Imports System.IO

Public Class Downloadmanager

    Dim writefile As StreamWriter
    Public filepath As String = ShiftOSPath + "Home\Downloads"
    Dim progress As Decimal
    Dim speed As Integer = 500

    Dim size_(99999) As Integer
    Dim source(99999) As String
    Dim name_(99999) As String
    Dim number As Integer = 0
    Dim current As Integer = 1

#Region "Template Code"
    Public rolldownsize As Integer
    Public oldbordersize As Integer
    Public oldtitlebarheight As Integer
    Public justopened As Boolean = False
    Public needtorollback As Boolean = False
    Public minimumsizewidth As Integer = 0   'replace with minimum size
    Public minimumsizeheight As Integer = 0  'replace with minimum size

    Private Sub Template_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        justopened = True
        Me.Left = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - Me.Width) / 2
        Me.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - Me.Height) / 2
        If ShiftOSDesktop.DownloadManagerCorrupted Then Me.Close() : infobox.showinfo("The Plague.", Me.Name & "has been corrupted by The Plague.")

        pnlwelcome.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        lblpreviousdownloads.Text = ShiftOSDesktop.downloadmanagerhistory

        ShiftOSDesktop.pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager.SendToBack() 'CHANGE NAME
        ShiftOSDesktop.setpanelbuttonappearnce(ShiftOSDesktop.pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager, ShiftOSDesktop.tbdownloadmanagericon, ShiftOSDesktop.tbdownloadmanagertext, True) 'modify to proper name
        ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen = ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen + 1
    End Sub

    Public Sub setupall()
    End Sub

    Private Sub ShiftOSDesktop_keydown(sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
        'Make terminal appear
        If e.KeyCode = Keys.T AndAlso e.Control Then
            Terminal.Visible = True
        End If

        'Movable Windows
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtmovablewindows = True Then
            If e.KeyCode = Keys.A AndAlso e.Control Then
                e.Handled = True
                Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X - ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber, Me.Location.Y)
            End If
            If e.KeyCode = Keys.D AndAlso e.Control Then
                e.Handled = True
                Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber, Me.Location.Y)
            End If
            If e.KeyCode = Keys.W AndAlso e.Control Then
                e.Handled = True
                Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y - ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber)
            End If
            If e.KeyCode = Keys.S AndAlso e.Control Then
                e.Handled = True
                Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber)
            End If
            ShiftOSDesktop.log = ShiftOSDesktop.log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User moved " & Me.Name & " to " & Me.Location.ToString & " with " & e.KeyCode.ToString & Environment.NewLine
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub titlebar_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseDown, lbtitletext.MouseDown, pnlicon.MouseDown, pgtoplcorner.MouseDown, pgtoprcorner.MouseDown
        ' Handle Draggable Windows
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtdraggablewindows = True Then
            If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then
                titlebar.Capture = False
                lbtitletext.Capture = False
                pnlicon.Capture = False
                pgtoplcorner.Capture = False
                pgtoprcorner.Capture = False
                Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &HA1S
                Const HTCAPTION As Integer = 2
                Dim msg As Message = _
                    Message.Create(Me.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, _
                        New IntPtr(HTCAPTION), IntPtr.Zero)
            End If
            ShiftOSDesktop.log = ShiftOSDesktop.log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User dragged " & Me.Name & " to " & Me.Location.ToString & Environment.NewLine
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub setupborders()
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = False Then
            Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - pgleft.Width - pgright.Width, Me.Height - pgbottom.Height)
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub closebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub closebutton_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseEnter, closebutton.MouseUp
        closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtnhover
    End Sub

    Private Sub closebutton_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseLeave
        closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtn
    End Sub

    Private Sub closebutton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseDown
        closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtnclick
    End Sub

    Private Sub minimizebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles minimizebutton.Click
        ShiftOSDesktop.minimizeprogram(Me, False)
    End Sub

    'Old skinning system - No idea what this does
    ''Private Sub titlebar_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseEnter, titlebar.MouseUp, lbtitletext.MouseEnter, pnlicon.MouseEnter, closebutton.MouseEnter, rollupbutton.MouseEnter
    ''    If ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(3) = ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(4) Then  Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(1)
    ''End Sub

    'Private Sub titlebar_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseLeave, lbtitletext.MouseLeave, pnlicon.MouseLeave, closebutton.MouseLeave, rollupbutton.MouseLeave
    '    If ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(3) = ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(4) Then  Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(0)
    'End Sub

    Private Sub rollupbutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseEnter, rollupbutton.MouseUp
        rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtnhover
    End Sub

    Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseLeave
        rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtn
    End Sub

    Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseDown
        rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtnclick
    End Sub

    Public Sub setuptitlebar()


        If Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height Then pgleft.Show() : pgbottom.Show() : pgright.Show() : Me.Height = rolldownsize : needtorollback = True
        pgleft.Width = Skins.borderwidth
        pgright.Width = Skins.borderwidth
        pgbottom.Height = Skins.borderwidth
        titlebar.Height = Skins.titlebarheight

        If justopened = True Then
            Me.Size = New Size(500, 250) 'put the default size of your window here
            Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height + Skins.titlebarheight - 30)
            Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width + Skins.borderwidth + Skins.borderwidth, Me.Height + Skins.borderwidth)
            oldbordersize = Skins.borderwidth
            oldtitlebarheight = Skins.titlebarheight
            justopened = False
            If Me.Visible = True Then
                Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - (2 * oldbordersize) + (2 * Skins.borderwidth), (Me.Height - oldtitlebarheight - oldbordersize) + Skins.titlebarheight + Skins.borderwidth)
                'Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - oldbordersize - oldbordersize, Me.Height - oldbordersize) 'Just put a little algebra in the first size setting and comment out the mess
                oldbordersize = Skins.borderwidth
                oldtitlebarheight = Skins.titlebarheight
                'Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height + Skins.titlebarheight - 30)
                'Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width + Skins. borderwidth + Skins. borderwidth, Me.Height + Skins. borderwidth)
                'rolldownsize = Me.Height
                If needtorollback = True Then Me.Height = titlebar.Height : pgleft.Hide() : pgbottom.Hide() : pgright.Hide()
            End If
        End If

        If Skins.enablecorners = True Then
            pgtoprcorner.Width = Skins.titlebarcornerwidth
            pgtoplcorner.Width = Skins.titlebarcornerwidth
        End If

        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitlebar = False Then
            Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Size.Height - titlebar.Height)
        End If

        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitletext = False Then
            lbtitletext.Font = New Font(Skins.titletextfontfamily, Skins.titletextfontsize, Skins.titletextfontstyle, GraphicsUnit.Point)
            lbtitletext.Text = ShiftOSDesktop.downloadmanagername 'Remember to change to name of program!!!!
        End If

        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtclosebutton = False Then
            closebutton.BackColor = Skins.closebtncolour
            closebutton.Size = Skins.closebtnsize
        End If

        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtrollupbutton = False Then
            rollupbutton.BackColor = Skins.rollbtncolour
            rollupbutton.Size = Skins.rollbtnsize
        End If

        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtminimizebutton = False Then
            minimizebutton.BackColor = Skins.minbtncolour
            minimizebutton.Size = Skins.minbtnsize
        End If

        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = True Then
            closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop)
            rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop)
            minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop)
            Select Case Skins.titletextpos
                Case "Left"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside, Skins.titletextfromtop)
                Case "Centre"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop)
            End Select
            lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour
            closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop)
            rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop)
            minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop)
            Select Case Skins.titletextpos
                Case "Left"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside + pgtoplcorner.Width, Skins.titletextfromtop)
                Case "Centre"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop)
            End Select
            lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour
        End If

        'Change when Icon skinning complete
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtshiftneticon = True Then ' Change to program's icon
            pnlicon.Visible = True
            pnlicon.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconside, ShiftOSDesktop.titlebaricontop)
            pnlicon.Size = New Size(ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconsize, ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconsize)
            pnlicon.Image = ShiftOSDesktop.downloadmanagericontitlebar  'Replace with the correct icon for the program.
        End If

    End Sub

    Public Sub rollupanddown()
        If Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height Then
            Me.Height = rolldownsize
            Me.MinimumSize = New Size(minimumsizewidth, minimumsizeheight)
            Me.MinimumSize = New Size(0, 0)
            rolldownsize = Me.Height
            Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub resettitlebar()
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = True Then
            closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop)
            rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop)
            minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop)
            Select Case Skins.titletextpos
                Case "Left"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside, Skins.titletextfromtop)
                Case "Centre"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop)
            End Select
            lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour
            closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop)
            rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop)
            minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop)
            Select Case Skins.titletextpos
                Case "Left"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside + pgtoplcorner.Width, Skins.titletextfromtop)
                Case "Centre"
                    lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop)
            End Select
            lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub pullside_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullside.Tick
        Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X
    End Sub

    Private Sub pullbottom_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbottom.Tick
        Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y
    End Sub

    Private Sub pullbs_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbs.Tick
        Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X
        Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y
    End Sub

    Private Sub RightCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseEnter
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
            Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub bottomCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseEnter
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
            Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub CornerCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseEnter
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
            Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub SizeCursoroff_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseLeave, pgbottom.MouseLeave, pgbottomrcorner.MouseLeave
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
            Cursor = Cursors.Default
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub rightpull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseUp
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub bottompull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseDown
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub buttompull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseUp
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub bspull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseDown
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub bspull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseUp
        If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub setskin()
        closebutton.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        titlebar.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        'apply new skin
        If Skins.closebtn Is Nothing Then closebutton.BackColor = Skins.closebtncolour Else closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtn
        closebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.closebtnlayout
        If Skins.titlebar Is Nothing Then titlebar.BackColor = Skins.titlebarcolour Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = Skins.titlebar
        titlebar.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.titlebarlayout
        If Skins.rollbtn Is Nothing Then rollupbutton.BackColor = Skins.rollbtncolour Else rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtn
        rollupbutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.rollbtnlayout
        If Skins.leftcorner Is Nothing Then pgtoplcorner.BackColor = Skins.leftcornercolour Else pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.leftcorner
        pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.leftcornerlayout
        If Skins.rightcorner Is Nothing Then pgtoprcorner.BackColor = Skins.rightcornercolour Else pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.rightcorner
        pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.rightcornerlayout
        If Skins.minbtn Is Nothing Then minimizebutton.BackColor = Skins.minbtncolour Else minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.minbtn
        minimizebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.minbtnlayout
        If Skins.borderleft Is Nothing Then pgleft.BackColor = Skins.borderleftcolour Else pgleft.BackgroundImage = Skins.borderleft
        pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.borderleftlayout
        If Skins.borderright Is Nothing Then pgright.BackColor = Skins.borderrightcolour Else pgright.BackgroundImage = Skins.borderright
        pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.borderrightlayout
        If Skins.borderbottom Is Nothing Then pgbottom.BackColor = Skins.borderbottomcolour Else pgbottom.BackgroundImage = Skins.borderbottom
        pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.borderbottomlayout
        If enablebordercorners = True Then
            If Skins.bottomleftcorner Is Nothing Then pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = Skins.bottomleftcornercolour Else pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.bottomleftcorner
            pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.bottomleftcornerlayout
            If Skins.bottomrightcorner Is Nothing Then pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = Skins.bottomrightcornercolour Else pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.bottomrightcorner
            pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.bottomrightcornerlayout
            pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = Skins.borderrightcolour
            pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = Skins.borderrightcolour
            pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing
            pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing
        End If

        'set bottom border corner size
        pgbottomlcorner.Size = New Size(Skins.borderwidth, Skins.borderwidth)
        pgbottomrcorner.Size = New Size(Skins.borderwidth, Skins.borderwidth)
        pgbottomlcorner.Location = New Point(0, Me.Height - Skins.borderwidth)
        pgbottomrcorner.Location = New Point(Me.Width, Me.Height - Skins.borderwidth)

        Me.TransparencyKey = ShiftOSDesktop.globaltransparencycolour
    End Sub

    Private Sub Clock_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
        ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen = ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen - 1
    End Sub

    'end of general setup
#End Region

    Private Sub lblexit_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lblexit.Click
    End Sub

    'tab switching
    Private Sub bntwelcometab_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bntwelcometab.Click
        pnlwelcome.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
    End Sub

    Private Sub bnthistorytab_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bnthistorytab.Click
        pnlhistory.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
    End Sub

    Private Sub bntdownloadstab_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bntdownloadstab.Click
        pnldownloads.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
    End Sub

    Private Sub bntsettingtab_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles bntsettingtab.Click
        pnlsettings.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
        If lblpreviousdownloads.Text = "" Then btnclearhist.Text = "Download History Cleared" Else btnclearhist.Text = "Clear Download History"
    End Sub

    Public Sub adddownload(ByVal INname As String, ByVal INsource As String, ByVal INsize As Integer)
        number = number + 1
        size_(number) = INsize
        source(number) = INsource
        name_(number) = INname
        tmrdownloadspeed.Interval = 1024 / speed


        pnldownloads.Dock = DockStyle.Fill
    End Sub

    Private Sub tmrdownloadspeed_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles tmrdownloadspeed.Tick

        lbldownloadingitems.Text = name_(current) & " FROM " & source(current) & " - " & Math.Round(progress, 0) & "%"
        If progress >= 100 Then
            savedownload(name_(current), size_(current), source(current))
            If number > current Then
                current = current + 1
                progress = 0
                lbldownloadingitems.Text = "..."
                lblqueueddownloads.Text = ""
                lbldownloadingitems.Text = "No Downloads currently in progress."
                progress = 0
                number = 0
                current = 1
            End If
            progress = progress + (100 / size_(current))
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub updatequeuetext()
        If number > current Then
            Dim i As Integer = 1
            If i <= (number - current) Then
                If lblqueueddownloads.Text = "No downloads currently queued" Then
                    lblqueueddownloads.Text = name_(current + i) & " FROM " & source(current + i)
                    lblqueueddownloads.Text = lblqueueddownloads.Text + vbCrLf + name_(current + i) & " FROM " & source(current + i)
                End If
                i = i + 1
            End If
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub savedownload(ByVal OUTname As String, ByVal OUTsize As Integer, ByVal OUTsource As String)
        Select Case OUTname
            Case "LinuxMint7.skn"
                If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(filepath)) Then
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath & "\" & OUTname, My.Resources.skinlinuxmint7)
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath & "\" & OUTname, My.Resources.skinlinuxmint7)
                End If
            Case "Industrial.skn"
                If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(filepath)) Then
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath & "\" & OUTname, My.Resources.skinindustrial)
                    System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes(filepath & "\" & OUTname, My.Resources.skinindustrial)
                End If
            Case Else
                If (Not System.IO.Directory.Exists(filepath)) Then
                    writefile = New StreamWriter(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Drivers\HDD.dri")
                    writefile = New StreamWriter(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Drivers\HDD.dri")
                End If
                File_Crypt.EncryptFile(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Drivers\HDD.dri", filepath & "\" & OUTname, ShiftOSDesktop.sSecretKey)
        End Select
        lblpreviousdownloads.Text = lblpreviousdownloads.Text & vbCrLf & OUTname & " From " & OUTsource
        ShiftOSDesktop.downloadmanagerhistory = lblpreviousdownloads.Text
        btnclearhist.Text = "Clear Download History"
    End Sub


    Private Sub txtspeedlimiter_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles txtspeedlimiter.TextChanged
        If IsNumeric(txtspeedlimiter.Text) Then
                speed = txtspeedlimiter.Text
            Catch ex As Exception
                speed = 2147483647
                txtspeedlimiter.Text = 2147483647
            End Try
            txtspeedlimiter.Text = 0
        End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnclearhist_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnclearhist.Click
        lblpreviousdownloads.Text = ""
        ShiftOSDesktop.downloadmanagerhistory = ""
        btnclearhist.Text = "Download History Cleared"
    End Sub

    Private Sub btnsavefolder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnsavefolder.Click
        File_Opener.openextention = "Dir"
        File_Opener.openingprogram = "download manager"
    End Sub
End Class