using System.Diagnostics; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Windows.Forms; using ShiftOS.Engine.Misc; using ShiftOS.Engine.Properties; using static ShiftOS.Engine.WindowManager.InfoboxTemplate; namespace ShiftOS.Engine.WindowManager { public static class ShiftWM { public static EventList Windows = new EventList(); public static ShiftWindow GetShiftWindow(this UserControl control) { return Windows.First(p => (uint) control.Tag == p.Id); } /// /// Shows a new ShiftWindow based on a UserControl. /// /// The UserControl to use /// The program's title /// The icon to show /// Checks if this is an infobox /// Enables or disables resizing /// public static ShiftWindow Init( UserControl content, string title, Bitmap icon, bool showAsInfobox = false, bool resize = true) { // Setup Window var app = new ShiftWindow { Text = title, Title = { Text = title } }; app.Width = content.Width + app.leftSide.Width + app.rightSide.Width; app.Height = content.Height + app.bottomSide.Height + app.titleBar.Height; if (ShiftSkinData.TitleBarColor == Color.Empty) { var borderColor = Color.FromArgb(64, 64, 64); ShiftSkinData.BtnCloseColor = Color.Black; ShiftSkinData.BtnCloseHoverColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); ShiftSkinData.BtnMaxColor = Color.Black; ShiftSkinData.BtnMaxHoverColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); ShiftSkinData.BtnMinColor = Color.Black; ShiftSkinData.BtnMinHoverColor = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40); ShiftSkinData.LeftTopCornerColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.TitleBarColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.RightTopCornerColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.LeftSideColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.RightSideColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.LeftBottomCornerColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.BottomSideColor = borderColor; ShiftSkinData.RightBottomCornerColor = borderColor; } app.btnClose.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.BtnCloseColor; app.btnMax.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.BtnMaxColor; app.btnMin.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.BtnMinColor; app.leftTopCorner.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.LeftTopCornerColor; app.titleBar.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.TitleBarColor; app.rightTopCorner.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.RightTopCornerColor; app.leftSide.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.LeftSideColor; app.rightSide.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.RightSideColor; app.leftBottomCorner.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.LeftBottomCornerColor; app.bottomSide.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.BottomSideColor; app.rightBottomCorner.BackColor = ShiftSkinData.RightBottomCornerColor; // Icon Setup if (icon == null) { app.programIcon.Hide(); app.Title.Location = new Point(2, 7); } else { app.programIcon.Image = icon; app.Icon = icon.ToIcon(); } // Setup UC content.Parent = app.programContent; content.BringToFront(); content.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; app.Show(); content.Tag = app.SetId(); Debug.WriteLine($"usercontrol: {content.Tag} window: {app.Id}"); app.Closed += (sender, args) => { Windows.Remove((ShiftWindow) sender); }; Windows.Add(app); if (content is IShiftWindowExtensions extensions) { extensions.OnLoaded(app); } return app; } /// /// Shows a new infobox. /// /// The title of the infobox. /// The infobox's content. /// The ButtonType used for the infobox. /// public static InfoboxTemplate StartInfoboxSession(string title, string body, ButtonType type) { var info = new InfoboxTemplate(type) { label1 = { Text = body } }; Init(info, title, Resources.iconInfoBox_fw, true, false); return info; } } }