using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ShiftOS.Objects; using NetSockets; using Newtonsoft.Json; using System.IO; using static ShiftOS.Server.Program; namespace ShiftOS.Server { public static class ShiftnetBackend { [MudRequest("download_start", typeof(string))] public static void StartDownload(string guid, object contents) { string url = contents as string; if (!url.StartsWith("shiftnet/")) { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("shiftnet_got", new ServerMessage { Name = "shiftnet_file", GUID = "server", Contents = (File.Exists("") == true) ? File.ReadAllText("") : @"# Bad request. You have sent a bad request to the multi-user domain. Please try again." })); return; } if (File.Exists(url)) { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("download", new ServerMessage { Name = "download_meta", GUID = "server", Contents = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(File.ReadAllBytes(url)) })); } else { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("shiftnet_got", new ServerMessage { Name = "shiftnet_file", GUID = "server", Contents = (File.Exists("") == true) ? File.ReadAllText("") : @"# Not found. The page you requested at was not found on this multi-user domain." })); } } [MudRequest("shiftnet_get", typeof(Dictionary))] public static void GetPage(string guid, object contents) { var args = contents as Dictionary; string surl = args["url"] as string; while (surl.EndsWith("/")) { surl = surl.Remove(surl.Length - 1, 1); } if (!surl.StartsWith("shiftnet/")) { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("shiftnet_got", new ServerMessage { Name = "shiftnet_file", GUID = "server", Contents = (File.Exists("") == true) ? File.ReadAllText("") : @"# Bad request. You have sent a bad request to the multi-user domain. Please try again." })); return; } if (File.Exists(surl)) { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("shiftnet_got", new ServerMessage { Name = "shiftnet_file", GUID = "server", Contents = File.ReadAllText(surl) })); } else if (File.Exists(surl + "/home.rnp")) { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("shiftnet_got", new ServerMessage { Name = "shiftnet_file", GUID = "server", Contents = File.ReadAllText(surl + "/home.rnp") })); } else { server.DispatchTo(new Guid(guid), new NetObject("shiftnet_got", new ServerMessage { Name = "shiftnet_file", GUID = "server", Contents = (File.Exists("") == true) ? File.ReadAllText("") : @"# Not found. The page you requested at was not found on this multi-user domain." })); } } } }