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Module API
Public txtterm As TextBox = Terminal.txtterm
Public Sub wrongcommand()
AddLine("Invalid command! Type ""help"" for a list of commands.")
End Sub
Public Sub AddLine(text As String)
txtterm.Text += vbNewLine + text
End Sub
Public Sub openfile(file As String)
Dim filinfo As New IO.FileInfo(file)
Select Case filinfo.Extension
Case ".txt"
If boughttextpad = True Then
Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(file)
TextPad.txtfilebody.Text = sr.ReadToEnd()
End If
Case Else
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub showterminalcolors()
AddLine(" ==== SUPPORTED TERMINAL COLORS ==== " & vbNewLine)
AddLine("Below is a list of values that you can specify in <colorname> arguments. Note that only certain colors are supported; and if the video driver can output a color but it isn't on this list, it is not supported by the Terminal display engine." & vbNewLine)
If boughtgray Then AddLine("gray")
If boughtred Then AddLine("red")
If boughtgreen Then AddLine("green")
If boughtblue Then AddLine("blue")
If boughtyellow Then AddLine("yellow")
If boughtorange Then AddLine("orange")
If boughtpink Then AddLine("pink")
If boughtpurple Then AddLine("purple")
If boughtbrown Then AddLine("brown")
End Sub
Public Sub ShowHelp()
AddLine("ShiftOS Help" & vbNewLine)
AddLine("Usage tips: " & vbNewLine)
AddLine(" - The terminal runs in full-screen.")
If boughttextpad = True Then AddLine(" - Typing the path to a text file will open it in Textpad.")
AddLine(" - There are no window managers or desktop environments.")
If boughtbasicgui = True Then
AddLine(" - Applications can use the GUI server to display a proper GUI.")
AddLine(" - Applications are fully text-based.")
End If
AddLine(" - Terminal commands are case-insensitive." & vbNewLine)
AddLine("Commands: " & vbNewLine)
If boughtdirectorysurfing Then
AddLine(" - cd: Change to the specified directory.")
AddLine(" - mkdir: Create a directory inside the current directory (marked before the %)")
AddLine(" - ls, dir: View the contents of the current directory.")
End If
If boughtbasicsettings Then
AddLine(" - set <setting> <value>: Change some minimal settings in ShiftOS.")
If boughtcustomusername Then
AddLine(" Settings: ")
AddLine(" username <string>: Set the username of the OS.")
End If
If boughtterminalsettextcolor = True Then
AddLine(" textcolor <colorname>: Set the terminal text color.")
End If
End If
AddLine(" - codepoints: Shows the current amount of codepoints.")
AddLine(" - shutdown: Shuts the system down.")
AddLine(" - colors: Shows the colors supported by both the Terminal display engine, and the video driver.")
AddLine(" - help: Shows this screen." & vbNewLine)
AddLine("Installed Programs:" & vbNewLine)
AddLine("Below is a list of all the programs on your computer, followed by what they do. You can open one by typing ""open <name>""." & vbNewLine)
AddLine(" - shiftorium: Upgrade the OS with Codepoints using this application.")
If boughtfileskimmer Then AddLine(" - file skimmer: A handy little file browser.")
If boughttextpad Then AddLine(" - textpad: An application that allows for creating and editing text files.")
AddLine(" - MathQuiz: Earn Codepoints by solving math questions.")
AddLine(" - Guess the Number: Earn Codepoints by guessing a random number between 1 and 100.")
End Sub
Public Sub SelectBottom()
txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0)
End Sub
End Module