import io from netclass import netclass, binaryformatter from payload import PayloadStream NetObject = netclass("NetSockets.NetObject", "NetSockets, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", [(str, "Name"), (object, "Object")]) class NetObjectStream(PayloadStream): def payloadReceived(self, payload): with io.BytesIO(payload) as buf: obj = binaryformatter.deserialise(buf) if not isinstance(obj, NetObject): raise TypeError(f"An object was received on the NetObjectStream of type {type(obj)}") self.netObjectReceived(obj) def sendNetObject(self, obj): if not isinstance(obj, NetObject): raise TypeError(f"The NetObjectStream can only send NetObject, not {type(obj)}") with io.BytesIO() as buf: binaryformatter.serialise(buf, obj) self.sendPayload(buf.getvalue())