Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing Imports System.Windows.Forms Imports ShiftOS.Engine Public Class Skins #Region "Declarations" Dim firstrun As Boolean = True 'WINDOW SETTINGS/IMAGES 'images Public Shared titlebar As Image = Nothing <Image("titlebar")> Public Shared titlebarlayout As String = 3 Public Shared borderleft As Image = Nothing <Image("leftborder")> Public Shared borderleftlayout As String = 3 Public Shared borderright As Image = Nothing <Image("rightborder")> Public Shared borderrightlayout As String = 3 Public Shared borderbottom As Image = Nothing <Image("bottomborder")> Public Shared borderbottomlayout As String = 3 Public Shared closebtn As Image = Nothing <Image("closebutton")> Public Shared closebtnlayout As String = 3 Public Shared closebtnhover As Image = Nothing Public Shared closebtnclick As Image = Nothing Public Shared rollbtn As Image = Nothing <Image("maximizebutton")> Public Shared rollbtnlayout As String = 3 Public Shared rollbtnhover As Image = Nothing Public Shared rollbtnclick As Image = Nothing Public Shared minbtn As Image = Nothing <Image("minimizebutton")> Public Shared minbtnlayout As String = 3 Public Shared minbtnhover As Image = Nothing Public Shared minbtnclick As Image = Nothing Public Shared rightcorner As Image = Nothing <Image("titleright")> Public Shared rightcornerlayout As String = 3 Public Shared leftcorner As Image = Nothing <Image("titleleft")> Public Shared leftcornerlayout As String = 3 ' Late entry: need to fix window code to include this Public Shared bottomleftcorner As Image = Nothing <Image("bottomlborder")> Public Shared bottomleftcornerlayout As String = 3 Public Shared bottomrightcorner As Image = Nothing <Image("bottomrborder")> Public Shared bottomrightcornerlayout As String = 3 Public Shared bottomleftcornercolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared bottomrightcornercolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared enablebordercorners As Boolean = False ' settings Public Shared closebtnsize As Size = New Size(22, 22) Public Shared rollbtnsize As Size = New Size(22, 22) Public Shared minbtnsize As Size = New Size(22, 22) Public Shared titlebarheight As Integer = 30 Public Shared closebtnfromtop As Integer = 5 Public Shared closebtnfromside As Integer = 2 Public Shared rollbtnfromtop As Integer = 5 Public Shared rollbtnfromside As Integer = 26 Public Shared minbtnfromtop As Integer = 5 Public Shared minbtnfromside As Integer = 52 Public Shared borderwidth As Integer = 2 Public Shared enablecorners As Boolean = False Public Shared titlebarcornerwidth As Integer = 5 Public Shared titleiconfromside As Integer = 4 Public Shared titleiconfromtop As Integer = 4 'colours Public Shared titlebarcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared borderleftcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared borderrightcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared borderbottomcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared closebtncolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared closebtnhovercolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared closebtnclickcolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared rollbtncolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared rollbtnhovercolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared rollbtnclickcolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared minbtncolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared minbtnhovercolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared minbtnclickcolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared rightcornercolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared leftcornercolour As Color = Color.Gray ' Text Public Shared titletextfontfamily As String = "Microsoft Sans Serif" Public Shared titletextfontsize As Integer = 10 Public Shared titletextfontstyle As String = FontStyle.Bold Public Shared titletextpos As String = "Left" Public Shared titletextfromtop As Integer = 3 Public Shared titletextfromside As Integer = 24 Public Shared titletextcolour As Color = Color.White 'DESKTOP Public Shared desktoppanelcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared desktopbackgroundcolour As Color Public Shared desktoppanelheight As Integer = 24 Public Shared desktoppanelposition As String = "Top" Public Shared clocktextcolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared clockbackgroundcolor As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared panelclocktexttop As Integer = 3 Public Shared panelclocktextsize As Integer = 10 Public Shared panelclocktextfont As String = "Byington" Public Shared panelclocktextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold Public Shared applauncherbuttoncolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared applauncherbuttonclickedcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared applauncherbackgroundcolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared applaunchermouseovercolour As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared applicationsbuttontextcolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared applicationbuttonheight As Integer = 24 Public Shared applicationbuttontextsize As Integer = 10 Public Shared applicationbuttontextfont As String = "Byington" Public Shared applicationbuttontextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold Public Shared applicationlaunchername As String = "Applications" Public Shared titletextposition As String = "Left" Public Shared applaunchermenuholderwidth As Integer = 100 Public Shared panelbuttonicontop As Integer = 3 Public Shared panelbuttoniconside As Integer = 4 Public Shared panelbuttoniconsize As Integer = 16 Public Shared panelbuttonheight As Integer = 20 Public Shared panelbuttonwidth As Integer = 185 Public Shared panelbuttoncolour As Color = Color.Black Public Shared panelbuttontextcolour As Color = Color.White Public Shared panelbuttontextsize As Integer = 10 Public Shared panelbuttontextfont As String = "Byington" Public Shared panelbuttontextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular Public Shared panelbuttontextside As Integer = 16 Public Shared panelbuttontexttop As Integer = 2 Public Shared panelbuttongap As Integer = 4 Public Shared panelbuttonfromtop As Integer = 2 Public Shared panelbuttoninitialgap As Integer = 8 Public Shared launcheritemsize As Integer = 10 Public Shared launcheritemfont As String = "Byington" Public Shared launcheritemstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular Public Shared launcheritemcolour As Color = Color.Black ' Images Public Shared desktoppanel As Image = Nothing <Image("desktoppanel")> Public Shared desktoppanellayout As String = 3 Public Shared desktopbackground As Image = Nothing <Image("desktopbackground")> Public Shared desktopbackgroundlayout As String = 3 Public Shared panelclock As Image = Nothing <Image("panelclock")> Public Shared panelclocklayout As String = 3 Public Shared applaunchermouseover As Image = Nothing Public Shared applauncher As Image = Nothing <Image("applauncher")> Public Shared applauncherlayout As String = 3 Public Shared applauncherclick As Image = Nothing Public Shared panelbutton As Image = Nothing <Image("panelbutton")> Public Shared panelbuttonlayout As String = 3 'Below is all for the Desktop Icons patch. Public Shared enabledraggableicons As Boolean = True Public Shared icontextcolor As Color = Color.White Public Shared showicons As Boolean = True Public Shared iconview1 As View = View.LargeIcon Public Shared iconview2 As View = View.Tile 'DevX's Advanced App Launcher (coded by The Ultimate Hacker) Public Shared topBarHeight As Integer = 50 Public Shared bottomBarHeight As Integer = 50 Public Shared placesSide As String = "Left" Public Shared startHeight As Integer = 526 Public Shared startWidth As Integer = 320 Public Shared shutdownstring As String = "Shut Down ShiftOS" Public Shared userNamePosition = "Middle, Right" Public Shared recentIconsHorizontal As Boolean = False Public Shared usernametextcolor As Color = Color.White Public Shared usernamefont As String = "Trebuchet MS" Public Shared usernamefontsize As Integer = 12 Public Shared usernamefontstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold Public Shared userNamePanelBackgroundColor As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared userNamePanelBackground As Image Public Shared powerPanelBackgroundColor As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared powerPanelBackgroundImage As Image Public Shared shutdownTextColor As Color = Color.White Public Shared shutdownTextFont As String = "Trebuchet MS" Public Shared shutdownTextSize As Integer = 12 Public Shared shutdownTextStyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic Public Shared usrPanelBackgroundLayout As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Public Shared pwrPanelBackgroundLayout As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Public Shared useClassicAppLauncher As Boolean = True '0.0.9 ALPHA 2 'Login Screen Public Shared autologin As Boolean = True Public Shared fullScreen As Boolean = False Public Shared inputfont As String = "Trebuchet MS" Public Shared inputfontsize As Integer = 12 Public Shared inputfontstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular Public Shared inputforecolor As Color = Color.Gray Public Shared inputbackcolor As Color = Color.Black Public Shared buttonfont As String = "Trebuchet MS" Public Shared buttonfontsize As Integer = 12 Public Shared buttonfontstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic Public Shared userimagesize As Integer = 128 Public Shared userimagelocation As Point = New Point(36, 202) Public Shared userimage As Image Public Shared userimagelayout As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Public Shared loginbg As Image Public Shared loginbgcolor As Color = Color.Black Public Shared loginbglayout As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch 'Locations... Public Shared userTextboxX As Integer = 171 Public Shared userTextBoxY As Integer = 202 Public Shared passTextBoxX As Integer = 171 Public Shared passTextBoxY As Integer = 243 Public Shared loginbtnX As Integer = 268 Public Shared loginbtnY As Integer = 286 Public Shared shutdownbtnX As Integer = 1755 Public Shared shutdownbtnY As Integer = 979 Public Shared Function GetLayout(id As String) As ImageLayout Dim type = GetType(Skins) For Each member As System.Reflection.FieldInfo In type.GetFields(System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Public Or System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static) For Each attribute As Attribute In member.GetCustomAttributes(False) Try Dim image As ImageAttribute = attribute 'WHY CAN'T WE HAVE A C#-LIKE Is OPERATOR, VB? 'I don't want to use a damn BODGE to check if my attribute is an ImageAttribute. 'Oh well. If id = image.Name Then Return member.GetValue(Nothing) Catch ex As Exception Console.WriteLine(ex.Message) End Try Next Next Console.WriteLine("Couldn't find layout of ID " + id + ". Assuming a tile layout.") Return ImageLayout.Tile End Function Private Shared Function GetImage(ByVal fileName As String) As Bitmap If Not File.Exists(fileName) Then Return Nothing Dim ret As Bitmap Using img As Image = Image.FromFile(fileName) ret = New Bitmap(img) End Using Console.WriteLine(fileName) Return ret End Function #End Region Const loadedskin As String = "temp_skn/" ' LOAD SKIN FROM SAVE FOLDER Public Shared Sub loadimages() setupdefaults() If File.Exists(loadedskin + "startbutton.png") Then applauncher = GetImage(loadedskin + "taskbar.png") applauncherclick = GetImage(loadedskin + "taskbar.png") applaunchermouseover = GetImage(loadedskin + "taskbar.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "taskbar.png") Then desktoppanel = GetImage(loadedskin + "taskbar.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "background.png") Then desktopbackground = GetImage(loadedskin + "background.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "borders.png") Then borderleft = GetImage(loadedskin + "borders.png") borderright = GetImage(loadedskin + "borders.png") borderbottom = GetImage(loadedskin + "borders.png") bottomleftcorner = GetImage(loadedskin + "borders.png") bottomrightcorner = GetImage(loadedskin + "borders.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "closebutton.png") Then closebtn = GetImage(loadedskin + "closebutton.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "minimizebutton.png") Then minbtn = GetImage(loadedskin + "minimizebutton.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "panelbutton.png") Then panelbutton = GetImage(loadedskin + "panelbutton.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "rollup.png") Then rollbtn = GetImage(loadedskin + "rollup.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "titlebar.png") Then titlebar = GetImage(loadedskin + "titlebar.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "titlebarleft.png") Then leftcorner = GetImage(loadedskin + "titlebarleft.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "titlebarright.png") Then rightcorner = GetImage(loadedskin + "titlebarright.png") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "userpic") Then userimage = GetImage(loadedskin & "userpic") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "loginbg") Then loginbg = GetImage(loadedskin & "loginbg") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "userbar") Then userNamePanelBackground = GetImage(loadedskin & "userbar") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "powerbar") Then powerPanelBackgroundImage = GetImage(loadedskin & "powerbar") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "titlebar") Then titlebar = GetImage(loadedskin & "titlebar") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "borderleft") Then borderleft = GetImage(loadedskin & "borderleft") End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "borderright") Then borderright = GetImage(loadedskin & "borderright".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "borderbottom") Then borderbottom = GetImage(loadedskin & "borderbottom".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "closebtn") Then closebtn = GetImage(loadedskin & "closebtn".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "closebtnhover") Then closebtnhover = GetImage(loadedskin & "closebtnhover".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "closebtnclick") Then closebtnclick = GetImage(loadedskin & "closebtnclick".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "rollbtn") Then rollbtn = GetImage(loadedskin & "rollbtn".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "rollbtnhover") Then rollbtnhover = GetImage(loadedskin & "rollbtnhover".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "rollbtnclick") Then rollbtnclick = GetImage(loadedskin & "rollbtnclick".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "minbtn") Then minbtn = GetImage(loadedskin & "minbtn".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "minbtnhover") Then minbtnhover = GetImage(loadedskin & "minbtnhover".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "minbtnclick") Then minbtnclick = GetImage(loadedskin & "minbtnclick".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "rightcorner") Then rightcorner = GetImage(loadedskin & "rightcorner".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "leftcorner") Then leftcorner = GetImage(loadedskin & "leftcorner".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "desktoppanel") Then desktoppanel = GetImage(loadedskin & "desktoppanel".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "desktopbackground") Then desktopbackground = GetImage(loadedskin & "desktopbackground".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "panelbutton") Then panelbutton = GetImage(loadedskin & "panelbutton".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "applaunchermouseover") Then applaunchermouseover = GetImage(loadedskin & "applaunchermouseover".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "applauncher") Then applauncher = GetImage(loadedskin & "applauncher".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "applauncherclick") Then applauncherclick = GetImage(loadedskin & "applauncherclick".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "panelclock") Then panelclock = GetImage(loadedskin & "panelclock".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "bottomleftcorner") Then bottomleftcorner = GetImage(loadedskin & "bottomleftcorner".Clone) End If If File.Exists(loadedskin & "bottomrightcorner") Then bottomrightcorner = GetImage(loadedskin & "bottomrightcorner".Clone) End If 'load settings Dim loaddata(200) As String If File.Exists(loadedskin & "data.dat") Then Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(loadedskin & "data.dat") For i As Integer = 0 To 200 Step 1 loaddata(i) = sr.ReadLine If i = 200 Then sr.Close() Exit For End If Next End If If File.Exists(loadedskin + "skindata.dat") Then LoadSkin007() Return End If ' settings If File.Exists(loadedskin + "data.json") Then 'UH OH Infobox.Show("Modern skin detected!", "You are attempting to convert a modern skin to a modern skin! Perhaps you mean to load it in Skin Loader?") Return End If closebtnsize = New Size(loaddata(1), loaddata(2)) rollbtnsize = New Size(loaddata(3), loaddata(4)) minbtnsize = New Size(loaddata(5), loaddata(6)) titlebarheight = loaddata(7) closebtnfromtop = loaddata(8) closebtnfromside = loaddata(9) rollbtnfromtop = loaddata(10) rollbtnfromside = loaddata(11) minbtnfromtop = loaddata(12) minbtnfromside = loaddata(13) borderwidth = loaddata(14) enablecorners = loaddata(15) titlebarcornerwidth = loaddata(16) titleiconfromside = loaddata(17) titleiconfromtop = loaddata(18) titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(19)) borderleftcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(20)) borderrightcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(21)) borderbottomcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(22)) closebtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(23)) closebtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(24)) closebtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(25)) rollbtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(26)) rollbtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(27)) rollbtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(28)) minbtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(29)) minbtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(30)) minbtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(31)) rightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(32)) leftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(33)) bottomrightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(34)) bottomleftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(35)) titletextfontfamily = loaddata(36) titletextfontsize = loaddata(37) titletextfontstyle = loaddata(38) titletextpos = loaddata(39) titletextfromtop = loaddata(40) titletextfromside = loaddata(41) titletextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(42)) desktoppanelcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(43)) desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(44)) desktoppanelheight = loaddata(45) desktoppanelposition = loaddata(46) clocktextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(47)) clockbackgroundcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(48)) panelclocktexttop = loaddata(49) panelclocktextsize = loaddata(50) panelclocktextfont = loaddata(51) panelclocktextstyle = loaddata(52) applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(53)) applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(54)) applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(55)) applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(56)) applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(57)) applicationbuttonheight = loaddata(58) applicationbuttontextsize = loaddata(59) applicationbuttontextfont = loaddata(60) applicationbuttontextstyle = loaddata(61) applicationlaunchername = loaddata(62) titletextposition = loaddata(63) applaunchermenuholderwidth = loaddata(64) panelbuttonicontop = loaddata(65) panelbuttoniconside = loaddata(66) panelbuttoniconsize = loaddata(67) panelbuttonheight = loaddata(68) panelbuttonwidth = loaddata(69) panelbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(70)) panelbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(71)) panelbuttontextsize = loaddata(72) panelbuttontextfont = loaddata(73) panelbuttontextstyle = loaddata(74) panelbuttontextside = loaddata(75) panelbuttontexttop = loaddata(76) panelbuttongap = loaddata(77) panelbuttonfromtop = loaddata(78) panelbuttoninitialgap = loaddata(79) 'layout stuff titlebarlayout = loaddata(89) borderleftlayout = loaddata(90) borderrightlayout = loaddata(91) borderbottomlayout = loaddata(92) closebtnlayout = loaddata(93) rollbtnlayout = loaddata(94) minbtnlayout = loaddata(95) rightcornerlayout = loaddata(96) leftcornerlayout = loaddata(97) desktoppanellayout = loaddata(98) desktopbackgroundlayout = loaddata(99) panelclocklayout = loaddata(100) applauncherlayout = loaddata(101) panelbuttonlayout = loaddata(102) bottomleftcornerlayout = loaddata(103) bottomrightcornerlayout = loaddata(104) ' End of 0.0.8 beta 6 save file, check if exists for future features If Not loaddata(105) = "" Then launcheritemcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(105)) If Not loaddata(106) = "" Then launcheritemfont = loaddata(106) If Not loaddata(107) = "" Then launcheritemsize = loaddata(107) If Not loaddata(108) = "" Then launcheritemstyle = loaddata(108) If Not loaddata(109) = "" Then enablebordercorners = loaddata(109) 'for adding extra features, check: If loaddata(110) = "" Or loaddata(110) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(110) = enabledraggableicons Else enabledraggableicons = loaddata(110) If loaddata(111) = "" Or loaddata(111) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(111) = icontextcolor.ToArgb Else icontextcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(111)) If loaddata(112) = "" Or loaddata(112) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(112) = showicons Else showicons = loaddata(112) If loaddata(113) = "" Or loaddata(113) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(113) = iconview1 Else iconview1 = loaddata(113) Try If loaddata(114) = "" Then topBarHeight = 50 Else topBarHeight = loaddata(114) Catch ex As Exception topBarHeight = 50 End Try If loaddata(115) = "" Then bottomBarHeight = 50 Else bottomBarHeight = loaddata(115) If loaddata(116) = "" Then placesSide = "Left" Else placesSide = loaddata(116) If loaddata(117) = "" Then startHeight = 526 Else startHeight = loaddata(117) If loaddata(118) = "" Then startWidth = 320 Else startWidth = loaddata(118) If loaddata(119) = "" Then shutdownstring = "Shut Down ShiftOS" Else shutdownstring = loaddata(119) If loaddata(120) = "" Then userNamePosition = "Middle, Right" Else userNamePosition = loaddata(120) If loaddata(121) = "" Then recentIconsHorizontal = False Else recentIconsHorizontal = loaddata(121) If loaddata(122) = "" Then usernametextcolor = Color.White Else usernametextcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(122)) If loaddata(123) = "" Then usernamefont = "Trebuchet MS" Else usernamefont = loaddata(123) If loaddata(124) = "" Then usernamefontsize = 12 Else usernamefontsize = loaddata(124) If loaddata(125) = "" Then usernamefontstyle = FontStyle.Bold Else usernamefontstyle = loaddata(125) If loaddata(126) = "" Then userNamePanelBackgroundColor = Color.Gray Else userNamePanelBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(126)) If loaddata(127) = "" Then powerPanelBackgroundColor = Color.Gray Else powerPanelBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(127)) If loaddata(128) = "" Then shutdownTextColor = Color.White Else shutdownTextColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(128)) If loaddata(129) = "" Then shutdownTextFont = "Trebuchet MS" Else shutdownTextFont = loaddata(129) If loaddata(130) = "" Then shutdownTextSize = 12 Else shutdownTextSize = loaddata(130) If loaddata(131) = "" Then shutdownTextStyle = FontStyle.Italic Else shutdownTextStyle = loaddata(132) If loaddata(132) = "" Then usrPanelBackgroundLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else usrPanelBackgroundLayout = loaddata(132) If loaddata(133) = "" Then pwrPanelBackgroundLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else pwrPanelBackgroundLayout = loaddata(133) If loaddata(134) = "" Then useClassicAppLauncher = False Else useClassicAppLauncher = loaddata(134) If loaddata(135) = "" Then autologin = True Else autologin = loaddata(135) If loaddata(136) = "" Then fullScreen = False Else fullScreen = loaddata(136) If loaddata(137) = "" Then inputfont = "Trebuchet MS" Else inputfont = loaddata(137) If loaddata(138) = "" Then inputfontsize = 12 Else inputfontsize = loaddata(138) If loaddata(139) = "" Then inputfontstyle = FontStyle.Regular Else inputfontstyle = loaddata(139) If loaddata(140) = "" Then inputforecolor = Color.Gray Else inputforecolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(140)) If loaddata(141) = "" Then inputbackcolor = Color.Black Else inputbackcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(141)) If loaddata(142) = "" Then buttonfont = "Trebuchet MS" Else buttonfont = loaddata(142) If loaddata(143) = "" Then buttonfontsize = 12 Else buttonfontsize = loaddata(143) If loaddata(144) = "" Then buttonfontstyle = FontStyle.Italic Else buttonfontstyle = loaddata(144) If loaddata(145) = "" Then userimagesize = 128 Else userimagesize = loaddata(145) If loaddata(146) = "" And loaddata(147) = "" Then userimagelocation = New Point(36, 202) Else userimagelocation = New Point(loaddata(146), loaddata(147)) If loaddata(148) = "" Then userimagelayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else userimagelayout = loaddata(148) If loaddata(149) = "" Then loginbgcolor = Color.Black Else loginbgcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(149)) If loaddata(150) = "" Then loginbglayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else loginbglayout = loaddata(150) End Sub Public Shared Sub LoadSkin007() Dim loadlines = File.ReadAllLines(loadedskin + "skindata.dat") titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(0)) borderleftcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(1))) borderrightcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(1))) borderbottomcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(1))) bottomleftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(1))) bottomrightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(1))) borderwidth = (loadlines(2)) titlebarheight = (loadlines(3)) closebtncolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(4))) closebtnsize = New Size(loadlines(5), loadlines(6)) closebtnfromside = (loadlines(7)) closebtnfromtop = (loadlines(8)) titletextcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(9))) titletextfromtop = (loadlines(10)) titletextfromside = (loadlines(11)) titletextfontsize = (loadlines(12)) titletextfontfamily = loadlines(13) titletextfontstyle = CType((loadlines(14)), FontStyle) desktoppanelcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(15))) desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(16))) desktoppanelheight = (loadlines(17)) desktoppanelposition = loadlines(18) clocktextcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(19))) clockbackgroundcolor = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(20))) panelclocktexttop = (loadlines(21)) panelclocktextsize = (loadlines(22)) panelclocktextfont = loadlines(23) panelclocktextstyle = CType((loadlines(24)), FontStyle) applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(25))) applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(26))) applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(27))) applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(28))) applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(29))) applicationbuttonheight = (loadlines(30)) applicationbuttontextsize = (loadlines(31)) applicationbuttontextfont = loadlines(32) applicationbuttontextstyle = CType((loadlines(33)), FontStyle) applicationlaunchername = loadlines(34) titletextposition = loadlines(35) rollbtncolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(36))) If Not loadlines(37) = "" AndAlso Not loadlines(38) = "" Then rollbtnsize = New Size(loadlines(37), loadlines(38)) End If If Not loadlines(39) = "" Then rollbtnfromside = (loadlines(39)) End If If Not loadlines(40) = "" Then rollbtnfromtop = (loadlines(40)) End If If Not loadlines(41) = "" Then titleiconfromside = (loadlines(41)) End If If Not loadlines(42) = "" Then titleiconfromtop = (loadlines(42)) End If If Not loadlines(44) = "" Then titlebarcornerwidth = (loadlines(44)) End If If Not loadlines(45) = "" Then rightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(45))) End If If Not loadlines(46) = "" Then leftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(46))) End If If Not loadlines(47) = "" Then applaunchermenuholderwidth = (loadlines(47)) End If If Not loadlines(48) = "" Then borderleftcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(48))) End If If Not loadlines(49) = "" Then borderrightcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(49))) End If If Not loadlines(50) = "" Then borderbottomcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(50))) End If If Not loadlines(51) = "" Then bottomrightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(51))) End If If Not loadlines(52) = "" Then bottomleftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(52))) End If If Not loadlines(53) = "" Then panelbuttonicontop = (loadlines(53)) End If If Not loadlines(54) = "" Then panelbuttoniconside = (loadlines(54)) End If If Not loadlines(55) = "" Then panelbuttoniconsize = loadlines(55) End If If Not loadlines(57) = "" Then panelbuttonheight = (loadlines(57)) End If If Not loadlines(58) = "" Then panelbuttonwidth = (loadlines(58)) End If If Not loadlines(59) = "" Then panelbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(59))) End If If Not loadlines(60) = "" Then panelbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(60))) End If If Not loadlines(61) = "" Then panelbuttontextsize = (loadlines(61)) End If If Not loadlines(62) = "" Then panelbuttontextfont = loadlines(62) End If If Not loadlines(63) = "" Then panelbuttontextstyle = CType((loadlines(63)), FontStyle) End If If Not loadlines(64) = "" Then panelbuttontextside = (loadlines(64)) End If If Not loadlines(65) = "" Then panelbuttontexttop = (loadlines(65)) End If If Not loadlines(66) = "" Then panelbuttongap = (loadlines(66)) End If If Not loadlines(67) = "" Then panelbuttonfromtop = (loadlines(67)) End If If Not loadlines(68) = "" Then panelbuttoninitialgap = (loadlines(68)) End If If Not loadlines(69) = "" Then minbtncolour = Color.FromArgb((loadlines(69))) End If If Not loadlines(70) = "" AndAlso Not loadlines(71) = "" Then minbtnsize = New Size(loadlines(70), loadlines(71)) End If If Not loadlines(72) = "" Then minbtnfromside = (loadlines(72)) End If If Not loadlines(73) = "" Then minbtnfromtop = (loadlines(73)) End If Dim skinimages(50) As String skinimages(0) = loadlines(100) skinimages(1) = loadlines(101) skinimages(2) = loadlines(102) skinimages(3) = loadlines(103) skinimages(4) = loadlines(104) skinimages(5) = loadlines(105) skinimages(6) = loadlines(106) skinimages(7) = loadlines(107) skinimages(8) = loadlines(108) skinimages(9) = loadlines(109) skinimages(10) = loadlines(110) skinimages(11) = loadlines(111) skinimages(12) = loadlines(112) skinimages(13) = loadlines(113) skinimages(14) = loadlines(114) skinimages(15) = loadlines(115) skinimages(16) = loadlines(116) skinimages(17) = loadlines(117) skinimages(18) = loadlines(118) skinimages(19) = loadlines(119) skinimages(20) = loadlines(120) skinimages(21) = loadlines(121) skinimages(22) = loadlines(122) skinimages(23) = loadlines(123) skinimages(24) = loadlines(124) skinimages(25) = loadlines(125) skinimages(26) = loadlines(126) skinimages(27) = loadlines(127) skinimages(28) = loadlines(128) skinimages(29) = loadlines(129) skinimages(30) = loadlines(130) skinimages(31) = loadlines(131) skinimages(32) = loadlines(132) skinimages(33) = loadlines(133) skinimages(34) = loadlines(134) skinimages(35) = loadlines(135) skinimages(36) = loadlines(136) skinimages(37) = loadlines(137) skinimages(38) = loadlines(138) skinimages(39) = loadlines(139) skinimages(40) = loadlines(140) skinimages(41) = loadlines(141) skinimages(42) = loadlines(142) skinimages(43) = loadlines(143) skinimages(44) = loadlines(144) skinimages(45) = loadlines(145) skinimages(46) = loadlines(146) skinimages(47) = loadlines(147) skinimages(48) = loadlines(148) skinimages(49) = loadlines(149) skinimages(50) = loadlines(150) closebtn = GetImage(skinimages(0)) titlebar = GetImage(skinimages(3)) desktopbackground = GetImage(skinimages(6)) rollbtn = GetImage(skinimages(9)) rightcorner = GetImage(skinimages(12)) leftcorner = GetImage(skinimages(15)) desktoppanel = GetImage(skinimages(18)) panelclock = GetImage(skinimages(21)) applauncher = GetImage(skinimages(24)) borderleft = GetImage(skinimages(27)) borderright = GetImage(skinimages(30)) borderbottom = GetImage(skinimages(33)) bottomrightcorner = GetImage(skinimages(36)) bottomleftcorner = GetImage(skinimages(39)) minbtn = GetImage(skinimages(42)) End Sub #If False Then Public Sub setpreviewtocurrentskin() Dim num2 As Integer Dim num3 As Integer Try Me.prepnlpanelbutton.BackgroundImage = Me.skinpanelbutton(0) Me.ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackgroundImage = Me.skinapplauncherbutton(0) Me.preclosebutton.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(0)) Me.pretitlebar.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(3)) Me.pnldesktoppreview.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(6)) Me.prerollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(9)) Me.prepgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(12)) Me.prepgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(15)) Me.predesktoppanel.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(18)) Me.pretimepanel.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(21)) Me.ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(24)) Me.prepgleft.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(27)) Me.prepgright.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(30)) Me.prepgbottom.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(33)) Me.prepgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(36)) Me.prepgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(39)) Me.preminimizebutton.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(42)) Me.prepnlpanelbutton.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(Me.skinimages(45)) Me.Invalidate() End Try End Sub #End If Public Shared Sub setupdefaults() titlebar = Nothing titlebarlayout = 3 borderleft = Nothing borderleftlayout = 3 borderright = Nothing borderrightlayout = 3 borderbottom = Nothing borderbottomlayout = 3 closebtn = Nothing closebtnlayout = 3 closebtnhover = Nothing closebtnclick = Nothing rollbtn = Nothing rollbtnlayout = 3 rollbtnhover = Nothing rollbtnclick = Nothing minbtn = Nothing minbtnlayout = 3 minbtnhover = Nothing minbtnclick = Nothing rightcorner = Nothing rightcornerlayout = 3 leftcorner = Nothing leftcornerlayout = 3 bottomleftcorner = Nothing bottomleftcornerlayout = 3 bottomrightcorner = Nothing bottomrightcornerlayout = 3 bottomleftcornercolour = Color.Gray bottomrightcornercolour = Color.Gray enablebordercorners = False closebtnsize = New Size(22, 22) rollbtnsize = New Size(22, 22) minbtnsize = New Size(22, 22) titlebarheight = 30 closebtnfromtop = 5 closebtnfromside = 2 rollbtnfromtop = 5 rollbtnfromside = 26 minbtnfromtop = 5 minbtnfromside = 52 borderwidth = 2 enablecorners = False titlebarcornerwidth = 5 titleiconfromside = 4 titleiconfromtop = 4 titlebarcolour = Color.Gray borderleftcolour = Color.Gray borderrightcolour = Color.Gray borderbottomcolour = Color.Gray closebtncolour = Color.Black closebtnhovercolour = Color.Black closebtnclickcolour = Color.Black rollbtncolour = Color.Black rollbtnhovercolour = Color.Black rollbtnclickcolour = Color.Black minbtncolour = Color.Black minbtnhovercolour = Color.Black minbtnclickcolour = Color.Black rightcornercolour = Color.Gray leftcornercolour = Color.Gray titletextfontfamily = "Microsoft Sans Serif" titletextfontsize = 10 titletextfontstyle = FontStyle.Bold titletextpos = "Left" titletextfromtop = 3 titletextfromside = 24 titletextcolour = Color.White desktoppanelcolour = Color.Gray desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.Black desktoppanelheight = 24 desktoppanelposition = "Top" clocktextcolour = Color.Black clockbackgroundcolor = Color.Gray panelclocktexttop = 3 panelclocktextsize = 10 panelclocktextfont = "Byington" panelclocktextstyle = FontStyle.Bold applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.Gray applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.Gray applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.Gray applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.Gray applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.Black applicationbuttonheight = 24 applicationbuttontextsize = 10 applicationbuttontextfont = "Byington" applicationbuttontextstyle = FontStyle.Bold applicationlaunchername = "Applications" titletextposition = "Left" applaunchermenuholderwidth = 100 panelbuttonicontop = 3 panelbuttoniconside = 4 panelbuttoniconsize = 16 panelbuttonheight = 20 panelbuttonwidth = 185 panelbuttoncolour = Color.Black panelbuttontextcolour = Color.White panelbuttontextsize = 10 panelbuttontextfont = "Byington" panelbuttontextstyle = FontStyle.Regular panelbuttontextside = 16 panelbuttontexttop = 2 panelbuttongap = 4 panelbuttonfromtop = 2 panelbuttoninitialgap = 8 launcheritemsize = 10 launcheritemfont = "Byington" launcheritemstyle = FontStyle.Regular launcheritemcolour = Color.Black desktoppanel = Nothing desktoppanellayout = 3 desktopbackground = Nothing desktopbackgroundlayout = 3 panelclock = Nothing panelclocklayout = 3 applaunchermouseover = Nothing applauncher = Nothing applauncherlayout = 3 applauncherclick = Nothing panelbutton = Nothing panelbuttonlayout = 3 enabledraggableicons = True End Sub End Class