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Module Viruses
'Zero Varibles
Public WithEvents zerogravitytimer As New Timer
Public zerogravity As Boolean = True
Public zerogravitythreatlevel As Integer = 1
Public zerogravityxspeed(20) As Integer
Public zerogravityyspeed(20) As Integer
Public zerogravityspeedth1 = 1
Public zerogravityspeedth2 = 2
Public zerogravityspeedth3 = 4
Public zerogravityspeedth4 = 8
'Mouse Trap Varibles
Public WithEvents mousetraptimer As New Timer
Public WithEvents cooldowntraptimer As New Timer
Public mousetrap As Boolean = True
Public mousetrapthreatlevel As Integer = 1
Public mousetraped As Boolean = False
Public bangstoescape As Integer = 20
Public trappedwindow As Integer = 0
Public bangvelocity As Integer
Public bangforceneeded As Integer = 30
Public trapcooldown As Integer = 20
Public trap1 As Boolean = False
Public trap2 As Boolean = False
Public trap3 As Boolean = False
Public trap4 As Boolean = False
Public alreadytrapped As Boolean = False
Public trappedprogram As Form
Public bangstoescapeth1 As Integer = 20
Public bangstoescapeth2 As Integer = 40
Public bangstoescapeth3 As Integer = 60
Public bangstoescapeth4 As Integer = 80
Public bangforceneeded1 As Integer = 30
Public bangforceneeded2 As Integer = 50
Public bangforceneeded3 As Integer = 80
Public bangforceneeded4 As Integer = 120
Public trapcooldown1 As Integer = 60
Public trapcooldown2 As Integer = 30
Public trapcooldown3 As Integer = 15
Public trapcooldown4 As Integer = 10
'Beeper Varibles
Public WithEvents beepertimer As New Timer
Public beeper As Boolean = True
Public beeperthreatlevel As Integer = 1
Public beepercountdown As Integer
Dim ResourceFilePath As String
Dim soundplayer As AxWMPLib.AxWindowsMediaPlayer
Dim beeperinterval As Integer = 5
'Zero Virus
Public Sub setupzerovirus()
zerogravitytimer.Interval = 20
End Sub
Public Sub setupzerogravityspeeds()
For i = 0 To 20
If i Mod 2 <> 0 Then
Select Case zerogravitythreatlevel
Case 1
zerogravityxspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth1
zerogravityyspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth1
Case 2
zerogravityxspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth2
zerogravityyspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth2
Case 3
zerogravityxspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth3
zerogravityyspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth3
Case 4
zerogravityxspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth4
zerogravityyspeed(i) = zerogravityspeedth4
End Select
Select Case zerogravitythreatlevel
Case 1
zerogravityxspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth1
zerogravityyspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth1
Case 2
zerogravityxspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth2
zerogravityyspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth2
Case 3
zerogravityxspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth3
zerogravityyspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth3
Case 4
zerogravityxspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth4
zerogravityyspeed(i) = -zerogravityspeedth4
End Select
End If
End Sub
Public Sub floatingwindows() Handles zerogravitytimer.Tick
If Knowledge_Input.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Knowledge_Input, 0)
If Shiftorium.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Shiftorium, 1)
If Clock.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Clock, 2)
If Shifter.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Shifter, 3)
If Colour_Picker.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Colour_Picker, 4)
If infobox.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(infobox, 5)
If Pong.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Pong, 6)
If File_Skimmer.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(File_Skimmer, 7)
If File_Opener.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(File_Opener, 8)
If File_Saver.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(File_Saver, 9)
If TextPad.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(TextPad, 10)
If Graphic_Picker.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Graphic_Picker, 11)
If Skin_Loader.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Skin_Loader, 12)
If ArtPad.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(ArtPad, 13)
If Calculator.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Calculator, 14)
If Audio_Player.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Audio_Player, 15)
If Web_Browser.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Web_Browser, 16)
If Video_Player.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Video_Player, 17)
If Name_Changer.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Name_Changer, 18)
If Icon_Manager.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Icon_Manager, 19)
If Terminal.Visible = True Then calculatelocations(Terminal, 20)
End Sub
Public Sub calculatelocations(ByVal program As Form, ByVal number As Integer)
If zerogravityxspeed(number) > 0 Then
If (program.Location.X + program.Size.Width) > Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width Then
zerogravityxspeed(number) = zerogravityxspeed(number) * -1
End If
End If
If zerogravityxspeed(number) < 0 Then
If program.Location.X < 0 Then
zerogravityxspeed(number) = zerogravityxspeed(number) * -1
End If
End If
If zerogravityyspeed(number) > 0 Then
If (program.Location.Y + program.Size.Height) > Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height Then
zerogravityyspeed(number) = zerogravityyspeed(number) * -1
End If
End If
If zerogravityyspeed(number) < 0 Then
If program.Location.Y < 0 Then
zerogravityyspeed(number) = zerogravityyspeed(number) * -1
End If
End If
program.Location = New Point(program.Location.X + zerogravityxspeed(number), program.Location.Y + zerogravityyspeed(number))
End Sub
Public Sub removezerovirus()
Viruses.zerogravity = False
End Sub
'Mouse Trap Virus
Public Sub setupmousetrapvirus()
mousetraptimer.Interval = 20
cooldowntraptimer.Interval = 1000
Select Case mousetrapthreatlevel
Case 1
trapcooldown = trapcooldown1
bangforceneeded = bangforceneeded1
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth1
Case 2
trapcooldown = trapcooldown2
bangforceneeded = bangforceneeded2
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth2
Case 3
trapcooldown = trapcooldown3
bangforceneeded = bangforceneeded3
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth3
Case 4
trapcooldown = trapcooldown4
bangforceneeded = bangforceneeded4
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth4
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub seeifcantrap(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cooldowntraptimer.Tick
If trapcooldown < 0 Then
mousetraped = True
trapcooldown = trapcooldown - 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub trapmouse(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles mousetraptimer.Tick
If mousetraped = True Then
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Knowledge_Input)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Shiftorium)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Clock)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Shifter)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Colour_Picker)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(infobox)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Pong)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(File_Skimmer)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(File_Opener)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(File_Saver)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(TextPad)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Graphic_Picker)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Skin_Loader)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(ArtPad)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Calculator)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Audio_Player)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Web_Browser)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Video_Player)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Name_Changer)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Icon_Manager)
If alreadytrapped = False Then detectprogramtotrap(Terminal)
If trappedprogram Is Nothing Then Else trapmouseinprogram(trappedprogram)
If bangstoescape < 0 Then
mousetraped = False
Select Case mousetrapthreatlevel
Case 1
trapcooldown = trapcooldown1
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth1
Case 2
trapcooldown = trapcooldown2
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth2
Case 3
trapcooldown = trapcooldown3
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth3
Case 4
trapcooldown = trapcooldown4
bangstoescape = bangstoescapeth4
End Select
alreadytrapped = False
trappedprogram = Nothing
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub detectprogramtotrap(ByVal program As Form)
If program.Visible = True Then
If Cursor.Position.X < program.Location.X + program.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize Then
trap1 = True
End If
If Cursor.Position.X > program.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize Then
trap2 = True
End If
If Cursor.Position.Y > program.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight Then
trap3 = True
End If
If Cursor.Position.Y < program.Location.Y + program.Height - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize Then
trap4 = True
End If
If trap1 = True AndAlso trap2 = True AndAlso trap3 = True AndAlso trap4 = True Then
alreadytrapped = True
trappedprogram = program
End If
End If
trap1 = False
trap2 = False
trap3 = False
trap4 = False
End Sub
Public Sub trapmouseinprogram(ByVal program As Form)
If Cursor.Position.X > program.Location.X + program.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize Then
bangvelocity = Math.Abs(Cursor.Position.X - (program.Location.X + program.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize))
Cursor.Position = New Point(program.Location.X + program.Width - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize, Cursor.Position.Y)
If bangvelocity > bangforceneeded Then bangstoescape = bangstoescape - 1
End If
If Cursor.Position.X < program.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize Then
bangvelocity = Math.Abs(Cursor.Position.X - (program.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize))
Cursor.Position = New Point(program.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize, Cursor.Position.Y)
If bangvelocity > bangforceneeded Then bangstoescape = bangstoescape - 1
End If
If Cursor.Position.Y < program.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight Then
bangvelocity = Math.Abs(Cursor.Position.Y - (program.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight))
Cursor.Position = New Point(Cursor.Position.X, program.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.titlebarheight)
If bangvelocity > bangforceneeded Then bangstoescape = bangstoescape - 1
End If
If Cursor.Position.Y > program.Location.Y + program.Height - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize Then
bangvelocity = Math.Abs(Cursor.Position.Y - (program.Location.Y + program.Height - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize))
Cursor.Position = New Point(Cursor.Position.X, program.Location.Y + program.Height - ShiftOSDesktop.windowbordersize)
If bangvelocity > bangforceneeded Then bangstoescape = bangstoescape - 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub removemousetrapvirus()
Viruses.mousetrap = False
mousetraped = False
End Sub
'Beeper Virus
Public Sub setupbeepervirus()
'If System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached() Then
' ResourceFilePath = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(Application.StartupPath & "\..\..\resources\")
' ResourceFilePath = Application.StartupPath & "\resources\"
'End If
beepertimer.Interval = 500
beepercountdown = beeperinterval
End Sub
Private Sub setupbeeperintervals()
Select Case beeperthreatlevel
Case 1 : beeperinterval = 60
Case 2 : beeperinterval = 24
Case 3 : beeperinterval = 8
Case 4 : beeperinterval = 1
End Select
End Sub
Public Sub beepermakesound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles beepertimer.Tick
If beepercountdown = 0 Then
My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources._3beepvirus, AudioPlayMode.Background)
beepercountdown = beeperinterval
beepercountdown = beepercountdown - 1
End If
End Sub
Public Sub removebeepervirus()
Viruses.beeper = False
End Sub
End Module