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Module NewAPI
Private Command As String
Private NewModForm As New ModForm
' This stores the message and title values for the infobox, since they are created with 2 commands.
Dim modInfoMessage As String = "ShiftOS has been modified to create this infobox, use infobox.message = <your message> to customise it."
Dim modInfoTitle As String = "Info from Mod, customise it with infobox.title = <title>"
Dim isInfo As Integer = 0
' Tells other programs where to place output files
Public modOutputPath As String
Dim modInPath As String
Dim WithEvents trmReadModInput As New Timer
Public Sub ReadModInput(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles trmReadModInput.Tick
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists(modInPath) Then
UseCode(modInPath, modOutputPath)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub OpenModFile(path As String)
' Mod files are zips containing "config.set" and application files.
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath & "\Shiftum42\Temp\ModLoader", FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents)
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath & "\Shiftum42\Temp\ModLoader")
System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(path, ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath & "\Shiftum42\Temp\ModLoader")
' Config contents: line1 = what exe to launch, line2 = path mod with write to, line 3 = folder mod will read from, line4 = connection delay in milliseconds
Dim configdata(3) As String
configdata = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines(ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath & "\Shiftum42\Temp\ModLoader\config.set")
Process.Start(ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath & "\Shiftum42\Temp\ModLoader\" & configdata(0))
modOutputPath = configdata(2)
modInPath = configdata(1)
Catch ex As Exception
infobox.showinfo("Mod Error", "There is an error in the modification's config file. Please contact the developer of you mod. If you are the developer, remember: line1 = what exe to launch, line2 = path mod with write to, line 3 = folder mod will read from, line4 = connection delay in milliseconds")
End Try
trmReadModInput.Interval = configdata(3)
End Sub
Public Sub UseCode(ByVal InPath As String, ByVal OutPath As String)
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader
sr = My.Computer.FileSystem.OpenTextFileReader(InPath)
Dim linenum As Integer = IO.File.ReadAllLines(InPath).Length
Dim i As Integer = 1
While i <= linenum
Command = sr.ReadLine()
i = i + 1
End While
modOutputPath = OutPath
End Sub
Private Sub DoCommandAPI()
If Command Like "infobox.title = *" Then
Dim title As String = Command.Substring(16)
modInfoTitle = title
isInfo = isInfo + 1
Catch ex As Exception
infobox.showinfo("Critical Modification Application Error", "A critical error occured whilst trying to add to your codepoint value - please contact the developer of your mod")
End Try
ElseIf Command Like "infobox.message = *" Then
Dim Message As String = Command.Substring(18)
modInfoMessage = Message
isInfo = isInfo + 1
Catch ex As Exception
infobox.showinfo("Critical Modification Application Error", "A critical error occured whilst trying to add to your codepoint value - please contact the developer of your mod")
End Try
ElseIf Command Like "codepoints.add = *" Then
Dim CodePointsToAdd As Integer = Command.Substring(17)
ShiftOSDesktop.codepoints = ShiftOSDesktop.codepoints + CodePointsToAdd
Catch ex As Exception
infobox.showinfo("Critical Modification Application Error", "A critical error occured whilst trying to add to your codepoint value - please contact the developer of your mod")
End Try
ElseIf Command Like "bitnotes.add = *" Then
Dim BitNotesToAdd As Integer = Command.Substring(15)
ShiftOSDesktop.bitnotebalance = ShiftOSDesktop.bitnotebalance + BitNotesToAdd
Catch ex As Exception
infobox.showinfo("Critical Modification Application Error", "A critical error occured whilst trying to add to your codepoint value - please contact the developer of your mod")
End Try
ElseIf Command Like "getcolour.title = *" Then
Dim title As String = Command.Substring(18)
Colour_Picker.colourtochange = title
Colour_Picker.sendToMod = True
Catch ex As Exception
infobox.showinfo("Critical Modification Application Error", "A critical error occured whilst trying to add to your codepoint value - please contact the developer of your mod")
End Try
End If
If isInfo > 2 Then
infobox.showinfo(modInfoTitle, modInfoMessage)
isInfo = 0
End If
End Sub
End Module