using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ShiftOS.Objects; using NetSockets; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.IO; using static ShiftOS.Server.Program; using Discord; namespace ShiftOS.Server { public static class ChatBackend { public static void StartDiscordBots() { Reinitialized?.Invoke(); foreach (var chat in JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(File.ReadAllText("chats.json"))) { bool chatKilled = false; if (chat.IsDiscordProxy == true) { DiscordConfigBuilder builder = new DiscordConfigBuilder(); builder.AppName = "ShiftOS"; builder.AppVersion = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName; builder.AppUrl = ""; var client = new DiscordClient(builder); client.Connect(chat.DiscordBotToken, TokenType.Bot); client.SetGame("ShiftOS"); client.SetStatus(UserStatus.Online); client.MessageReceived += (s, e) => { if (chatKilled == false) { if (e.Channel.Id.ToString() == chat.DiscordChannelID) { server.DispatchAll(new NetObject("chat_msgreceived", new ServerMessage { Name = "chat_msgreceived", GUID = "server", Contents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ChatMessage(e.User.Name, "discord_" + e.Channel.Name, e.Message.Text, chat.ID)) })); } } }; MessageReceived += (g, msg) => { if (chatKilled == false) { //Determine if the message was sent to this channel. if (msg.Channel == chat.ID) { //Get the Discord channel for this chat. var dChan = client.GetChannel(Convert.ToUInt64(chat.DiscordChannelID)); //Relay the message to Discord. dChan.SendMessage($"**[{msg.Username}@{msg.SystemName} ({msg.Channel})]: {msg.Message}"); } //Relay it back to all MUD clients. RelayMessage(g, msg); } }; Reinitialized += () => { client.Disconnect(); client.Dispose(); chatKilled = true; }; } else { MessageReceived += (g, msg) => { if (chatKilled == false) { //Just relay it. RelayMessage(g, msg); } }; Reinitialized += () => { chatKilled = true; }; } } } internal static void RelayMessage(string guid, ChatMessage msg) { server.DispatchAllExcept(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("chat_msgreceived", new ServerMessage { Name = "chat_msgreceived", GUID = "server", Contents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg) })); } public static event Action MessageReceived; public static event empty Reinitialized; public delegate void empty(); [MudRequest("chat_send")] public static void ReceiveMessage(string guid, object contents) { var msg = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(contents)); MessageReceived?.Invoke(guid, msg); } } }