgeninput = lblHijack
TextType ( " Your computer is now being Hijacked " )
conversationtimer . Interval = 1000
Case 3
textgeninput = lblhackwords
textgen . Interval = 10
rtext = " "
TextType ( " Hello, user. My name is DevX. I am the creator of ShiftOS. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine )
Case 4
TextType ( " I've been scanning your computer, and it seems you have tested a lot of ShiftOS, however since then I've released a lot of updates. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine )
Case 5
TextType ( " These updates fix a lot of bugs and security holes in ShiftOS and it's mandatory that I install them for you. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine )
Case 6
TextType ( " Much of the experience is similar, and you will have to upgrade the OS. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine )
Case 7
TextType ( " In order to install these updates, your hard drive will be involuntarily formatted. " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine )
Case 8
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
TextType ( " Beginning Hard Drive Format... " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
conversationtimer . Interval = 500
Case 9 , 10 , 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
TextType ( " . " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 18
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
TextType ( " . " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 19
rtext = " "
Case 20
TextType ( " Scanning Drive C:\ " )
Case 21
TextType ( Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " Drive Label: " & cdrive . VolumeLabel )
Case 22
TextType ( Environment . NewLine & " Total Drive Size: " & Format ( cdrive . TotalSize . ToString / 1024 / 1024 / 1024 , " 0.00 " ) & " GigaBytes " )
Case 23
TextType ( Environment . NewLine & " Old File System: ShiftFS " )
Case 24
TextType ( Environment . NewLine & " New File System: ShiftFS_Ultra " )
Case 25
TextType ( Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " Formatting C:\ - " )
conversationtimer . Interval = 100
Case 26 To 126
textgeninput . Text = rtext & percentcount & " % "
If percentcount < 101 Then
percentcount = percentcount + 1
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . writesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
End If
Case 127
rtext = rtext + " 100% "
conversationtimer . Interval = 1000
Case 128
TextType ( Environment . NewLine & " Format Complete " )
Case 129
rtext = " "
percentcount = 0
TextType ( " Installing ShiftOS Beta 1.0 - " )
conversationtimer . Interval = 200
Case 130 To 230
textgeninput . Text = rtext & percentcount & " % " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine
If percentcount < 101 Then
percentcount = percentcount + 1
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . writesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
End If
Select Case percentcount
Case 1 To 2
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Home "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( home ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( home )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 3 To 4
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Home/Documents "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( documents ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( documents )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 5 To 9
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Home/Documents/ShiftOSInfo.txt "
fs = File . Create ( home + " ShiftOSInfo.txt " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
Case 10 To 12
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Home/Music "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( music ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( music )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 13 To 15
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Home/Pictures "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( pictures ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( pictures )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 16 To 18
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Shiftum42 "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( systemdir ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( systemdir )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 19 To 20
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " ~/Shiftum42/Drivers "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( drivers ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( drivers )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 21 To 27
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Writing config files... "
savegame ( )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 28 To 35
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Copying Drivers... "
fs = File . Create ( drivers + " Keyboard.dri " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
Case 36 To 44
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Copying Drivers... "
fs = File . Create ( drivers + " Monitor.dri " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
Case 45 To 52
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Copying Drivers... "
fs = File . Create ( drivers + " Mouse.dri " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
Case 53 To 60
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Copying Drivers... "
fs = File . Create ( drivers + " Printer.dri " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
Case 61 To 68
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Generating Languages... "
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( systemdir + " Languages/ " ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( systemdir + " Languages/ " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
Case 69 To 76
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Generating Languages... "
fs = File . Create ( systemdir + " Languages/English.lang " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
Case 77 To 84
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Completing update... "
fs = File . Create ( systemdir + " HDAccess.sft " )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs . Close ( )
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
Dim objWriter As New System . IO . StreamWriter ( systemdir + " HDAccess.sft " , False )
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
objWriter . Write ( actualshiftversion )
objWriter . Close ( )
Case 85 To 89
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Completing update... "
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/Shiftum42/ShiftGUI.sft " )
fs . Close ( )
Case 90 To 93
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Completing update... "
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/Shiftum42/SKernal.sft " )
fs . Close ( )
Case 94 To 97
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Completing update... "
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/Shiftum42/SRead.sft " )
fs . Close ( )
Case 98 To 101
2015-05-17 13:05:42 -04:00
textgeninput . Text = textgeninput . Text & " Completing update... "
2015-05-17 10:53:26 -04:00
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/Shiftum42/SWrite.sft " )
fs . Close ( )
End Select
Case 231
textgeninput . Text = rtext & " 100% " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " C:/Shiftum42/SWrite.sft "
conversationtimer . Interval = 1000
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . writesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
Case 232
textgeninput . Text = rtext & " 100% " & Environment . NewLine & Environment . NewLine & " ShiftOS Installation Complete! "
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . typesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/ " ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/ " )
If ( Not System . IO . Directory . Exists ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/KnowledgeInput " ) ) Then System . IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/KnowledgeInput " )
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/KnowledgeInput/Animals.lst " )
fs . Close ( )
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/KnowledgeInput/Fruits.lst " )
fs . Close ( )
fs = File . Create ( " C:/ShiftOS/SoftwareData/KnowledgeInput/Countries.lst " )
fs . Close ( )
Case 234
'ShiftOSDesktop.newgame = True
Terminal . Show ( )
Terminal . tmrfirstuse . Start ( )
Me . Close ( )
End Select
conversationcount = conversationcount + 1
End Sub
Private Sub hackeffecttimer_Tick ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles hackeffecttimer . Tick
If hackeffect < 101 Then
Select Case hackeffect
Case 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 , 13 , 15 , 17 , 19 , 21 , 23 , 25 , 27 , 29 , 31 , 33 , 35 , 37 , 39 , 41 , 43 , 45 , 47 , 49 , 51 , 53 , 55 , 57 , 59 , 61 , 63 , 65 , 67 , 69 , 71 , 73 , 75 , 77 , 79 , 81 , 83 , 85 , 87 , 89 , 91 , 93 , 95
Me . BackColor = Color . Black
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . writesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
Case 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 10 , 12 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 20 , 22 , 24 , 26 , 28
Me . BackColor = Color . White
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . typesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
Case 30 , 32 , 34 , 36 , 38 , 40 , 42 , 44 , 46 , 48 , 50
Me . BackColor = Color . Gainsboro
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . typesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
Case 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 , 60 , 62 , 64 , 66 , 68 , 70 , 72 , 74 , 76
Me . BackColor = Color . Silver
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . typesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
Case 76 , 78 , 80 , 82 , 84 , 86 , 88 , 90 , 92 , 94
Me . BackColor = Color . DimGray
My . Computer . Audio . Play ( My . Resources . typesound , AudioPlayMode . Background )
Case 96
lblHijack . BackColor = Color . LightGray
Case 97
lblHijack . BackColor = Color . DarkGray
Case 98
lblHijack . BackColor = Color . DimGray
Case 99
lblHijack . BackColor = Color . Black
lblHijack . ForeColor = Color . DimGray
Case 100
lblHijack . Hide ( )
End Select
hackeffecttimer . Stop ( )
End If
hackeffect = hackeffect + 1
End Sub
'Private Sub extractdlls() 'If dlls are not in the same folder, this extracts them from resources
' If Not File.Exists(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\AxInterop.WMPLib.dll") Then
' System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\AxInterop.WMPLib.dll", My.Resources.AxInterop_WMPLib)
' End If
' If Not File.Exists(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\Interop.WMPLib.dll") Then
' System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\Interop.WMPLib.dll", My.Resources.Interop_WMPLib)
' End If
' If Not File.Exists(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\ShiftOS License.txt") Then
' System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory & "\ShiftOS License.txt", My.Resources.license)
' End If
'End Sub
End Class