More optimizations

This commit is contained in:
Michael 2017-06-15 20:01:26 -04:00
parent 11ff04a384
commit f9ef8e021c
2 changed files with 186 additions and 112 deletions

View file

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
this.pnlcanvas.Dock = System.Windows.Forms.DockStyle.Fill;
this.pnlcanvas.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(0, 0);
this.pnlcanvas.Name = "pnlcanvas";
this.pnlcanvas.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(620, 469);
this.pnlcanvas.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(879, 450);
this.pnlcanvas.TabIndex = 0;
this.pnlcanvas.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.pnlcanvas_Paint);
this.pnlcanvas.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pnlcanvas_MouseMove);
@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
this.AutoScaleMode = System.Windows.Forms.AutoScaleMode.Font;
this.Name = "Pong";
this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(620, 469);
this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(879, 450);

View file

@ -22,12 +22,25 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
paddleWidth = pnlcanvas.Width / 30;
drawTimer = new Timer();
drawTimer.Interval = 16;
drawTimer.Interval = 1;
drawTimer.Tick += (o, a) =>
counterTimer = new Timer();
counterTimer.Interval = 1000;
counterTimer.Tick += (o, a) =>
if(secondsleft > 0)
private double ballX = 0.0f;
@ -37,144 +50,154 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
private double aiBallY = 0.0f;
private double speedFactor = 0.025;
private double speedFactor = 0.0125;
private double xVel = 1;
private double yVel = 1;
private int paddleWidth;
Timer counterTimer = null;
private long codepointsToEarn = 0;
private int level = 1;
private double playerY = 0.0;
private double opponentY = 0.0;
private int secondsleft = 60;
bool doAi = true;
bool doBallCalc = true;
private string header = "Pong - Technology Demo";
private string counter = "";
public void UpdateBall()
double ballXLocal = linear(ballX, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Width);
double ballYLocal = linear(ballY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
ballXLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
ballYLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
double aiBallXLocal = linear(aiBallX, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Width);
double aiBallYLocal = linear(aiBallY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
aiBallXLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
aiBallYLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
double playerYLocal = linear(playerY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
double opponentYLocal = linear(opponentY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
int paddleHeight = pnlcanvas.Height / 5;
Rectangle ballRect = new Rectangle((int)ballXLocal, (int)ballYLocal, paddleWidth, paddleWidth);
Rectangle aiBallRect = new Rectangle((int)aiBallXLocal, (int)aiBallYLocal, paddleWidth, paddleWidth);
Rectangle playerRect = new Rectangle((int)paddleWidth, (int)(playerYLocal - (int)(paddleHeight / 2)), (int)paddleWidth, (int)paddleHeight);
Rectangle opponentRect = new Rectangle((int)(pnlcanvas.Width - (paddleWidth * 2)), (int)(opponentYLocal - (int)(paddleHeight / 2)), (int)paddleWidth, (int)paddleHeight);
//Top and bottom walls:
if (ballRect.Top <= 0 || ballRect.Bottom >= pnlcanvas.Height)
yVel = -yVel; //reverse the Y velocity
//Left wall
if(ballRect.Left <= 0)
if (doBallCalc)
//You lose.
codepointsToEarn = 0;
double ballXLocal = linear(ballX, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Width);
double ballYLocal = linear(ballY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
//Right wall
if(ballRect.Right >= pnlcanvas.Width)
//You win.
codepointsToEarn += CalculateAIBeatCP();
ballXLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
ballYLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
//Enemy paddle:
if (ballRect.IntersectsWith(opponentRect))
//check if the ball x is greater than the player paddle's middle coordinate
if (ballRect.Right <= opponentRect.Right - (opponentRect.Width / 2))
double aiBallXLocal = linear(aiBallX, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Width);
double aiBallYLocal = linear(aiBallY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
aiBallXLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
aiBallYLocal -= ((double)paddleWidth / 2);
double playerYLocal = linear(playerY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
double opponentYLocal = linear(opponentY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
int paddleHeight = pnlcanvas.Height / 5;
Rectangle ballRect = new Rectangle((int)ballXLocal, (int)ballYLocal, paddleWidth, paddleWidth);
Rectangle aiBallRect = new Rectangle((int)aiBallXLocal, (int)aiBallYLocal, paddleWidth, paddleWidth);
Rectangle playerRect = new Rectangle((int)paddleWidth, (int)(playerYLocal - (int)(paddleHeight / 2)), (int)paddleWidth, (int)paddleHeight);
Rectangle opponentRect = new Rectangle((int)(pnlcanvas.Width - (paddleWidth * 2)), (int)(opponentYLocal - (int)(paddleHeight / 2)), (int)paddleWidth, (int)paddleHeight);
//Top and bottom walls:
if (ballRect.Top <= 0 || ballRect.Bottom >= pnlcanvas.Height)
yVel = -yVel; //reverse the Y velocity
//Left wall
if (ballRect.Left <= 0)
//reverse x velocity to send the ball the other way
xVel = -xVel;
//set y velocity based on where the ball hit the paddle
yVel = linear((ballRect.Top + (ballRect.Height / 2)), opponentRect.Top, opponentRect.Bottom, -1, 1);
//You lose.
codepointsToEarn = 0;
//Enemy paddle - AI:
if (aiBallRect.IntersectsWith(opponentRect))
//check if the ball x is greater than the player paddle's middle coordinate
if (aiBallRect.Right <= opponentRect.Right - (opponentRect.Width / 2))
//Right wall
if (ballRect.Right >= pnlcanvas.Width)
doAi = false;
//You win.
codepointsToEarn += CalculateAIBeatCP();
//Player paddle:
if (ballRect.IntersectsWith(playerRect))
//check if the ball x is greater than the player paddle's middle coordinate
if(ballRect.Left >= playerRect.Left + (playerRect.Width / 2))
//Enemy paddle:
if (ballRect.IntersectsWith(opponentRect))
//reverse x velocity to send the ball the other way
xVel = -xVel;
//set y velocity based on where the ball hit the paddle
yVel = linear((ballRect.Top + (ballRect.Height / 2)), playerRect.Top, playerRect.Bottom, -1, 1);
//reset the ai location
aiBallX = ballX;
aiBallY = ballY;
doAi = true;
ballX += xVel * speedFactor;
ballY += yVel * speedFactor;
aiBallX += xVel * (speedFactor * 2);
aiBallY += yVel * (speedFactor * 2);
if (doAi == true)
if (opponentY != aiBallY)
if (opponentY < aiBallY)
//check if the ball x is greater than the player paddle's middle coordinate
if (ballRect.Right >= opponentRect.Left)
if (opponentY < 0.9)
opponentY += speedFactor;
//reverse x velocity to send the ball the other way
xVel = -xVel;
//set y velocity based on where the ball hit the paddle
yVel = linear((ballRect.Top + (ballRect.Height / 2)), opponentRect.Top, opponentRect.Bottom, -1, 1);
doAi = false;
//Enemy paddle - AI:
if (aiBallRect.IntersectsWith(opponentRect))
//check if the ball x is greater than the player paddle's middle coordinate
if (aiBallRect.Right >= opponentRect.Left)
if (opponentY > -0.9)
opponentY -= speedFactor;
doAi = false;
//Player paddle:
if (ballRect.IntersectsWith(playerRect))
//check if the ball x is greater than the player paddle's middle coordinate
if (ballRect.Left >= playerRect.Left)
//reverse x velocity to send the ball the other way
xVel = -xVel;
//set y velocity based on where the ball hit the paddle
yVel = linear((ballRect.Top + (ballRect.Height / 2)), playerRect.Top, playerRect.Bottom, -1, 1);
//reset the ai location
aiBallX = ballX;
aiBallY = ballY;
doAi = true;
ballX += xVel * speedFactor;
ballY += yVel * speedFactor;
aiBallX += xVel * (speedFactor * 2);
aiBallY += yVel * (speedFactor * 2);
if (doAi == true)
if (opponentY != aiBallY)
if (opponentY < aiBallY)
if (opponentY < 0.9)
opponentY += speedFactor;
if (opponentY > -0.9)
opponentY -= speedFactor;
@ -185,6 +208,13 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
public void LevelComplete()
speedFactor += speedFactor / level;
secondsleft = 60;
public long CalculateAIBeatCP()
return 2 * (10 * level);
@ -192,7 +222,24 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
public void Win()
header = "You beat the AI! " + CalculateAIBeatCP() + " Codepoints!.";
new System.Threading.Thread(() =>
doBallCalc = false;
counter = "3";
counter = "2";
counter = "1";
doBallCalc = true;
header = "";
counter = "";
public void InitializeCoordinates()
@ -221,6 +268,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
//draw the ball
e.Graphics.FillEllipse(new SolidBrush(pnlcanvas.ForeColor), new RectangleF((float)ballXLocal, (float)ballYLocal, (float)paddleWidth, (float)paddleWidth));
double playerYLocal = linear(playerY, -1.0, 1.0, 0, pnlcanvas.Height);
@ -245,6 +293,30 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
e.Graphics.DrawString(cp_text, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header3Font, new SolidBrush(pnlcanvas.ForeColor), tLoc);
tSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(counter, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header2Font);
tLoc = new PointF((pnlcanvas.Width - (int)tSize.Width) / 2,
(pnlcanvas.Height - (int)tSize.Height) / 2
e.Graphics.DrawString(counter, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header2Font, new SolidBrush(pnlcanvas.ForeColor), tLoc);
tSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(header, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header2Font);
tLoc = new PointF((pnlcanvas.Width - (int)tSize.Width) / 2,
(pnlcanvas.Height - (int)tSize.Height) / 4
e.Graphics.DrawString(header, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header2Font, new SolidBrush(pnlcanvas.ForeColor), tLoc);
string l = Localization.Parse("{LEVEL}: " + level + " - " + secondsleft + " {SECONDS_LEFT}");
tSize = e.Graphics.MeasureString(l, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header3Font);
tLoc = new PointF((pnlcanvas.Width - (int)tSize.Width) / 2,
e.Graphics.DrawString(l, SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.Header3Font, new SolidBrush(pnlcanvas.ForeColor), tLoc);
static public double linear(double x, double x0, double x1, double y0, double y1)
@ -261,6 +333,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
public void OnLoad()
public void OnSkinLoad()
@ -270,6 +343,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
public bool OnUnload()
return true;