2015-05-21 20:33:08 -04:00
Public Class file_skimmer
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2015-05-21 20:33:08 -04:00
Public mode As String
Public application As String 'The application sending either an open or save mode.
Public currentdir As String = home
Public Sub setupmenufonts ( )
For Each item In topmenu . Items
item . ForeColor = Color . White
item . Font = New Font ( " Courier New " , 8 . 25 )
For Each SubItem In item . DropDownItems
SubItem . ForeColor = Color . White
SubItem . font = New Font ( " Courier New " , 8 . 25 )
End Sub
Public Sub showfiles ( )
Dim lv As ListView = lvfiles
lv . Items . Clear ( )
lv . View = View . Tile
lv . AutoResizeColumns ( ColumnHeaderAutoResizeStyle . ColumnContent )
Dim upone As New ListViewItem
upone . Text = " Up one "
lv . Items . Add ( upone )
upone . SubItems . Add ( " directory " )
For Each dir As String In My . Computer . FileSystem . GetDirectories ( currentdir )
Dim dirinf As New IO . DirectoryInfo ( dir )
Dim lvitem As New ListViewItem
lvitem . Text = dirinf . Name
lvitem . Tag = dirinf . FullName
lv . Items . Add ( lvitem )
lvitem . SubItems . Add ( " Directory " )
lvitem . SubItems . Add ( dirinf . LastAccessTime )
For Each file As String In My . Computer . FileSystem . GetFiles ( currentdir )
Dim filinf As New IO . DirectoryInfo ( file )
Dim lvitem As New ListViewItem
lvitem . Text = filinf . Name
lvitem . Tag = filinf . FullName
lv . Items . Add ( lvitem )
lvitem . SubItems . Add ( GetFileType ( filinf . Extension ) )
lvitem . SubItems . Add ( filinf . LastAccessTime )
lbcurrentdir . Text = currentdir . Replace ( root , " ~ " ) . Replace ( " \ " , " / " )
End Sub
Public Function GetFileType ( ext As String )
Dim FileType As String
Select Case ext
Case " .txt "
FileType = " Text File "
Case " .pkg "
FileType = " Application "
Case " .deb "
FileType = " Application Installer "
Case " .sft "
FileType = " Data File "
Case " .dri "
FileType = " Driver "
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Case Else
FileType = " Unknown File "
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End Select
Return FileType
End Function
Public Sub OpenFile ( file As String )
If IO . Directory . Exists ( file ) Then
currentdir = file
showfiles ( )
Dim filinf As New IO . FileInfo ( file )
Select Case filinf . Extension
Case Else
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " Exodus - File Format not valid " , " The format of the file "" " & filinf . Name & " "" is not a format in which Exodus File Browser can read. " )
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lvfiles_SelectedIndexChanged ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles lvfiles . DoubleClick
If lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Text = " Up one " Then
If Not currentdir = root Then
currentdir = IO . Directory . GetParent ( currentdir ) . ToString
showfiles ( )
End If
If mode = " open " Then
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Select Case Application
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Case " textpad "
Dim sr As New IO . StreamReader ( lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Tag . ToString )
TextPad . txtfilebody . Text = sr . ReadToEnd ( )
sr . Close ( )
Me . Close ( )
End Select
OpenFile ( lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Tag )
End If
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End If
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End Try
End Sub
Private Sub file_skimmer_Load ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles Me . Load
topmenu . Renderer = New basicwm_renderer ( )
tools . Renderer = New basicwm_renderer ( )
setupmenufonts ( )
setupui ( )
showfiles ( )
End Sub
Public Sub setupui ( )
FolderToolStripMenuItem . Visible = boughtfileskimmernewfolder
newseperator . Visible = boughtfileskimmernewfolder
btnnewfolder . Visible = boughtfileskimmernewfolder
btndelete . Visible = boughtfileskimmerdelete
If mode = " save " Then
pnlsave . Visible = True
pnlsave . Visible = False
End If
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pnltop . DetermineMyVisibility ( )
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End Sub
Private Sub ExitSessionToolStripMenuItem_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles ExitSessionToolStripMenuItem . Click
Me . Close ( )
End Sub
Private Sub ProductInfoToolStripMenuItem_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles ProductInfoToolStripMenuItem . Click
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " File Skimmer - v1.2 " , " Browse, edit, move, copy and delete the files on your computer. " )
End Sub
Private Sub FolderToolStripMenuItem_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles FolderToolStripMenuItem . Click , btnnewfolder . Click
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " Create New Folder " , " Please specify a name for your folder. " , True )
If Not IO . Directory . Exists ( currentdir & " \ " & basicwm_infobox . userinput ) Then
IO . Directory . CreateDirectory ( currentdir & " \ " & basicwm_infobox . userinput )
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " Create New Folder " , " The specified folder already exists! " )
End If
showfiles ( )
End Sub
Private Sub btndelete_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles btndelete . Click
If IO . Directory . Exists ( lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Tag ) Then
IO . Directory . Delete ( lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Tag , True )
ElseIf IO . File . Exists ( lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Tag ) Then
IO . File . Delete ( lvfiles . SelectedItems ( 0 ) . Tag )
End If
Catch ex As Exception
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " Error! " , " The following Visual Basic exception has occurred: " & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & ex . Message )
End Try
End Sub
Private Sub btnsave_Click ( sender As Object , e As EventArgs ) Handles btnsave . Click
If Not txtfilename . Text = " " Then
If IO . Directory . Exists ( currentdir + " \ " + txtfilename . Text ) Then
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " Invalid File Name " , " You can't save a file ontop of a directory with the same name! " )
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Select Case Application
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Case " textpad "
Dim sw As New IO . StreamWriter ( currentdir + " \ " + txtfilename . Text )
sw . Write ( TextPad . txtfilebody . Text )
sw . Close ( )
Me . Close ( )
End Select
End If
basicwm_infobox . showinfo ( " Invalid File Name " , " Please specify a file name, and not leave it blank! " )
End If
End Sub
End Class