Module Paths ' Paths: ' Root path - Paths.root - DO NOT USE UNLESS NECISARY (Opening files from the file skimmer, blocking the user from going above C:\ShiftOS, ect) ' Software Data - Paths.progdata - This is the base path for all program data. If you are adding a folder to this path, add a variable in here ' AdvStart - Paths.advda - Stores stuff like recent files, for example if you go to Paths.advstart\Recent in Explorer, you'll see the same files you see in the Advanced AL's Recent section. ' Knowledge Input Data - Paths.kidata - Knowledge Input uses this to save your lists of words you've found ' Shiftnet Data - Paths.shiftnetdata - This is where the shiftnet currently saves it's history ' Download Manager Data - Paths.dnldata - Not sure what this does ' Save Data - Paths.savedata - The game has it's save file in here ' Skin Directory - Paths.skindir - Self explanatory. ' Loaded Skin Directory - Paths.loadedskin - Where the contents of .skn files are extracted to. ' Sound Directory - Paths.sounddir - Where sound files (such as Infobox chime) are stored, coming soon. ' Current Skin Directory - Paths.currentskin - ?????????? ' Home Directory - Paths.home - This is the folder that contains all the user's files ' Desktop - Paths.desktop - All the files that appear on your desktop should be stored here ' Documents - Paths.documents - The documents folder is where the user puts their documents ' Downloads - Paths.downloads - The downloads folder is where the downloader downloads downloads from the Shiftnet ' Music - - The music folder is where the user puts their music ' Pictures - - The pictures folder is where the user puts their pictures ' Skins - Paths.skins - The skins folder is where the user puts their skins 'Declaration Hierarchy Public root As String = "C:\ShiftOS\" 'Do NOT use this unless it is for files that must go DIRECTLY in C:\ShiftOS\ Public progdata As String = root & "SoftwareData\" Public advdata As String = progdata & "AdvStart\" Public kidata As String = progdata & "KnowledgeInput\" Public shiftnetdata As String = progdata & "Shiftnet\" Public dnldata As String = progdata & "DownloadManager\" Public savedata As String = root & "Shiftum42\" Public skindir As String = savedata & "Skins\" Public loadedskin As String = skindir & "Loaded\" Public currentskin As String = skindir & "Current\" Public sounddir As String = loadedskin & "Sounds\" Public home As String = root & "Home\" Public desktop As String = home & "Desktop\" Public documents As String = home & "Documents\" Public downloads As String = home & "Documents\" Public music As String = home & "Music\" Public pictures As String = home & "Pictures\" Public skins As String = home & "Skins\" End Module