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Public Class Strings
Public Shared OSInfo() As String
2022-11-21 10:43:53 +07:00
Public Shared ComputerInfo(7) As String
2022-11-02 05:57:27 +07:00
Public Shared IsFree As Boolean
2022-11-08 13:02:02 +07:00
Public Shared OnceInfo(8) As String
2022-11-20 02:25:18 +07:00
Public Shared AvailableFeature(35) As String
2022-11-03 22:27:40 +07:00
Public Shared CLIInterpreter As String
Public Shared SaveFile As String
2022-11-08 13:02:02 +07:00
Public Shared Achievement As String
2022-11-21 10:43:53 +07:00
Public Shared ProcessID(1) As String
'General string :
'(Row Number) = Function/Subject (default value : default)
'Each have to placed in numerical order
'If there's moved strings for newer version, example:
'0 = Computer Name (0.1) => OS Version (0.2) => Root Location (0.3), etc.
'If there's removed strings for newer version, example:
'69 = Secret Easter Egg (removed in 0.420)
'If there's repurposed strings for newer version after removed, example:
'5 = FreeRoam enabled? (removed in 0.4) => Story Mode State
'OSInfo Strings:
'0 = OSVersion (default : dependant)
'OnceInfo Strings:
2022-11-02 18:09:01 +07:00
'0 = IsRoot? (0.1) (default : No)
2022-11-06 16:22:35 +07:00
'1 = RootDirectory (0.2.3) (default : Environment.SpecialDirectories.ApplicationData & "\ShiftOS\ShiftFS\")
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'2 = Infobar Boolean (0.2.3) (default : True)
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
'3 = Color for Terminal (0.2.3) (default : 0F) => moved to ComputerInfo(5)
2022-11-06 15:20:38 +07:00
'4 = RootDirectoryString (0.2.3) (default : !)
2022-11-06 18:45:00 +07:00
'5 = Terminal TrackPos (0.2.3) (default : 0)
'6 = GameMode (0.2.3) (dependant)
2022-11-08 13:02:02 +07:00
'7 = MaxWidth (0.2.4) (depentant)
'8 = MaxHeight (0.2.4) (depentant)
'ComputerInfo Strings:
2022-11-02 08:52:31 +07:00
'0 = Computer Name (0.1) (default : shiftos)
'1 = Username (0.1) (default : user)
2022-11-02 09:57:21 +07:00
'2 = Codepoint (0.2) (default : 0)
2022-11-03 04:28:19 +07:00
'3 = Story Chapter (0.2) (default : 0 for New Game)
2022-11-05 05:36:43 +07:00
'4 = Installed Packages (0.2.3) (default : 0 for New Game)
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
'5 = Color for Terminal (0.2.4) (default : 0F)
'6 = Color for Infobar (0.2.4) (default : F0)
2022-11-21 10:43:53 +07:00
'7 = Window Manager (0.2.7) (default : 0)
'AvailableFeature (Default is defined on the Story Mode, Free Mode automatically assigns every available feature to 1, Unavailable in the Shiftorium assigned as 2, Upgraded assigned as 3) Strings:
2022-11-02 09:57:21 +07:00
'0 = MAN command [Manual on each command] (0.2) (default : 0)
'1 = CLEAR command [Clearing the screen] (0.2) (default : 0)
'2 = PRINT command [Printing a string] (0.2.2) (default : 0)
'3 = Terminal Display Driver [Dependencies for advanced terminal applications] (0.2.2) (default : 0)
'4 = Terminal InfoBar [A panel bar at the bottom of the terminal to show 'Time', 'User Session', 'Codepoint', 'Program running'] (0.2.2) (default : 0)
'5 = Time by Second [Showing time in seconds form since midnight] (0.2.2) (default : 0)
'6 = Time by Minutes [Showing time in minutes form since midnight] (0.2.2) (default : 0)
'7 = Time by Hours [Showing time in hours form since midnight] (0.2.2) (default : 0)
2022-11-05 05:36:43 +07:00
'8 = Shiftfetch [ShiftOS port of Neofetch, A command-line system information tool] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
2022-11-05 22:24:30 +07:00
'9 = bc [Basic Calculator for ShiftOS] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
'10 = 2-bit Color Display [Adds Dark Gray and Light Gray support to the Display Driver] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
'11 = ShiftOS Key [A key to unlock advanced features on ShiftOS] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
'12 = Time by PM and AM [Showing time in hours form since midnight] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'13 = Red, Green, Blue [Adds Red, Green, and Blue support to the Display Driver] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
'14 = RGB Variant [Adds lighter or darker variant of Red, Green, and Blue] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
'15 = 4-bit Color Display [Adds to 16 colours support to the Display Driver] (0.2.3) (default : 0)
2022-11-07 07:13:50 +07:00
'16 = Terminal Read-Only Memory Driver [ShiftOS Read-Only Memory support for HDD, SSD, etc.] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
'17 = TextPad [Notepad] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
'18 = ShiftKey [DOSKey for ShiftOS] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
'19 = Custom Username [Custom username for ShiftOS] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
'20 = Custom Hostname [Custom hostname for ShiftOS] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
2022-11-09 06:30:53 +07:00
'21 = Reverse String [Reverse a text] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
'22 = Cowsay [Cowsay] (0.2.4) (default : 0)
'23 = Time by Hours and Minutes [Shows time in Hours and Minutes format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'24 = Date command [Shows date in days since first day of the year format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'25 = Date by week [Shows date in weeks since first week of the year format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'26 = Date by month [Shows date in months since first month of the year format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'27 = Date by year [Shows date in year format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'28 = Date by month and year [Shows date in MM/YYYY format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'29 = Date by general [Shows date in general DD/MM/YYYY format] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
'30 = Batch-file support for ShiftOS [Gives execution support for ShiftOS Script File (.scr)] (0.2.5) (default : 0)
2022-11-19 06:54:01 +07:00
'31 = Rename support [Ability to rename files in ShiftOS] (default : 0)
2022-11-20 02:25:18 +07:00
'32 = Zip command [Ability to compress file in a zip file] (default : 0)
'33 = Unzip command [Ability to extract file in a zip file] (default : 0)
'34 = MathQuiz [Simple arithmatical question game to get codepoint] (default : 0)
2022-11-02 11:17:14 +07:00
'Features bought hierarchy :
'Chapter 1:
'ShiftOS Key (KEY) (5 CP)
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'>ShiftOS Help Manual (MAN) (10 CP)
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
'>>Custom Username (USERNAME) (15 CP)
'>>Custom Hostname (HOSTNAME) (15 CP)
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'>Terminal Clear (CLEAR) (20 CP)
'>>Terminal Print (PRINT) (25 CP)
2022-11-09 06:30:53 +07:00
'>>>Reverse String command (REV) (30 CP)
'>>>>Cowsay (50 CP)
'>>>>Fortune command (55 CP)
2022-11-08 10:22:01 +07:00
'>>>ShiftKey (ShOSKey) (45 CP)
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'>>>Terminal Display Driver (TERMDSPDRV) (40 CP)
'>>>>Terminal InfoBar (INFOBAR) (50 CP)
'>>>>Shiftfetch (SHIFTFETCH) (55 CP)
'>>>>2-bit Color Display (2BITCOLOR) (60 CP)
'>>>>>Red, Green, Blue (rgb) (70 CP)
'>>>>>>RGB Variant (rgb2) (75 CP)
'>>>>>>>4-bit Color Display (4BITCOLOR) (80 CP)
2022-11-07 07:13:50 +07:00
'>>>>>>>>Terminal Read-Only Memory Driver (ROMDRIVER, DIR, MKDIR, RMDIR, CD, PWD) (90 CP)
2022-11-20 02:25:18 +07:00
'>>>>>>>>>ZIP command (ZIP) (95 CP)
'>>>>>>>>>UNZIP command (UNZIP) (95 CP)
2022-11-19 06:54:01 +07:00
'>>>>>>>>>Rename support (RENAME) (95 CP)
2022-11-07 07:13:50 +07:00
'>>>>>>>>>TextPad (100 CP)
'>>>>>>>>>>ShiftOS Batch Script Support (BATCHSCRIPT) (100 CP)
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'>>Basic Calculator (BC) (55 CP)
'>>>MathQuiz (MATHQUIZ) (60 CP)
'>>Time by Seconds (TIME, STIME) (10 CP)
'>>>Time by Minutes (TIME, MTIME) (20 CP)
2022-11-06 14:24:53 +07:00
'>>>>Time by Hours (Time, HTIME) (30 CP)
'>>>>>PM and AM (Time, PMAM (40 CP))
'>>>>>>Time by Hours and Minutes (Time, HHMM (50 CP))
'>>>>>>>Date command (DATE (70 CP))
'>>>>>>>>Date by week (DATE, WOY (75 CP))
'>>>>>>>>>Date by month (DATE, MOY (80 CP))
'>>>>>>>>>>Date by year (DATE, YEAR (85 CP))
'>>>>>>>>>>>Date by month and year (DATE, MMYYYY (90 CP))
'>>>>>>>>>>>>Date by general (DATE, GENERALDATE (95 CP))
'Chpater 2:
'>Dual Window Manager (200 CP)
2022-11-23 08:36:50 +07:00
'>>Console Scrollbra (200 CP)
'>>DuWM RGB Support (225 CP)
'>>>DuWM 16 Colors Support (275 CP)
'>>Shifter (250 CP)
'>>Knowledge Input (275 CP)
End Class