using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input; using ShiftOS.Engine; using ShiftOS.Frontend.GraphicsSubsystem; using static ShiftOS.Engine.SkinEngine; namespace ShiftOS.Frontend.Apps { [FileHandler("Shell script", ".trm", "fileicontrm")] [Launcher("{TITLE_TERMINAL}", false, null, "{AL_UTILITIES}")] [WinOpen("{WO_TERMINAL}")] [DefaultTitle("{TITLE_TERMINAL}")] [DefaultIcon("iconTerminal")] public class Terminal : GUI.Control, IShiftOSWindow { private TerminalControl _terminal = null; public Terminal() { Width = 493; Height = 295; } public void OnLoad() { _terminal = new Apps.TerminalControl(); _terminal.Dock = GUI.DockStyle.Fill; AddControl(_terminal); _terminal.Layout(); AppearanceManager.ConsoleOut = _terminal; AppearanceManager.StartConsoleOut(); TerminalBackend.PrintPrompt(); SaveSystem.GameReady += () => { if (Shiftorium.UpgradeInstalled("desktop")) { AppearanceManager.Close(this); } else TerminalBackend.PrintPrompt(); }; } protected override void OnLayout() { if (ContainsFocusedControl || IsFocusedControl) AppearanceManager.ConsoleOut = _terminal; } public void OnSkinLoad() { } public bool OnUnload() { return true; } public void OnUpgrade() { } } public class TerminalControl : GUI.TextInput, ITerminalWidget { public TerminalControl() { Dock = GUI.DockStyle.Fill; } public string[] Lines { get { return Text.Split(new[] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None); } } public void Clear() { Text = ""; Index = 0; _vertOffset = 0; Invalidate(); } public void SelectBottom() { Index = Text.Length - 1; RecalculateLayout(); InvalidateTopLevel(); } public void Write(string text) { Engine.Desktop.InvokeOnWorkerThread(() => { Text += Localization.Parse(text); SelectBottom(); Index += text.Length; RecalculateLayout(); InvalidateTopLevel(); }); } public void WriteLine(string text) { Write(text + Environment.NewLine); } public int GetCurrentLine() { int line = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Text.Length; i++) { if(Text[i]=='\n') { line++; continue; } if (i == Index) return line; } return 0; } float _vertOffset = 0.0f; protected void RecalculateLayout() { if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(new Bitmap(1, 1))) { var cursorpos = GetPointAtIndex(gfx); var caretSize = gfx.SmartMeasureString(Text.ToString(), LoadedSkin.TerminalFont, Width - 4); float initial = (((float)Math.Floor(caretSize.Height)) + cursorpos.Y) - _vertOffset; if (initial < 0) { float difference = initial - Height; _vertOffset = initial + difference; } if (initial > Height) { float difference = initial - Height; _vertOffset = initial - difference; } } } protected override void OnLayout() { } /// <summary> /// Gets the X and Y coordinates (in pixels) of the caret. /// </summary> /// <param name="gfx">A <see cref="System.Drawing.Graphics"/> object used for font measurements</param> /// <returns>An absolute fucking mess. Seriously, can someone fix this method so it uhh WORKS PROPERLY?</returns> public Point GetPointAtIndex(Graphics gfx) { int vertMeasure = 2; int horizMeasure = 2; var textSize = gfx.SmartMeasureString(Text, LoadedSkin.TerminalFont, Width - 4); int lineindex = 0; int line = GetCurrentLine(); for (int l = 0; l < line; l++) { lineindex += Lines[l].Length; var stringMeasure = gfx.SmartMeasureString(Lines[l], LoadedSkin.TerminalFont, Width - 4); vertMeasure += (int)stringMeasure.Height; } var lnMeasure = gfx.SmartMeasureString(Text.Substring(lineindex, Index - lineindex), LoadedSkin.TerminalFont); int w = (int)Math.Floor(lnMeasure.Width); if (w > Width - 4) w = w - (Width - 4); horizMeasure = w; return new Point(horizMeasure, vertMeasure); } private PointF CaretPosition = new PointF(2, 2); private Size CaretSize = new Size(2, 15); protected override void OnKeyEvent(KeyEvent a) { if (a.Key == Keys.Enter) { try { if (!TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled) { string textraw = Lines[Lines.Length - 1]; TerminalBackend.SendText(textraw); return; } var text = Lines; var text2 = text[text.Length - 1]; var text3 = ""; var text4 = Regex.Replace(text2, @"\t|\n|\r", ""); WriteLine(""); { if (TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled) { text3 = text4.Remove(0, $"{SaveSystem.CurrentUser.Username}@{SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName}:~$ ".Length); } TerminalBackend.LastCommand = text3; TerminalBackend.SendText(text4); if (TerminalBackend.InStory == false) { { var result = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.CurrentParser.ParseCommand(text3); if (result.Equals(default(KeyValuePair<string, Dictionary<string, string>>))) { Console.WriteLine("{ERR_SYNTAXERROR}"); } else { TerminalBackend.InvokeCommand(result.Key, result.Value); } } } if (TerminalBackend.PrefixEnabled) { TerminalBackend.PrintPrompt(); } } } catch { } } else if (a.Key == Keys.Back) { try { var tostring3 = Lines[Lines.Length - 1]; var tostringlen = tostring3.Length + 1; var workaround = $"{SaveSystem.CurrentUser.Username}@{SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName}:~$ "; var derp = workaround.Length + 1; if (tostringlen != derp) { AppearanceManager.CurrentPosition--; base.OnKeyEvent(a); RecalculateLayout(); InvalidateTopLevel(); } } catch { Debug.WriteLine("Drunky alert in terminal."); } } else if (a.Key == Keys.Left) { if (SaveSystem.CurrentSave != null) { var getstring = Lines[Lines.Length - 1]; var stringlen = getstring.Length + 1; var header = $"{SaveSystem.CurrentUser.Username}@{SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName}:~$ "; var headerlen = header.Length + 1; var selstart = Index; var remstrlen = Text.Length - stringlen; var finalnum = selstart - remstrlen; if (finalnum != headerlen) { AppearanceManager.CurrentPosition--; base.OnKeyEvent(a); } } } else if (a.Key == Keys.Up) { var tostring3 = Lines[Lines.Length - 1]; if (tostring3 == $"{SaveSystem.CurrentUser.Username}@{SaveSystem.CurrentSave.SystemName}:~$ ") Console.Write(TerminalBackend.LastCommand); ConsoleEx.OnFlush?.Invoke(); return; } else { if (TerminalBackend.InStory) { return; } if (a.KeyChar != '\0') { Text = Text.Insert(Index, a.KeyChar.ToString()); Index++; AppearanceManager.CurrentPosition++; // RecalculateLayout(); InvalidateTopLevel(); } } } protected override void OnPaint(GraphicsContext gfx) { gfx.Clear(LoadedSkin.TerminalBackColorCC.ToColor().ToMonoColor()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Text)) { //Draw the caret. if (IsFocusedControl) { // gfx.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(LoadedSkin.TerminalForeColorCC.ToColor()), new RectangleF(new PointF(CaretPosition.X, CaretPosition.Y - _vertOffset), new SizeF(2, CaretSize.Height))); }//Draw the text gfx.DrawString(Text, 2, 2 - (int)Math.Floor(_vertOffset), LoadedSkin.TerminalForeColorCC.ToColor().ToMonoColor(), LoadedSkin.TerminalFont, Width - 4); } } } public static class ConsoleColorExtensions { public static Color ToColor(this ConsoleColor cc) { switch (cc) { case ConsoleColor.Black: return Color.Black; case ConsoleColor.Blue: return Color.Blue; case ConsoleColor.Cyan: return Color.Cyan; case ConsoleColor.DarkBlue: return Color.DarkBlue; case ConsoleColor.DarkCyan: return Color.DarkCyan; case ConsoleColor.DarkGray: return Color.DarkGray; case ConsoleColor.DarkGreen: return Color.DarkGreen; case ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta: return Color.DarkMagenta; case ConsoleColor.DarkRed: return Color.DarkRed; case ConsoleColor.DarkYellow: return Color.Orange; case ConsoleColor.Gray: return Color.Gray; case ConsoleColor.Green: return Color.Green; case ConsoleColor.Magenta: return Color.Magenta; case ConsoleColor.Red: return Color.Red; case ConsoleColor.White: return Color.White; case ConsoleColor.Yellow: return Color.Yellow; } return Color.Empty; } } public static class GraphicsExtensions { public static SizeF SmartMeasureString(this Graphics gfx, string s, Font font, int width) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) s = " "; var textformat = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic); textformat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; textformat.Trimming = StringTrimming.None; var measure = gfx.MeasureString(s, font, width, textformat); return new SizeF((float)Math.Ceiling(measure.Width), (float)Math.Ceiling(measure.Height)); } public static SizeF SmartMeasureString(this Graphics gfx, string s, Font font) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(s)) s = " "; var textformat = new StringFormat(StringFormat.GenericTypographic); textformat.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.MeasureTrailingSpaces; textformat.Trimming = StringTrimming.None; var measure = gfx.MeasureString(s, font, int.MaxValue, textformat); return new SizeF((float)Math.Ceiling(measure.Width), (float)Math.Floor(measure.Height)); } } }