2022-11-03 04:28:19 +07:00
Imports System.IO
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
Public Class Console
2022-11-17 10:56:11 +07:00
Public TrackPos As Integer 'Tracking the position of the caret in order to not bypass the user@hostname string
Public DefaultPrompt As String 'Default prompt to display in ShiftOS, usually it's user@hostname
Public BadCommand As Boolean 'Detect if it's a bad command or not
Public DisplayStory As Integer 'Keep record for displaying the DevX's or other's monologue
Public StoryToTell As String 'Which chapter that you're going to be in
2022-11-18 16:58:37 +07:00
Public ShouldChange As Boolean = False 'Indicates if the interpreter should changed to a specific program
2022-11-17 10:56:11 +07:00
Public ChangeInterpreter As Boolean = False 'Default interpreter is Terminal, if it's changed to True, there'll be other program used by Console
2022-11-17 13:36:07 +07:00
Public CurrentInterpreter As String 'Shows what program is using Console
2022-11-17 10:56:11 +07:00
Public CurrentDirectory As String 'Current Directory for ShiftOS Explorer
Public Pseudodir As String 'Pseudo-directory for ShiftFS
Public StayAtChapter As Boolean = False 'If this set to true, then intro for chapters are mostly going to be in
Public ToolBarUse As Boolean = False 'Either any program is using ToolBar or not
Public ReleaseCursor As Boolean = False 'Release cursor from TrackPos
Public ShOSKey As String 'DOSKEY tracking string for ShiftOS
2022-11-02 05:57:27 +07:00
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
Private Sub Console_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
2022-11-18 16:58:37 +07:00
With ShortcutHandler
.WorkerSupportsCancellation = True
End With
2022-11-16 08:28:22 +07:00
2022-11-05 06:27:35 +07:00
2022-11-04 13:12:41 +07:00
End Sub
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
Private Sub txtterm_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyDown
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
KeyInput = e.KeyData
2022-11-17 11:44:01 +07:00
InputKey = e.KeyData
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
If ReleaseCursor = True Then
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
Select Case e.KeyData
Case Keys.Enter
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
If TextBox1.ReadOnly = True Then
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
If Strings.AvailableFeature(18) = 1 Then
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
If ChangeInterpreter = True Then
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
2022-11-14 20:09:29 +07:00
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
End If
TrackPos = 0
2022-11-14 10:25:13 +07:00
Case Keys.ShiftKey, Keys.LShiftKey, Keys.RShiftKey, Keys.Alt, Keys.ControlKey, Keys.LWin, Keys.RWin
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
2022-11-14 10:25:13 +07:00
TrackPos = TrackPos
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
Case Keys.Back
If TrackPos <= 0 Then
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
TrackPos = TrackPos - 1
'If TextBox1.SelectedText.Length < 1 Then
' TrackPos = TrackPos - 1
' e.SuppressKeyPress = True
'End If
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
Case Keys.Right
If TextBox1.SelectionStart = TextBox1.TextLength Then
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
TrackPos = TrackPos + 1
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
'If TrackPos <= 0 Then
' Dim CommandChar As String
' CommandChar = TextBox1.Lines(TextBox1.Lines.Length - 1)
' CommandChar = CommandChar.Replace(DefaultPrompt, "")
' TrackPos = CommandChar.Length - 1
' TextBox1.Select(TextBox1.TextLength, 0)
' TextBox1.ScrollToCaret()
'End If
Case Keys.Left
If TextBox1.SelectionStart = 0 Then
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
TrackPos = TrackPos - 1
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
If TrackPos <= 0 Then
Dim CommandChar As String
CommandChar = TextBox1.Lines(TextBox1.Lines.Length - 1)
CommandChar = CommandChar.Replace(DefaultPrompt, "")
TrackPos = CommandChar.Length - 1
TextBox1.Select(TextBox1.TextLength, 0)
End If
'If TrackPos < 1 Then
' e.SuppressKeyPress = True
' TrackPos = TrackPos - 1
' TrackPos = TrackPos - 2
'End If
Case Keys.Up
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
If Strings.AvailableFeature(18) = 1 Then
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
Case Keys.Down
e.SuppressKeyPress = True
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
If Strings.AvailableFeature(18) = 1 Then
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
Case Else
TrackPos = TrackPos + 1
End Select
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
End If
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
'If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then
' 'If command = "clear" Then
' ' txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + ShiftOSDesktop.username & "@" & ShiftOSDesktop.osname & " $> "
' ' txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0)
' 'Else
' ' txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + Environment.NewLine & ShiftOSDesktop.username & "@" & ShiftOSDesktop.osname & " $> "
' ' txtterm.Select(txtterm.Text.Length, 0)
' 'End If
' If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then
' Else
' TrackPos = TrackPos + 1
' End If
'End If
'If e.KeyCode = Keys.Back Then
' 'If TrackPos < 1 Then
' ' e.SuppressKeyPress = True
' 'Else
' ' If TextBox1.SelectedText.Length < 1 Then
' ' TrackPos = TrackPos - 1
' ' Else
' ' e.SuppressKeyPress = True
' ' End If
' 'End If
'End If
2022-11-02 05:57:27 +07:00
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.Click, TextBox1.MouseDoubleClick
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
2022-11-02 05:57:27 +07:00
End Sub
2022-11-03 04:28:19 +07:00
Private Sub StoryOnlyTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles StoryOnlyTimer.Tick
2022-11-17 10:56:11 +07:00
2022-11-03 04:28:19 +07:00
DisplayStory = DisplayStory + 1
End Sub
2022-11-04 13:12:41 +07:00
Private Sub InfoBarTimer_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles InfoBarTimer.Tick
InfoBar.Text = "|"
If Strings.AvailableFeature(5) = "1" Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Math.Floor(Date.Now.Subtract(Date.Today).TotalSeconds) & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(5) = "3" Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(6) = "1" Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Math.Floor(Date.Now.Subtract(Date.Today).TotalMinutes) & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(6) = "3" Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(7) = "1" Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Math.Floor(Date.Now.Subtract(Date.Today).TotalHours) & " |"
2022-11-06 07:21:26 +07:00
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(7) = "3" Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(12) = "1" Then
If Date.Now.Hour < 12 Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & Environment.NewLine & " " & TimeOfDay.Hour & " AM |"
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & Environment.NewLine & " " & TimeOfDay.Hour - 12 & " PM |"
End If
2022-11-13 15:15:05 +07:00
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(12) = "3" Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(23) = "1" Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & Environment.NewLine & " " & TimeOfDay.Hour & ":" & TimeOfDay.Minute & " |"
End If
2022-11-06 07:21:26 +07:00
End If
2022-11-04 13:12:41 +07:00
End If
End If
End If
2022-11-14 10:25:13 +07:00
If Strings.AvailableFeature(24) = 1 Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Date.Now.DayOfYear & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(24) = 3 Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(25) = 1 Then
Dim WeekOfYear As String = Date.Now.DayOfYear / 7
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & WeekOfYear.Substring(0, 2) & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(25) = 3 Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(26) = 1 Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Date.Now.Month & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(26) = 3 Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(27) = 1 Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Date.Now.Year & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(27) = 3 Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(28) = 1 Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Date.Now.Day & "/" & Date.Now.Month & " |"
ElseIf Strings.AvailableFeature(28) = 3 Then
If Strings.AvailableFeature(29) = 1 Then
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Date.Now.Day & "/" & Date.Now.Month & "/" & Date.Now.Year & " |"
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
If Strings.OnceInfo(0) = "Yes" Then
2022-11-04 13:12:41 +07:00
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " root |"
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " user |"
End If
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & CurrentInterpreter & " |"
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & Strings.ComputerInfo(2) & " CP |"
2022-11-07 14:16:34 +07:00
InfoBar.Text = InfoBar.Text & " " & TrackPos & " |"
End Sub
Private Sub TextBox1_Click(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.MouseDoubleClick, TextBox1.Click
2022-11-04 13:12:41 +07:00
End Sub
2022-11-02 05:57:27 +07:00
End Class