diff --git a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Resources/strings_fr.txt b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Resources/strings_fr.txt index 666277a..73b5788 100644 --- a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Resources/strings_fr.txt +++ b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Resources/strings_fr.txt @@ -1,9 +1,259 @@ /* - * French translation - * - * Made by Michael VanOverbeek with his grade 9 french skills because why not. + * ShiftOS French Language Pack * + * This is a default language pack distributed within the game. */ { + //General strings + //These strings can be used anywhere in the UI where language context isn't necessary. + "{GEN_PROGRAMS}": "Les programmes", + "{GEN_COMMANDS}": "Les ordres", + "{GEN_OBJECTIVES}": "Les objectifs", + "{GEN_CURRENTPROCESSES}": "Les procèdures actuelles", + "{GEN_WELCOME}": "Bienvenue au ShiftOS.", + "{GEN_SYSTEMNAME}": "Nom de système", + "{GEN_PASSWORD}": "Mot de passe", + "{GEN_LPROMPT}": "ouverture de session de %sysname: ", + "{GEN_SYSTEMSTATUS}": "État de système", + "{GEN_USERS}": "Personnes", + "{GEN_CODEPOINTS}": "Codepoints", + "{GEN_LOADING}": "Remplissons...", + "{GEN_SAVE}": "Garder", + "{GEN_LOAD}": "Remplir", + "{GEN_APPLY}": "Appliquer", + "{GEN_RESET}": "Rerégler", + "{GEN_LOADDEFAULT}": "Remplir la valeur par défault", + "{GEN_CANCEL}": "Annuter", + "{GEN_CONTINUE}": "Continuer", + "{GEN_BACK}": "Retourner", + "{GEN_YES}": "Oui", + "{GEN_NO}": "Non", + "{GEN_OK}": "D'accord", + "{GEN_SETTINGS}": "Les paramêtres", + "{GEN_ABOUT}": "Les détails", + "{GEN_EXIT}": "Sortir", + "{GEN_CLOSE}": "Se fermer", + + //General errors + //Syntax errors, command errors, you name it.. + "{ERR_BADBOOL}": "La valeur tu es entré faut qu'être solt \"true\", solt \"false\".", + "{ERR_BADPERCENT}": "La valeur tu es entré faut qu'être une valeur entre 0 et 100.", + "{ERR_NOLANG}": "La langue tu es entré n'exister pas!", + "{ERR_NOTENOUGHCODEPOINTS}": "Tu n'as pas assez de Codepoints à faire cela.", + "{ERR_NOUPGRADE}": "Nous ne pouvons pas trouver cela mise à jour.", + "{ERR_GENERAL}": "Une erreur a appairé en faisons l'opération.", + "{ERR_EMPTYCATEGORY}": "The category you specified either has no items in it, or was not found.", + "{ERR_NOMOREUPGRADES}": "There are no more Shiftorium Upgrades to show!", + "{ERR_BADWINID}": "You must specify a value between 0 and %max.", + "{ERR_USERFOUND}": "That user already exists.", + "{ERR_NOUSER}": "That user was not found.", + "{ERR_REMOVEYOU}": "You can't remove your own user account.", + "{ERR_BADACL}": "You must specify a value between 0 (guest) and 3 (root) for a user permission.", + "{ERR_ACLHIGHERVALUE}": "You can't set a user's permissions to a value higher than your own.", + "{ERR_HIGHERPERMS}": "That user has more rights than you!", + "{ERR_PASSWD_MISMATCH}": "Passwords don't match!", + "{ERR_SYNTAXERROR}": "Syntax error.", + + //Command results + "{RES_ACLUPDATED}": "User permissions updated.", + "{RES_LANGUAGE_CHANGED}": "System language changed successfully.", + "{RES_NOOBJECTIVES}": "No objectives to display! Check back for more.", + "{RES_UPGRADEINSTALLED}": "Upgrade installed!", + "{RES_WINDOWCLOSED}": "The window was closed.", + "{RES_CREATINGUSER}": "Creating new user with username %name.", + "{RES_REMOVINGUSER}": "Removing user with username %name from your system.", + "{RES_DENIED}": "Access denied.", + "{RES_GRANTED}": "Access granted.", + "{RES_PASSWD_SET}": "Password set successfully.", + + //Shiftorium messages. + "{SHFM_UPGRADE}": "%id - %cost Codepoints", + "{SHFM_CATEGORY}": " - %name: %available upgrades left.", + "{SHFM_QUERYERROR}": "Shiftorium Query Error", + "{SHFM_NOUPGRADES}": "No upgrades!", + + //Command data strings + "{COM_STATUS}": "ShiftOS build %version\r\n\r\nCodepoints: %cp \r\n Upgrades: %installed installed, %available available\r\n\r\n", + "{COM_UPGRADEINFO}": "%category: %name - %cost Codepoints.\r\n\r\n%description\r\n\r\nUpgrade ID: %id", + + //Terminal Command Descriptions + //These strings show up when running the "commands" command in your Terminal. + "{DESC_CLEAR}": "Clears the screen of the current Terminal.", + "{DESC_SETSFXENABLED}": "Sets whether or not system sounds are enabled.", + "{DESC_SETMUSICENABLED}": "Sets whether or not music is enabled in ShiftOS.", + "{DESC_SETVOLUME}": "Sets the volume of sounds and music if they're enabled.", + "{DESC_SHUTDOWN}": "Safely shuts down your computer.", + "{DESC_LANG}": "Change the system language of ShiftOS.", + "{DESC_COMMANDS}": "Shows a list of Terminal commands inside ShiftOS.", + "{DESC_HELP}": "Type this command to get general help with using ShiftOS.", + "{DESC_SAVE}": "Saves the in-memory configuration of ShiftOS.", + "{DESC_STATUS}": "Shows basic status information such as how many Codepoints you have and your current objective.", + "{DESC_BUY}": "Buys the specified Shiftorium upgrade.", + "{DESC_BULKBUY}": "Buys the specified Shiftorium upgrades in bulk.", + "{DESC_UPGRADEINFO}": "Shows information about the specified Shiftorium upgrade.", + "{DESC_UPGRADECATEGORIES}": "Shows all the available Shiftorium categories and how many upgrades are available in them.", + "{DESC_UPGRADES}": "Shows a list of available Shiftorium upgrades.", + "{DESC_PROCESSES}": "Shows a list of currently running app processes.", + "{DESC_PROGRAMS}": "Shows a list of programs you can run.", + "{DESC_CLOSE}": "Closes the specified application window.", + "{DESC_ADDUSER}": "Add a user to your system.", + "{DESC_REMOVEUSER}": "Remove a user from your computer.", + "{DESC_SETUSERPERMISSIONS}": "Set the permissions of a user.", + "{DESC_USERS}": "Lists all users on your computer.", + "{DESC_SU}": "Change your identity to another user's.", + "{DESC_PASSWD}": "Change your user account password.", + "{DESC_NAMECHANGER}": "Change the name of virtually any program within ShiftOS!", + "{DESC_FILENOTFOUND}": "The file you requested could not be found.", + + //Window titles. + "{TITLE_FILENOTFOUND}": "File not found.", + "{TITLE_PONG_YOULOSE}": "You lose", + "{TITLE_CODEPOINTSTRANSFERRED}": "Codepoints transferred.", + "{TITLE_INVALIDPORT}": "Invalid port number.", + "{TITLE_ENTERSYSNAME}": "Enter system name", + "{TITLE_INVALIDNAME}": "Invalid name", + "{TITLE_VALUETOOSMALL}": "Value too small.", + "{TITLE_TEMPLATE}": "Template", + "{TITLE_SKINLOADER}": "Skin loader", + "{TITLE_NAMECHANGER}": "Name Changer", + "{TITLE_ADDRESSBOOK}": "Address Book", + "{TITLE_ARTPAD}": "ArtPad", + "{TITLE_SIMPLESRC}": "SimpleSRC Client", + "{TITLE_INFOBOX}": "Information", + "{TITLE_COLORPICKER}": "Choose color", + "{TITLE_AUDIOPLAYER}": "Audio Player", + "{TITLE_CALCULATOR}": "Calculator", + "{TITLE_DOWNLOADER}": "Downloader", + "{TITLE_ABOUT}": "About ShiftOS", + "{TITLE_FILESKIMMER}": "File Skimmer", + "{TITLE_CHOOSEGRAPHIC}": "Choose graphic", + "{TITLE_ICONMANAGER}": "Icon Manager", + "{TITLE_INSTALLER}": "Installer", + "{TITLE_MINDBLOW}": "MindBlow", + "{TITLE_PONG}": "Pong", + "{TITLE_SHIFTER}": "Shifter", + "{TITLE_SHIFTLETTERS}": "ShiftLetters", + "{TITLE_SHIFTLOTTO}": "ShiftLotto", + "{TITLE_SHIFTNET}": "Shiftnet", + "{TITLE_SHIFTORIUM}": "Shiftorium", + "{TITLE_SHIFTSWEEPER}": "ShiftSweeper", + "{TITLE_TERMINAL}": "Terminal", + "{TITLE_TEXTPAD}": "TextPad", + "{TITLE_RESTARTREQUIRED}": "Restart required.", + + + //App Launcher categories + "{AL_PROGRAMMING}": "Programming", + "{AL_CUSTOMIZATION}": "Customization", + "{AL_NETWORKING}": "Networking", + "{AL_UTILITIES}": "Utilities", + "{AL_GRAPHICS}": "Graphics", + "{AL_ACCESSORIES}": "Accessories", + "{AL_ENTERTAINMENT}": "Entertainment", + "{AL_OFFICE}": "Office", + "{AL_GAMES}": "Games", + + //Infobox prompt messages + "{PROMPT_PONGLOST}": "You lost this game of Pong. Guess you should've cashed out...", + "{PROMPT_CODEPOINTSTRANSFERRED}": "%transferrer has transferred %amount Codepoints to your system.", + "{PROMPT_INVALIDPORT}": "The Digital Society Port must be a valid whole number between 0 and 65535.", + "{PROMPT_ENTERSYSNAME}": "Please enter a system name for your computer.", + "{PROMPT_INVALIDNAME}": "The name you entered cannot be blank. Please enter another name.", + "{PROMPT_SMALLSYSNAME}": "Your system name must have at least 5 characters in it.", + "{PROMPT_RESTARTREQUIRED}": "For the changes you made to take effect, a restart of ShiftOS is required.", + + //Pong + "{PONG_LEVELREACHED}": "You've reached level %level!", + "{PONG_BEATAI}": "You've beaten the opponent! %amount Codepoints!", + "{PONG_STATUSCP}": "Codepoints: %cp", + "{PONG_STATUSLEVEL}": "Level %level. %time seconds to go!", + "{PONG_PLAY}": "Play some Pong!", + "{PONG_DESC}": "Pong is the modern-day recreation of the classic 70s game called, you guessed it, Pong.\r\n\r\nIn Pong, you must try your best to keep the fast-moving ball from going past your side of the screen using your mouse to move your paddle in the way of the ball, while getting the ball to go past the opponent's paddle.\r\n\r\nOnce you start Pong, you have 60 seconds to beat the opponent and survive as much as possible. The game will get faster as you play, and the more 60-second levels you play, the more Codepoints you'll earn. If you lose the level, you will start back at Level 1 with 0 Codepoints. At the end of the level, you may choose to cash out or play on.", + "{PONG_WELCOME}": "Welcome to Pong.", + "{PONG_BEATLEVELDESC}": "You have survived this level of Pong. You now have a chance to cash out your Codepoints or play on for more.", + "{PONG_PLAYON}": "Play on", + "{PONG_CASHOUT}": "Cash out", + + //Main menu tip messages + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_0}": "Press CTRL+T to open a Terminal from any application within ShiftOS.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_1}": "Codepoints can be used in the Shiftorium to buy upgrades for your system using the \"buy\" command.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_2}": "The Shifter is a VERY powerful application. Not only can you customize ShiftOS to look however you want, but you'll earn heaps of Codepoints while you do so.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_3}": "Not the language you want? Head over to \"Settings\" to choose the proper language for you. You may need to head to the forums if your language isn't supported.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_4}": "Sandbox Mode is a nice way to use ShiftOS without having to progress through the main campaign. There's no Codepoints, no upgrades, and everything's unlocked.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_5}": "The Skin Loader is an essential application. It can load in skins from anywhere - from your personal collection and from the forums, and you can even generate your own sharable skins for others to use!", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_6}": "ArtPad not cutting it for you? You can use any image editor you like on your host system and just import the assets into the ShiftOS Shared Folder to use in your skins.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_7}": "What is that \"System Color Key-OUt\" you speak of, Shifter? Well, when composing skin assets, use that color to mark areas to be rendered as transparent!", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_8}": "Use the Format Editor to change the way Terminal commands are interpreted.", + "{MAINMENU_TIPTEXT_9}": "The Shiftnet is a wonderland of applications, games and services - only available in ShiftOS. Feel free to explore!", + + //Main menu - Settings + "{MAINMENU_DSADDRESS}": "Digital Society address: ", + "{MAINMENU_DSPORT": "Digital Society port: ", + "{MAINMENU_LANGUAGE}": "Language:", + + //Main Menu - General text + "{MAINMENU_TITLE}": "Main menu", + "{MAINMENU_CAMPAIGN}": "Campaign", + "{MAINMENU_SANDBOX}": "Sandbox", + "{MAINMENU_NEWGAME}": "New game", + + //Miscelaneous strings + "{MISC_KERNELVERSION}": "ShiftKernel - v0.9.4", + "{MISC_KERNELBOOTED}": "[sys] Kernel startup completed.", + "{MISC_SHIFTFSDRV}": "[sfs] ShiftFS core driver, version 2.7", + "{MISC_SHIFTFSBLOCKSREAD}": "[sfs] Driver initiated. 4096 blocks read.", + "{MISC_LOADINGCONFIG}": "[confd] Loading system configuration... success", + "{MISC_BUILDINGCMDS}": "[termdb] Terminal database is being parsed...", + "{MISC_CONNECTINGTONETWORK}": "[inetd] Connecting to network...", + "{MISC_CONNECTIONSUCCESSFUL}": "[inetd] Connection successful.", + "{MISC_DHCPHANDSHAKEFINISHED}": "[inetd] DHCP handshake finished.", + "{MISC_NONETWORK}": "[inetd] No network access points found.", + "{MISC_SANDBOXMODE}": "[sos] Sandbox Mode initiating...", + "{MISC_ACCEPTINGLOGINS}": "[systemd] Accepting logins on local tty1.", + + //ShiftOS engine strings + "{ENGINE_CANNOTLOADSAVE}": "[sos] Error. Cannot load user save file.", + + //Pre-connection loading messages + "{LOADINGMSG1_0}": "[systemd] The light is so bright...", + "{LOADINGMSG1_1}": "[systemd] Hold your colors...", + "{LOADINGMSG1_2}": "[systemd] Time to shift it my way...", + "{LOADINGMSG1_3}": "[systemd] Does anybody even read this?", + "{LOADINGMSG1_4}": "[systemd] I....just wanna play it right... We're....gonna get there tonight...", + "{LOADINGMSG1_5}": "[systemd] I'm a computer.", + "{LOADINGMSG1_6}": "[systemd] What ya gonna do, what ya gonna do, when DevX comes for you?", + "{LOADINGMSG1_7}": "[systemd] Artificial intelligence do everything now.", + "{LOADINGMSG1_8}": "[systemd] Nobody is really here.", + "{LOADINGMSG1_9}": "[systemd] I so want a giant cake for breakfast.", + + //Post-connection loading messages + "{LOADINGMSG2_0}": "[systemd] It's all yours, Shifter.", + "{LOADINGMSG2_1}": "[systemd] That's a nice network you got there...", + "{LOADINGMSG2_2}": "[systemd] Leave me alone and go earn some Codepoints.", + "{LOADINGMSG2_3}": "[systemd] I'm hungry... Cake would be appreciated.", + "{LOADINGMSG2_4}": "[systemd] SEVERE: CAKE NOT FOUND. PLEASE INSERT CAKE INTO DRIVE 1:/ AND PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE.", + "{LOADINGMSG2_5}": "[systemd] Now SCREAM!", + "{LOADINGMSG2_6}": "[systemd] Yes, I'd like to order a giant 6-mile-long tripple-chocolate ice cream cake?", + "{LOADINGMSG2_7}": "[systemd] There's no antidote...", + "{LOADINGMSG2_8}": "[systemd] Can I at least have a muffin?", + "{LOADINGMSG2_9}": "[systemd] System initiated, but I still want a cake.", + "{LOADINGMSG2_10}": "[sysvinit] Your init system has been upgraded.", + + //Format editor + "{FORMATEDITOR_COMMAND_LOWER}": "command", + "{FORMATEDITOR_ARGUMENT_LOWER}": "argument", + "{FORMATEDITOR_VALUE_LOWER}": "value", + "{FORMATEDITOR_ENTERSYNTAX}": "Enter syntax here", + + //BIOS screen text + "{MISC_BIOSCOPYRIGHT}": "AMIBIOS (C) %year Australian Microtrends, Plc", + "{MISC_BIOSVERSION}": "Shiftsoft 480-L ACPI BIOS Revision 1002", + "{MISC_BIOSCPU}": "CPU : VTC 210-N %cores CPU 1.33GHz", + "{MISC_CLOCKSPEED}": " Speed : 1.337Ghz", + "{MISC_RUNSETUP}": "Press DEL to run Setup", + "{MISC_BBSPOPUP}": "Press for BBS POPUP", + "{MISC_RAMFREQ}": "DDR3 Frequency 1337MHz, Dual Channel, Linear Mode", + "{MISC_CHECKINGNVRAM}": "Checking NVRAM", + "{MISC_RAM}": "1337 MB OK", } \ No newline at end of file