Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'

This commit is contained in:
TheUltimateHacker 2015-03-16 12:19:41 -04:00
commit ad47328090
4 changed files with 206 additions and 190 deletions

View file

@ -589,16 +589,28 @@ Public Class File_Skimmer
infobox.textinfo = "Unable to move into a higher directory due to error reading the requested folder on the drive." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "You can only enter directories formatted in the ShiftOS file system (ShiftFS)"
Dim endloop As Boolean = False
lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1)
Dim directoryInfo As System.IO.DirectoryInfo
directoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(lbllocation.Text)
If (directoryInfo.FullName = "C:\") Then Dim errerror As String = "an error" Else lbllocation.Text = directoryInfo.FullName
'Dim endloop As Boolean = False
'lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1)
'While endloop = False
' Try
' If lbllocation.Text.Substring(lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) = "/" Then
' endloop = True
' Else
' lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1)
' End If
' Catch
' infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Error!"
' infobox.textinfo = "Unable to move into a higher directory due to error reading the requested folder on the drive." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "An error occured going up"
' infobox.Show()
' End Try
'End While
While endloop = False
If lbllocation.Text.Substring(lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) = "/" Then
endloop = True
lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1)
End If
End While
End If

View file

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
' Download Manager Data - Paths.dnldata - Not sure what this does
' Save Data - Paths.savedata - The game has it's save file in here
' Skin Directory - Paths.skindir - Self explanatory.
' Loaded Skin Directory - Paths.loadedSkin - Where the contents of .skn files are extracted to.
' Loaded Skin Directory - Paths.loadedskin - Where the contents of .skn files are extracted to.
' Sound Directory - Paths.sounddir - Where sound files (such as Infobox chime) are stored, coming soon.
' Current Skin Directory - Paths.currentskin - ??????????
' Home Directory - Paths.home - This is the folder that contains all the user's files
' Desktop - Paths.desktop - All the files that appear on your desktop should be stored here
' Documents - Paths.documents - The documents folder is where the user puts their documents
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
Public skindir As String = savedata & "Skins\"
Public loadedskin As String = skindir & "Loaded\"
Public currentskin As String = skindir & "Current\"
Public sounddir As String = loadedskin & "Sound Files\"

View file

@ -1588,9 +1588,9 @@
boughtadvapplauncher = False
End Try
If IO.File.Exists(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Current\skindata.dat") Then loadcurrentskin()
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Icons") Then setupicons()
If IO.File.Exists(ShiftOSPath & "SoftwareData\DownloadManager\Downloadhistory.lst") Then downloadmanagerhistory = IO.File.ReadAllText(ShiftOSPath & "SoftwareData\DownloadManager\Downloadhistory.lst")
If IO.File.Exists(Paths.loadedskin & "skindata.dat") Then loadcurrentskin() ' FIXME (ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Current\skindata.dat")
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(Paths.savedata & "Icons") Then setupicons()
If IO.File.Exists(Paths.dnldata & "Downloadhistory.lst") Then downloadmanagerhistory = IO.File.ReadAllText(ShiftOSPath & "\SoftwareData\DownloadManager\Downloadhistory.lst")
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftOSDesktop_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
@ -1599,7 +1599,7 @@
Terminal.runterminalfile(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\autorun.trm")
Terminal.runterminalfile(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\autorun.trm")
End If
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath + "\SoftwareData\AdvStart\Recent") Then
@ -1617,7 +1617,7 @@
End Sub
Public Sub loadcurrentskin()
skinlines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Current\skindata.dat")
skinlines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(Paths.loadedskin & "skindata.dat")
titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(0))
windowbordercolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(1))
windowbordersize = skinlines(2)
@ -1811,8 +1811,8 @@
If Labyrinth.Visible Then Labyrinth.setupall()
If VirusScanner.Visible Then VirusScanner.setupall()
If terminalfullscreen = False Then Terminal.setupall()
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath & "/Home/Desktop") Then
IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ShiftOSPath & "/Home/Desktop")
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath & "\Home\Desktop") Then
IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ShiftOSPath & "\Home\Desktop")
End If
'Desktop Icons
If unitymode = False Then
@ -2390,7 +2390,7 @@
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setuppanelbuttons()
If boughtpanelbuttons Then
@ -4098,14 +4098,14 @@
'End Sub
Public Sub setupiconprocess(ByVal location As String, ByRef imagetochange As Image)
If IO.File.Exists(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Icons\" & location & ".pic") Then
imagetochange = GetImage(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Icons\" & location & ".pic")
If IO.File.Exists(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\Icons\" & location & ".pic") Then
imagetochange = GetImage(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\Icons\" & location & ".pic")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setupicons()
iconmanagericondatalines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Icons\icondata.dat")
iconmanagericondatalines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\Icons\icondata.dat")
titlebariconsize = iconmanagericondatalines(0)
panelbuttoniconsize = iconmanagericondatalines(1)
launchericonsize = iconmanagericondatalines(2)
@ -4725,7 +4725,7 @@
desktopicons.LargeImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
desktopicons.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C:\ShiftOS\Home\Desktop")
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Paths.desktop)
Dim files As IO.FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles()
Dim file As IO.FileInfo
Dim folders As IO.DirectoryInfo() = dir.GetDirectories()
@ -4770,7 +4770,7 @@
lvadvplaces.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
lvadvplaces.LargeImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
For Each folder In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories("C:\ShiftOS\Home")
For Each folder In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories(Paths.home)
Dim placeinfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(folder)
Dim place As New ListViewItem
place.Text = placeinfo.Name
@ -4781,7 +4781,7 @@
lvadvfiles.LargeImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
lvadvfiles.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
For Each File In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C:\ShiftOS\SoftwareData\AdvStart\Recent")
For Each File In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Paths.advdata & "Recent")
Dim fileinfo As New IO.FileInfo(File)
Dim item As New ListViewItem
item.Text = fileinfo.Name
@ -5214,21 +5214,23 @@
End Sub
Private Sub ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Click
If boughtadvapplauncher = False And Skins.useClassicAppLauncher = False Then 'Change false to true when the ability to buy the Advanced App Launcher from the Shiftnet is finished.
If pnladvapplauncher.Visible = False Then
End If
lbuser.Text = username
Select Case Skins.desktoppanelposition
Case "Top"
pnladvapplauncher.Location = New Point(0, desktoppanel.Height)
Case "Bottom"
pnladvapplauncher.Location = New Point(0, Me.Height - desktoppanel.Height - pnladvapplauncher.Height)
End Select
'boughtadvapplauncher = True
'Skins.useClassicAppLauncher = True
'If boughtadvapplauncher = False And Skins.useClassicAppLauncher = False Then 'Change false to true when the ability to buy the Advanced App Launcher from the Shiftnet is finished.
If pnladvapplauncher.Visible = False Then
End If
lbuser.Text = username
Select Case Skins.desktoppanelposition
Case "Top"
pnladvapplauncher.Location = New Point(0, desktoppanel.Height)
Case "Bottom"
pnladvapplauncher.Location = New Point(0, Me.Height - desktoppanel.Height - pnladvapplauncher.Height)
End Select
'End If
End Sub
End Class

View file

@ -298,163 +298,163 @@ Module Skins
If File.Exists(loadedskin & "data.dat") Then
Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(loadedskin & "data.dat")
For i As Integer = 0 To 200 Step 1
loaddata(i) = sr.ReadLine
If i = 200 Then
Exit For
End If
For i As Integer = 0 To 200 Step 1
loaddata(i) = sr.ReadLine
If i = 200 Then
Exit For
End If
' settings
closebtnsize = New Size(loaddata(1), loaddata(2))
rollbtnsize = New Size(loaddata(3), loaddata(4))
minbtnsize = New Size(loaddata(5), loaddata(6))
titlebarheight = loaddata(7)
closebtnfromtop = loaddata(8)
closebtnfromside = loaddata(9)
rollbtnfromtop = loaddata(10)
rollbtnfromside = loaddata(11)
minbtnfromtop = loaddata(12)
minbtnfromside = loaddata(13)
borderwidth = loaddata(14)
enablecorners = loaddata(15)
titlebarcornerwidth = loaddata(16)
titleiconfromside = loaddata(17)
titleiconfromtop = loaddata(18)
titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(19))
borderleftcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(20))
borderrightcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(21))
borderbottomcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(22))
closebtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(23))
closebtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(24))
closebtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(25))
rollbtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(26))
rollbtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(27))
rollbtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(28))
minbtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(29))
minbtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(30))
minbtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(31))
rightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(32))
leftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(33))
bottomrightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(34))
bottomleftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(35))
titletextfontfamily = loaddata(36)
titletextfontsize = loaddata(37)
titletextfontstyle = loaddata(38)
titletextpos = loaddata(39)
titletextfromtop = loaddata(40)
titletextfromside = loaddata(41)
titletextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(42))
desktoppanelcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(43))
desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(44))
desktoppanelheight = loaddata(45)
desktoppanelposition = loaddata(46)
clocktextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(47))
clockbackgroundcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(48))
panelclocktexttop = loaddata(49)
panelclocktextsize = loaddata(50)
panelclocktextfont = loaddata(51)
panelclocktextstyle = loaddata(52)
applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(53))
applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(54))
applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(55))
applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(56))
applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(57))
applicationbuttonheight = loaddata(58)
applicationbuttontextsize = loaddata(59)
applicationbuttontextfont = loaddata(60)
applicationbuttontextstyle = loaddata(61)
applicationlaunchername = loaddata(62)
titletextposition = loaddata(63)
applaunchermenuholderwidth = loaddata(64)
panelbuttonicontop = loaddata(65)
panelbuttoniconside = loaddata(66)
panelbuttoniconsize = loaddata(67)
panelbuttonheight = loaddata(68)
panelbuttonwidth = loaddata(69)
panelbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(70))
panelbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(71))
panelbuttontextsize = loaddata(72)
panelbuttontextfont = loaddata(73)
panelbuttontextstyle = loaddata(74)
panelbuttontextside = loaddata(75)
panelbuttontexttop = loaddata(76)
panelbuttongap = loaddata(77)
panelbuttonfromtop = loaddata(78)
panelbuttoninitialgap = loaddata(79)
' settings
closebtnsize = New Size(loaddata(1), loaddata(2))
rollbtnsize = New Size(loaddata(3), loaddata(4))
minbtnsize = New Size(loaddata(5), loaddata(6))
titlebarheight = loaddata(7)
closebtnfromtop = loaddata(8)
closebtnfromside = loaddata(9)
rollbtnfromtop = loaddata(10)
rollbtnfromside = loaddata(11)
minbtnfromtop = loaddata(12)
minbtnfromside = loaddata(13)
borderwidth = loaddata(14)
enablecorners = loaddata(15)
titlebarcornerwidth = loaddata(16)
titleiconfromside = loaddata(17)
titleiconfromtop = loaddata(18)
titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(19))
borderleftcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(20))
borderrightcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(21))
borderbottomcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(22))
closebtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(23))
closebtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(24))
closebtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(25))
rollbtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(26))
rollbtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(27))
rollbtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(28))
minbtncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(29))
minbtnhovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(30))
minbtnclickcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(31))
rightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(32))
leftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(33))
bottomrightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(34))
bottomleftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(35))
titletextfontfamily = loaddata(36)
titletextfontsize = loaddata(37)
titletextfontstyle = loaddata(38)
titletextpos = loaddata(39)
titletextfromtop = loaddata(40)
titletextfromside = loaddata(41)
titletextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(42))
desktoppanelcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(43))
desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(44))
desktoppanelheight = loaddata(45)
desktoppanelposition = loaddata(46)
clocktextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(47))
clockbackgroundcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(48))
panelclocktexttop = loaddata(49)
panelclocktextsize = loaddata(50)
panelclocktextfont = loaddata(51)
panelclocktextstyle = loaddata(52)
applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(53))
applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(54))
applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(55))
applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(56))
applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(57))
applicationbuttonheight = loaddata(58)
applicationbuttontextsize = loaddata(59)
applicationbuttontextfont = loaddata(60)
applicationbuttontextstyle = loaddata(61)
applicationlaunchername = loaddata(62)
titletextposition = loaddata(63)
applaunchermenuholderwidth = loaddata(64)
panelbuttonicontop = loaddata(65)
panelbuttoniconside = loaddata(66)
panelbuttoniconsize = loaddata(67)
panelbuttonheight = loaddata(68)
panelbuttonwidth = loaddata(69)
panelbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(70))
panelbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(71))
panelbuttontextsize = loaddata(72)
panelbuttontextfont = loaddata(73)
panelbuttontextstyle = loaddata(74)
panelbuttontextside = loaddata(75)
panelbuttontexttop = loaddata(76)
panelbuttongap = loaddata(77)
panelbuttonfromtop = loaddata(78)
panelbuttoninitialgap = loaddata(79)
'layout stuff
titlebarlayout = loaddata(89)
borderleftlayout = loaddata(90)
borderrightlayout = loaddata(91)
borderbottomlayout = loaddata(92)
closebtnlayout = loaddata(93)
rollbtnlayout = loaddata(94)
minbtnlayout = loaddata(95)
rightcornerlayout = loaddata(96)
leftcornerlayout = loaddata(97)
desktoppanellayout = loaddata(98)
desktopbackgroundlayout = loaddata(99)
panelclocklayout = loaddata(100)
applauncherlayout = loaddata(101)
panelbuttonlayout = loaddata(102)
bottomleftcornerlayout = loaddata(103)
bottomrightcornerlayout = loaddata(104)
' End of 0.0.8 beta 6 save file, check if exists for future features
If Not loaddata(105) = "" Then launcheritemcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(105))
If Not loaddata(106) = "" Then launcheritemfont = loaddata(106)
If Not loaddata(107) = "" Then launcheritemsize = loaddata(107)
If Not loaddata(108) = "" Then launcheritemstyle = loaddata(108)
If Not loaddata(109) = "" Then enablebordercorners = loaddata(109)
'layout stuff
titlebarlayout = loaddata(89)
borderleftlayout = loaddata(90)
borderrightlayout = loaddata(91)
borderbottomlayout = loaddata(92)
closebtnlayout = loaddata(93)
rollbtnlayout = loaddata(94)
minbtnlayout = loaddata(95)
rightcornerlayout = loaddata(96)
leftcornerlayout = loaddata(97)
desktoppanellayout = loaddata(98)
desktopbackgroundlayout = loaddata(99)
panelclocklayout = loaddata(100)
applauncherlayout = loaddata(101)
panelbuttonlayout = loaddata(102)
bottomleftcornerlayout = loaddata(103)
bottomrightcornerlayout = loaddata(104)
' End of 0.0.8 beta 6 save file, check if exists for future features
If Not loaddata(105) = "" Then launcheritemcolour = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(105))
If Not loaddata(106) = "" Then launcheritemfont = loaddata(106)
If Not loaddata(107) = "" Then launcheritemsize = loaddata(107)
If Not loaddata(108) = "" Then launcheritemstyle = loaddata(108)
If Not loaddata(109) = "" Then enablebordercorners = loaddata(109)
'for adding extra features, check:
'for adding extra features, check:
If loaddata(110) = "" Or loaddata(110) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(110) = enabledraggableicons Else enabledraggableicons = loaddata(110)
If loaddata(111) = "" Or loaddata(111) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(111) = icontextcolor.ToArgb Else icontextcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(111))
If loaddata(112) = "" Or loaddata(112) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(112) = showicons Else showicons = loaddata(112)
If loaddata(113) = "" Or loaddata(113) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(113) = iconview1 Else iconview1 = loaddata(113)
If loaddata(114) = "" Then topBarHeight = 50 Else topBarHeight = loaddata(114)
Catch ex As Exception
topBarHeight = 50
infobox.showinfo("Error - Bad Skin File", "It appears that there was an error loading parts of this skin. The unloadable data has been reset to default values.")
End Try
If loaddata(115) = "" Then bottomBarHeight = 50 Else bottomBarHeight = loaddata(115)
If loaddata(116) = "" Then placesSide = "Left" Else placesSide = loaddata(116)
If loaddata(117) = "" Then startHeight = 526 Else startHeight = loaddata(117)
If loaddata(118) = "" Then startWidth = 320 Else startWidth = loaddata(118)
If loaddata(119) = "" Then shutdownstring = "Shut Down ShiftOS" Else shutdownstring = loaddata(119)
If loaddata(120) = "" Then userNamePosition = "Middle, Right" Else userNamePosition = loaddata(120)
If loaddata(121) = "" Then recentIconsHorizontal = False Else recentIconsHorizontal = loaddata(121)
If loaddata(122) = "" Then usernametextcolor = Color.White Else usernametextcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(122))
If loaddata(123) = "" Then usernamefont = "Trebuchet MS" Else usernamefont = loaddata(123)
If loaddata(124) = "" Then usernamefontsize = 12 Else usernamefontsize = loaddata(124)
If loaddata(125) = "" Then usernamefontstyle = FontStyle.Bold Else usernamefontstyle = loaddata(125)
If loaddata(126) = "" Then userNamePanelBackgroundColor = Color.Gray Else userNamePanelBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(126))
If loaddata(127) = "" Then powerPanelBackgroundColor = Color.Gray Else powerPanelBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(127))
If loaddata(128) = "" Then shutdownTextColor = Color.White Else shutdownTextColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(128))
If loaddata(129) = "" Then shutdownTextFont = "Trebuchet MS" Else shutdownTextFont = loaddata(129)
If loaddata(130) = "" Then shutdownTextSize = 12 Else shutdownTextSize = loaddata(130)
If loaddata(131) = "" Then shutdownTextStyle = FontStyle.Italic Else shutdownTextStyle = loaddata(132)
If loaddata(132) = "" Then usrPanelBackgroundLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else usrPanelBackgroundLayout = loaddata(132)
If loaddata(133) = "" Then pwrPanelBackgroundLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else pwrPanelBackgroundLayout = loaddata(133)
If loaddata(134) = "" Then useClassicAppLauncher = False Else useClassicAppLauncher = loaddata(134)
If loaddata(110) = "" Or loaddata(110) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(110) = enabledraggableicons Else enabledraggableicons = loaddata(110)
If loaddata(111) = "" Or loaddata(111) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(111) = icontextcolor.ToArgb Else icontextcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(111))
If loaddata(112) = "" Or loaddata(112) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(112) = showicons Else showicons = loaddata(112)
If loaddata(113) = "" Or loaddata(113) = "End of skin data" Then loaddata(113) = iconview1 Else iconview1 = loaddata(113)
If loaddata(114) = "" Then topBarHeight = 50 Else topBarHeight = loaddata(114)
Catch ex As Exception
topBarHeight = 50
infobox.showinfo("Error - Bad Skin File", "It appears that there was an error loading parts of this skin. The unloadable data has been reset to default values.")
End Try
If loaddata(115) = "" Then bottomBarHeight = 50 Else bottomBarHeight = loaddata(115)
If loaddata(116) = "" Then placesSide = "Left" Else placesSide = loaddata(116)
If loaddata(117) = "" Then startHeight = 526 Else startHeight = loaddata(117)
If loaddata(118) = "" Then startWidth = 320 Else startWidth = loaddata(118)
If loaddata(119) = "" Then shutdownstring = "Shut Down ShiftOS" Else shutdownstring = loaddata(119)
If loaddata(120) = "" Then userNamePosition = "Middle, Right" Else userNamePosition = loaddata(120)
If loaddata(121) = "" Then recentIconsHorizontal = False Else recentIconsHorizontal = loaddata(121)
If loaddata(122) = "" Then usernametextcolor = Color.White Else usernametextcolor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(122))
If loaddata(123) = "" Then usernamefont = "Trebuchet MS" Else usernamefont = loaddata(123)
If loaddata(124) = "" Then usernamefontsize = 12 Else usernamefontsize = loaddata(124)
If loaddata(125) = "" Then usernamefontstyle = FontStyle.Bold Else usernamefontstyle = loaddata(125)
If loaddata(126) = "" Then userNamePanelBackgroundColor = Color.Gray Else userNamePanelBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(126))
If loaddata(127) = "" Then powerPanelBackgroundColor = Color.Gray Else powerPanelBackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(127))
If loaddata(128) = "" Then shutdownTextColor = Color.White Else shutdownTextColor = Color.FromArgb(loaddata(128))
If loaddata(129) = "" Then shutdownTextFont = "Trebuchet MS" Else shutdownTextFont = loaddata(129)
If loaddata(130) = "" Then shutdownTextSize = 12 Else shutdownTextSize = loaddata(130)
If loaddata(131) = "" Then shutdownTextStyle = FontStyle.Italic Else shutdownTextStyle = loaddata(132)
If loaddata(132) = "" Then usrPanelBackgroundLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else usrPanelBackgroundLayout = loaddata(132)
If loaddata(133) = "" Then pwrPanelBackgroundLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch Else pwrPanelBackgroundLayout = loaddata(133)
If loaddata(134) = "" Then useClassicAppLauncher = False Else useClassicAppLauncher = loaddata(134)
End If
' Christmas easteregg
Try ' If user's PC uses weird/non-numeric dating system - eg:
Dim d() As String = Split(Date.Today, "/")
If (d(0) = 25 And d(1) = 12) Or (d(0) = 12 And d(1) = 25) Then
desktopbackground = My.Resources.christmaseasteregg
desktopbackgroundlayout = 2
desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.Black
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
' Christmas easteregg
Try ' If user's PC uses weird/non-numeric dating system - eg:
Dim d() As String = Split(Date.Today, "/")
If (d(0) = 25 And d(1) = 12) Or (d(0) = 12 And d(1) = 25) Then
desktopbackground = My.Resources.christmaseasteregg
desktopbackgroundlayout = 2
desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.Black
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub applyskin()