using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics; using ShiftOS.Engine; using ShiftOS.Frontend.GraphicsSubsystem; using ShiftOS.Frontend.GUI; using static ShiftOS.Objects.ShiftFS.Utils; namespace ShiftOS.Frontend.Apps { [WinOpen("fileskimmer")] [Launcher("File Skimmer", false, null, "System")] [DefaultTitle("File Skimmer")] public class FileSkimmer : GUI.Control, IShiftOSWindow { private string _currentdirectory = "0:"; private const string SD_SYSTEM = "__system"; private GUI.ListView _fList = null; private GUI.TextControl _currentdirtext = null; private GUI.Button _openFile = null; private GUI.TextControl _fileFilter = null; private GUI.TextControl _filePrompt = null; private GUI.TextInput _fileBox = null; public bool IsDialog = false; public Action<string> DialogCallback = null; public string[] FileFilters = new string[] { "" }; public FileOpenerStyle DialogMode = FileOpenerStyle.Open; public int SelectedFilter = 0; public FileSkimmer() { _fileBox = new GUI.TextInput(); _filePrompt = new TextControl(); _fileFilter = new TextControl(); _openFile = new Button(); AddControl(_openFile); AddControl(_fileBox); AddControl(_filePrompt); AddControl(_fileFilter); _openFile.AutoSize = true; _fileFilter.AutoSize = true; _filePrompt.AutoSize = true; Width = 720; Height = 480; _fList = new GUI.ListView(); //TODO: keyboard support in listviews /* _fList.KeyEvent += (e) => { if(e.Key == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter) { Navigate(_fList.SelectedItem.ToString()); } };*/ _fList.DoubleClick += () => { try { Navigate(_fList.SelectedItem.Tag); } catch { } }; AddControl(_fList); _currentdirtext = new GUI.TextControl(); _currentdirtext.AutoSize = true; AddControl(_currentdirtext); ResetList(); } public void OnLoad() { if (Hacking.CurrentHackable != null) { if (Hacking.CurrentHackable.VectorsUnlocked.Contains(Objects.SystemType.FileServer)) { if (Mounts.Count > 2) { Mounts.RemoveAt(2); } var dir = new Objects.ShiftFS.Directory(); dir.Name = $"{Hacking.CurrentHackable.Data.SystemName} (ftp)"; Mounts.Add(dir); foreach (var loot in Hacking.CurrentHackable.ServerFTPLoot) { if(!FileExists("2:/" + loot.LootName)) { var bytes = Hacking.GetLootBytes(loot.PointTo); WriteAllBytes($"2:/{loot.LootName}", bytes); } } } } Width = 720; Height = 480; _fList = new GUI.ListView(); //TODO: keyboard support in listviews /* _fList.KeyEvent += (e) => { if(e.Key == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter) { Navigate(_fList.SelectedItem.ToString()); } };*/ _fList.Click += () => { if(_fList.SelectedItem != null) { if(_fList.SelectedItem.Tag != "__up") { if(FileExists(_fList.SelectedItem.Tag)) { _fileBox.Text = _fList.SelectedItem.Text; } } } }; _fList.DoubleClick += () => { try { Navigate(_fList.SelectedItem.Tag); } catch { } }; _fileBox.KeyEvent += (key) => { if (key.Key == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Enter) { HandleFileSelect(); } }; _openFile.Click += () => { HandleFileSelect(); }; AddControl(_fList); _currentdirtext = new GUI.TextControl(); _currentdirtext.AutoSize = true; AddControl(_currentdirtext); ResetList(); } public void HandleFileSelect(bool quiet = false) { string fname = _fileBox.Text; string filter = FileFilters[SelectedFilter]; if (filter != "Directory") if (!fname.EndsWith(filter)) fname += filter; string path = _currentdirectory + "/" + fname; bool exists = false; if (filter == "Directory") exists = DirectoryExists(path); else exists = FileExists(path); if (exists) { if (DialogMode == FileOpenerStyle.Open || quiet) { DialogCallback?.Invoke(path); AppearanceManager.Close(this); } else { Engine.Infobox.PromptYesNo("Overwrite file?", "The file you chose already exists on disk. Would you like to overwrite it?", (answer) => { if (answer) { DialogCallback?.Invoke(path); AppearanceManager.Close(this); } }); } } else { if (DialogMode == FileOpenerStyle.Open) { if (quiet == false) Engine.Infobox.Show("File not found.", "The requested file path could not be found on disk."); } else { DialogCallback?.Invoke(path); AppearanceManager.Close(this); } } } public void Navigate(string path) { if(path == "__up") { if (_currentdirectory == SD_SYSTEM) throw new NaughtyDeveloperException("Someone tried to make it so you can go \"up one directory\" in the mounts list."); if (_currentdirectory.EndsWith(":")) { _currentdirectory = SD_SYSTEM; ResetList(); return; } else { int slashlast = _currentdirectory.LastIndexOf("/"); int len = _currentdirectory.Length - slashlast; _currentdirectory = _currentdirectory.Remove(slashlast, len); ResetList(); return; } } if (DirectoryExists(path)) { _currentdirectory = path; ResetList(); } else if (FileExists(path)) { if (IsDialog) { bool quiet = DialogMode == FileOpenerStyle.Open; this.HandleFileSelect(quiet); } else { if (!FileSkimmerBackend.OpenFile(path)) { Engine.Infobox.Show("File Skimmer can't open this file!", "File Skimmer couldn't find a program that can open a file of this type. Please install a program that can handle this file and try again."); } } } } public Texture2D ToTexture2D(System.Drawing.Image img) { if (img == null) return null; using(var bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(img)) { var lck = bmp.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); var arr = new byte[Math.Abs(lck.Stride) * lck.Height]; Marshal.Copy(lck.Scan0, arr, 0, arr.Length); for(int i = 0; i < arr.Length; i += 4) { byte r = arr[i]; byte b = arr[i + 2]; arr[i] = b; arr[i + 2] = r; } var tex2 = new Texture2D(UIManager.GraphicsDevice, bmp.Width, bmp.Height); tex2.SetData<byte>(arr); bmp.UnlockBits(lck); return tex2; } } public void OnSkinLoad() { foreach(var name in Enum.GetNames(typeof(FileType))) { FileType ftype = (FileType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FileType), name); var img = ToTexture2D(GetImage(ftype)); _fList.SetImage(name, img); } _currentdirtext.Font = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header3Font; } public System.Drawing.Image GetImage(FileType type) { switch (type) { case FileType.UpOne: return Properties.Resources.fileicon5; case FileType.Mount: case FileType.Directory: return Properties.Resources.fileicon0; case FileType.Executable: case FileType.Lua: case FileType.Python: return Properties.Resources.fileiconsaa; case FileType.Image: return Properties.Resources.fileicon3; case FileType.Skin: return Properties.Resources.fileicon10; case FileType.TextFile: return Properties.Resources.fileicon2; case FileType.CommandFormat: return Properties.Resources.fileiconcf; default: return Properties.Resources.fileicon1; } } public bool OnUnload() { return true; } public void OnUpgrade() { } public void ResetList() { if (_currentdirectory == SD_SYSTEM) _currentdirtext.Text = "My storage drives"; else _currentdirtext.Text = _currentdirectory; _fList.ClearItems(); if (_currentdirectory != SD_SYSTEM) _fList.AddItem(new GUI.ListViewItem { Text = "Up one...", Tag = "__up", ImageKey = FileType.UpOne.ToString() }); if(_currentdirectory == SD_SYSTEM) { foreach(var mount in Mounts) { string mountpath = $"{Mounts.IndexOf(mount)}:"; string name = $"{mount.Name} ({mountpath})"; _fList.AddItem(new ListViewItem { Text = name, Tag = mountpath, ImageKey = FileType.Mount.ToString() }); } } else { foreach(var dir in GetDirectories(_currentdirectory)) { var dinf = GetDirectoryInfo(dir); _fList.AddItem(new ListViewItem { Text = dinf.Name, Tag = dir, ImageKey = FileType.Directory.ToString() }); } foreach (var dir in GetFiles(_currentdirectory)) { var dinf = GetFileInfo(dir); if (dinf.Name.EndsWith(FileFilters[SelectedFilter])) { var ext = FileSkimmerBackend.GetFileType(dir); _fList.AddItem(new ListViewItem { Text = dinf.Name, Tag = dir, ImageKey = ext.ToString() }); } } } InvalidateTopLevel(); } private const int _fileselectboxheight = 50; protected override void OnLayout(GameTime gameTime) { int listbottom = Height - _currentdirtext.Height; if (IsDialog) listbottom -= _fileselectboxheight; _currentdirtext.Layout(gameTime); _fList.X = 0; _fList.Y = 0; _fList.Width = Width; _fList.Height = listbottom; _currentdirtext.X = (Width - _currentdirtext.Width) / 2; _currentdirtext.Y = _fList.Height; if (IsDialog) { int _fileselectstart = Height - _fileselectboxheight; _openFile.Text = DialogMode.ToString(); _openFile.Visible = true; _openFile.X = (Width - _openFile.Width) - 10; _openFile.Y = _fileselectstart + ((_fileselectboxheight - _openFile.Height) / 2); _filePrompt.AutoSize = true; _filePrompt.Text = $"{DialogMode} file: "; _filePrompt.Font = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.MainFont; _filePrompt.Layout(gameTime); _filePrompt.X = 10; _filePrompt.Y = _fileselectstart + ((_fileselectboxheight - _filePrompt.Height) / 2); _filePrompt.Visible = true; _fileFilter.AutoSize = true; _fileFilter.Visible = true; _fileFilter.Text = FileFilters[SelectedFilter]; _fileFilter.Font = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.MainFont; _fileFilter.Layout(gameTime); _fileFilter.X = _openFile.X - _fileFilter.Width - 10; _fileFilter.Y = _fileselectstart + ((_fileselectboxheight - _fileFilter.Height) / 2); _fileBox.X = _filePrompt.X + _filePrompt.Width + 10; _fileBox.Width = _fileFilter.X - _fileBox.X; _fileBox.Height = 24; _fileBox.Y = _fileselectstart + ((_fileselectboxheight - _fileBox.Height) / 2); _fileBox.Visible = true; } } } }