Imports System.IO Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D Imports System.Globalization Imports System.Windows.Forms Public Class File_Saver Public rolldownsize As Integer Public oldbordersize As Integer Public oldtitlebarheight As Integer Public justopened As Boolean = False Public needtorollback As Boolean = False Public minimumsizewidth As Integer = 400 Public minimumsizeheight As Integer = 177 Dim itemsdeleted As Integer Dim filetype As Integer Public saveextention As String = ".txt" Public savingprogram As String = "textpad" Private Sub Template_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load justopened = True setuptitlebar() setupborders() ShiftOSDesktop.setcolours() Me.Left = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - Me.Width) / 2 Me.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - Me.Height) / 2 setskin() ShiftOSDesktop.pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver.SendToBack() ShiftOSDesktop.setuppanelbuttons() ShiftOSDesktop.setpanelbuttonappearnce(ShiftOSDesktop.pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver, ShiftOSDesktop.tbfilesavericon, ShiftOSDesktop.tbfilesavertext, True) ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen = ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen + 1 lbextention.Text = saveextention If ShiftOSDesktop.fileopenerlastdirectory = "" Then lbllocation.Text = "C:/ShiftOS" Else lbllocation.Text = ShiftOSDesktop.fileopenerlastdirectory End If showcontents() End Sub Private Sub ShiftOSDesktop_keydown(sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown 'Make terminal appear If e.KeyCode = Keys.T AndAlso e.Control Then Terminal.Show() Terminal.Visible = True Terminal.BringToFront() End If 'Movable Windows If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtmovablewindows = True Then If e.KeyCode = Keys.A AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X - ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber, Me.Location.Y) End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.D AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber, Me.Location.Y) End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.W AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y - ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber) End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.S AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber) End If ShiftOSDesktop.log = ShiftOSDesktop.log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User moved " & Me.Name & " to " & Me.Location.ToString & " with " & e.KeyCode.ToString & Environment.NewLine End If End Sub Private Sub titlebar_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseDown, lbtitletext.MouseDown, pnlicon.MouseDown, pgtoplcorner.MouseDown, pgtoprcorner.MouseDown ' Handle Draggable Windows If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtdraggablewindows = True Then If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then titlebar.Capture = False lbtitletext.Capture = False pnlicon.Capture = False pgtoplcorner.Capture = False pgtoprcorner.Capture = False Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &HA1S Const HTCAPTION As Integer = 2 Dim msg As Message = _ Message.Create(Me.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, _ New IntPtr(HTCAPTION), IntPtr.Zero) Me.DefWndProc(msg) End If ShiftOSDesktop.log = ShiftOSDesktop.log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User dragged " & Me.Name & " to " & Me.Location.ToString & Environment.NewLine End If End Sub Public Sub setupborders() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = False Then pgleft.Hide() pgbottom.Hide() pgright.Hide() Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - pgleft.Width - pgright.Width, Me.Height - pgbottom.Height) End If End Sub Private Sub closebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.Click Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub closebutton_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseEnter, closebutton.MouseUp closebutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinclosebutton(1) End Sub Private Sub closebutton_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseLeave closebutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinclosebutton(0) End Sub Private Sub closebutton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseDown closebutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinclosebutton(2) End Sub Private Sub minimizebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles minimizebutton.Click ShiftOSDesktop.minimizeprogram(Me) End Sub Private Sub titlebar_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseEnter, titlebar.MouseUp, lbtitletext.MouseEnter, pnlicon.MouseEnter, closebutton.MouseEnter, rollupbutton.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(3) = ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(4) Then Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(1) End Sub Private Sub titlebar_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseLeave, lbtitletext.MouseLeave, pnlicon.MouseLeave, closebutton.MouseLeave, rollupbutton.MouseLeave If ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(3) = ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(4) Then Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(0) End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.Click rollupanddown() End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseEnter, rollupbutton.MouseUp rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinrollupbutton(1) End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseLeave rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinrollupbutton(0) End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseDown rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinrollupbutton(2) End Sub Public Sub setuptitlebar() If Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height Then pgleft.Show() : pgbottom.Show() : pgright.Show() : Me.Height = rolldownsize : needtorollback = True pgleft.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize pgright.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize pgbottom.Height = ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize titlebar.Height = ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight If justopened = True Then Me.Size = New Size(600, 377) 'put the default size of your window here Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height + ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight - 30) Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize, Me.Height + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize) oldbordersize = ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize oldtitlebarheight = ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight justopened = False Else If Me.Visible = True Then Me.Hide() Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height - oldtitlebarheight + 30) Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - oldbordersize - oldbordersize, Me.Height - oldbordersize) oldbordersize = ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize oldtitlebarheight = ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height + ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight - 30) Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize, Me.Height + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize) rolldownsize = Me.Height If needtorollback = True Then Me.Height = titlebar.Height : pgleft.Hide() : pgbottom.Hide() : pgright.Hide() Me.Show() End If End If If ShiftOSDesktop.showwindowcorners = True Then pgtoplcorner.Show() pgtoprcorner.Show() pgtoprcorner.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarcornerwidth pgtoplcorner.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarcornerwidth Else pgtoplcorner.Hide() pgtoprcorner.Hide() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitlebar = False Then titlebar.Hide() Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Size.Height - titlebar.Height) End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitletext = False Then lbtitletext.Hide() Else lbtitletext.Font = New Font(ShiftOSDesktop.titletextfont, ShiftOSDesktop.titletextsize, ShiftOSDesktop.titletextstyle) lbtitletext.Text = ShiftOSDesktop.filesavername lbtitletext.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtclosebutton = False Then closebutton.Hide() Else closebutton.BackColor = ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttoncolour closebutton.Height = ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttonheight closebutton.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttonwidth closebutton.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtrollupbutton = False Then rollupbutton.Hide() Else rollupbutton.BackColor = ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttoncolour rollupbutton.Height = ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttonheight rollupbutton.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttonwidth rollupbutton.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtminimizebutton = False Then minimizebutton.Hide() Else minimizebutton.BackColor = ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttoncolour minimizebutton.Height = ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttonheight minimizebutton.Width = ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttonwidth minimizebutton.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = True Then closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttonside - closebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttontop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttonside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttontop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttonside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttontop) Select Case ShiftOSDesktop.titletextposition Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titletextside, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = ShiftOSDesktop.titletextcolour Else closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttonside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttontop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttonside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttontop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttonside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttontop) Select Case ShiftOSDesktop.titletextposition Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titletextside + pgtoplcorner.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = ShiftOSDesktop.titletextcolour End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfileskimmericon = True Then pnlicon.Visible = True pnlicon.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconside, ShiftOSDesktop.titlebaricontop) pnlicon.Size = New Size(ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconsize, ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconsize) pnlicon.Image = ShiftOSDesktop.filesavericontitlebar 'Replace with the correct icon for the program. End If End Sub Public Sub rollupanddown() If Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height Then pgleft.Show() pgbottom.Show() pgright.Show() Me.Height = rolldownsize Me.MinimumSize = New Size(minimumsizewidth, minimumsizeheight) Else Me.MinimumSize = New Size(0, 0) pgleft.Hide() pgbottom.Hide() pgright.Hide() rolldownsize = Me.Height Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height End If End Sub Private Sub resettitlebar() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = True Then closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttonside - closebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttontop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttonside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttontop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttonside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttontop) Select Case ShiftOSDesktop.titletextposition Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titletextside, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = ShiftOSDesktop.titletextcolour Else closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttonside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.closebuttontop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttonside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.rollupbuttontop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttonside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.minimizebuttontop) Select Case ShiftOSDesktop.titletextposition Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titletextside + pgtoplcorner.Width, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, ShiftOSDesktop.titletexttop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = ShiftOSDesktop.titletextcolour End If End Sub Private Sub pullside_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullside.Tick Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X resettitlebar() End Sub Private Sub pullbottom_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbottom.Tick Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y resettitlebar() End Sub Private Sub pullbs_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbs.Tick Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y resettitlebar() End Sub Private Sub Rightpull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseDown If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullside.Start() End If End Sub Private Sub RightCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE End If End Sub Private Sub bottomCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS End If End Sub Private Sub CornerCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE End If End Sub Private Sub SizeCursoroff_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseLeave, pgbottom.MouseLeave, pgbottomrcorner.MouseLeave If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.Default End If End Sub Private Sub rightpull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseUp If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullside.Stop() End If End Sub Private Sub bottompull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseDown If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbottom.Start() End If End Sub Private Sub buttompull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseUp If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbottom.Stop() End If End Sub Private Sub bspull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseDown If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbs.Start() End If End Sub Private Sub bspull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseUp If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbs.Stop() End If End Sub Private Sub Clock_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen = ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen - 1 Me.Hide() ShiftOSDesktop.setuppanelbuttons() End Sub Public Sub setskin() If ShiftOSDesktop.skinclosebutton(0) Is Nothing Then Else closebutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinclosebutton(0).Clone closebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = ShiftOSDesktop.skinclosebuttonstyle If ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(0) Is Nothing Then Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(0).Clone titlebar.BackgroundImageLayout = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarstyle If ShiftOSDesktop.skinrollupbutton(0) Is Nothing Then Else rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinrollupbutton(0).Clone rollupbutton.BackgroundImageLayout = ShiftOSDesktop.skinrollupbuttonstyle If ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarleftcorner(0) Is Nothing Then Else pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarleftcorner(0).Clone pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarleftcornerstyle If ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarrightcorner(0) Is Nothing Then Else pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarrightcorner(0).Clone pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebarrightcornerstyle If ShiftOSDesktop.skinminimizebutton(0) Is Nothing Then Else minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skinminimizebutton(0).Clone minimizebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = ShiftOSDesktop.skinminimizebuttonstyle 'remove background colour when image is present If closebutton.BackgroundImage Is Nothing Then Else closebutton.BackColor = Color.Transparent If titlebar.BackgroundImage Is Nothing Then Else titlebar.BackColor = Color.Transparent If rollupbutton.BackgroundImage Is Nothing Then Else rollupbutton.BackColor = Color.Transparent If pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage Is Nothing Then Else pgtoplcorner.BackColor = Color.Transparent If pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage Is Nothing Then Else pgtoprcorner.BackColor = Color.Transparent If minimizebutton.BackgroundImage Is Nothing Then Else minimizebutton.BackColor = Color.Transparent Me.TransparencyKey = ShiftOSDesktop.globaltransparencycolour End Sub 'end of general setup Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) showcontents() End Sub Private Sub showcontents() lvfiles.Items.Clear() lvfiles.Items.Add("Exit Folder", 5) Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(lbllocation.Text) Dim files As FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles() Dim file As FileInfo Dim folders As DirectoryInfo() = dir.GetDirectories() Dim folder As DirectoryInfo For Each folder In folders Dim foldername As String = folder.Name lvfiles.Items.Add(foldername, 0) Next For Each file In files Dim filename As String = file.Name Dim fileex As String = file.Extension Select Case fileex Case ".txt" filetype = 2 Case ".doc" filetype = 2 Case ".docx" filetype = 2 Case ".lst" filetype = 2 Case ".png" filetype = 3 Case ".jpg" filetype = 3 Case ".jpeg" filetype = 3 Case ".bmp" filetype = 3 Case ".gif" filetype = 3 Case ".avi" filetype = 4 Case ".m4v" filetype = 4 Case ".mp4" filetype = 4 Case ".wmv" filetype = 4 Case ".dll" filetype = 6 Case ".exe" filetype = 7 Case ".sft" filetype = 8 Case ".dri" filetype = 9 Case ".pic" filetype = 3 Case ".skn" filetype = 10 Case ".nls" filetype = 11 Case ".icp" filetype = 12 Case Else filetype = 1 End Select Select Case savingprogram Case "textpad" If fileex = ".txt" Then lvfiles.Items.Add(filename, filetype) Case "skinloader" If fileex = ".skn" Then lvfiles.Items.Add(filename, filetype) Case "artpad" If fileex = ".pic" Then lvfiles.Items.Add(filename, filetype) Case "namechanger" If fileex = ".nls" Then lvfiles.Items.Add(filename, filetype) End Select Next ShiftOSDesktop.fileopenerlastdirectory = lbllocation.Text End Sub Private Sub lvfiles_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles lvfiles.MouseClick 'need to remove the file extention! If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text.Contains(".") Then txtfilename.Text = lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text.Substring(0, lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text.Length - 4) End If End Sub Private Sub lbfiles_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lvfiles.MouseDoubleClick If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text.Contains(".") Then savefile() Else If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text = "Exit Folder" Then If lbllocation.Text = "C:/ShiftOS/" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "Unable to move into a higher directory due to error reading the requested folder on the drive." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "You can only enter directories formatted in the ShiftOS file system (ShiftFS)" infobox.Show() Else Dim endloop As Boolean = False lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) While endloop = False If lbllocation.Text.Substring(lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) = "/" Then endloop = True Else lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) End If End While showcontents() End If Else 'Check if selected item is a file or folder. It it's a folder check its extension Dim textboxtext As String textboxtext = lbllocation.Text Dim last As String Dim selit As String last = textboxtext.Substring(textboxtext.Length - 1) If last = "/" Then selit = lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text + selit Else selit = lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text + ("/" & selit) End If showcontents() End If End If End Sub Private Sub btndeletefile_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.*" Then My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(lbllocation.Text & "/" & lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text) My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.writesound, AudioPlayMode.Background) showcontents() Else My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(lbllocation.Text & "/" & lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.writesound, AudioPlayMode.Background) showcontents() End If End Sub Private Sub btnnewfolder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) infobox.lblintructtext.Text = "Please enter a name for your new folder:" infobox.txtuserinput.Text = "" infobox.lblintructtext.Show() infobox.txtuserinput.Show() infobox.Show() scaninput.Start() End Sub Private Sub scaninput_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles scaninput.Tick If infobox.Visible = False Then My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(lbllocation.Text & "/" & infobox.txtuserinput.Text) showcontents() scaninput.Stop() End If End Sub Private Sub btnsave_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnsave.Click savefile() End Sub Private Sub savefile() If txtfilename.Text = "" Then Else Select Case savingprogram Case "textpad" My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(lbllocation.Text & "/" & txtfilename.Text & saveextention, TextPad.txtuserinput.Text, False) TextPad.needtosave = False ShiftOSDesktop.codepoints = ShiftOSDesktop.codepoints + TextPad.codepointsearned If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitletext = True Then TextPad.lbtitletext.Text = TextPad.lbtitletext.Text & " - You earned " & TextPad.codepointsearned & " codepoints!" TextPad.setuptitlebar() Else infobox.title = "Textpad - " & TextPad.codepointsearned & " codepoints!" infobox.textinfo = "Awesome! That document you just created with Textpad has earned you " & TextPad.codepointsearned & " codepoints! " & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Keep those docs coming for even more codepoints!" infobox.Show() End If TextPad.codepointsearned = 0 TextPad.tmrshowearnedcodepoints.Start() Case "skinloader" System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("C:\ShiftOS\Shiftum42\Skins\Current\", lbllocation.Text & " / " & txtfilename.Text & saveextention) Icon_Manager.unsavedchanges = False Case "iconmanager" System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory("C:\ShiftOS\Shiftum42\Icons", lbllocation.Text & " / " & txtfilename.Text & saveextention) Icon_Manager.unsavedchanges = False Case "namechanger" IO.File.WriteAllLines(lbllocation.Text & "/" & txtfilename.Text & saveextention, Name_Changer.savelines) Case "artpad" ArtPad.savelocation = lbllocation.Text & "/" & txtfilename.Text & saveextention ArtPad.saveimage() ArtPad.needtosave = False ShiftOSDesktop.codepoints = ShiftOSDesktop.codepoints + ArtPad.codepointsearned If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitletext = True Then ArtPad.lbtitletext.Text = ArtPad.lbtitletext.Text & " - You earned " & ArtPad.codepointsearned & " codepoints!" ArtPad.setuptitlebar() Else infobox.title = "Artpad - " & ArtPad.codepointsearned & " codepoints!" infobox.textinfo = "Awesome! That picture you just created with Artpad has earned you " & ArtPad.codepointsearned & " codepoints! " & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Keep those artworks coming for even more codepoints!" infobox.Show() End If ArtPad.codepointsearned = 0 ArtPad.tmrshowearnedcodepoints.Start() End Select Me.Close() End If End Sub End Class