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# SQL Tables
# This shits a mess but hey it's python...
import contextlib
import enum
import os
from sqlalchemy import Boolean, Column, create_engine, DateTime, ForeignKey, Integer, MetaData, String, Table, Text, Unicode, UnicodeText
from sqlalchemy.dialects.mysql import BIGINT, DOUBLE
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import backref, relationship, RelationshipProperty, sessionmaker, validates
from sqlalchemy.sql import func
from mapping import Direction
from myconfig import config, mappings
Base = declarative_base()
engine = create_engine(config["dbaddr"], pool_recycle = 3600)
DbSession = sessionmaker(bind = engine)
class ValidationError(Exception):
def validated(col, validator = None, strip = False, min_length = None, min_value = None, max_value = None):
def validate_string(row, key, val, encoding = None):
if not isinstance(val, str):
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} must be a string")
if encoding is not None:
except UnicodeEncodeError: # this exc is also used for ASCII!
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} must be a valid {encoding} string")
if strip:
val = val.strip()
if min_length is not None and len(val) < min_length:
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} must be at least {min_length} characters long")
if col.type.length is not None and len(val) > col.type.length:
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} cannot be more than {col.type.length} characters long")
return val
def validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, t):
if not isinstance(val, t):
raise ValidationError(f"{val} must be {t.__name__}")
if min is not None and val < min:
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} cannot be less than {min}")
if max is not None and val > max:
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} cannot be greater than {max}")
return val
def validate(row, key, val):
if hasattr(row, "dontvalidate"):
return val
if validator is not None:
val = validator(row, key, val)
if val is None:
if col.nullable:
return None
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} cannot be null")
min = min_value
max = max_value
if isinstance(col.type, String) or isinstance(col.type, Text):
val = validate_string(row, key, val, "ASCII")
elif isinstance(col.type, Unicode) or isinstance(col.type, UnicodeText):
val = validate_string(row, key, val, "UTF-8")
elif isinstance(col.type, Boolean) and not isinstance(val, bool):
raise ValidationError(f"{col.name} must be a boolean")
elif isinstance(col.type, Integer):
if min is None:
min = -(1 << 31)
if max is None:
max = (1 << 31) - 1
val = validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, int)
elif isinstance(col.type, BIGINT):
if min is None:
min = 0 if col.type.unsigned else -(1 << 63)
if max is None:
max = 1 << (63 if col.type.unsigned else 64)
val = validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, int)
elif isinstance(col.type, DOUBLE):
val = validate_number(row, key, val, min, max, float)
return val
return col, validate
def validate_email(row, key, val):
if val.count("@") == 1 and ".." not in val.split("@")[-1]:
return val
raise ValidationError("Invalid email")
class User(Base):
__tablename__ = "User"
# This is a GUID
ID = Column(String(36), nullable = False, primary_key = True)
Email, ValidateEmail = validated(Column("Email", Unicode(254), nullable = False, unique = True),
validate_email, strip = True)
Password = Column(String(60))
DisplayName, ValidateDisplayName = validated(
Column("DisplayName", Unicode(255), unique = True, nullable = False),
strip = True, min_length = 1)
SysName, ValidateSysName = validated(
Column("SysName", Unicode(255), unique = True, nullable = False),
strip = True, min_length = 5)
FullName, ValidateFullName = validated(
Column("FullName", Unicode(255), nullable = False, default = ""),
strip = True)
Codepoints, ValidateCodepoints = validated(Column("Codepoints", BIGINT(unsigned = True), nullable = False, default = 0))
PongLevel, ValidatePongLevel = validated(Column("PongLevel", Integer), min_value = 1, max_value = 42)
PongCP, ValidatePongCP = validated(Column("PongCP", BIGINT(unsigned = True)))
Sessions = relationship("AuthSession", back_populates = "User")
class AuthSession(Base):
__tablename__ = "AuthSession"
Token = Column(String(43), primary_key = True)
UserID = Column(String(36), ForeignKey("User.ID"))
User = relationship("User", back_populates = "Sessions")
AppName, ValidateAppName = validated(Column("AppName", Unicode(255), nullable = False), strip = True)
AppDesc, ValidateAppDesc = validated(Column("AppDesc", Unicode(255), nullable = False), strip = True)
Version, ValidateVersion = validated(Column("Version", Unicode(255), nullable = False), strip = True)
Created = Column(DateTime)
LastUsed = Column(DateTime)
LastIP = Column(String(39), nullable = False)
# Save is out to a separate table cause the player can delete it without
# deleting their whole account
class Save(Base):
__tablename__ = "Save"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
UserID = Column(String(36), ForeignKey("User.ID"))
User = relationship("User", backref = backref("Save", uselist = False))
MusicVolume, ValidateMusicVolume = validated(Column("MusicVolume", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
SfxVolume, ValidateSfxVolume = validated(Column("SfxVolume", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
Upgrades = relationship("Upgrade", backref = "Save")
# I think if the StoryPosition is changed back to 0 after the Oobe then ShiftOS will softlock.
# Keep an eye on this...
StoryPosition, ValidateStoryPosition = validated(Column("StoryPosition", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
Language, ValidateLanguage = validated(Column("Language", Unicode(255)))
MyShop, ValidateMyShop = validated(Column("MyShop", Unicode(255)))
MajorVersion, ValidateMajorVersion = validated(Column("MajorVersion", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
MinorVersion, ValidateMinorVersion = validated(Column("MinorVersion", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
Revision, ValidateRevision = validated(Column("Revision", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
IsPatreon = Column(Boolean, nullable = False, default = False)
Class, ValidateClass = validated(Column("Class", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0),
min_value = 0, max_value = 8)
RawReputation, ValidateRawReputation = validated(Column("RawReputation", DOUBLE, nullable = False, default = 0))
Password, ValidatePassword = validated(Column("Password", Unicode(255)))
PasswordHashed, ValidatePasswordHashed = validated(Column("PasswordHashed", Boolean, nullable = False, default = False))
ShiftnetSubscription, ValidateShiftnetSubscription = validated(Column("ShiftnetSubscription", Integer, nullable = False, default = False),
min_value = 0, max_value = 3)
IsMUDAdmin = Column(Boolean, nullable = False, default = False)
LastMonthPaid, ValidateLastMonthPaid = validated(Column("LastMonthPaid", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0))
StoriesExperienced = relationship("StoryExperienced", backref = "Save")
Users = relationship("ClientSave", backref = "Save")
class Upgrade(Base):
__tablename__ = "Upgrade"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
SaveID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Save.ID"))
Name, ValidateName = validated(Column("Name", Unicode(255)))
Installed, ValidateInstalled = validated(Column("Installed", Boolean, nullable = False))
class StoryExperienced(Base):
__tablename__ = "StoryExperienced"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
SaveID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Save.ID"))
Name, ValidateName = validated(Column("Name", Unicode(255)))
Name = Column(Unicode(255))
class ClientSave(Base):
__tablename__ = "ClientSave"
ID = Column(Integer, primary_key = True)
SaveID = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("Save.ID"))
Username, ValidateUsername = validated(Column("Username", Unicode(255)))
Password, ValidatePassword = validated(Column("Password", Unicode(255)))
Permissions, ValidatePermissions = validated(Column("Permissions", Integer, nullable = False, default = 0), min_value = 0, max_value = 3)