using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace ShiftOS.Main.Terminal.Commands { public class TestStory : TerminalCommand { public override string Name { get; } = "teststory"; public override string Summary { get; } = "Debug Command - Test the intro"; public override string Usage { get; } = "teststory"; public override bool Unlocked { get; set; } = false; public override void Run(params string[] parameters) { var r = new Random(); WriteLine($"Incoming connection from {r.Next(0, 256)}.{r.Next(0, 256)}.{r.Next(0, 256)}.{r.Next(0, 256)}..."); WriteLine(); //The various Task.Delay functions are to make the Thread.Sleep function work. Thread.Sleep(r.Next(2000, 4500)); WriteLine("User set alias as \"DevX\"."); Task.Delay(1); Thread.Sleep(4000); WriteLine("User has connected successfully!"); Task.Delay(1); Thread.Sleep(3400); StoryWriteLine("Well, it seems ShiftOS has installed. Congrats.... err... whatever your name is."); } private void StoryWriteLine(string value) { WriteLine($"[devx@master ~]$ {value}"); } } }