diff --git a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.Designer.cs b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.Designer.cs
index 0254e94..c5ea375 100644
--- a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.Designer.cs
+++ b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.Designer.cs
@@ -182,7 +182,6 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
this.pgcontents.Name = "pgcontents";
this.pgcontents.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(912, 504);
this.pgcontents.TabIndex = 20;
- this.pgcontents.Paint += new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventHandler(this.pgcontents_Paint);
this.pgcontents.MouseMove += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(this.pongMain_MouseMove);
// pnlmultiplayerhandshake
@@ -250,7 +249,6 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
this.Label6.TabIndex = 15;
this.Label6.Text = "{PONG_DESC}";
this.Label6.TextAlign = System.Drawing.ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;
- this.Label6.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Label6_Click);
// btnstartgame
@@ -273,7 +271,6 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
this.Label8.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(280, 31);
this.Label8.TabIndex = 14;
this.Label8.Text = "{PONG_WELCOME}";
- this.Label8.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.Label8_Click);
// pnlhighscore
diff --git a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.cs b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.cs
index 6d81c64..87f0306 100644
--- a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.cs
+++ b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.cs
@@ -60,11 +60,60 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
int levelyspeed = 3;
ulong beatairewardtotal;
ulong beataireward = 1;
- ulong[] levelrewards = new ulong[50];
+ readonly uint[] levelrewards = {
+ 0,
+ 20,
+ 60,
+ 140,
+ 290,
+ 400,
+ 600,
+ 900,
+ 1200,
+ 1600,
+ 2000,
+ 2500,
+ 3000,
+ 4000,
+ 5000,
+ 6000,
+ 8000,
+ 10000,
+ 13000,
+ 16000,
+ 20000,
+ 25000,
+ 32000,
+ 40000,
+ 50000,
+ 60000,
+ 75000,
+ 90000,
+ 110000,
+ 140000,
+ 180000,
+ 220000,
+ 270000,
+ 320000,
+ 400000,
+ 500000,
+ 640000,
+ 800000,
+ 1000000,
+ 1500000,
+ 2000000};
ulong totalreward;
int countdown = 3;
+ int rwdmultiplier;
+ Thread soundThread;
- bool aiShouldIsbeEnabled = true;
+ bool aiShouldIsbeEnabled = true; // who named this variable? and were they having a stroke?
+ private void playsound(System.IO.Stream stream)
+ {
+ soundThread = new Thread((a) => ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream((System.IO.Stream)a));
+ soundThread.Start(stream);
+ }
public Pong()
@@ -73,11 +122,9 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
private void Pong_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
- setuplevelrewards();
+ rwdmultiplier = ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_upgrade") ? 2 : 1;
// Move the paddle according to the mouse position.
private void pongMain_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
@@ -133,9 +180,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
if (this.Left < Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width)
- ball.BackColor = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.ControlTextColor;
- paddleComputer.BackColor = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.ControlTextColor;
- paddleHuman.BackColor = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.ControlTextColor;
+ ball.BackColor = paddleComputer.BackColor = paddleHuman.BackColor = SkinEngine.LoadedSkin.ControlTextColor;
//Check if paddle upgrade has been bought and change paddles accordingly
//if (ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_increased_paddle_size"))
@@ -146,7 +191,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
//I don't know the point of this but I'm fucking 86ing it. - Michael
//Set the computer player to move according to the ball's position.
- if (IsMultiplayerSession == true)
+ if (IsMultiplayerSession)
//If we're multiplayer, then we want to set the computer Y to the opponent's Y.
//If we're the leader, we set the AI paddle, else we set the player paddle.
@@ -160,83 +205,63 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
if (aiShouldIsbeEnabled)
if (ball.Location.X > (this.Width - (this.Width / 3)) - xVel * 10 && xVel > 0)
- if (ball.Location.Y > paddleComputer.Location.Y + 50)
- {
- paddleComputer.Location = new Point(paddleComputer.Location.X, paddleComputer.Location.Y + computerspeed);
- }
- if (ball.Location.Y < paddleComputer.Location.Y + 50)
- {
- paddleComputer.Location = new Point(paddleComputer.Location.X, paddleComputer.Location.Y - computerspeed);
- }
+ if (ball.Top > paddleComputer.Top + 50)
+ paddleComputer.Top += computerspeed;
+ else
+ paddleComputer.Top -= computerspeed;
casualposition = rand.Next(-150, 201);
//used to be me.location.y - except it's fucking C# and this comment is misleading as fuck. OH WAIT! I didn't write it! And none of the current devs did either! - Michael
- if (paddleComputer.Location.Y > this.Size.Height / 2 - paddleComputer.Height + casualposition)
- {
- paddleComputer.Location = new Point(paddleComputer.Location.X, paddleComputer.Location.Y - computerspeed);
- }
- //Rylan is hot. Used to be //used to be me.location.y
- if (paddleComputer.Location.Y < this.Size.Height / 2 - paddleComputer.Height + casualposition)
- {
- paddleComputer.Location = new Point(paddleComputer.Location.X, paddleComputer.Location.Y + computerspeed);
- }
+ if (paddleComputer.Top > this.Height / 2 - paddleComputer.Height + casualposition)
+ paddleComputer.Top -= computerspeed;
+ else
+ paddleComputer.Top += computerspeed;
//Set Xvel and Yvel speeds from decimal
if (xVel > 0)
xVel = (int)Math.Round(xveldec);
- if (xVel < 0)
+ else
xVel = (int)-Math.Round(xveldec);
if (yVel > 0)
yVel = (int)Math.Round(yveldec);
- if (yVel < 0)
+ else
yVel = (int)-Math.Round(yveldec);
- bool BallPhysics = true;
- if (IsMultiplayerSession)
+ if (IsMultiplayerSession && !IsLeader)
- //Logic for moving the ball in Multiplayer.
- if (IsLeader)
- {
- ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X + xVel, ball.Location.Y + yVel);
- }
- else
- {
- //Move it to the leader's ball position.
- ball.Location = new Point(LeaderX, LeaderY);
- BallPhysics = false;
- }
+ // Move it to the leader's ball position.
+ ball.Location = new Point(LeaderX, LeaderY);
- {// Move the game ball.
- ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X + xVel, ball.Location.Y + yVel);
- }
- if (BallPhysics)
+ var newRect = new Rectangle(ball.Location, ball.Size); // copy ball's Bounds
+ newRect.X += xVel;
+ newRect.Y += yVel;
// Check for top wall.
- if (ball.Location.Y < 0)
+ if (newRect.Y < 0)
- ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X, 0);
+ newRect.Y = 0;
yVel = -yVel;
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.typesound);
+ playsound(Properties.Resources.typesound);
// Check for bottom wall.
- if (ball.Location.Y > pgcontents.Height - ball.Height)
+ if (newRect.Y > pgcontents.Height - ball.Height)
- ball.Location = new Point(ball.Location.X, pgcontents.Height - ball.Size.Height);
+ newRect.Y = pgcontents.Height - ball.Height;
yVel = -yVel;
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.typesound);
+ playsound(Properties.Resources.typesound);
// Check for player paddle.
- if (ball.Bounds.IntersectsWith(paddleHuman.Bounds))
+ if (newRect.IntersectsWith(paddleHuman.Bounds))
- ball.Location = new Point(paddleHuman.Location.X + ball.Size.Width + 1, ball.Location.Y);
+ newRect.X = paddleHuman.Left + ball.Width + 1;
//randomly increase x or y speed of ball
switch (rand.Next(1, 3))
@@ -246,23 +271,24 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
case 2:
if (yveldec > 0)
yveldec = yveldec + incrementy;
- if (yveldec < 0)
+ else
yveldec = yveldec - incrementy;
xVel = -xVel;
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.writesound);
+ playsound(Properties.Resources.writesound);
// Check for computer paddle.
- if (ball.Bounds.IntersectsWith(paddleComputer.Bounds))
+ if (newRect.IntersectsWith(paddleComputer.Bounds))
- ball.Location = new Point(paddleComputer.Location.X - paddleComputer.Size.Width - 1, ball.Location.Y);
+ newRect.X = paddleComputer.Left - paddleComputer.Width - 1;
xveldec = xveldec + incrementx;
xVel = -xVel;
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.writesound);
+ playsound(Properties.Resources.writesound);
+ ball.Location = newRect.Location;
@@ -297,11 +323,11 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
lblmissedout.Text = Localization.Parse("{YOU_MISSED_OUT_ON}:") + Environment.NewLine + lblstatscodepoints.Text.Replace(Localization.Parse("{CODEPOINTS}: "), "") + Localization.Parse(" {CODEPOINTS}");
if (ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_upgrade_2"))
- totalreward = (ulong)(levelrewards[level - 1] + beatairewardtotal);
+ totalreward = (levelrewards[level - 1] * (ulong) rwdmultiplier + beatairewardtotal);
double onePercent = (totalreward / 100);
lblbutyougained.Text = Localization.Parse("{BUT_YOU_GAINED}:") + Environment.NewLine + onePercent.ToString("") + (Localization.Parse(" {CODEPOINTS}"));
- SaveSystem.TransferCodepointsFrom("pong", (ulong)(totalreward / 100));
+ SaveSystem.TransferCodepointsFrom("pong", (ulong)(onePercent));
@@ -345,7 +371,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
//lblstats.Text = "Xspeed: " & Math.Abs(xVel) & " Yspeed: " & Math.Abs(yVel) & " Human Location: " & paddleHuman.Location.ToString & " Computer Location: " & paddleComputer.Location.ToString & Environment.NewLine & " Ball Location: " & ball.Location.ToString & " Xdec: " & xveldec & " Ydec: " & yveldec & " Xinc: " & incrementx & " Yinc: " & incrementy
lblstatsX.Text = "X vel: " + xveldec;
lblstatsY.Text = "Y vel: " + yveldec;
- lblstatscodepoints.Text = "Codepoints: " + (levelrewards[level - 1] + beatairewardtotal).ToString();
+ lblstatscodepoints.Text = "Codepoints: " + (levelrewards[level - 1] * (ulong) rwdmultiplier + beatairewardtotal).ToString();
lbllevelandtime.Text = "Level: " + level + " - " + secondsleft + " seconds left";
if (xVel > 20 || xVel < -20)
@@ -355,8 +381,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
- paddleHuman.Width = 20;
- paddleComputer.Width = 20;
+ paddleHuman.Width = paddleComputer.Width = 20;
if (!IsMultiplayerSession)
@@ -415,7 +440,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
- else if(msg.Name == "pong_mp_levelcompleted")
+ else if (msg.Name == "pong_mp_levelcompleted")
level = Convert.ToInt32(msg.Contents) + 1;
this.Invoke(new Action(CompleteLevel));
@@ -434,7 +459,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
- else if(msg.Name == "pong_mp_cashedout")
+ else if (msg.Name == "pong_mp_cashedout")
this.Invoke(new Action(() =>
@@ -442,19 +467,19 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
Infobox.Show("Cashed out.", "The other player has cashed out their Codepoints. Therefore, we have automatically cashed yours out.");
- else if(msg.Name == "pong_mp_startlevel")
+ else if (msg.Name == "pong_mp_startlevel")
OpponentAgrees = true;
- if(YouAgree == false)
+ if (YouAgree == false)
- Infobox.PromptYesNo("Play another level?", "The opponent wants to play another level. Would you like to as well?", (answer)=>
+ Infobox.PromptYesNo("Play another level?", "The opponent wants to play another level. Would you like to as well?", (answer) =>
YouAgree = answer;
ServerManager.Forward(OpponentGUID, "pong_mp_level_callback", YouAgree.ToString());
- else if(msg.Name == "pong_mp_level_callback")
+ else if (msg.Name == "pong_mp_level_callback")
bool agreed = bool.Parse(msg.Contents);
OpponentAgrees = agreed;
@@ -472,7 +497,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
this.Invoke(new Action(ListMatchmakes));
- else if(msg.Name == "pong_mp_clockupdate")
+ else if (msg.Name == "pong_mp_clockupdate")
secondsleft = Convert.ToInt32(msg.Contents);
@@ -566,7 +591,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
public void LoseMP()
ball.Location = new Point(this.Size.Width / 2 + 200, this.Size.Height / 2);
- if(IsLeader)
+ if (IsLeader)
if (xVel > 0)
xVel = -xVel;
@@ -634,7 +659,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
- lblstatscodepoints.Text = "Codepoints: " + (levelrewards[level - 1] + beatairewardtotal).ToString();
+ lblstatscodepoints.Text = "Codepoints: " + (levelrewards[level - 1] * (ulong) rwdmultiplier + beatairewardtotal).ToString();
@@ -670,200 +695,56 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
lblpreviousstats.Text = Localization.Parse("{INITIAL_H_VEL}: " + levelxspeed + Environment.NewLine + "{INITIAL_V_VEL}: " + levelyspeed + Environment.NewLine + "{INC_H_VEL}: " + incrementx + Environment.NewLine + "{INC_V_VEL}: " + incrementy);
- switch (rand.Next(1, 3))
- {
- case 1:
- levelxspeed = levelxspeed + 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- levelxspeed = levelxspeed + 2;
- break;
- }
+ levelxspeed += rand.Next(1, 3);
- switch (rand.Next(1, 3))
- {
- case 1:
- levelyspeed = levelyspeed + 1;
- break;
- case 2:
- levelyspeed = levelyspeed + 2;
- break;
- }
+ levelyspeed += rand.Next(1, 3);
- switch (rand.Next(1, 6))
- {
- case 1:
- incrementx = incrementx + 0.1;
- break;
- case 2:
- incrementx = incrementx + 0.2;
- break;
- case 3:
- incrementy = incrementy + 0.1;
- break;
- case 4:
- incrementy = incrementy + 0.2;
- break;
- case 5:
- incrementy = incrementy + 0.3;
- break;
- }
+ int rndinc = rand.Next(1, 6);
+ if (rndinc == 5)
+ incrementy += 0.3;
+ else
+ incrementy += (((rndinc - 1) % 2) + 1) / 10;
lblnextstats.Text = Localization.Parse("{INITIAL_H_VEL}: " + levelxspeed + Environment.NewLine + "{INITIAL_V_VEL}: " + levelyspeed + Environment.NewLine + "{INC_H_VEL}: " + incrementx + Environment.NewLine + "{INC_V_VEL}: " + incrementy);
if (level < 15)
+ beataireward = (ulong)(level * 5);
if (ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_upgrade"))
- {
- beataireward = (ulong)(level * 10);
- } else
- {
- beataireward = (ulong)(level * 5);
- }
+ beataireward *= 2;
- {
if (ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_upgrade"))
- {
- double br = levelrewards[level - 1] / 10;
- beataireward = (ulong)Math.Round(br) * 10;
- } else
- {
- double br = levelrewards[level - 1] / 10;
- beataireward = (ulong)Math.Round(br) * 5;
- }
- }
+ beataireward = levelrewards[level - 1];
+ else
+ beataireward = (ulong)Math.Round((double) levelrewards[level - 1] / 2);
- totalreward = levelrewards[level - 1] + beatairewardtotal;
+ totalreward = levelrewards[level - 1] * (ulong) rwdmultiplier + beatairewardtotal;
btncashout.Text = Localization.Parse("{CASH_OUT_WITH_CODEPOINTS}");
btnplayon.Text = Localization.Parse("{PONG_PLAY_ON_FOR_MORE}");
- private void setuplevelrewards()
- {
- if (ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_upgrade"))
- {
- levelrewards[0] = 0;
- levelrewards[1] = 40;
- levelrewards[2] = 120;
- levelrewards[3] = 280;
- levelrewards[4] = 580;
- levelrewards[5] = 800;
- levelrewards[6] = 1200;
- levelrewards[7] = 1800;
- levelrewards[8] = 2400;
- levelrewards[9] = 3200;
- levelrewards[10] = 4000;
- levelrewards[11] = 5000;
- levelrewards[12] = 6000;
- levelrewards[13] = 8000;
- levelrewards[14] = 10000;
- levelrewards[15] = 12000;
- levelrewards[16] = 16000;
- levelrewards[17] = 20000;
- levelrewards[18] = 26000;
- levelrewards[19] = 32000;
- levelrewards[20] = 40000;
- levelrewards[21] = 50000;
- levelrewards[22] = 64000;
- levelrewards[23] = 80000;
- levelrewards[24] = 100000;
- levelrewards[25] = 120000;
- levelrewards[26] = 150000;
- levelrewards[27] = 180000;
- levelrewards[28] = 220000;
- levelrewards[29] = 280000;
- levelrewards[30] = 360000;
- levelrewards[31] = 440000;
- levelrewards[32] = 540000;
- levelrewards[33] = 640000;
- levelrewards[34] = 800000;
- levelrewards[35] = 1000000;
- levelrewards[36] = 1280000;
- levelrewards[37] = 1600000;
- levelrewards[38] = 2000000;
- levelrewards[39] = 3000000;
- levelrewards[40] = 4000000;
- } else
- {
- levelrewards[0] = 0;
- levelrewards[1] = 20;
- levelrewards[2] = 60;
- levelrewards[3] = 140;
- levelrewards[4] = 290;
- levelrewards[5] = 400;
- levelrewards[6] = 600;
- levelrewards[7] = 900;
- levelrewards[8] = 1200;
- levelrewards[9] = 1600;
- levelrewards[10] = 2000;
- levelrewards[11] = 2500;
- levelrewards[12] = 3000;
- levelrewards[13] = 4000;
- levelrewards[14] = 5000;
- levelrewards[15] = 6000;
- levelrewards[16] = 8000;
- levelrewards[17] = 10000;
- levelrewards[18] = 13000;
- levelrewards[19] = 16000;
- levelrewards[20] = 20000;
- levelrewards[21] = 25000;
- levelrewards[22] = 32000;
- levelrewards[23] = 40000;
- levelrewards[24] = 50000;
- levelrewards[25] = 60000;
- levelrewards[26] = 75000;
- levelrewards[27] = 90000;
- levelrewards[28] = 110000;
- levelrewards[29] = 140000;
- levelrewards[30] = 180000;
- levelrewards[31] = 220000;
- levelrewards[32] = 270000;
- levelrewards[33] = 320000;
- levelrewards[34] = 400000;
- levelrewards[35] = 500000;
- levelrewards[36] = 640000;
- levelrewards[37] = 800000;
- levelrewards[38] = 1000000;
- levelrewards[39] = 1500000;
- levelrewards[40] = 2000000;
- }
- }
// ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C#
private void countdown_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.Left < Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width)
- switch (countdown)
+ if (countdown == 0)
- case 0:
- countdown = 3;
- lblcountdown.Hide();
- lblbeatai.Hide();
- gameTimer.Start();
- counter.Start();
- tmrcountdown.Stop();
- break;
- case 1:
- lblcountdown.Text = "1";
- countdown = countdown - 1;
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.typesound);
- break;
- case 2:
- lblcountdown.Text = "2";
- countdown = countdown - 1;
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.typesound);
- break;
- case 3:
- lblcountdown.Text = "3";
- countdown = countdown - 1;
- lblcountdown.Show();
- ShiftOS.Engine.AudioManager.PlayStream(Properties.Resources.typesound);
- break;
+ countdown = 3;
+ lblcountdown.Hide();
+ lblbeatai.Hide();
+ gameTimer.Start();
+ counter.Start();
+ tmrcountdown.Stop();
+ return;
+ if (!lblcountdown.Visible)
+ lblcountdown.Show();
+ lblcountdown.Text = countdown.ToString();
+ countdown -= 1;
+ playsound(Properties.Resources.typesound);
@@ -874,7 +755,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
lblfinalcodepointswithtext.Text = Localization.Parse("{YOU_WON} " + totalreward + " {CODEPOINTS}!");
lblfinallevelreached.Text = Localization.Parse("{CODEPOINTS_FOR_BEATING_LEVEL}: ") + (level - 1).ToString();
- lblfinallevelreward.Text = levelrewards[level - 1].ToString();
+ lblfinallevelreward.Text = (levelrewards[level - 1] * rwdmultiplier).ToString();
lblfinalcomputerreward.Text = beatairewardtotal.ToString();
lblfinalcodepoints.Text = totalreward + Localization.Parse(" {CODEPOINTS_SHORT}");
SaveSystem.TransferCodepointsFrom("pong", totalreward);
@@ -912,7 +793,8 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
if (ShiftoriumFrontend.UpgradeInstalled("pong_upgrade"))
beataireward = 10;
- } else
+ }
+ else
beataireward = 5;
@@ -981,7 +863,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
var hs = unite.GetPongHighscores();
foreach (var score in hs.Highscores)
- if(this.ParentForm.Visible == false)
+ if (this.ParentForm.Visible == false)
@@ -1000,7 +882,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
- if (this.ParentForm.Visible == true)
+ if (this.ParentForm.Visible)
Infobox.Show("Service unavailable.", "The Pong Highscore service is unavailable at this time.");
this.Invoke(new Action(pnlgamestats.BringToFront));
@@ -1030,7 +912,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
// ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C#
private void btnstartgame_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
@@ -1045,9 +927,7 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
int i = rand.Next(0, 100);
if (i >= 25 && i <= 50)
- {
- }
@@ -1057,25 +937,13 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
- private void Label6_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ private void ball_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
- }
- private void Label8_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void pgcontents_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) {
- }
- private void ball_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) {
aiShouldIsbeEnabled = false;
- private void ball_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) {
+ private void ball_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
+ {
aiShouldIsbeEnabled = true;
@@ -1102,9 +970,9 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
public bool OnUnload()
- if(IsMultiplayerSession == true)
+ if (IsMultiplayerSession)
- if(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OpponentGUID))
+ if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(OpponentGUID))
ServerManager.Forward(OpponentGUID, "pong_mp_left", null);
@@ -1134,10 +1002,10 @@ namespace ShiftOS.WinForms.Applications
private void lvotherplayers_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
- if(lvotherplayers.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
+ if (lvotherplayers.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.resx b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.resx
index 3b5619d..cc96099 100644
--- a/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.resx
+++ b/ShiftOS.WinForms/Applications/Pong.resx
@@ -129,4 +129,7 @@
17, 17
+ 472, 17
\ No newline at end of file