/* * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017 Michael VanOverbeek and ShiftOS devs * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using Newtonsoft.Json; using ShiftOS.Engine; using ShiftOS.Objects; using ShiftOS.Objects.ShiftFS; namespace ShiftOS.WinForms { public partial class Oobe : Form, IOobe, ITutorial { public Oobe() { InitializeComponent(); this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None; this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized; this.BackColor = Color.Black; } string rtext; string gtexttotype; int charcount; int currentletter; int slashcount; int conversationcount = 0; Label textgeninput; bool needtoclose = false; public bool upgraded = false; int hackeffect; int percentcount; public void TextType(string texttotype) { charcount = texttotype.Length; gtexttotype = texttotype; currentletter = 0; slashcount = 1; foreach (var c in gtexttotype) { rtext += c; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { textgeninput.Text = rtext + "|"; })); Console.Beep(750, 50); slashcount++; if (slashcount == 5) slashcount = 1; } rtext += Environment.NewLine; } public Save MySave = null; public event EventHandler OnComplete; private int tutPrg = 0; public int TutorialProgress { get { return tutPrg; } set { tutPrg = value; } } public void StartShowing(Save save) { var t = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { textgeninput = this.lblHijack; TextType("Your system is now being hijacked."); rtext = ""; Thread.Sleep(1000); textgeninput = this.lblhackwords; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { lblHijack.Hide(); })); TextType("Hello, and welcome to ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You have been cordially and involuntarily selected to participate in the development and testing of this operating system."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("My identity shall remain secret, but if you've been through this before, you'll know exactly who I am."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("But that doesn't matter."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("I will now begin to prepare your system for the installation of ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(1000); FakeSetupScreen fakeForm = null; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { fakeForm = new FakeSetupScreen(this); fakeForm.Show(); MySave = save; lblhackwords.GotFocus += (o, a) => { try { fakeForm.Invoke(new Action(() => { fakeForm.Focus(); fakeForm.BringToFront(); })); } catch { } }; fakeForm.TextSent += (txt) => { TextType(txt); }; })); while(fakeForm?.Visible == true) { } TextType("That's all the information I need for now."); Thread.Sleep(2000); TextType("Beginning installation of ShiftOS on " + MySave.SystemName + "."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Creating new user: " + MySave.Username); TextType("...with 0 Codepoints, 0 installed upgrades, no legion, and no user shops..."); MySave.Codepoints = 0; MySave.Upgrades = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); MySave.CurrentLegions = new List<string>(); MySave.MyShop = ""; TextType("User created successfully."); Thread.Sleep(450); TextType("You may be wondering what all that meant... You see, in ShiftOS, your user account holds everything I need to know about you."); Thread.Sleep(640); TextType("It holds the amount of Codepoints you have - Codepoints are a special currency you can get by doing various tasks in ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("It also holds all the upgrades you've installed onto ShiftOS - features, applications, enhancements, patches, all that stuff."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("As for the legions and the shop thing, I'll reveal that to you when it becomes necessary."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Your user account is stored on a server of mine called the multi-user domain. It holds every single user account, every script, every application, every thing within ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(600); TextType("Every time you boot ShiftOS, if you are connected to the Internet, you will immediately connect to the multi-user domain and ShiftOS will attempt to authenticate using the last successful username and password pair."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("When you are in the MUD, you are in the middle of a free-for-all. I don't want it to be this way, it just is. I've employed you to help me develop and test the MUD and ShiftOS, but you have a secondary task if you choose to accept it."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("There have been a few rebelious groups in the MUD - who have cracked ShiftOS's security barriers - and they're using these exploits to steal others' Codepoints, upgrades, and even spread damaging viruses."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("I want you to stop them."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Whoever can stop these hackers will gain eternal control over the multi-user domain. They will be given the ability to do as they please, so long as it doesn't interfere with my experiments."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("I have been installing ShiftOS on your system in the background as I was talking with you. Before I can set you free, I need to give you a tutorial on how to use the system."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("I will reboot your system in Tutorial Mode now. Complete the tutorial, and you shall be on your way."); SaveSystem.CurrentSave = MySave; SaveSystem.CurrentSave.StoryPosition = 1; SaveSystem.SaveGame(); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { this.Close(); })); })); this.Show(); this.BringToFront(); this.TopMost = true; t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); } public void Clear() { this.Invoke(new Action(() => { rtext = ""; textgeninput.Text = ""; })); } public void ShowSaveTransfer(Save save) { this.Show(); var fSetup = new FakeSetupScreen(this, 7); var t = new Thread(() => { textgeninput = lblhackwords; Clear(); TextType("Welcome back to ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Since your last time inside ShiftOS, the operating system has changed. Your user account is no longer stored on your local system."); Thread.Sleep(500); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { //UPS is drunky heaven over here... it's a liquor store, I think... - Drunk Michael fSetup.UserReregistered += (u, p, s) => { save.Username = u; save.Password = p; save.SystemName = s; SaveSystem.CurrentSave = save; SaveSystem.SaveGame(); if(Utils.FileExists(Paths.SaveFileInner)) Utils.Delete(Paths.SaveFileInner); this.Close(); }; fSetup.Show(); })); }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); } public void PromptForLogin() { this.Show(); this.TopMost = true; lblHijack.Text = ""; textgeninput = lblhackwords; var fsw = new FakeSetupScreen(this, 10); fsw.Show(); fsw.TopMost = true; fsw.DoneLoggingIn += () => { this.Close(); }; } public void StartTrailer() { while(AppearanceManager.OpenForms.Count > 0) { AppearanceManager.OpenForms[0].Close(); } this.Show(); this.TopMost = true; this.TransparencyKey = Color.Magenta; this.BackColor = this.TransparencyKey; textgeninput = lblHijack; textgeninput.BackColor = Color.Black; textgeninput.Font = new Font("Lucida Console", 13F, FontStyle.Bold); textgeninput.AutoSize = true; textgeninput.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; textgeninput.TextChanged += (o, a) => { textgeninput.Location = new Point( (this.Width - textgeninput.Width) / 2, (this.Height - textgeninput.Height) / 2 ); }; var t = new Thread(() => { Clear(); Thread.Sleep(5000); TextType("Michael VanOverbeek"); TextType("presents..."); Thread.Sleep(2000); Clear(); Thread.Sleep(1000); TextType("A community-developed game"); Thread.Sleep(3000); Clear(); Thread.Sleep(1000); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { textgeninput.Font = new Font("Lucida Console", 14F, FontStyle.Bold); this.BackColor = Color.Black; })); TextType("Welcome to ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(4000); Clear(); textgeninput = lblhackwords; TextType("Hello."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You have been cordially and involuntarily selected to participate in the development and testing of an experimental operating system called ShiftOS."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("I want ShiftOS to be the most advanced operating system in the world."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("In ShiftOS, you start out with nothing."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("And your goal is to upgrade the operating system from a barebones command line to a fully graphical operating system."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Along the way, you'll meet many people - hackers, rebels, programmers, administrators and many more."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You'll meet new friends and foes."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Your goal: Take it over. Upgrade the operating system, and take over its multi-user domain."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("I won't reveal quite what you have to do, but if you can handle it, head over to http://getshiftos.ml/ and download the operating system now."); Thread.Sleep(5000); Clear(); textgeninput = lblHijack; TextType("Think you can handle it?"); }); t.IsBackground = false; t.Start(); } public void Start() { foreach(var frm in AppearanceManager.OpenForms) { frm.Close(); } TerminalBackend.CommandProcessed += (cmd, args) => { if(cmd == "sos.help") { if (TutorialProgress == 0) TutorialProgress = 1; } else if(cmd == "sos.status") { if (TutorialProgress == 1) TutorialProgress = 2; } else if(cmd == "shiftorium.list") { if (TutorialProgress == 2) TutorialProgress = 3; } else if(cmd == "shiftorium.info" && args == "{\"upgrade\":\"mud_fundamentals\"}") { if (TutorialProgress == 3) TutorialProgress = 4; } else if(cmd == "win.open") { if (TutorialProgress == 4) TutorialProgress = 5; } }; this.Show(); var t = new Thread(() => { textgeninput = lblHijack; Clear(); textgeninput = lblhackwords; Clear(); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { textgeninput.Font = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.TerminalFont; })); TextType("ShiftOS has been installed successfully."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Before you can continue to the operating system, here's a little tutorial on how to use it."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Starting a Terminal..."); Applications.Terminal term = null; this.Invoke(new Action(() => { term = new Applications.Terminal(); this.Controls.Add(term); term.Location = new Point( (this.Width - term.Width) / 2, (this.Height - term.Height) / 2 ); term.Show(); term.OnLoad(); term.OnSkinLoad(); term.OnUpgrade(); })); TextType("This little text box is called a Terminal."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Normally, it would appear in full-screen, but this window is hosting it as a control so you can see this text as well."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("In ShiftOS, the Terminal is your main control centre for the operating system. You can see system status, check Codepoints, open other programs, buy upgrades, and more."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Go ahead and type 'sos.help' to see a list of commands."); while(TutorialProgress == 0) { } TextType("As you can see, sos.help gives you a list of all commands in the system."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You can run any command, by typing in their Namespace, followed by a period (.), followed by their Command Name."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Go ahead and run the 'status' command within the 'sos' namespace to see what the command does."); while(TutorialProgress == 1) { } TextType("Brilliant. The sos.status command will tell you how many Codepoints you have, as well as how many upgrades you have installed and how many are available."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Codepoints, as you know, are a special currency within ShiftOS. They are used to buy things within the multi-user domain, such as upgrades, scripts, and applications."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You can earn Codepoints by doing things in ShiftOS - such as completing jobs for other users, making things like skins, scripts, documents, etc, and playing games like Pong."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("At times, you'll be given Codepoints to help complete a task. You will receive Codepoints from 'sys' - the multi-user domain itself."); SaveSystem.TransferCodepointsFrom("sys", 50); TextType("Right now, you don't have any upgrades. Upgrades can give ShiftOS additional features and capabilities - like new core applications, supported file types, and new Terminal commands."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You can easily get upgrades using the Shiftorium - a repository of approved ShiftOS upgrades."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("To start using the Shiftorium, simply type 'shiftorium.list' to see available upgrades."); while(TutorialProgress == 2) { } TextType("Right now, you have enough Codepoints to buy the 'mud_fundamentals' upgrade. You can use shiftorium.info to see information about this upgrade."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Some commands, like shiftorium.info, require you to pass information to them in the form of arguments."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Argument pairs sit at the end of the command, and are enclosed in curly braces."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Inside these curly braces, you can input an argument key, followed by a colon, followed by the value. Then, if you need multiple arguments, you can put a comma after the value, and then insert another argument pair."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("There are different value types - numeric values, which can be any positive or negative 32-bit integer"); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Then there are boolean values which can be either 'true' or 'false'"); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Then there are string values, which are enclosed in double-quotes. If for some reason you need to use a double-quote inside a string, you must escape it using a single backslash followed by the quote, like this: key:\"My \\\"awesome\\\" value.\""); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("If you want to escape a backslash inside a string, simply type two backslashes instead of one - for example key:\"Back\\\\slash.\""); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("shiftorium.info requires an upgrade argument, which is a string type. Go ahead and give shiftorium.info's upgrade argument the 'mud_fundamentals' upgrade's ID."); while(TutorialProgress == 3) { } TextType("As you can see, mud_fundamentals is very useful. In fact, a lot of useful upgrades depend on it. You should buy it!"); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("shiftorium.info already gave you a command that will let you buy the upgrade - go ahead and run that command!"); while (!Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("mud_fundamentals")) { } TextType("Hooray! You now have the MUD Fundamentals upgrade."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("You can also earn more Codepoints by playing Pong. To open Pong, you can use the win.open command."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("If you run win.open without arguments, you can see a list of applications that you can open."); Thread.Sleep(500); TextType("Just run win.open without arguments, and this tutorial will be completed!"); while(TutorialProgress == 4) { } TextType("This concludes the ShiftOS beginners' guide brought to you by the multi-user domain. Stay safe in a connected world."); Thread.Sleep(2000); this.Invoke(new Action(() => { OnComplete?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); this.Close(); SaveSystem.CurrentSave.StoryPosition = 2; SaveSystem.SaveGame(); AppearanceManager.SetupWindow(new Applications.Terminal()); })); }); t.IsBackground = true; t.Start(); } } }