Imports System.IO Public Class File_Skimmer Public rolldownsize As Integer Public oldbordersize As Integer Public oldtitlebarheight As Integer Public justopened As Boolean = False Public needtorollback As Boolean = False Public minimumsizewidth As Integer = 400 Public minimumsizeheight As Integer = 177 Public ShiftOSPath As String = ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath Dim itemsdeleted As Integer Dim filetype As Integer #Region "Template Code" Private Sub Template_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load justopened = True Me.Left = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - Me.Width) / 2 Me.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - Me.Height) / 2 setupall() If ShiftOSDesktop.FileSkimmerCorrupted Then Me.Close() : infobox.showinfo("The Plague.", Me.Name & "has been corrupted by The Plague.") ShiftOSDesktop.pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer.SendToBack() 'CHANGE NAME ShiftOSDesktop.setuppanelbuttons() ShiftOSDesktop.setpanelbuttonappearnce(ShiftOSDesktop.pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer, ShiftOSDesktop.tbfileskimmericon, ShiftOSDesktop.tbfileskimmertext, True) 'modify to proper name ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen = ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen + 1 End Sub Public Sub setupall() setuptitlebar() setupborders() setskin() End Sub Private Sub ShiftOSDesktop_keydown(sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown 'Make terminal appear If e.KeyCode = Keys.T AndAlso e.Control Then Terminal.Show() Terminal.Visible = True Terminal.BringToFront() End If 'Movable Windows If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtmovablewindows = True Then If e.KeyCode = Keys.A AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X - ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber, Me.Location.Y) End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.D AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X + ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber, Me.Location.Y) End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.W AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y - ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber) End If If e.KeyCode = Keys.S AndAlso e.Control Then e.Handled = True Me.Location = New Point(Me.Location.X, Me.Location.Y + ShiftOSDesktop.movablewindownumber) End If ShiftOSDesktop.log = ShiftOSDesktop.log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User moved " & Me.Name & " to " & Me.Location.ToString & " with " & e.KeyCode.ToString & Environment.NewLine End If End Sub Private Sub titlebar_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseDown, lbtitletext.MouseDown, pnlicon.MouseDown, pgtoplcorner.MouseDown, pgtoprcorner.MouseDown ' Handle Draggable Windows If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtdraggablewindows = True Then If e.Button = MouseButtons.Left Then titlebar.Capture = False lbtitletext.Capture = False pnlicon.Capture = False pgtoplcorner.Capture = False pgtoprcorner.Capture = False Const WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN As Integer = &HA1S Const HTCAPTION As Integer = 2 Dim msg As Message = _ Message.Create(Me.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, _ New IntPtr(HTCAPTION), IntPtr.Zero) Me.DefWndProc(msg) End If ShiftOSDesktop.log = ShiftOSDesktop.log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User dragged " & Me.Name & " to " & Me.Location.ToString & Environment.NewLine End If End Sub Public Sub setupborders() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = False Then pgleft.Hide() pgbottom.Hide() pgright.Hide() Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - pgleft.Width - pgright.Width, Me.Height - pgbottom.Height) End If End Sub Private Sub closebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.Click ShiftOSDesktop.refreshIcons() Me.Close() End Sub Private Sub Me_Close(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.FormClosing ShiftOSDesktop.refreshIcons() End Sub Private Sub closebutton_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseEnter, closebutton.MouseUp closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtnhover End Sub Private Sub closebutton_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseLeave closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtn End Sub Private Sub closebutton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles closebutton.MouseDown closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtnclick End Sub Private Sub minimizebutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles minimizebutton.Click ShiftOSDesktop.minimizeprogram(Me, False) End Sub 'Old skinning system - No idea what this does ''Private Sub titlebar_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseEnter, titlebar.MouseUp, lbtitletext.MouseEnter, pnlicon.MouseEnter, closebutton.MouseEnter, rollupbutton.MouseEnter '' If ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(3) = ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(4) Then Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(1) ''End Sub 'Private Sub titlebar_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles titlebar.MouseLeave, lbtitletext.MouseLeave, pnlicon.MouseLeave, closebutton.MouseLeave, rollupbutton.MouseLeave ' If ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(3) = ShiftOSDesktop.skinimages(4) Then Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = ShiftOSDesktop.skintitlebar(0) 'End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.Click rollupanddown() End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseEnter, rollupbutton.MouseUp rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtnhover End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseLeave(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseLeave rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtn End Sub Private Sub rollupbutton_MouseDown(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles rollupbutton.MouseDown rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtnclick End Sub Public Sub setuptitlebar() setupborders() If Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height Then pgleft.Show() : pgbottom.Show() : pgright.Show() : Me.Height = rolldownsize : needtorollback = True pgleft.Width = Skins.borderwidth pgright.Width = Skins.borderwidth pgbottom.Height = Skins.borderwidth titlebar.Height = Skins.titlebarheight If justopened = True Then Me.Size = New Size(600, 377) 'put the default size of your window here Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height + Skins.titlebarheight - 30) Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width + Skins.borderwidth + Skins.borderwidth, Me.Height + Skins.borderwidth) oldbordersize = Skins.borderwidth oldtitlebarheight = Skins.titlebarheight justopened = False Else If Me.Visible = True Then 'Me.Hide() Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - (2 * oldbordersize) + (2 * Skins.borderwidth), (Me.Height - oldtitlebarheight - oldbordersize) + Skins.titlebarheight + Skins.borderwidth) 'Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width - oldbordersize - oldbordersize, Me.Height - oldbordersize) 'Just put a little algebra in the first size setting and comment out the mess oldbordersize = Skins.borderwidth oldtitlebarheight = Skins.titlebarheight 'Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Height + Skins.titlebarheight - 30) 'Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width + Skins. borderwidth + Skins. borderwidth, Me.Height + Skins. borderwidth) 'rolldownsize = Me.Height If needtorollback = True Then Me.Height = titlebar.Height : pgleft.Hide() : pgbottom.Hide() : pgright.Hide() 'Me.Show() End If End If If Skins.enablecorners = True Then pgtoplcorner.Show() pgtoprcorner.Show() pgtoprcorner.Width = Skins.titlebarcornerwidth pgtoplcorner.Width = Skins.titlebarcornerwidth Else pgtoplcorner.Hide() pgtoprcorner.Hide() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitlebar = False Then titlebar.Hide() Me.Size = New Size(Me.Width, Me.Size.Height - titlebar.Height) End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughttitletext = False Then lbtitletext.Hide() Else lbtitletext.Font = New Font(Skins.titletextfontfamily, Skins.titletextfontsize, Skins.titletextfontstyle, GraphicsUnit.Point) lbtitletext.Text = ShiftOSDesktop.fileskimmername 'Remember to change to name of program!!!! lbtitletext.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtclosebutton = False Then closebutton.Hide() Else closebutton.BackColor = Skins.closebtncolour closebutton.Size = Skins.closebtnsize closebutton.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtrollupbutton = False Then rollupbutton.Hide() Else rollupbutton.BackColor = Skins.rollbtncolour rollupbutton.Size = Skins.rollbtnsize rollupbutton.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtminimizebutton = False Then minimizebutton.Hide() Else minimizebutton.BackColor = Skins.minbtncolour minimizebutton.Size = Skins.minbtnsize minimizebutton.Show() End If If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = True Then closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop) Select Case Skins.titletextpos Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside, Skins.titletextfromtop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour Else closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop) Select Case Skins.titletextpos Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside + pgtoplcorner.Width, Skins.titletextfromtop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour End If 'Change when Icon skinning complete If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfileskimmericon = True Then ' Change to program's icon pnlicon.Visible = True pnlicon.Location = New Point(ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconside, ShiftOSDesktop.titlebaricontop) pnlicon.Size = New Size(ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconsize, ShiftOSDesktop.titlebariconsize) pnlicon.Image = ShiftOSDesktop.dodgeicontitlebar 'Replace with the correct icon for the program. End If End Sub Public Sub rollupanddown() If Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height Then pgleft.Show() pgbottom.Show() pgright.Show() Me.Height = rolldownsize Me.MinimumSize = New Size(minimumsizewidth, minimumsizeheight) Else Me.MinimumSize = New Size(0, 0) pgleft.Hide() pgbottom.Hide() pgright.Hide() rolldownsize = Me.Height Me.Height = Me.titlebar.Height End If End Sub Public Sub resettitlebar() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtwindowborders = True Then closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop) Select Case Skins.titletextpos Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside, Skins.titletextfromtop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour Else closebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.closebtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, Skins.closebtnfromtop) rollupbutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.rollbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, Skins.rollbtnfromtop) minimizebutton.Location = New Point(titlebar.Size.Width - Skins.minbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, Skins.minbtnfromtop) Select Case Skins.titletextpos Case "Left" lbtitletext.Location = New Point(Skins.titletextfromside + pgtoplcorner.Width, Skins.titletextfromtop) Case "Centre" lbtitletext.Location = New Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, Skins.titletextfromtop) End Select lbtitletext.ForeColor = Skins.titletextcolour End If End Sub Private Sub pullside_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullside.Tick Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X resettitlebar() End Sub Private Sub pullbottom_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbottom.Tick Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y resettitlebar() End Sub Private Sub pullbs_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pullbs.Tick Me.Width = Cursor.Position.X - Me.Location.X Me.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - Me.Location.Y resettitlebar() End Sub 'delete this for non-resizable windows Private Sub Rightpull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseDown If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullside.Start() End If End Sub Private Sub RightCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE End If End Sub Private Sub bottomCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS End If End Sub Private Sub CornerCursorOn_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseEnter If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE End If End Sub Private Sub SizeCursoroff_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseLeave, pgbottom.MouseLeave, pgbottomrcorner.MouseLeave If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then Cursor = Cursors.Default End If End Sub Private Sub rightpull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgright.MouseUp If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullside.Stop() End If End Sub Private Sub bottompull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseDown If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbottom.Start() End If End Sub Private Sub buttompull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottom.MouseUp If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbottom.Stop() End If End Sub Private Sub bspull_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseDown If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbs.Start() End If End Sub Private Sub bspull_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles pgbottomrcorner.MouseUp If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtresizablewindows = True Then pullbs.Stop() End If End Sub Public Sub setskin() 'disposals closebutton.BackgroundImage = Nothing titlebar.BackgroundImage = Nothing rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Nothing pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = Nothing 'apply new skin If Skins.closebtn Is Nothing Then closebutton.BackColor = Skins.closebtncolour Else closebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.closebtn closebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.closebtnlayout If Skins.titlebar Is Nothing Then titlebar.BackColor = Skins.titlebarcolour Else titlebar.BackgroundImage = Skins.titlebar titlebar.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.titlebarlayout If Skins.rollbtn Is Nothing Then rollupbutton.BackColor = Skins.rollbtncolour Else rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.rollbtn rollupbutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.rollbtnlayout If Skins.leftcorner Is Nothing Then pgtoplcorner.BackColor = Skins.leftcornercolour Else pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.leftcorner pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.leftcornerlayout If Skins.rightcorner Is Nothing Then pgtoprcorner.BackColor = Skins.rightcornercolour Else pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.rightcorner pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.rightcornerlayout If Skins.minbtn Is Nothing Then minimizebutton.BackColor = Skins.minbtncolour Else minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.minbtn minimizebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.minbtnlayout If Skins.borderleft Is Nothing Then pgleft.BackColor = Skins.borderleftcolour Else pgleft.BackgroundImage = Skins.borderleft pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.borderleftlayout If Skins.borderright Is Nothing Then pgright.BackColor = Skins.borderrightcolour Else pgright.BackgroundImage = Skins.borderright pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.borderrightlayout If Skins.borderbottom Is Nothing Then pgbottom.BackColor = Skins.borderbottomcolour Else pgbottom.BackgroundImage = Skins.borderbottom pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.borderbottomlayout If enablebordercorners = True Then If Skins.bottomleftcorner Is Nothing Then pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = Skins.bottomleftcornercolour Else pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.bottomleftcorner pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.bottomleftcornerlayout If Skins.bottomrightcorner Is Nothing Then pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = Skins.bottomrightcornercolour Else pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = Skins.bottomrightcorner pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.bottomrightcornerlayout Else pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = Skins.borderrightcolour pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = Skins.borderrightcolour pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = Nothing End If 'set bottom border corner size pgbottomlcorner.Size = New Size(Skins.borderwidth, Skins.borderwidth) pgbottomrcorner.Size = New Size(Skins.borderwidth, Skins.borderwidth) pgbottomlcorner.Location = New Point(0, Me.Height - Skins.borderwidth) pgbottomrcorner.Location = New Point(Me.Width, Me.Height - Skins.borderwidth) Me.TransparencyKey = ShiftOSDesktop.globaltransparencycolour End Sub Private Sub Clock_FormClosing(sender As Object, e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen = ShiftOSDesktop.programsopen - 1 Me.Hide() ShiftOSDesktop.setuppanelbuttons() End Sub 'end of general setup #End Region Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) showcontents() End Sub Public Function getExType(fileex As String) Dim filetype As Integer Dim program As String Select Case fileex Case ".txt" filetype = 2 program = "Text Document" Case ".doc" filetype = 2 program = "Word Document" Case ".docx" filetype = 2 program = "Word Document" Case ".lst" filetype = 2 program = "Spreadsheet" Case ".png" filetype = 3 program = "Picture" Case ".jpg" filetype = 3 program = "Picture" Case ".jpeg" filetype = 3 program = "Picture" Case ".bmp" filetype = 3 program = "Bitmap" Case ".gif" filetype = 3 program = "Animated Picture" Case ".avi" filetype = 4 program = "Video Clip" Case ".m4v" filetype = 4 program = "MPEG-4 Video" Case ".mp4" filetype = 4 program = "MPEG-4 Video" Case ".wmv" filetype = 4 program = "Windows Media Video" Case ".mp3" filetype = 4 program = "MPEG-3 Song" Case ".dll" filetype = 6 program = "System File" Case ".exe" filetype = 7 program = "MS-DOS Executable" Case ".sft" filetype = 8 program = "System File" Case ".dri" filetype = 9 program = "System File" Case ".pic" filetype = 3 If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtartpad Then program = "Artpad Document" Else program = ".pic File" Case ".skn" filetype = 10 If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtskinloader Then program = "Skin" Else program = ".skn file" Case ".nls" filetype = 11 program = "Font File" Case ".icp" filetype = 12 If ShiftOSDesktop.boughticonmanager Then program = "Icon Manager File" Else program = ".icp file" Case ".stp" filetype = 13 program = "Setup File" Case ".trm" filetype = 14 program = "Terminal Script File" Case ".owd" filetype = 2 If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtorcwrite Then program = "OrcWrite Document" Else program = ".owd file" Case ".sh" filetype = 14 program = "BASH Script" Case ".bat" filetype = 14 program = "MS-DOS Batch File" Case ".command" filetype = 14 program = ".command file" Case ".saa" If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtgray Then filetype = 15 Else filetype = 19 program = "Stand Alone Application" Case ".flood" filetype = 16 If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfloodgate Then program = "FloodGate File" Else program = ".flood file" Case ".url" filetype = 17 program = "Shortcut" Case ".urls" filetype = 18 program = "Shiftnet Link" Case Else filetype = 1 program = "Unknown File Type" End Select Dim array() As String = {CStr(filetype), program} Return (array) End Function Private Sub showcontents() Me.Show() lvfiles.Items.Clear() lvfiles.Items.Add("Exit Folder", 5) Dim dir As New DirectoryInfo(lbllocation.Text) Dim files As FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles() Dim file As FileInfo Dim folders As DirectoryInfo() = dir.GetDirectories() Dim folder As DirectoryInfo For Each folder In folders Dim foldername As String = folder.Name lvfiles.Items.Add(foldername, 0) Next For Each file In files Dim filename As String = file.Name Dim fileex As String = file.Extension filetype = getExType(fileex)(0) lvfiles.Items.Add(filename, filetype) Next End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load showcontents() End Sub Private Sub lbfiles_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lvfiles.MouseDoubleClick If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text = "Exit Folder" Then If lbllocation.Text = "C:/ShiftOS" Or lbllocation.Text = "C:/ShiftOS/" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "Unable to move into a higher directory due to error reading the requested folder on the drive." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "You can only enter directories formatted in the ShiftOS file system (ShiftFS)" infobox.Show() Else Dim directoryInfo As System.IO.DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = System.IO.Directory.GetParent(lbllocation.Text) If (directoryInfo.FullName = "C:\") Then Dim errerror As String = "an error" Else lbllocation.Text = directoryInfo.FullName 'Dim endloop As Boolean = False 'lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) 'While endloop = False ' Try ' If lbllocation.Text.Substring(lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) = "/" Then ' endloop = True ' Else ' lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text.Substring(0, lbllocation.Text.Length - 1) ' End If ' Catch ' infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Error!" ' infobox.textinfo = "Unable to move into a higher directory due to error reading the requested folder on the drive." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "An error occured going up" ' infobox.Show() ' End Try 'End While showcontents() End If Else 'Check if selected item is a file or folder. It it's a folder check its extension If lbllocation.Text Like "*/" Then Else lbllocation.Text = lbllocation.Text + "/" End If OpenFile(lbllocation.Text + lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text) End If End Sub Public Sub OpenFile(path As String) 'Check if selected item is a file or folder. It it's a folder check its extension If path Like "*.owd" Then If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtorcwrite = True Then Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(Path) OrcWrite.RichTextBox1.Rtf = sr.ReadToEnd() sr.Close() OrcWrite.Show() OrcWrite.TopMost = True Else infobox.showinfo("Application Not Found", "ShiftOS could not find an application able the open .owd files.") End If ElseIf path Like "*.txt" Then If TextPad.needtosave = False Then TextPad.Show() TextPad.txtuserinput.Text = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(path) TextPad.needtosave = False Else infobox.title = "Textpad - Save?" infobox.textinfo = "It appears that your text document currently contains unsaved changes." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Are you sure you want to load a file without saving the changes?" infobox.Show() infobox.showyesno() infobox.sendyesno = "fileskimmertextpad" End If ElseIf path Like "*.pic" Then If ArtPad.needtosave = False Then ArtPad.Show() ArtPad.savelocation = (path) ArtPad.openpic() ArtPad.needtosave = False Else infobox.title = "Artpad - Save?" infobox.textinfo = "It appears that your canvas currently contains unsaved changes." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Are you sure you want to open a different canvas without saving the changes?" infobox.Show() infobox.showyesno() infobox.sendyesno = "fileskimmerartpad" End If ElseIf path Like "*.sft" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This file appears to be encrypted or may be critical for stable system operation." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Access to this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf path Like "*.lst" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This file appears to be encrypted or may be critical for stable system operation." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Access to this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf path Like "*.dri" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This file appears to be encrypted or may be critical for stable system operation." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Access to this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf path Like "*.lang" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This file appears to be encrypted or may be critical for stable system operation." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Access to this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf path Like "*.skn" Then If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtskinning Then Skin_Loader.Show() Skin_Loader.loadingsknversion = "" If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\") Then My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\", FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) System.IO.Compression.ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(path, ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\") If File.Exists(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\SKN-version") Then Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\SKN-version") Dim i As String = sr.ReadLine Skin_Loader.loadingsknversion = sr.ReadLine sr.Close() End If If Skin_Loader.loadingsknversion = "2.0 disposal-free skinning" Then Skin_Loader.setuppreview2_0() Skin_Loader.skinloaded = True Else My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\skindata.dat", My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\skindata.dat").Replace("\Current", "\Preview"), False) Skin_Loader.loadlines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Preview\skindata.dat") Skin_Loader.loadskintopreview() Skin_Loader.skinloaded = True End If Else infobox.showinfo("Application Not Found", "ShiftOS could not find an application able the open skin files.") End If ElseIf path Like "*.mp3" Then If ShiftOSDesktop.installedaudioplayer Then Audio_Player.lbmusiclist.Items.Add(path) Audio_Player.lblintro.Hide() Audio_Player.Show() Else infobox.showinfo("Application Not Found", "ShiftOS could not find an application able the open audio files.") End If ElseIf path Like "*.saa" Then File_Crypt.DecryptFile(path & "\" & path, ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Drivers\HDD.dri", ShiftOSDesktop.sSecretKey) Dim sr As StreamReader = New StreamReader(ShiftOSDesktop.ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Drivers\HDD.dri") Dim apptoopen As String = sr.ReadLine() sr.Close() Select Case apptoopen.ToLower 'Case "program name" ' Check requirements and open program Case "dodge" Dodge.Show() Case "web browser" If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtanycolour4 = True Then Web_Browser.Show() Else infobox.showinfo("Error", "The requirements for " & path & " are not meet. Please buy limitless colours.") Case "b1n0t3 h4ck" Randomize() Dim VirusChoice As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 4)) If VirusChoice = 1 Then Viruses.zerogravity = True Viruses.zerogravitythreatlevel = CInt(Math.Floor((4) * Rnd())) + 1 Viruses.setupzerovirus() ElseIf VirusChoice = 2 Then Viruses.beeper = True Viruses.beeperthreatlevel = CInt(Math.Floor((4) * Rnd())) + 1 Viruses.setupbeepervirus() ElseIf VirusChoice = 3 Then Viruses.mousetrap = True Viruses.mousetrapthreatlevel = CInt(Math.Floor((4) * Rnd())) + 1 Viruses.setupmousetrapvirus() ElseIf VirusChoice = 4 Then Viruses.ThePlague = True Viruses.theplaguethreatlevel = CInt(Math.Floor((4) * Rnd())) + 1 Viruses.setuptheplague() End If infobox.title = "B1N0T3 H4CK3R - Error" infobox.textinfo = "L0L Y0U JUST G0T R3KT #D341W1TH1T" & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "(Enjoy your new virus)" infobox.Show() Case "virus scanner" If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtgray Then VirusScanner.Show() Else infobox.showinfo("Error", "The requirements for " & path & " are not meet. Please buy Gray.") Case "labyrinth" If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtgray Then Labyrinth.Show() Else infobox.showinfo("Error", "The requirements for " & path & " are not meet. Please buy Gray.") Case "calculator" Calculator.Show() Case "audio player" Audio_Player.Show() Case "video player" If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtanycolour4 Then Video_Player.Show() Else infobox.showinfo("Error", "The requirements for " & path & " are not meet. Please buy limitless colours.") Video_Player.Show() Case "dock" ShiftDock.Show() Case "virus grade 1 removal unlocker" If ShiftOSDesktop.installedvirusscanner Then If Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 2) = 1 Then infobox.showinfo("Virus Removal Unlocked", "Removal of grade 1 viruses has been unlocked in the Virus Scanner.") If ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade < 1 Then ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade = 1 Else infobox.showinfo("Lolz", "Haha, I just don't feel like doing anything today. Try me again some time and I MIGHT Lock it. For now, I'm hang out for the lolz!") End If End If Case "virus grade 2 removal unlocker" If ShiftOSDesktop.installedvirusscanner Then If Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 2) = 1 Then infobox.showinfo("Virus Removal Unlocked", "Removal of grade 2 viruses has been unlocked in the Virus Scanner.") If ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade < 2 Then ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade = 2 Else infobox.showinfo("Lolz", "Haha, I just don't feel like doing anything today. Try me again some time and I MIGHT Lock it. For now, I'm hang out for the lolz!") End If End If Case "virus grade 3 removal unlocker" If ShiftOSDesktop.installedvirusscanner Then If Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 2) = 1 Then infobox.showinfo("Virus Removal Unlocked", "Removal of grade 3 viruses has been unlocked in the Virus Scanner.") If ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade < 3 Then ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade = 3 Else infobox.showinfo("Lolz", "Haha, I just don't feel like doing anything today. Try me again some time and I MIGHT Lock it. For now, I'm hang out for the lolz!") End If End If Case "virus grade 4 removal unlocker" If ShiftOSDesktop.installedvirusscanner Then If Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 2) = 1 Then infobox.showinfo("Virus Removal Unlocked", "Removal of grade 4 viruses has been unlocked in the Virus Scanner.") If ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade < 4 Then ShiftOSDesktop.virusscannergrade = 4 Else infobox.showinfo("Lolz", "Haha, I just don't feel like doing anything today. Try me again some time and I MIGHT Lock it. For now, I'm hang out for the lolz!") End If End If Case Else infobox.title = "Corrupt file" infobox.textinfo = "The stand alone application '" & path & "' seems to be corrupt and is unable to run properly." infobox.Show() End Select ElseIf path Like "*.stp" Then Installer.Show() Installer.txtfilepath.Text = (path) ElseIf path Like "*.smf" Then NewAPI.OpenModFile(path) ElseIf path Like "*.trm" Then Terminal.Show() Terminal.runterminalfile(path) ElseIf path Like "*.sct" Then Dim sr As New IO.StreamReader(Path) Dim relayPath As String = sr.ReadToEnd() sr.Close() OpenFile(relayPath) ElseIf path Like "*.bat" Then If (ShiftOSDesktop.unitymode) Then Shell(path) Else If (ShiftOSDesktop.boughtunitymode) Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Unity Mode:" infobox.textinfo = "You do not have unity mode enabled. Enable unity mode to run shell scripts" infobox.Show() Else infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Unity Mode:" infobox.textinfo = "You do not have unity mode" infobox.Show() End If End If Else If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(path) Then lbllocation.Text = path showcontents() Else infobox.title = "Could not run file" infobox.textinfo = "Error running file" infobox.Show() End If End If End Sub Private Sub lbfiles_MouseClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles lvfiles.MouseClick If e.Button = Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Right Then fileactions.Show(MousePosition) Else If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.*" Then btndeletefile.Text = "Delete File" btndeletefile.Image = My.Resources.deletefile btndeletefile.Size = New Size(117, 31) Else btndeletefile.Text = "Delete Folder" btndeletefile.Image = My.Resources.deletefolder btndeletefile.Size = New Size(130, 31) End If End If End Sub Private Sub pnlbreak_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlbreak.Click If pnloptions.Visible = False Then pnlbreak.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.downarrow pnloptions.Show() Else pnlbreak.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.uparrow pnloptions.Hide() End If End Sub Private Sub btndeletefile_Click() Handles btndeletefile.Click If lvfiles.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.*" Then If lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.dri*" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This system file is protected and cannot be deleted." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Permission to delete this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.sft*" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This system file is protected and cannot be deleted." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Permission to delete this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.lst*" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This system file is protected and cannot be deleted." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Permission to delete this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "*.lang*" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This system file is protected and cannot be deleted." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Permission to delete this file has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() ElseIf lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Like "Exit Folder" Then infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "You cannot delete this folder." infobox.Show() Else My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile(lbllocation.Text & "/" & lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text) My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.writesound, AudioPlayMode.Background) showcontents() End If Else Select Case lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text Case "Shiftum42", "SoftwareData", "Drivers", "Languages", "KnowledgeInput" infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Warning!" infobox.textinfo = "This system folder is protected and cannot be deleted." & Environment.NewLine & Environment.NewLine & "Permission to delete this folder has been blocked to protect the system from potential damage." infobox.Show() Case Else Try My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(lbllocation.Text & "/" & lvfiles.SelectedItems(0).Text, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents) My.Computer.Audio.Play(My.Resources.writesound, AudioPlayMode.Background) showcontents() Catch ex As Exception infobox.title = "File Skimmer - Error!" infobox.textinfo = "Failed to delete the folder / file(s)." infobox.Show() End Try End Select End If End If End Sub Private Sub btnnewfolder_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnnewfolder.Click infobox.lblintructtext.Text = "Please enter a name for your new folder:" infobox.txtuserinput.Text = "" infobox.lblintructtext.Show() infobox.txtuserinput.Show() infobox.title = "New Folder" infobox.Show() infobox.state = "makingfolder" End Sub Public Sub makefolder() My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(lbllocation.Text & "/" & infobox.txtuserinput.Text) showcontents() infobox.Close() End Sub Private Sub setupoptions() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfileskimmernewfolder = True Then btnnewfolder.Show() Else btnnewfolder.Hide() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfileskimmerdelete = True Then btndeletefile.Show() Else btndeletefile.Hide() If ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfileskimmernewfolder = False AndAlso ShiftOSDesktop.boughtfileskimmerdelete = False Then pnlbreak.Hide() End Sub Private Sub lvfiles_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lvfiles.SelectedIndexChanged End Sub Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click btndeletefile_Click() End Sub End Class