using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ShiftOS.Engine; using ShiftOS.Frontend.GraphicsSubsystem; using static ShiftOS.Engine.SkinEngine; namespace ShiftOS.Frontend.Desktop { public class Desktop : GUI.Control, IDesktop { public Desktop() { SaveSystem.GameReady += () => { Show(); SetupDesktop(); }; } public string DesktopName { get { return "ShiftOS MonoGame Desktop"; } } public void Close() { UIManager.StopHandling(this); } public Size GetSize() { return UIManager.Viewport; } public void HideAppLauncher() { } public void InvokeOnWorkerThread(Action act) { UIManager.CrossThreadOperations.Enqueue(act); } public void KillWindow(IWindowBorder border) { } public void MaximizeWindow(IWindowBorder brdr) { } public void MinimizeWindow(IWindowBorder brdr) { } public void OpenAppLauncher(Point loc) { } public void PopulateAppLauncher(LauncherItem[] items) { Invalidate(); } public void PopulatePanelButtons() { PanelButtons.Clear(); foreach(var win in AppearanceManager.OpenForms) { var border = win as WindowBorder; var pbtn = new PanelButtonData(); pbtn.Title = border.Text; pbtn.Window = border; PanelButtons.Add(pbtn); } Invalidate(); } public void PushNotification(string app, string title, string message) { } public void RestoreWindow(IWindowBorder brdr) { } public void SetupDesktop() { Invalidate(); } public void Show() { UIManager.AddTopLevel(this); Visible = true; Invalidate(); } public void ShowWindow(IWindowBorder border) { } protected override void OnLayout() { SendToBack(); X = 0; Y = 0; Width = GetSize().Width; Height = GetSize().Height; Invalidate(); } private List PanelButtons = new List(); protected override void OnPaint(GraphicsContext gfx) { //Let's get data for the desktop panel. //We need the width and the height and the position. int dp_height = LoadedSkin.DesktopPanelHeight; int dp_position = (LoadedSkin.DesktopPanelPosition == 0) ? 0 : Height - dp_height; int dp_width = Width; //Alright, now we need to know if we should draw using a texture or a color if (UIManager.SkinTextures.ContainsKey("desktoppanel")) { //Draw with the texture gfx.DrawRectangle(0, dp_position, dp_width, dp_height, UIManager.SkinTextures["desktoppanel"]); } else { //draw with a color var color = UIManager.SkinTextures["DesktopPanelColor"]; gfx.DrawRectangle(0, dp_position, dp_width, dp_height, color); } //Alright, now App Launcher. var al_left = LoadedSkin.AppLauncherFromLeft; var holderSize = LoadedSkin.AppLauncherHolderSize; if (UIManager.SkinTextures.ContainsKey("applauncher")) { gfx.DrawRectangle(al_left.X, dp_position + al_left.Y, holderSize.Width, holderSize.Height, UIManager.SkinTextures["applauncher"]); } //Panel clock. var panelClockRight = LoadedSkin.DesktopPanelClockFromRight; var panelClockTextColor = LoadedSkin.DesktopPanelClockColor.ToMonoColor(); var dateTimeString = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.ToString(); var measure = gfx.MeasureString(dateTimeString, LoadedSkin.DesktopPanelClockFont); int panelclockleft = Width - (int)measure.X; int panelclockwidth = Width - panelclockleft; if (UIManager.SkinTextures.ContainsKey("panelclockbg")) { //draw the background using panelclock texture gfx.DrawRectangle(panelclockleft, dp_position, panelclockwidth, dp_height, UIManager.SkinTextures["panelclockbg"]); } else { //draw using the bg color var pcBGColor = UIManager.SkinTextures["DesktopPanelClockBackgroundColor"]; gfx.DrawRectangle(panelclockleft, dp_position, panelclockwidth, dp_height, pcBGColor); } int text_left = (panelclockwidth - (int)measure.X) / 2; int text_top = (dp_height - (int)measure.Y) / 2; //draw string gfx.DrawString(dateTimeString, panelclockleft + text_left, dp_position + text_top, panelClockTextColor, LoadedSkin.DesktopPanelClockFont); int initialGap = LoadedSkin.PanelButtonHolderFromLeft; int offset = initialGap; foreach(var pbtn in PanelButtons) { offset += LoadedSkin.PanelButtonFromLeft.X; int pbtnfromtop = LoadedSkin.PanelButtonFromTop; int pbtnwidth = LoadedSkin.PanelButtonSize.Width; int pbtnheight = LoadedSkin.PanelButtonSize.Height; //Draw panel button background... if (UIManager.SkinTextures.ContainsKey("panelbutton")) { gfx.DrawRectangle(offset, dp_position + pbtnfromtop, pbtnwidth, pbtnheight, UIManager.SkinTextures["panelbutton"]); } else { gfx.DrawRectangle(offset, dp_position + pbtnfromtop, pbtnwidth, pbtnheight, UIManager.SkinTextures["PanelButtonBackgroundColor"]); } //now we draw the text gfx.DrawString(pbtn.Title, offset + 2, dp_position + pbtnfromtop + 2, LoadedSkin.PanelButtonTextColor.ToMonoColor(), LoadedSkin.PanelButtonFont); offset += LoadedSkin.PanelButtonSize.Width; } } } public class PanelButtonData { public string Title { get; set; } public WindowBorder Window { get; set; } public bool IsActive { get { return Window.IsFocusedControl || Window.ContainsFocusedControl; } } } }