using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ShiftOS.Engine; namespace ShiftOS.Frontend { class HackingCommands { //TODO: Implement firewall cracking [Command("connect")] [RequiresArgument("id")] public static void Connect(Dictionary<string, object> args) { string id = args["id"].ToString(); var hackable = Hacking.AvailableToHack.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == id); if (hackable == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] device not found on network."); return; } Hacking.InitHack(hackable); } [Command("exploit")] [RequiresArgument("id")] [RequiresArgument("port")] public static void Exploit(Dictionary<string, object> args) { if (Hacking.CurrentHackable == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] not connected"); } string Port = args["port"].ToString(); string ExploitName = args["id"].ToString(); var ExploitID = Hacking.AvailableExploits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == ExploitName); Console.WriteLine(ExploitID.ExploitName); if (ExploitID == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] invalid exploit."); return; } var ExploitTarget = Hacking.CurrentHackable.PortsToUnlock.First(x => x.Value.ToString() == Port); if (ExploitTarget == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] port not open"); return; } if (!ExploitTarget.AttachTo.HasFlag(ExploitID.EffectiveAgainst)) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] port not exploitable using this exploit"); return; } Hacking.CurrentHackable.VectorsUnlocked.Add(ExploitTarget.AttachTo); Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] exploited service"); } [Command("inject")] [RequiresArgument("id")] public static void InjectPayload(Dictionary<string, object> args) { if (Hacking.CurrentHackable == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] not connected"); } string PayloadName = args["id"].ToString(); var PayloadID = Hacking.AvailablePayloads.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == PayloadName); if (PayloadID == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] invalid payload."); return; } if (!Hacking.CurrentHackable.VectorsUnlocked.Contains(PayloadID.EffectiveAgainst)) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] the connected machine doesn't have that service exploited."); return; } PayloadFunc.DoHackFunction(PayloadID.Function); Hacking.CurrentHackable.PayloadExecuted.Add(PayloadID); Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] injected payload"); } [Command("listports")] public static void ListPorts(Dictionary<string, object> args) { if (Hacking.CurrentHackable == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] not connected"); } foreach (var port in Hacking.CurrentHackable.PortsToUnlock) { Console.WriteLine(port.Value + ": " + port.FriendlyName); } } [Command("devicescan")] public static void ScanDevices() { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] found " + Hacking.AvailableToHack.Length + " devices on the network"); foreach (var hackable in Hacking.AvailableToHack) { Console.WriteLine(hackable.ID + ": " + hackable.FriendlyName); } } [Command("exploits")] public static void ScanExploits() { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] found " + Hacking.AvailableExploits.Length + " exploits installed"); foreach (var exploit in Hacking.AvailableExploits) { Console.WriteLine(exploit.ID + ": " + exploit.FriendlyName); } } [Command("payloads")] public static void ListAllPayloads() { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] found " + Hacking.AvailablePayloads.Length + " payloads"); foreach (var exploit in Hacking.AvailablePayloads) { Console.WriteLine(exploit.ID + ": " + exploit.FriendlyName); } } [Command("disconnect")] public static void Disconnect(Dictionary<string, object> args) { if (Hacking.CurrentHackable == null) { Console.WriteLine("[sploitset] not connected"); } if (Hacking.CurrentHackable.PayloadExecuted.Count == 0) { Hacking.FailHack(); return; } Hacking.FinishHack(); } } }