Module Com_Manual Public Sub Manual(Command As String) 'MAN command starts with this kinda format 'ShiftOS Help Manual ' ''command' Usage: [switch/value if needed] ' 'Summary of the command's action ' 'Example usage : command NewLine("ShiftOS Help Manual") NewLine(Nothing) 'Terminal.TextBox1.Text = Terminal.TextBox1.Text & Environment.NewLine & command.Substring(4) Dim mancommand As String = Command.Replace("man ", "") Dim TempUsage As String = "'" & mancommand & "' Usage: " Select Case mancommand 'In process to convert every command from printing from code to printing from text file Case "bc" If Strings.AvailableFeature(9) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "bc" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_bc & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "cd" If Strings.AvailableFeature(16) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "cd [DIRECTORY]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_cd & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "clear" If Strings.AvailableFeature(1) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "clear" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_clear & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "color" TempUsage = TempUsage & "color [bg][fg]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_color & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "colors" TempUsage = TempUsage & "colors" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_colors & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "cowsay" If Strings.AvailableFeature(22) = 1 Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "cowsay [STRING]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_cowsay & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "codepoint" TempUsage = TempUsage & "codepoint" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_codepoint & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "del" If Strings.AvailableFeature(16) = 1 Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "del [FILENAME.TXT]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_del & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "dir" If Strings.AvailableFeature(16) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "dir" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_dir & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "guess" TempUsage = TempUsage & "guess" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_guess & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "help" TempUsage = TempUsage & "help" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_help & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "hostname" If Strings.AvailableFeature(20) = 1 Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "hostname [HOSTNAME]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_hostname & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "infobar" If Strings.AvailableFeature(4) = 1 Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "infobar [ON|OFF] [OPTION]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_infobar & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "man" If Strings.AvailableFeature(0) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "man [command]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_man & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "mkdir" If Strings.AvailableFeature(16) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "mkdir [DIRECTORY]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_mkdir & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "print" If Strings.AvailableFeature(2) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "print [text]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_print & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "pwd" If Strings.AvailableFeature(16) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "pwd" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_pwd & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "reboot" TempUsage = TempUsage & "reboot" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_reboot & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "rmdir" If Strings.AvailableFeature(16) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "rmdir [DIRECTORY]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_rmdir & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "shiftfetch" If Strings.AvailableFeature(8) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "shiftfetch" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_shiftfetch & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "shiftorium" TempUsage = TempUsage & "shiftorium [option] [featureName]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_shiftorium & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "shutdown" TempUsage = TempUsage & "shutdown" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_shutdown & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "textpad" If Strings.AvailableFeature(17) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "textpad [FILENAME.TXT]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_textpad & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "time" If Strings.AvailableFeature(17) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "time" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_time & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "username" If Strings.AvailableFeature(19) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "username" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_username & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "unzip" If Strings.AvailableFeature(33) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "unzip [FILENAME.ZIP]" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_unzip & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case "ver" TempUsage = TempUsage & "ver" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_ver & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() Case "zip" If Strings.AvailableFeature(32) = "1" Then TempUsage = TempUsage & "zip [CONTENT TYPE] '[FILENAME.ZIP]' '[CONTENT NAME]'" Console.TextBox1.Text = Console.TextBox1.Text & TempUsage & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & My.Resources.man_zip & Environment.NewLine NormalCommand() End If Case Else NewLine("MAN : Invalid command") End Select End Sub End Module