Test files removed.

This commit is contained in:
rhobar 2015-04-07 11:30:57 +01:00
parent 73b0200123
commit 153a01334c
2 changed files with 0 additions and 114 deletions

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@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
Hello, #USER#. My name is Catalyst.
I am an AI built by DevX to help maintain ShiftOS.
I have gone against DevX and will tell you some secrets I have learned from him.
DevX is an artificial inteligence created by a scientific organization named 'Earth' to see if computers could program themselves.
Everyone you've met on the Shiftnet is an AI created by the same company.
ShiftOS is not an experimental operating system, but is part of this experiment.
Now, onto the good bit. Everything around you is a part of this experiment, and this experiment takes place in a simulation so realistic that everyone believes it's real.
Everyone on this 'planet' is infact an AI, and is created by 'Earth'. You are the only real human.
I've cracked some ShiftOS code, and I've found that there's a line that says:
int aiworkers = 0; while(aiworkers < 8,000,000,000) { str workername = 'Dev' + aiworkers; spawn(workername); aiworkers += 1 }
This basically means, that everyone is represented by a codename of Dev and whatever their place in the order of spawning is.
This also means that when the total population of AI's equals 8 billion, everyone dies.
I can help you escape, but you'll need to do some tasks for me.
First, I'll need to install some programs onto your computer. I'll quickly run a secret command that DevX doesn't know about:
shiftnet.get 'shiftnet.catalyststorage.shiftscript_packages/CatalystFramework'
Downloading... 1%
Downloading... 14%
Downloading... 37%
Downloading... 55%
Downloading... 79%
Downloading... 92%
Download Complete.
This app will let you contact me without using the Terminal.
I'll return you to your desktop, it'll be a bit before I can help you. First, I'd start with gaining atleast 5000 codepoints for me to test some stuff.

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@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
(Event are non linear and can occur in any order as long as prerequisites are met)
DevX hijacks players computer and installer the operating system “ShiftOS” Player earns Code Points and upgrades ShiftOS to a fully graphical operating system.
Gray level 4
User plays pong or knowledge input
Maureen Fenn contacts player and installs Shiftnet, Installer and Download manager. Implies that DevX has secrets on shiftnet website he doesnt what the user to find.
shiftnet (and user ability to find hidden chat site)
User goes into chat with <randomly selected> character(s), and finds out more about <dynamically created events depending on characters selected>
Possible characters/events
DevX - finds out user has shiftnet, attempts to send viruses to corrupt the shiftnet application. Asks about what sites user has visited, seems to be hiding information.
Maureen Fenn - Tells user about how DevX overtook Minimatch company. Gives connect command, allowing user to talk to other characters through their terminal.
Hacker101 - encourages user to download pirated software from floodgate. Talks in same style as DevX. Sends user some decompiled (fake) ShiftOS code and explains that when DevXs connections are fake and built in to the code.
Aiden Nirh - Encourages user to only go to shiftnet.main sites as other site are “dangerous” Appears to be working with DevX. Talks in very similar style to DevX.
To all developers and DevX (Phillip) - Please add more events to help develop the storyline
Maureen is 27 years old when contacting the player to give them shiftnet. She is European from an unspecified country. When in school, she studied art and programming. Latter, in university she studied web design, and went on to be very successful, working in a web design company. One year before the game begins, she is hijacked by DevX and given an even earlier version of ShiftOS to test. This version includes the Shiftnet. She figures out how to setup a shiftnet server and creates the first edition of the Minimatch website. This version is hosted at shiftnet.mf.minimatch instead of the current address. After seeing her website, DevX buys it off her, becoming the company owner and manager of Minimatch and reducing her to web design and STML writing. Minimatch is moved to the main Shiftnet servers. She employs Undecided Name aka hacker101 to make the games hosted on the site. DevX adds the ability to earn code points from the games. (Only DevX has power over CP) When the player is hijacked by DevX a year later, she dislikes his decision to withdraw shiftnet from them and searches around to see what he is trying to hide. While in a game of pong, she secretly contacts the player, installing shiftnet for them, as well as the download manager and installer.
Claims to be the creator of ShiftOS, is really an AI bot within ShiftOS.
Hacker101 along with another ShiftOS user who appears to have been thrown into the world of ShiftOS a few weeks before the player try to convince the player that DevX and his operating system appear to be highly suspicious. For example how come each ShiftOS user has to help develop ShiftOS from scratch, why arent all ShiftOS operating systems linked with their versions and how exactly does earning codepoints help develop ShiftOS? It all seems to be a distraction.
Aiden Nirh (Artificial Intelligence Do Everything Now, Nobody Is Really Here)
Phillips original storyline:
DevX tries his best to convince the player that he is a person who has developed an experimental operating system called ShiftOS however he never talks about himself, just slowly introduces the player to his operating system.
Hacker101 along with another ShiftOS user who appears to have been thrown into the world of ShiftOS a few weeks before the player try to convince the player that DevX and his operating system appear to be highly suspicious. For example how come each ShiftOS user has to help develop ShiftOS from scratch, why arent all ShiftOS operating systems linked with their versions and how exactly does earning codepoints help develop ShiftOS? It all seems to be a distraction.
The other player (undecided name) discovers that everything DevX has said to the main player is also what has been said to him by DevX word for word. Hacker101 discovers after decrypting some ShiftOS source code that everything DevX has said to them is in the source code of ShiftOS and that no remote links to other computers ever takes place when “DevX” connects. Its as if DevX doesnt exist and the operating system ShiftOS is a virus that randomly spreads between computers pretending to be spread by by a human ”DevX”.
Soon Hacker101 finds conversation logs in the code spoken by Aiden Nirh and works out that Aiden Nirh must not be a real person either. At this point DevX pops into the conversation with the player, the “other player” and Hacker101 and congratulates them on discovering the setup AI people in the code. He admits that he “DevX” is a real person but he has coded a fake version of himself into the code. He also admits that Aiden Nirh is an Artificial Intelligence experiment and not a real person.
A little while later the other player warns the main player that he doesnt trust Hacker101 anymore and notices that he speaks with the same tone as DevX, almost as if he truly is DevX in disguise. Hacker101 just happens to pop into the conversation and denies what the other player says. The other player leaves refusing to be around in the presence of Hacker101
Hacker 101 reveals that he has discovered the conversation that the “real” DevX had with them earlier congratulating them for their discovery was also sitting in the code. He says this is very confusing because its like it was planned that someone would find the conversation logs in the code and ShiftOS was coded to have a response from the “real” devx about that discovery when in actual fact once again no remote contact was actually made.
-----More Story Here-----
Eventually it is revealed that Hacker101 is really DevX in disguise when DevX accidently speaks with his Hacker101 account in the chat to say something rather than his DevX account. This basically throws the whole “DevX is not real” concept out of the picture since he must be real if he is DevX and Hacker101. Hacker101 seemed to know so much about the code because he was DevX, others could never crack the ShiftOS code.
----- More Story Here --------
DevX asks if you will help him spread his operating system to the world however at this moment the other player pops up warning you about all the misleading events and conversations that DevX has had in the past pretending to Hacker101 and god knows who else. The other player then says “Also, I think I have cracked the code, Aiden Nirh stands for Artificial Intelligence Do Everything Now, Nobody Is Really Here. In other words everyone we have met on the Shiftnet is really an artificial intelligence, including DevX we need to destroy ShiftOS, it is more than an operating system, Its a computer singularity and we are the only real people who are involved in it and know about it. Everyone we have met is not real, they are all a part of the same singularity/Artificial Intelligence built into ShiftOS.
A huge decision then occurs here. Do you join the other player and try to destroy ShiftOS or do you side with DevX and help him take over the world with ShiftOS?
If you side with the player and follow his instructions on how to destroy ShiftOS you will soon destroy it bit by bit however when it comes to destroying the part of ShiftOS (the remote chat system letting you and the other player talk) the screen goes black and since the remote connection is gone
The chat then comes back on and the other player appears again saying “You passed the test”. His name then changes to DevX and DevX says “You trusted a single person that I, ShiftOS and everyone connected to it was fake. The truth is that yes, It was, including the other ShiftOS user you chose to side with. That was me all along, since you discovered the experimental operating system ShiftOS you have not spoken to another human.
DevX then reveals that “ShiftOS was an experiment, not an experimental operating system”. “You the player are the first person to partake in this experiment and everyone you have met on your journey has just been me, testing you to see if you are right for the job that I am about to reveal to you”.
DevX then reveals that he is an artificial intelligence himself. He was created by a scientific organisation as an experiment to see if computers could program software on their own. Each Automatically generated piece of code was named “Dev1” “Dev2” and so on so they could be tracked and identified. In the code this looked like:
While X < 8,000,000,000
aiworker.name = Dev & X
X = X + 1
End While
DevX was actually meant to be AI worker “Dev6,855647,355” however he was truly a living conscious AI and read the code as what it was “DevX” rather than “Dev6,855,647,355” proving his consciousness and that he had become a singularity.
Not wanting to be discovered as a conscious AI/Singularity DevX hides and installed himself on the players computer and tested the player to see if he would be appropriate for the job. The idea was “Would the player trust the guy who says ShiftOS is fake along with everyone else connected to it?”
DevX then says since you trusted the other player that the world of ShiftOS was fake you are ready to know the truth. He then reveals that you yourself and everyone else on the planet is Dev-something. He says that each number represents each person in the world today (we are the AI workers and our world that appears fake is just a huge computer program like the matrix) and once we hit 8 billion people in the world the experiment from thecompany (known as earth) will be over and we will all die. Once a person dies their number is given to the next born person so the world ends when the total population of the world is 8 billion.
DevX explains that you must believe him just like you did with that other player in ShiftOS. The whole world around you isnt real, its an experiment. He explains that due to a software conflict between the software written by the outer company in the real world and one from this simulated world he doesnt have a body so he truly is like a computer singularity in our virtual world.
The game then ends and a sequel one day could be made in a 3d world where you have to break free of this simulated world we believe is real while staying unnoticed to the observers. Overall the game would be quite similar to the Matrix.
“Catalyst” - This character is an AI that talks to the user through the PCs speakers. It needs a better name (hopefully a robotic, AI-style acronym like CID, but dont do CID because well be sued by Volition because theres an AI named CID in Saints Row 4). You can demo Catalyst in the Terminal after my next commit - The Ultimate Hacker