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synced 2025-02-03 06:07:35 +00:00
5290 lines
285 KiB
5290 lines
285 KiB
Public Class ShiftOSDesktop
#Region "Saving and Loading Skins and Game Progress"
Public justconverted As Boolean = False
Public codepoints As Integer
Public log As String
Public forceclose As Boolean = False
Public movablewindownumber As Integer = 50
Public terminalfullscreen As Boolean = True
Public unitymode As Boolean = False
Public savelines(2000) As String
Public loadlines(2000) As String
Public skinlines(200) As String
Public newgame As Boolean = False
Public lastcolourpick As Color = Color.Gray
Public programsopen As Integer = 0
Public ShiftOSPath As String = "C:\ShiftOS\"
Private actualshiftversion As String = "0.0.8"
Public ingameversion As String = ""
Public password As String
Public NumberOn As Integer = 1
Public CrashGameReady As Boolean = False
Public FileSkimmerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public ArtpadCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public AudioPlayerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public BitNoteDiggerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public BitNoteWalletCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public CalculatorCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public ClockCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public CoherenceModeCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public ColourPickerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public DodgeCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public DownloadManagerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public FloodGateManagerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public GraphicPickerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public IconManagerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public InstallerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public KnowledgeInputCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public LabyrinthCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public NameChangerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public OrcWriteCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public PongCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public ShifterCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public ShiftNetCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public ShiftoriumCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public SkinLoaderCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public SkinShifterCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public SnakeyCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public SystemInfoCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public TerminalCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public TextpadCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public VideoPlayerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public VirusScannerCorrupted As Boolean = False
Public WebBrowserCorrupted As Boolean = False
'Shiftorium Upgrades
Public boughttitlebar As Boolean = False
Public boughtgray As Boolean = False
Public boughtsecondspastmidnight As Boolean = False
Public boughtminutespastmidnight As Boolean = False
Public boughthourspastmidnight As Boolean = False
Public boughtcustomusername As Boolean = False
Public boughtwindowsanywhere As Boolean = False
Public boughtmultitasking As Boolean = False
Public boughtautoscrollterminal As Boolean = False
Public boughtmovablewindows As Boolean = False
Public boughtdraggablewindows As Boolean = False
Public boughtwindowborders As Boolean = False
Public boughtpmandam As Boolean = False
Public boughtminuteaccuracytime As Boolean = False
Public boughtsplitsecondtime As Boolean = False
Public boughttitletext As Boolean = False
Public boughtclosebutton As Boolean = False
Public boughtdesktoppanel As Boolean = False
Public boughtclock As Boolean = False
Public boughtwindowedterminal As Boolean = False
Public boughtapplaunchermenu As Boolean = False
Public boughtalknowledgeinput As Boolean = False
Public boughtalclock As Boolean = False
Public boughtalshiftorium As Boolean = False
Public boughtapplaunchershutdown As Boolean = False
Public boughtdesktoppanelclock As Boolean = False
Public boughtterminalscrollbar As Boolean = False
Public boughtkiaddons As Boolean = False
Public boughtkicarbrands As Boolean = False
Public boughtkigameconsoles As Boolean = False
Public boughtshifter As Boolean = False
Public boughtalshifter As Boolean = False
Public boughtrollupcommand As Boolean = False
Public boughtrollupbutton As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftdesktop As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftpanelclock As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftapplauncher As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftdesktoppanel As Boolean = False
Public boughtshifttitlebar As Boolean = False
Public boughtshifttitletext As Boolean = False
Public boughtshifttitlebuttons As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftborders As Boolean = False
Public boughtgray2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtgray3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtgray4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtanycolour As Boolean = False
Public boughtanycolour2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtanycolour3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtanycolour4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtpurple As Boolean = False
Public boughtpurple2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtpurple3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtpurple4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtblue As Boolean = False
Public boughtblue2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtblue3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtblue4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtgreen As Boolean = False
Public boughtgreen2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtgreen3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtgreen4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtyellow As Boolean = False
Public boughtyellow2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtyellow3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtyellow4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtorange As Boolean = False
Public boughtorange2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtorange3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtorange4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtbrown As Boolean = False
Public boughtbrown2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtbrown3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtbrown4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtred As Boolean = False
Public boughtred2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtred3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtred4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtpink As Boolean = False
Public boughtpink2 As Boolean = False
Public boughtpink3 As Boolean = False
Public boughtpink4 As Boolean = False
'new 0.0.6 content
Public boughtpong As Boolean = False
Public boughtknowledgeinputicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftericon As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftoriumicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtclockicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtshutdownicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtpongicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtterminalicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtalpong As Boolean = False
Public boughtfileskimmer As Boolean = False
Public boughtalfileskimmer As Boolean = False
Public boughttextpad As Boolean = False
Public boughtaltextpad As Boolean = False
Public boughtfileskimmericon As Boolean = False
Public boughttextpadicon As Boolean = False
Public boughttextpadnew As Boolean = False
Public boughttextpadsave As Boolean = False
Public boughttextpadopen As Boolean = False
Public boughtfileskimmernewfolder As Boolean = False
Public boughtfileskimmerdelete As Boolean = False
Public boughtkielements As Boolean = False
Public boughtcolourpickericon As Boolean = False
Public boughtinfoboxicon As Boolean = False
'new 0.0.7 content
Public boughtskinloader As Boolean = False
Public boughtminimizebutton As Boolean = False
Public boughtpanelbuttons As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftpanelbuttons As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad As Boolean = False
Public boughtalartpad As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtskinning As Boolean = False
Public boughtminimizecommand As Boolean = False
Public boughtusefulpanelbuttons As Boolean = False
Public boughtunitymode As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit4 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit8 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit16 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit64 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit256 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit1024 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit4096 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit16384 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixellimit65536 As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadlimitlesspixels As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad4colorpallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad8colorpallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad16colorpallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad32colorpallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad64colorpallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpad128colorpallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadcustompallets As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadnew As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixelplacer As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpixelplacermovementmode As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpencil As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadpaintbrush As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadlinetool As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadovaltool As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadrectangletool As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpaderaser As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadfilltool As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadtexttool As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadundo As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadredo As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadsave As Boolean = False
Public boughtartpadload As Boolean = False
'new 0.0.8 features
Public boughtresizablewindows As Boolean = False
Public boughtcalculator As Boolean = False
Public boughtaudioplayer As Boolean = False
Public boughtchangeosnamecommand As Boolean = False
Public boughtwebbrowser As Boolean = False
Public boughtvideoplayer As Boolean = False
Public boughtnamechanger As Boolean = False
Public boughticonmanager As Boolean = False
Public boughtbitnotewallet As Boolean = False
Public boughtbitnotedigger As Boolean = False
Public boughtskinshifter As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftnet As Boolean = False
Public boughtdownloader As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftneticon As Boolean = False
Public boughtalshiftnet As Boolean = False
Public boughtdodge As Boolean = False
Public boughtdownloadmanager As Boolean = False
Public boughtinstaller As Boolean = False
Public boughtsnakey As Boolean = False
Public boughtsysinfoicon As Boolean = False
Public boughtorcwrite As Boolean = False
Public boughtfloodgate As Boolean = False
Public boughtmaze As Boolean = False
Public boughtunitymodetoggle As Boolean = False
Public boughtunitytoggleicon As Boolean = False
Public bitnotediggergrade As Integer = 0
Public boughtvirusscannericon As Boolean = False
Public virusscannergrade As Integer = 0
Public boughttextpadtrm As Boolean = False
Public boughtshiftapplauncheritems As Boolean = False
Public boughtadvapplauncher As Boolean = False
'Apps bought through shiftnet
Public installedcalculator As Boolean = False
Public installedaudioplayer As Boolean = False
Public installedwebbrowser As Boolean = False
Public installedvideoplayer As Boolean = False
Public installeddodge As Boolean = False
Public installedsnakey As Boolean = False
Public installedsysinfo As Boolean = False
Public installedorcwrite As Boolean = False
Public installedfloodgate As Boolean = False
Public installedfloodgatenow As Boolean = False
Public installedmaze As Boolean = False
Public installedvirusscanner As Boolean = False
'new 0.0.9 features
Public boughtskinstates As Boolean = False
Public boughtdesktopicons As Boolean = False
'Colour Picker Memories
Public anymemory(15) As Color
Public graymemory(15) As Color
Public purplememory(15) As Color
Public bluememory(15) As Color
Public greenmemory(15) As Color
Public yellowmemory(15) As Color
Public orangememory(15) As Color
Public brownmemory(15) As Color
Public redmemory(15) As Color
Public pinkmemory(15) As Color
'ShiftOS UI Settings
Public titlebarcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public windowbordercolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public windowbordersize As Integer = 2
Public titlebarheight As Integer = 30
Public closebuttoncolour As Color = Color.Black
Public closebuttonheight As Integer = 22
Public closebuttonwidth As Integer = 22
Public closebuttonside As Integer = 5
Public closebuttontop As Integer = 4
Public titletextcolour As Color = Color.White
Public titletexttop As Integer = 7
Public titletextside As Integer = 4
Public titletextsize As Integer = 11
Public titletextfont As String = "Felix Titling"
Public titletextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold
Public desktoppanelcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public desktopbackgroundcolour As Color = Color.Black
Public desktoppanelheight As Integer = 24
Public desktoppanelposition As String = "Top"
Public clocktextcolour As Color = Color.Black
Public clockbackgroundcolor As Color = Color.Gray
Public panelclocktexttop As Integer = 0
Public panelclocktextsize As Integer = 14
Public panelclocktextfont As String = "Trebuchet MS"
Public panelclocktextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular
Public applauncherbuttoncolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.Gray
Public applauncherbackgroundcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public applaunchermouseovercolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public applicationsbuttontextcolour As Color = Color.Black
Public applicationbuttonheight As Integer = 24
Public applicationbuttontextsize As Integer = 10
Public applicationbuttontextfont As String = "Byington"
Public applicationbuttontextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold
Public applicationlaunchername As String = "Applications"
Public titletextposition As String = "Left"
Public rollupbuttoncolour As Color = Color.Black
Public rollupbuttonheight As Integer = 22
Public rollupbuttonwidth As Integer = 22
Public rollupbuttonside As Integer = 32
Public rollupbuttontop As Integer = 4
'new 0.0.7
Public titlebariconside As Integer = 8
Public titlebaricontop As Integer = 8
Public showwindowcorners As Boolean = False
Public titlebarcornerwidth As Integer = 2
Public titlebarrightcornercolour As Color = Color.White
Public titlebarleftcornercolour As Color = Color.White
Public applaunchermenuholderwidth As Integer = 100
Public windowborderleftcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public windowborderrightcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public windowborderbottomcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public windowborderbottomrightcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public windowborderbottomleftcolour As Color = Color.Gray
Public fileopenerlastdirectory As String
Public panelbuttonicontop As Integer = 3
Public panelbuttoniconside As Integer = 4
'Public panelbuttoniconsize As Integer = 16 'duplicated
'Public panelbuttoniconsize As Integer = 16 'duplicated
Public panelbuttonheight As Integer = 22
Public panelbuttonwidth As Integer = 186
Public panelbuttoncolour As Color = Color.Black
Public panelbuttontextcolour As Color = Color.White
Public panelbuttontextsize As Integer = 10
Public panelbuttontextfont As String = "Microsoft Sans Serif"
Public panelbuttontextstyle As FontStyle = FontStyle.Bold
Public panelbuttontextside As Integer = 22
Public panelbuttontexttop As Integer = 2
Public panelbuttongap As Integer = 1
Public panelbuttonfromtop As Integer = 1
Public panelbuttoninitialgap As Integer = 5
Public minimizebuttoncolour As Color = Color.Black
Public minimizebuttonheight As Integer = 22
Public minimizebuttonwidth As Integer = 22
Public minimizebuttonside As Integer = 59
Public minimizebuttontop As Integer = 4
'ShiftOS Skin Settings
'finsih up checking for skin changes with states in the clock app before copying across to other apps
Public globaltransparencycolour As Color = Color.FromArgb(1, 0, 1)
'Public skinimages(100) As String
'Public skinclosebutton(2) As Image
'Public skinclosebuttonstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skintitlebar(2) As Image
'Public skintitlebarstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skindesktopbackground(2) As Image
'Public skindesktopbackgroundstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinrollupbutton(2) As Image
'Public skinrollupbuttonstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skintitlebarrightcorner(2) As Image
'Public skintitlebarrightcornerstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skintitlebarleftcorner(2) As Image
'Public skintitlebarleftcornerstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skindesktoppanel(2) As Image
'Public skindesktoppanelstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skindesktoppaneltime(2) As Image
'Public skindesktoppaneltimestyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinapplauncherbutton(2) As Image
'Public skinapplauncherbuttonstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinwindowborderleft(2) As Image
'Public skinwindowborderleftstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinwindowborderright(2) As Image
'Public skinwindowborderrightstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinwindowborderbottom(2) As Image
'Public skinwindowborderbottomstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinwindowborderbottomright(2) As Image
'Public skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinwindowborderbottomleft(2) As Image
'Public skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinpanelbutton(2) As Image
'Public skinpanelbuttonstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Public skinminimizebutton(2) As Image
'Public skinminimizebuttonstyle As ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch
'Program settings
Public artpadcolorpalletwidth As Integer = 105
Public artpadcolorpalletheight As Integer = 69
Public artpadcolorpalletsidegap As Integer = 4
Public artpadcolorpallettopgap As Integer = 4
Public artpadvisiblepallets As Integer = 2
Public artpadpixellimit As Integer = 2
Public artpadcolourpallets(128) As Color
Public webbrowserhomepage As String = "www.google.com"
Public iconmanagericondatalines(50) As String
Public bitnotebalance As Decimal = 0.0
Public bitnotebalanceappscape As Decimal = 0.0
Public bitnoteaddress As String = "1LgZUWQNYWZ7Qhc1hScZieC3GWnPLzaqSd"
Public bitnoteaddressappscape As String = "1JB97iocfdv6zVMeKxXAHdahbfdoYWNyUh"
Public bitnoteaddressshiftomizer As String = "Gu603g4348UhBJcnDEc3YIwph"
Public bitnotebalanceminimatch As Decimal = 0.0
Public downloadmanagerhistory As String
Public downloadspeedcap As Integer = 32
'Main ShiftOS settings
Public catalystname As String = "Catalyst"
Public username As String = "user"
Public osname As String = "shiftos"
Public artpadname As String = "Artpad"
Public audioplayername As String = "Audio Player"
Public calculatorname As String = "Calculator"
Public clockname As String = "Clock"
Public colourpickername As String = "Colour Picker"
Public fileopenername As String = "File Opener"
Public filesavername As String = "File Saver"
Public fileskimmername As String = "File Skimmer"
Public graphicpickername As String = "Graphic Picker"
Public knowledgeinputname As String = "Knowledge Input"
Public pongname As String = "Pong"
Public shiftername As String = "Shifter"
Public shiftoriumname As String = "Shiftorium"
Public skinloadername As String = "Skin Loader"
Public terminalname As String = "Terminal"
Public textpadname As String = "TextPad"
Public videoplayername As String = "Video Player"
Public webbrowsername As String = "Web Browser"
Public namechangername As String = "Name Changer"
Public iconmanagername As String = "Icon Manager"
Public bitnotewalletname As String = "Bitnote Wallet"
Public bitnotediggername As String = "Bitnote Digger"
Public skinshiftername As String = "Skin Shifter"
Public shiftnetname As String = "Shiftnet"
Public downloadername As String = "Downloader"
Public dodgename As String = "Dodge"
Public downloadmanagername As String = "Download Manager"
Public installername As String = "Installer"
Public snakeyname As String = "Snakey"
Public sysinfoname As String = "System Information"
Public orcwritename As String = "OrcWrite"
Public floodgatename As String = "FloodGate Manager"
Public mazename As String = "Labyrinth"
Public virusscannername As String = "Virus Scanner"
Public titlebariconsize As Integer = 16
Public panelbuttoniconsize As Integer = 16
Public launchericonsize As Integer = 16
Public artpadicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconArtpad
Public audioplayericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconAudioPlayer
Public calculatoricontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconCalculator
Public clockicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconClock
Public colourpickericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconColourPicker
Public fileopenericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconFileOpener
Public filesavericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconFileSaver
Public fileskimmericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconFileSkimmer
Public graphicpickericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconGraphicPicker
Public infoboxicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconInfoBox
Public knowledgeinputicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconKnowledgeInput
Public pongicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconPong
Public shiftericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconShifter
Public shiftoriumicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconShiftorium
Public skinloadericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconSkinLoader
Public terminalicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconTerminal
Public textpadicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconTextPad
Public videoplayericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconVideoPlayer
Public webbrowsericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconWebBrowser
Public namechangericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconNameChanger
Public iconmanagericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconIconManager
Public bitnotewalleticontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconBitnoteWallet
Public bitnotediggericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconBitnoteDigger
Public skinshiftericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconSkinShifter
Public shiftneticontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconShiftnet
Public downloadericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconDownloader
Public dodgeicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconDodge
Public downloadmanagericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.icondownloadmanager
Public installericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconinstaller
Public snakeyicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconSnakey
Public sysinfoicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconSysinfo
Public orcwriteicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconorcwrite
Public floodgateicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconfloodgate
Public mazeicontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconmaze
Public virusscannericontitlebar As Image = My.Resources.iconvirusscanner
Public artpadiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconArtpad
Public audioplayericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconAudioPlayer
Public calculatoriconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconCalculator
Public clockiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconClock
Public colourpickericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconColourPicker
Public fileopenericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconFileOpener
Public filesavericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconFileSaver
Public fileskimmericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconFileSkimmer
Public graphicpickericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconGraphicPicker
Public infoboxiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconInfoBox
Public knowledgeinputiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconKnowledgeInput
Public pongiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconPong
Public shiftericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconShifter
Public shiftoriumiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconShiftorium
Public skinloadericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconSkinLoader
Public terminaliconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconTerminal
Public textpadiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconTextPad
Public videoplayericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconVideoPlayer
Public webbrowsericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconWebBrowser
Public namechangericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconNameChanger
Public iconmanagericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconIconManager
Public bitnotewalleticonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconBitnoteWallet
Public bitnotediggericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconBitnoteDigger
Public skinshiftericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconSkinShifter
Public shiftneticonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconShiftnet
Public downloadericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconDownloader
Public dodgeiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconDodge
Public downloadmanagericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.icondownloadmanager
Public installericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconinstaller
Public snakeyiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconSnakey
Public sysinfoiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconSysinfo
Public orcwriteiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconorcwrite
Public floodgateiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconfloodgate
Public mazeiconpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconmaze
Public virusscannericonpanelbutton As Image = My.Resources.iconvirusscanner
Public artpadiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconArtpad
Public audioplayericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconAudioPlayer
Public calculatoriconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconCalculator
Public clockiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconClock
Public colourpickericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconColourPicker
Public fileopenericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconFileOpener
Public filesavericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconFileSaver
Public fileskimmericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconFileSkimmer
Public graphicpickericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconGraphicPicker
Public infoboxiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconInfoBox
Public knowledgeinputiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconKnowledgeInput
Public pongiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconPong
Public shiftericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconShifter
Public shiftoriumiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconShiftorium
Public skinloadericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconSkinLoader
Public terminaliconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconTerminal
Public textpadiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconTextPad
Public videoplayericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconVideoPlayer
Public webbrowsericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconWebBrowser
Public namechangericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconNameChanger
Public iconmanagericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconIconManager
Public bitnotewalleticonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconBitnoteWallet
Public bitnotediggericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconBitnoteDigger
Public skinshiftericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconSkinShifter
Public shiftneticonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconShiftnet
Public downloadericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconDownloader
Public dodgeiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconDodge
Public downloadmanagericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.icondownloadmanager
Public installericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconinstaller
Public snakeyiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconSnakey
Public sysinfoiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconSysinfo
Public orcwriteiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconorcwrite
Public floodgateiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconfloodgate
Public mazeiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconmaze
Public virusscannericonlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconvirusscanner
Public shutdowniconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconshutdown
Public unitytoggleiconlauncher As Image = My.Resources.iconunitytoggle
'Required for encryption of save files
Private Declare Function GetKeyPress Lib "user32" Alias "GetAsyncKeyState" (ByVal key As Integer) As Integer
Public Const sSecretKey As String = "Password"
'When adding a new program you need to do the following:
'Copy over Template and Template Code
'Make program upmost/alway on top
'Add the panelbutton
'Add Open and Close command in terminal as well as info and commands such as move to
'Add desktop launcher menu item
'Add buy from shiftorium and lanucher buy from shiftorium
'Add to all ShiftOSDesktop.vb things
Public Sub savegame()
If boughttitlebar = True Then savelines(0) = 11 Else savelines(0) = 10
If boughtgray = True Then savelines(1) = 11 Else savelines(1) = 10
If boughtsecondspastmidnight = True Then savelines(2) = 11 Else savelines(2) = 10
If boughtminutespastmidnight = True Then savelines(3) = 11 Else savelines(3) = 10
If boughthourspastmidnight = True Then savelines(4) = 11 Else savelines(4) = 10
If boughtcustomusername = True Then savelines(5) = 11 Else savelines(5) = 10
If boughtwindowsanywhere = True Then savelines(6) = 11 Else savelines(6) = 10
If boughtmultitasking = True Then savelines(7) = 11 Else savelines(7) = 10
If boughtautoscrollterminal = True Then savelines(8) = 11 Else savelines(8) = 10
savelines(9) = codepoints
If boughtmovablewindows = True Then savelines(10) = 11 Else savelines(10) = 10
If boughtdraggablewindows = True Then savelines(11) = 11 Else savelines(11) = 10
If boughtwindowborders = True Then savelines(12) = 11 Else savelines(12) = 10
If boughtpmandam = True Then savelines(13) = 11 Else savelines(13) = 10
If boughtminuteaccuracytime = True Then savelines(14) = 11 Else savelines(14) = 10
If boughtsplitsecondtime = True Then savelines(15) = 11 Else savelines(15) = 10
If boughttitletext = True Then savelines(16) = 11 Else savelines(16) = 10
If boughtclosebutton = True Then savelines(17) = 11 Else savelines(17) = 10
If boughtdesktoppanel = True Then savelines(18) = 11 Else savelines(18) = 10
If boughtclock = True Then savelines(19) = 11 Else savelines(19) = 10
If boughtwindowedterminal = True Then savelines(20) = 11 Else savelines(20) = 10
If boughtapplaunchermenu = True Then savelines(21) = 11 Else savelines(21) = 10
If boughtalknowledgeinput = True Then savelines(22) = 11 Else savelines(22) = 10
If boughtalclock = True Then savelines(23) = 11 Else savelines(23) = 10
If boughtalshiftorium = True Then savelines(24) = 11 Else savelines(24) = 10
If boughtapplaunchershutdown = True Then savelines(25) = 11 Else savelines(25) = 10
If boughtdesktoppanelclock = True Then savelines(26) = 11 Else savelines(26) = 10
If boughtterminalscrollbar = True Then savelines(27) = 11 Else savelines(27) = 10
If boughtkiaddons = True Then savelines(28) = 11 Else savelines(28) = 10
If boughtkicarbrands = True Then savelines(29) = 11 Else savelines(29) = 10
If boughtkigameconsoles = True Then savelines(30) = 11 Else savelines(30) = 10
savelines(31) = username
If terminalfullscreen = True Then savelines(32) = 11 Else savelines(32) = 10
If boughtshifter = True Then savelines(33) = 11 Else savelines(33) = 10
If boughtalshifter = True Then savelines(34) = 11 Else savelines(34) = 10
If boughtrollupcommand = True Then savelines(35) = 11 Else savelines(35) = 10
If boughtrollupbutton = True Then savelines(36) = 11 Else savelines(36) = 10
If boughtshiftdesktop = True Then savelines(37) = 11 Else savelines(37) = 10
If boughtshiftpanelclock = True Then savelines(38) = 11 Else savelines(38) = 10
If boughtshiftapplauncher = True Then savelines(39) = 11 Else savelines(39) = 10
If boughtshiftdesktoppanel = True Then savelines(40) = 11 Else savelines(40) = 10
If boughtshifttitlebar = True Then savelines(41) = 11 Else savelines(41) = 10
If boughtshifttitletext = True Then savelines(42) = 11 Else savelines(42) = 10
If boughtshifttitlebuttons = True Then savelines(43) = 11 Else savelines(43) = 10
If boughtshiftborders = True Then savelines(44) = 11 Else savelines(44) = 10
If boughtgray2 = True Then savelines(45) = 11 Else savelines(45) = 10
If boughtgray3 = True Then savelines(46) = 11 Else savelines(46) = 10
If boughtgray4 = True Then savelines(47) = 11 Else savelines(47) = 10
If boughtanycolour = True Then savelines(48) = 11 Else savelines(48) = 10
If boughtanycolour2 = True Then savelines(49) = 11 Else savelines(49) = 10
If boughtanycolour3 = True Then savelines(50) = 11 Else savelines(50) = 10
If boughtanycolour4 = True Then savelines(51) = 11 Else savelines(51) = 10
If boughtpurple = True Then savelines(52) = 11 Else savelines(52) = 10
If boughtpurple2 = True Then savelines(53) = 11 Else savelines(53) = 10
If boughtpurple3 = True Then savelines(54) = 11 Else savelines(54) = 10
If boughtpurple4 = True Then savelines(55) = 11 Else savelines(55) = 10
If boughtblue = True Then savelines(56) = 11 Else savelines(56) = 10
If boughtblue2 = True Then savelines(57) = 11 Else savelines(57) = 10
If boughtblue3 = True Then savelines(58) = 11 Else savelines(58) = 10
If boughtblue4 = True Then savelines(59) = 11 Else savelines(59) = 10
If boughtgreen = True Then savelines(60) = 11 Else savelines(60) = 10
If boughtgreen2 = True Then savelines(61) = 11 Else savelines(61) = 10
If boughtgreen3 = True Then savelines(62) = 11 Else savelines(62) = 10
If boughtgreen4 = True Then savelines(63) = 11 Else savelines(63) = 10
If boughtyellow = True Then savelines(64) = 11 Else savelines(64) = 10
If boughtyellow2 = True Then savelines(65) = 11 Else savelines(65) = 10
If boughtyellow3 = True Then savelines(66) = 11 Else savelines(66) = 10
If boughtyellow4 = True Then savelines(67) = 11 Else savelines(67) = 10
If boughtorange = True Then savelines(68) = 11 Else savelines(68) = 10
If boughtorange2 = True Then savelines(69) = 11 Else savelines(69) = 10
If boughtorange3 = True Then savelines(70) = 11 Else savelines(70) = 10
If boughtorange4 = True Then savelines(71) = 11 Else savelines(71) = 10
If boughtbrown = True Then savelines(72) = 11 Else savelines(72) = 10
If boughtbrown2 = True Then savelines(73) = 11 Else savelines(73) = 10
If boughtbrown3 = True Then savelines(74) = 11 Else savelines(74) = 10
If boughtbrown4 = True Then savelines(75) = 11 Else savelines(75) = 10
If boughtred = True Then savelines(76) = 11 Else savelines(76) = 10
If boughtred2 = True Then savelines(77) = 11 Else savelines(77) = 10
If boughtred3 = True Then savelines(78) = 11 Else savelines(78) = 10
If boughtred4 = True Then savelines(79) = 11 Else savelines(79) = 10
If boughtpink = True Then savelines(80) = 11 Else savelines(80) = 10
If boughtpink2 = True Then savelines(81) = 11 Else savelines(81) = 10
If boughtpink3 = True Then savelines(82) = 11 Else savelines(82) = 10
If boughtpink4 = True Then savelines(83) = 11 Else savelines(83) = 10
savelines(84) = anymemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(85) = anymemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(86) = anymemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(87) = anymemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(88) = anymemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(89) = anymemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(90) = anymemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(91) = anymemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(92) = anymemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(93) = anymemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(94) = anymemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(95) = anymemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(96) = anymemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(97) = anymemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(98) = anymemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(99) = anymemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(100) = graymemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(101) = graymemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(102) = graymemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(103) = graymemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(104) = graymemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(105) = graymemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(106) = graymemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(107) = graymemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(108) = graymemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(109) = graymemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(110) = graymemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(111) = graymemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(112) = graymemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(113) = graymemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(114) = graymemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(115) = graymemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(116) = purplememory(0).ToArgb
savelines(117) = purplememory(1).ToArgb
savelines(118) = purplememory(2).ToArgb
savelines(119) = purplememory(3).ToArgb
savelines(120) = purplememory(4).ToArgb
savelines(121) = purplememory(5).ToArgb
savelines(122) = purplememory(6).ToArgb
savelines(123) = purplememory(7).ToArgb
savelines(124) = purplememory(8).ToArgb
savelines(125) = purplememory(9).ToArgb
savelines(126) = purplememory(10).ToArgb
savelines(127) = purplememory(11).ToArgb
savelines(128) = purplememory(12).ToArgb
savelines(129) = purplememory(13).ToArgb
savelines(130) = purplememory(14).ToArgb
savelines(131) = purplememory(15).ToArgb
savelines(132) = bluememory(0).ToArgb
savelines(133) = bluememory(1).ToArgb
savelines(134) = bluememory(2).ToArgb
savelines(135) = bluememory(3).ToArgb
savelines(136) = bluememory(4).ToArgb
savelines(137) = bluememory(5).ToArgb
savelines(138) = bluememory(6).ToArgb
savelines(139) = bluememory(7).ToArgb
savelines(140) = bluememory(8).ToArgb
savelines(141) = bluememory(9).ToArgb
savelines(142) = bluememory(10).ToArgb
savelines(143) = bluememory(11).ToArgb
savelines(144) = bluememory(12).ToArgb
savelines(145) = bluememory(13).ToArgb
savelines(146) = bluememory(14).ToArgb
savelines(147) = bluememory(15).ToArgb
savelines(148) = greenmemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(149) = greenmemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(150) = greenmemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(151) = greenmemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(152) = greenmemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(153) = greenmemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(154) = greenmemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(155) = greenmemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(156) = greenmemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(157) = greenmemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(158) = greenmemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(159) = greenmemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(160) = greenmemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(161) = greenmemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(162) = greenmemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(163) = greenmemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(164) = yellowmemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(165) = yellowmemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(166) = yellowmemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(167) = yellowmemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(168) = yellowmemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(169) = yellowmemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(170) = yellowmemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(171) = yellowmemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(172) = yellowmemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(173) = yellowmemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(174) = yellowmemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(175) = yellowmemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(176) = yellowmemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(177) = yellowmemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(178) = yellowmemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(179) = yellowmemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(180) = orangememory(0).ToArgb
savelines(181) = orangememory(1).ToArgb
savelines(182) = orangememory(2).ToArgb
savelines(183) = orangememory(3).ToArgb
savelines(184) = orangememory(4).ToArgb
savelines(185) = orangememory(5).ToArgb
savelines(186) = orangememory(6).ToArgb
savelines(187) = orangememory(7).ToArgb
savelines(188) = orangememory(8).ToArgb
savelines(189) = orangememory(9).ToArgb
savelines(190) = orangememory(10).ToArgb
savelines(191) = orangememory(11).ToArgb
savelines(192) = orangememory(12).ToArgb
savelines(193) = orangememory(13).ToArgb
savelines(194) = orangememory(14).ToArgb
savelines(195) = orangememory(15).ToArgb
savelines(196) = brownmemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(197) = brownmemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(198) = brownmemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(199) = brownmemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(200) = brownmemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(201) = brownmemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(202) = brownmemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(203) = brownmemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(204) = brownmemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(205) = brownmemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(206) = brownmemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(207) = brownmemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(208) = brownmemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(209) = brownmemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(210) = brownmemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(211) = brownmemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(212) = redmemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(213) = redmemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(214) = redmemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(215) = redmemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(216) = redmemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(217) = redmemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(218) = redmemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(219) = redmemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(220) = redmemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(221) = redmemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(222) = redmemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(223) = redmemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(224) = redmemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(225) = redmemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(226) = redmemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(227) = redmemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(228) = pinkmemory(0).ToArgb
savelines(229) = pinkmemory(1).ToArgb
savelines(230) = pinkmemory(2).ToArgb
savelines(231) = pinkmemory(3).ToArgb
savelines(232) = pinkmemory(4).ToArgb
savelines(233) = pinkmemory(5).ToArgb
savelines(234) = pinkmemory(6).ToArgb
savelines(235) = pinkmemory(7).ToArgb
savelines(236) = pinkmemory(8).ToArgb
savelines(237) = pinkmemory(9).ToArgb
savelines(238) = pinkmemory(10).ToArgb
savelines(239) = pinkmemory(11).ToArgb
savelines(240) = pinkmemory(12).ToArgb
savelines(241) = pinkmemory(13).ToArgb
savelines(242) = pinkmemory(14).ToArgb
savelines(243) = pinkmemory(15).ToArgb
savelines(244) = titlebarcolour.ToArgb
savelines(245) = windowbordercolour.ToArgb
savelines(246) = windowbordersize
savelines(247) = titlebarheight
savelines(248) = closebuttoncolour.ToArgb
savelines(249) = closebuttonheight
savelines(250) = closebuttonwidth
savelines(251) = closebuttonside
savelines(252) = closebuttontop
savelines(253) = titletextcolour.ToArgb
savelines(254) = titletexttop
savelines(255) = titletextside
savelines(256) = titletextsize
savelines(257) = titletextfont
savelines(258) = titletextstyle
savelines(259) = desktoppanelcolour.ToArgb
savelines(260) = desktopbackgroundcolour.ToArgb
savelines(261) = desktoppanelheight
savelines(262) = desktoppanelposition
savelines(263) = clocktextcolour.ToArgb
savelines(264) = clockbackgroundcolor.ToArgb
savelines(265) = panelclocktexttop
savelines(266) = panelclocktextsize
savelines(267) = panelclocktextfont
savelines(268) = panelclocktextstyle
savelines(269) = applauncherbuttoncolour.ToArgb
savelines(270) = applauncherbuttonclickedcolour.ToArgb
savelines(271) = applauncherbackgroundcolour.ToArgb
savelines(272) = applaunchermouseovercolour.ToArgb
savelines(273) = applicationsbuttontextcolour.ToArgb
savelines(274) = applicationbuttonheight
savelines(275) = applicationbuttontextsize
savelines(276) = applicationbuttontextfont
savelines(277) = applicationbuttontextstyle
savelines(278) = applicationlaunchername
savelines(279) = titletextposition
savelines(280) = rollupbuttoncolour.ToArgb
savelines(281) = rollupbuttonheight
savelines(282) = rollupbuttonwidth
savelines(283) = rollupbuttonside
savelines(284) = rollupbuttontop
If boughtpong = True Then savelines(285) = 11 Else savelines(285) = 10
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then savelines(286) = 11 Else savelines(286) = 10
If boughtshiftericon = True Then savelines(287) = 11 Else savelines(287) = 10
If boughtshiftoriumicon = True Then savelines(288) = 11 Else savelines(288) = 10
If boughtclockicon = True Then savelines(289) = 11 Else savelines(289) = 10
If boughtshutdownicon = True Then savelines(290) = 11 Else savelines(290) = 10
If boughtpongicon = True Then savelines(291) = 11 Else savelines(291) = 10
If boughtterminalicon = True Then savelines(292) = 11 Else savelines(292) = 10
If boughtalpong = True Then savelines(293) = 11 Else savelines(293) = 10
If boughtfileskimmer = True Then savelines(294) = 11 Else savelines(294) = 10
If boughtalfileskimmer = True Then savelines(295) = 11 Else savelines(295) = 10
If boughttextpad = True Then savelines(296) = 11 Else savelines(296) = 10
If boughtaltextpad = True Then savelines(297) = 11 Else savelines(297) = 10
If boughtfileskimmericon = True Then savelines(298) = 11 Else savelines(298) = 10
If boughttextpadicon = True Then savelines(299) = 11 Else savelines(299) = 10
If boughttextpadnew = True Then savelines(300) = 11 Else savelines(300) = 10
If boughttextpadsave = True Then savelines(301) = 11 Else savelines(301) = 10
If boughttextpadopen = True Then savelines(302) = 11 Else savelines(302) = 10
If boughtfileskimmernewfolder = True Then savelines(303) = 11 Else savelines(303) = 10
If boughtfileskimmerdelete = True Then savelines(304) = 11 Else savelines(304) = 10
If boughtkielements = True Then savelines(305) = 11 Else savelines(305) = 10
If boughtcolourpickericon = True Then savelines(306) = 11 Else savelines(306) = 10
If boughtinfoboxicon = True Then savelines(307) = 11 Else savelines(307) = 10
savelines(308) = artpadcolorpalletwidth
savelines(309) = artpadcolorpalletheight
savelines(310) = artpadcolorpalletsidegap
savelines(311) = artpadcolorpallettopgap
savelines(312) = artpadvisiblepallets
savelines(313) = artpadpixellimit
If boughtskinloader = True Then savelines(314) = 11 Else savelines(314) = 10
If boughtminimizebutton = True Then savelines(315) = 11 Else savelines(315) = 10
If boughtpanelbuttons = True Then savelines(316) = 11 Else savelines(316) = 10
If boughtshiftpanelbuttons = True Then savelines(317) = 11 Else savelines(317) = 10
If boughtartpad = True Then savelines(318) = 11 Else savelines(318) = 10
If boughtalartpad = True Then savelines(319) = 11 Else savelines(319) = 10
If boughtartpadicon = True Then savelines(320) = 11 Else savelines(320) = 10
If boughtskinning = True Then savelines(321) = 11 Else savelines(321) = 10
If boughtminimizecommand = True Then savelines(322) = 11 Else savelines(322) = 10
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then savelines(323) = 11 Else savelines(323) = 10
If boughtunitymode = True Then savelines(324) = 11 Else savelines(324) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit4 = True Then savelines(325) = 11 Else savelines(325) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit8 = True Then savelines(326) = 11 Else savelines(326) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit16 = True Then savelines(327) = 11 Else savelines(327) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit64 = True Then savelines(328) = 11 Else savelines(328) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit256 = True Then savelines(329) = 11 Else savelines(329) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit1024 = True Then savelines(330) = 11 Else savelines(330) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit4096 = True Then savelines(331) = 11 Else savelines(331) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit16384 = True Then savelines(332) = 11 Else savelines(332) = 10
If boughtartpadpixellimit65536 = True Then savelines(333) = 11 Else savelines(333) = 10
If boughtartpadlimitlesspixels = True Then savelines(334) = 11 Else savelines(334) = 10
If boughtartpad4colorpallets = True Then savelines(335) = 11 Else savelines(335) = 10
If boughtartpad8colorpallets = True Then savelines(336) = 11 Else savelines(336) = 10
If boughtartpad16colorpallets = True Then savelines(337) = 11 Else savelines(337) = 10
If boughtartpad32colorpallets = True Then savelines(338) = 11 Else savelines(338) = 10
If boughtartpad64colorpallets = True Then savelines(339) = 11 Else savelines(339) = 10
If boughtartpad128colorpallets = True Then savelines(340) = 11 Else savelines(340) = 10
If boughtartpadcustompallets = True Then savelines(341) = 11 Else savelines(341) = 10
If boughtartpadpixelplacer = True Then savelines(342) = 11 Else savelines(342) = 10
If boughtartpadpixelplacermovementmode = True Then savelines(343) = 11 Else savelines(343) = 10
If boughtartpadpencil = True Then savelines(344) = 11 Else savelines(344) = 10
If boughtartpadpaintbrush = True Then savelines(345) = 11 Else savelines(345) = 10
If boughtartpadlinetool = True Then savelines(346) = 11 Else savelines(346) = 10
If boughtartpadovaltool = True Then savelines(347) = 11 Else savelines(347) = 10
If boughtartpadrectangletool = True Then savelines(348) = 11 Else savelines(348) = 10
If boughtartpaderaser = True Then savelines(349) = 11 Else savelines(349) = 10
If boughtartpadfilltool = True Then savelines(350) = 11 Else savelines(350) = 10
If boughtartpadtexttool = True Then savelines(351) = 11 Else savelines(351) = 10
If boughtartpadundo = True Then savelines(352) = 11 Else savelines(352) = 10
If boughtartpadredo = True Then savelines(353) = 11 Else savelines(353) = 10
If boughtartpadsave = True Then savelines(354) = 11 Else savelines(354) = 10
If boughtartpadload = True Then savelines(355) = 11 Else savelines(355) = 10
For i = 0 To 127 : savelines(356 + i) = artpadcolourpallets(i).ToArgb : Next
If boughtartpadnew = True Then savelines(484) = 11 Else savelines(484) = 10
savelines(485) = ingameversion
If boughtresizablewindows Then savelines(486) = 11 Else savelines(486) = 10
If boughtcalculator Then savelines(487) = 11 Else savelines(487) = 10
If boughtaudioplayer Then savelines(488) = 11 Else savelines(488) = 10
If boughtchangeosnamecommand Then savelines(489) = 11 Else savelines(489) = 10
If boughtwebbrowser Then savelines(490) = 11 Else savelines(490) = 10
If boughtvideoplayer Then savelines(491) = 11 Else savelines(491) = 10
If boughtnamechanger Then savelines(492) = 11 Else savelines(492) = 10
If boughticonmanager Then savelines(493) = 11 Else savelines(493) = 10
If boughtbitnotewallet Then savelines(494) = 11 Else savelines(494) = 10
If boughtbitnotedigger Then savelines(495) = 11 Else savelines(495) = 10
If boughtskinshifter Then savelines(496) = 11 Else savelines(496) = 10
If boughtshiftnet Then savelines(497) = 11 Else savelines(497) = 10
If boughtshiftneticon Then savelines(498) = 11 Else savelines(498) = 10
If boughtalshiftnet Then savelines(499) = 11 Else savelines(499) = 10
If boughtdodge Then savelines(500) = 11 Else savelines(500) = 10
If boughtdownloadmanager Then savelines(501) = 11 Else savelines(501) = 10
If boughtinstaller Then savelines(502) = 11 Else savelines(502) = 10
If boughtsysinfoicon Then savelines(503) = 11 Else savelines(503) = 10
If boughtorcwrite Then savelines(504) = 11 Else savelines(504) = 10
If boughtfloodgate Then savelines(505) = 11 Else savelines(505) = 10
If boughtmaze Then savelines(506) = 11 Else savelines(506) = 10
If boughtunitymodetoggle Then savelines(507) = 11 Else savelines(507) = 10
If boughtunitytoggleicon Then savelines(508) = 11 Else savelines(508) = 10
savelines(509) = bitnotediggergrade
If boughtvirusscannericon Then savelines(510) = 11 Else savelines(510) = 10
savelines(511) = virusscannergrade
If boughttextpadtrm Then savelines(512) = 11 Else savelines(512) = 10
If boughtshiftapplauncheritems Then savelines(513) = 11 Else savelines(513) = 10
If installedcalculator Then savelines(514) = 11 Else savelines(514) = 10
If installedaudioplayer Then savelines(515) = 11 Else savelines(515) = 10
If installedwebbrowser Then savelines(516) = 11 Else savelines(516) = 10
If installedvideoplayer Then savelines(517) = 11 Else savelines(517) = 10
If installeddodge Then savelines(518) = 11 Else savelines(518) = 10
If installedsysinfo Then savelines(519) = 11 Else savelines(519) = 10
If installedorcwrite Then savelines(520) = 11 Else savelines(520) = 10
If installedfloodgate Then savelines(521) = 11 Else savelines(521) = 10
If installedfloodgatenow Then savelines(522) = 11 Else savelines(522) = 10
If installedmaze Then savelines(523) = 11 Else savelines(523) = 10
If installedvirusscanner Then savelines(524) = 11 Else savelines(524) = 10
savelines(525) = webbrowserhomepage
savelines(526) = bitnotebalance
savelines(527) = bitnotebalanceappscape
savelines(528) = bitnotebalanceminimatch
savelines(529) = "" ' download manager history - removed because could be muli-line
savelines(530) = downloadspeedcap
savelines(531) = osname
savelines(532) = artpadname
savelines(533) = audioplayername
savelines(534) = calculatorname
savelines(535) = clockname
savelines(536) = colourpickername
savelines(537) = fileopenername
savelines(538) = filesavername
savelines(539) = fileskimmername
savelines(540) = graphicpickername
savelines(541) = knowledgeinputname
savelines(542) = pongname
savelines(543) = shiftername
savelines(544) = shiftoriumname
savelines(545) = skinloadername
savelines(546) = terminalname
savelines(547) = textpadname
savelines(548) = videoplayername
savelines(549) = webbrowsername
savelines(550) = namechangername
savelines(551) = iconmanagername
savelines(552) = bitnotewalletname
savelines(553) = bitnotediggername
savelines(554) = skinshiftername
savelines(555) = shiftnetname
savelines(556) = dodgename
savelines(557) = downloadmanagername
savelines(558) = installername
savelines(559) = snakeyname
savelines(560) = sysinfoname
savelines(561) = orcwritename
savelines(562) = floodgatename
savelines(563) = mazename
savelines(564) = virusscannername
savelines(565) = titlebariconsize
savelines(566) = panelbuttoniconsize
savelines(567) = launchericonsize
If Viruses.zerogravity Then savelines(568) = 11 Else savelines(568) = 10
If Viruses.mousetrap Then savelines(569) = 11 Else savelines(569) = 10
If Viruses.beeper Then savelines(570) = 11 Else savelines(570) = 10
If Viruses.ThePlague Then savelines(571) = 11 Else savelines(571) = 10
savelines(572) = Viruses.zerogravitythreatlevel
savelines(573) = Viruses.mousetrapthreatlevel
savelines(574) = Viruses.beeperthreatlevel
savelines(575) = Viruses.theplaguethreatlevel
'ThePlague corruptions under here, for all your corrupted files ;)
SortOutBooleans(FileSkimmerCorrupted, 580, False)
SortOutBooleans(ArtpadCorrupted, 581, False)
SortOutBooleans(AudioPlayerCorrupted, 582, False)
SortOutBooleans(BitNoteDiggerCorrupted, 583, False)
SortOutBooleans(BitNoteWalletCorrupted, 584, False)
SortOutBooleans(CalculatorCorrupted, 585, False)
SortOutBooleans(ClockCorrupted, 586, False)
SortOutBooleans(CoherenceModeCorrupted, 587, False)
SortOutBooleans(ColourPickerCorrupted, 588, False)
SortOutBooleans(DodgeCorrupted, 589, False)
SortOutBooleans(DownloadManagerCorrupted, 590, False)
SortOutBooleans(FloodGateManagerCorrupted, 591, False)
SortOutBooleans(GraphicPickerCorrupted, 592, False)
SortOutBooleans(IconManagerCorrupted, 593, False)
SortOutBooleans(InstallerCorrupted, 594, False)
SortOutBooleans(KnowledgeInputCorrupted, 595, False)
SortOutBooleans(LabyrinthCorrupted, 596, False)
SortOutBooleans(NameChangerCorrupted, 597, False)
SortOutBooleans(OrcWriteCorrupted, 598, False)
SortOutBooleans(PongCorrupted, 599, False)
SortOutBooleans(ShifterCorrupted, 600, False)
SortOutBooleans(ShifterCorrupted, 601, False)
SortOutBooleans(ShiftNetCorrupted, 602, False)
SortOutBooleans(ShiftoriumCorrupted, 603, False)
SortOutBooleans(SkinLoaderCorrupted, 604, False)
SortOutBooleans(SkinShifterCorrupted, 605, False)
SortOutBooleans(SnakeyCorrupted, 606, False)
SortOutBooleans(SystemInfoCorrupted, 607, False)
SortOutBooleans(TerminalCorrupted, 608, False)
SortOutBooleans(TextpadCorrupted, 609, False)
SortOutBooleans(VideoPlayerCorrupted, 610, False)
SortOutBooleans(VirusScannerCorrupted, 612, False)
SortOutBooleans(WebBrowserCorrupted, 613, False)
SortOutBooleans(CrashGameReady, 614, False)
savelines(615) = NumberOn
If boughtdesktopicons = True Then savelines(614) = 11 Else savelines(614) = 10
If boughtadvapplauncher = True Then savelines(615) = 11 Else savelines(615) = 10
savelines(616) = password
IO.File.WriteAllLines(Paths.savedata & "Drivers\HDD.dri", savelines)
File_Crypt.EncryptFile(Paths.savedata & "Drivers\HDD.dri", Paths.savedata & "SKernal.sft", sSecretKey)
Dim sw As New IO.StreamWriter(Paths.dnldata & "Downloadhistory.lst")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(Paths.savedata & "HDAccess.sft", False)
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Code"
Private Sub SortOutBooleans(ByRef NameOfBoolean As Boolean, ByVal NumberOfSaveLine As Integer, ByVal TrueForSaveFalseForLoad As Boolean)
If TrueForSaveFalseForLoad = False Then
If NameOfBoolean = True Then savelines(NumberOfSaveLine) = 1 Else savelines(NumberOfSaveLine) = 0
Dim TempNumber As String = loadlines(NumberOfSaveLine)
If TempNumber = "1" Then NameOfBoolean = True Else NameOfBoolean = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub loadgame()
File_Crypt.DecryptFile(Paths.savedata & "SKernal.sft", Paths.savedata & "Drivers\HDD.dri", sSecretKey)
loadlines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(Paths.savedata & "Drivers\HDD.dri")
If loadlines(0) = 11 Then boughttitlebar = True Else boughttitlebar = False
If loadlines(1) = 11 Then boughtgray = True Else boughtgray = False
If loadlines(2) = 11 Then boughtsecondspastmidnight = True Else boughtsecondspastmidnight = False
If loadlines(3) = 11 Then boughtminutespastmidnight = True Else boughtminutespastmidnight = False
If loadlines(4) = 11 Then boughthourspastmidnight = True Else boughthourspastmidnight = False
If loadlines(5) = 11 Then boughtcustomusername = True Else boughtcustomusername = False
If loadlines(6) = 11 Then boughtwindowsanywhere = True Else boughtwindowsanywhere = False
If loadlines(7) = 11 Then boughtmultitasking = True Else boughtmultitasking = False
If loadlines(8) = 11 Then boughtautoscrollterminal = True Else boughtautoscrollterminal = False
codepoints = loadlines(9)
If loadlines(10) = 11 Then boughtmovablewindows = True Else boughtmovablewindows = False
If loadlines(11) = 11 Then boughtdraggablewindows = True Else boughtdraggablewindows = False
If loadlines(12) = 11 Then boughtwindowborders = True Else boughtwindowborders = False
If loadlines(13) = 11 Then boughtpmandam = True Else boughtpmandam = False
If loadlines(14) = 11 Then boughtminuteaccuracytime = True Else boughtminuteaccuracytime = False
If loadlines(15) = 11 Then boughtsplitsecondtime = True Else boughtsplitsecondtime = False
If loadlines(16) = 11 Then boughttitletext = True Else boughttitletext = False
If loadlines(17) = 11 Then boughtclosebutton = True Else boughtclosebutton = False
If loadlines(18) = 11 Then boughtdesktoppanel = True Else boughtdesktoppanel = False
If loadlines(19) = 11 Then boughtclock = True Else boughtclock = False
If loadlines(20) = 11 Then boughtwindowedterminal = True Else boughtwindowedterminal = False
If loadlines(21) = 11 Then boughtapplaunchermenu = True Else boughtapplaunchermenu = False
If loadlines(22) = 11 Then boughtalknowledgeinput = True Else boughtalknowledgeinput = False
If loadlines(23) = 11 Then boughtalclock = True Else boughtalclock = False
If loadlines(24) = 11 Then boughtalshiftorium = True Else boughtalshiftorium = False
If loadlines(25) = 11 Then boughtapplaunchershutdown = True Else boughtapplaunchershutdown = False
If loadlines(26) = 11 Then boughtdesktoppanelclock = True Else boughtdesktoppanelclock = False
If loadlines(27) = 11 Then boughtterminalscrollbar = True Else boughtterminalscrollbar = False
If loadlines(28) = 11 Then boughtkiaddons = True Else boughtkiaddons = False
If loadlines(29) = 11 Then boughtkicarbrands = True Else boughtkicarbrands = False
If loadlines(30) = 11 Then boughtkigameconsoles = True Else boughtkigameconsoles = False
username = loadlines(31)
If loadlines(32) = 11 Then terminalfullscreen = True Else terminalfullscreen = False
If loadlines(33) = 11 Then boughtshifter = True Else boughtshifter = False
If loadlines(34) = 11 Then boughtalshifter = True Else boughtalshifter = False
If loadlines(35) = 11 Then boughtrollupcommand = True Else boughtrollupcommand = False
If loadlines(36) = 11 Then boughtrollupbutton = True Else boughtrollupbutton = False
If loadlines(37) = 11 Then boughtshiftdesktop = True Else boughtshiftdesktop = False
If loadlines(38) = 11 Then boughtshiftpanelclock = True Else boughtshiftpanelclock = False
If loadlines(39) = 11 Then boughtshiftapplauncher = True Else boughtshiftapplauncher = False
If loadlines(40) = 11 Then boughtshiftdesktoppanel = True Else boughtshiftdesktoppanel = False
If loadlines(41) = 11 Then boughtshifttitlebar = True Else boughtshifttitlebar = False
If loadlines(42) = 11 Then boughtshifttitletext = True Else boughtshifttitletext = False
If loadlines(43) = 11 Then boughtshifttitlebuttons = True Else boughtshifttitlebuttons = False
If loadlines(44) = 11 Then boughtshiftborders = True Else boughtshiftborders = False
If loadlines(45) = 11 Then boughtgray2 = True Else boughtgray2 = False
If loadlines(46) = 11 Then boughtgray3 = True Else boughtgray3 = False
If loadlines(47) = 11 Then boughtgray4 = True Else boughtgray4 = False
If loadlines(48) = 11 Then boughtanycolour = True Else boughtanycolour = False
If loadlines(49) = 11 Then boughtanycolour2 = True Else boughtanycolour2 = False
If loadlines(50) = 11 Then boughtanycolour3 = True Else boughtanycolour3 = False
If loadlines(51) = 11 Then boughtanycolour4 = True Else boughtanycolour4 = False
If loadlines(52) = 11 Then boughtpurple = True Else boughtpurple = False
If loadlines(53) = 11 Then boughtpurple2 = True Else boughtpurple2 = False
If loadlines(54) = 11 Then boughtpurple3 = True Else boughtpurple3 = False
If loadlines(55) = 11 Then boughtpurple4 = True Else boughtpurple4 = False
If loadlines(56) = 11 Then boughtblue = True Else boughtblue = False
If loadlines(57) = 11 Then boughtblue2 = True Else boughtblue2 = False
If loadlines(58) = 11 Then boughtblue3 = True Else boughtblue3 = False
If loadlines(59) = 11 Then boughtblue4 = True Else boughtblue4 = False
If loadlines(60) = 11 Then boughtgreen = True Else boughtgreen = False
If loadlines(61) = 11 Then boughtgreen2 = True Else boughtgreen2 = False
If loadlines(62) = 11 Then boughtgreen3 = True Else boughtgreen3 = False
If loadlines(63) = 11 Then boughtgreen4 = True Else boughtgreen4 = False
If loadlines(64) = 11 Then boughtyellow = True Else boughtyellow = False
If loadlines(65) = 11 Then boughtyellow2 = True Else boughtyellow2 = False
If loadlines(66) = 11 Then boughtyellow3 = True Else boughtyellow3 = False
If loadlines(67) = 11 Then boughtyellow4 = True Else boughtyellow4 = False
If loadlines(68) = 11 Then boughtorange = True Else boughtorange = False
If loadlines(69) = 11 Then boughtorange2 = True Else boughtorange2 = False
If loadlines(70) = 11 Then boughtorange3 = True Else boughtorange3 = False
If loadlines(71) = 11 Then boughtorange4 = True Else boughtorange4 = False
If loadlines(72) = 11 Then boughtbrown = True Else boughtbrown = False
If loadlines(73) = 11 Then boughtbrown2 = True Else boughtbrown2 = False
If loadlines(74) = 11 Then boughtbrown3 = True Else boughtbrown3 = False
If loadlines(75) = 11 Then boughtbrown4 = True Else boughtbrown4 = False
If loadlines(76) = 11 Then boughtred = True Else boughtred = False
If loadlines(77) = 11 Then boughtred2 = True Else boughtred2 = False
If loadlines(78) = 11 Then boughtred3 = True Else boughtred3 = False
If loadlines(79) = 11 Then boughtred4 = True Else boughtred4 = False
If loadlines(80) = 11 Then boughtpink = True Else boughtpink = False
If loadlines(81) = 11 Then boughtpink2 = True Else boughtpink2 = False
If loadlines(82) = 11 Then boughtpink3 = True Else boughtpink3 = False
If loadlines(83) = 11 Then boughtpink4 = True Else boughtpink4 = False
anymemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(84))
anymemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(85))
anymemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(86))
anymemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(87))
anymemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(88))
anymemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(89))
anymemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(90))
anymemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(91))
anymemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(92))
anymemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(93))
anymemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(94))
anymemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(95))
anymemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(96))
anymemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(97))
anymemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(98))
anymemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(99))
graymemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(100))
graymemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(101))
graymemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(102))
graymemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(103))
graymemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(104))
graymemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(105))
graymemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(106))
graymemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(107))
graymemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(108))
graymemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(109))
graymemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(110))
graymemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(111))
graymemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(112))
graymemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(113))
graymemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(114))
graymemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(115))
purplememory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(116))
purplememory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(117))
purplememory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(118))
purplememory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(119))
purplememory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(120))
purplememory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(121))
purplememory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(122))
purplememory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(123))
purplememory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(124))
purplememory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(125))
purplememory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(126))
purplememory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(127))
purplememory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(128))
purplememory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(129))
purplememory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(130))
purplememory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(131))
bluememory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(132))
bluememory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(133))
bluememory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(134))
bluememory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(135))
bluememory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(136))
bluememory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(137))
bluememory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(138))
bluememory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(139))
bluememory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(140))
bluememory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(141))
bluememory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(142))
bluememory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(143))
bluememory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(144))
bluememory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(145))
bluememory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(146))
bluememory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(147))
greenmemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(148))
greenmemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(149))
greenmemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(150))
greenmemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(151))
greenmemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(152))
greenmemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(153))
greenmemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(154))
greenmemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(155))
greenmemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(156))
greenmemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(157))
greenmemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(158))
greenmemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(159))
greenmemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(160))
greenmemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(161))
greenmemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(162))
greenmemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(163))
yellowmemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(164))
yellowmemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(165))
yellowmemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(166))
yellowmemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(167))
yellowmemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(168))
yellowmemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(169))
yellowmemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(170))
yellowmemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(171))
yellowmemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(172))
yellowmemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(173))
yellowmemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(174))
yellowmemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(175))
yellowmemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(176))
yellowmemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(177))
yellowmemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(178))
yellowmemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(179))
orangememory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(180))
orangememory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(181))
orangememory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(182))
orangememory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(183))
orangememory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(184))
orangememory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(185))
orangememory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(186))
orangememory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(187))
orangememory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(188))
orangememory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(189))
orangememory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(190))
orangememory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(191))
orangememory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(192))
orangememory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(193))
orangememory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(194))
orangememory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(195))
brownmemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(196))
brownmemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(197))
brownmemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(198))
brownmemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(199))
brownmemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(200))
brownmemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(201))
brownmemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(202))
brownmemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(203))
brownmemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(204))
brownmemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(205))
brownmemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(206))
brownmemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(207))
brownmemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(208))
brownmemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(209))
brownmemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(210))
brownmemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(211))
redmemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(212))
redmemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(213))
redmemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(214))
redmemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(215))
redmemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(216))
redmemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(217))
redmemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(218))
redmemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(219))
redmemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(220))
redmemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(221))
redmemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(222))
redmemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(223))
redmemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(224))
redmemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(225))
redmemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(226))
redmemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(227))
pinkmemory(0) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(228))
pinkmemory(1) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(229))
pinkmemory(2) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(230))
pinkmemory(3) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(231))
pinkmemory(4) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(232))
pinkmemory(5) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(233))
pinkmemory(6) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(234))
pinkmemory(7) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(235))
pinkmemory(8) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(236))
pinkmemory(9) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(237))
pinkmemory(10) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(238))
pinkmemory(11) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(239))
pinkmemory(12) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(240))
pinkmemory(13) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(241))
pinkmemory(14) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(242))
pinkmemory(15) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(243))
titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(244))
windowbordercolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(245))
windowbordersize = loadlines(246)
titlebarheight = loadlines(247)
closebuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(248))
closebuttonheight = loadlines(249)
closebuttonwidth = loadlines(250)
closebuttonside = loadlines(251)
closebuttontop = loadlines(252)
titletextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(253))
titletexttop = loadlines(254)
titletextside = loadlines(255)
titletextsize = loadlines(256)
titletextfont = loadlines(257)
titletextstyle = loadlines(258)
desktoppanelcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(259))
desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(260))
desktoppanelheight = loadlines(261)
desktoppanelposition = loadlines(262)
clocktextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(263))
clockbackgroundcolor = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(264))
panelclocktexttop = loadlines(265)
panelclocktextsize = loadlines(266)
panelclocktextfont = loadlines(267)
panelclocktextstyle = loadlines(268)
applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(269))
applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(270))
applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(271))
applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(272))
applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(273))
applicationbuttonheight = loadlines(274)
applicationbuttontextsize = loadlines(275)
applicationbuttontextfont = loadlines(276)
applicationbuttontextstyle = loadlines(277)
applicationlaunchername = loadlines(278)
titletextposition = loadlines(279)
rollupbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(280))
rollupbuttonheight = loadlines(281)
rollupbuttonwidth = loadlines(282)
rollupbuttonside = loadlines(283)
rollupbuttontop = loadlines(284)
If loadlines(285) = 11 Then boughtpong = True Else boughtpong = False
If loadlines(286) = 11 Then boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Else boughtknowledgeinputicon = False
If loadlines(287) = 11 Then boughtshiftericon = True Else boughtshiftericon = False
If loadlines(288) = 11 Then boughtshiftoriumicon = True Else boughtshiftoriumicon = False
If loadlines(289) = 11 Then boughtclockicon = True Else boughtclockicon = False
If loadlines(290) = 11 Then boughtshutdownicon = True Else boughtshutdownicon = False
If loadlines(291) = 11 Then boughtpongicon = True Else boughtpongicon = False
If loadlines(292) = 11 Then boughtterminalicon = True Else boughtterminalicon = False
If loadlines(293) = 11 Then boughtalpong = True Else boughtalpong = False
If loadlines(294) = 11 Then boughtfileskimmer = True Else boughtfileskimmer = False
If loadlines(295) = 11 Then boughtalfileskimmer = True Else boughtalfileskimmer = False
If loadlines(296) = 11 Then boughttextpad = True Else boughttextpad = False
If loadlines(297) = 11 Then boughtaltextpad = True Else boughtaltextpad = False
If loadlines(298) = 11 Then boughtfileskimmericon = True Else boughtfileskimmericon = False
If loadlines(299) = 11 Then boughttextpadicon = True Else boughttextpadicon = False
If loadlines(300) = 11 Then boughttextpadnew = True Else boughttextpadnew = False
If loadlines(301) = 11 Then boughttextpadsave = True Else boughttextpadsave = False
If loadlines(302) = 11 Then boughttextpadopen = True Else boughttextpadopen = False
If loadlines(303) = 11 Then boughtfileskimmernewfolder = True Else boughtfileskimmernewfolder = False
If loadlines(304) = 11 Then boughtfileskimmerdelete = True Else boughtfileskimmerdelete = False
If loadlines(305) = 11 Then boughtkielements = True Else boughtkielements = False
If loadlines(306) = 11 Then boughtcolourpickericon = True Else boughtcolourpickericon = False
If loadlines(307) = 11 Then boughtinfoboxicon = True Else boughtinfoboxicon = False
artpadcolorpalletwidth = loadlines(308)
artpadcolorpalletheight = loadlines(309)
artpadcolorpalletsidegap = loadlines(310)
artpadcolorpallettopgap = loadlines(311)
artpadvisiblepallets = loadlines(312)
artpadpixellimit = loadlines(313)
If loadlines(314) = 11 Then boughtskinloader = True Else boughtskinloader = False
If loadlines(315) = 11 Then boughtminimizebutton = True Else boughtminimizebutton = False
If loadlines(316) = 11 Then boughtpanelbuttons = True Else boughtpanelbuttons = False
If loadlines(317) = 11 Then boughtshiftpanelbuttons = True Else boughtshiftpanelbuttons = False
If loadlines(318) = 11 Then boughtartpad = True Else boughtartpad = False
If loadlines(319) = 11 Then boughtalartpad = True Else boughtalartpad = False
If loadlines(320) = 11 Then boughtartpadicon = True Else boughtartpadicon = False
If loadlines(321) = 11 Then boughtskinning = True Else boughtskinning = False
If loadlines(322) = 11 Then boughtminimizecommand = True Else boughtminimizecommand = False
If loadlines(323) = 11 Then boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Else boughtusefulpanelbuttons = False
If loadlines(324) = 11 Then boughtunitymode = True Else boughtunitymode = False
If loadlines(325) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit4 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit4 = False
If loadlines(326) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit8 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit8 = False
If loadlines(327) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit16 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit16 = False
If loadlines(328) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit64 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit64 = False
If loadlines(329) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit256 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit256 = False
If loadlines(330) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit1024 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit1024 = False
If loadlines(331) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit4096 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit4096 = False
If loadlines(332) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit16384 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit16384 = False
If loadlines(333) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixellimit65536 = True Else boughtartpadpixellimit65536 = False
If loadlines(334) = 11 Then boughtartpadlimitlesspixels = True Else boughtartpadlimitlesspixels = False
If loadlines(335) = 11 Then boughtartpad4colorpallets = True Else boughtartpad4colorpallets = False
If loadlines(336) = 11 Then boughtartpad8colorpallets = True Else boughtartpad8colorpallets = False
If loadlines(337) = 11 Then boughtartpad16colorpallets = True Else boughtartpad16colorpallets = False
If loadlines(338) = 11 Then boughtartpad32colorpallets = True Else boughtartpad32colorpallets = False
If loadlines(339) = 11 Then boughtartpad64colorpallets = True Else boughtartpad64colorpallets = False
If loadlines(340) = 11 Then boughtartpad128colorpallets = True Else boughtartpad128colorpallets = False
If loadlines(341) = 11 Then boughtartpadcustompallets = True Else boughtartpadcustompallets = False
If loadlines(342) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixelplacer = True Else boughtartpadpixelplacer = False
If loadlines(343) = 11 Then boughtartpadpixelplacermovementmode = True Else boughtartpadpixelplacermovementmode = False
If loadlines(344) = 11 Then boughtartpadpencil = True Else boughtartpadpencil = False
If loadlines(345) = 11 Then boughtartpadpaintbrush = True Else boughtartpadpaintbrush = False
If loadlines(346) = 11 Then boughtartpadlinetool = True Else boughtartpadlinetool = False
If loadlines(347) = 11 Then boughtartpadovaltool = True Else boughtartpadovaltool = False
If loadlines(348) = 11 Then boughtartpadrectangletool = True Else boughtartpadrectangletool = False
If loadlines(349) = 11 Then boughtartpaderaser = True Else boughtartpaderaser = False
If loadlines(350) = 11 Then boughtartpadfilltool = True Else boughtartpadfilltool = False
If loadlines(351) = 11 Then boughtartpadtexttool = True Else boughtartpadtexttool = False
If loadlines(352) = 11 Then boughtartpadundo = True Else boughtartpadundo = False
If loadlines(353) = 11 Then boughtartpadredo = True Else boughtartpadredo = False
If loadlines(354) = 11 Then boughtartpadsave = True Else boughtartpadsave = False
If loadlines(355) = 11 Then boughtartpadload = True Else boughtartpadload = False
For i = 0 To 127 : artpadcolourpallets(i) = Color.FromArgb(loadlines(356 + i)) : Next
If loadlines(484) = "" Then Else If loadlines(484) = 11 Then boughtartpadnew = True Else boughtartpadnew = False
ingameversion = loadlines(485)
If loadlines(486) = 11 Then boughtresizablewindows = True Else boughtresizablewindows = False
If loadlines(487) = 11 Then boughtcalculator = True Else boughtcalculator = False
If loadlines(488) = 11 Then boughtaudioplayer = True Else boughtaudioplayer = False
If loadlines(489) = 11 Then boughtchangeosnamecommand = True Else boughtchangeosnamecommand = False
If loadlines(490) = 11 Then boughtwebbrowser = True Else boughtwebbrowser = False
If loadlines(491) = 11 Then boughtvideoplayer = True Else boughtvideoplayer = False
If loadlines(492) = 11 Then boughtnamechanger = True Else boughtnamechanger = False
If loadlines(493) = 11 Then boughticonmanager = True Else boughticonmanager = False
If loadlines(494) = 11 Then boughtbitnotewallet = True Else boughtbitnotewallet = False
If loadlines(495) = 11 Then boughtbitnotedigger = True Else boughtbitnotedigger = False
If loadlines(496) = 11 Then boughtskinshifter = True Else boughtskinshifter = False
If loadlines(497) = 11 Then boughtshiftnet = True Else boughtshiftnet = False
If loadlines(498) = 11 Then boughtshiftneticon = True Else boughtshiftneticon = False
If loadlines(499) = 11 Then boughtalshiftnet = True Else boughtalshiftnet = False
If loadlines(500) = 11 Then boughtdodge = True Else boughtdodge = False
If loadlines(501) = 11 Then boughtdownloadmanager = True Else boughtdownloadmanager = False
If loadlines(502) = 11 Then boughtinstaller = True Else boughtinstaller = False
If loadlines(503) = 11 Then boughtsysinfoicon = True Else boughtsysinfoicon = False
If loadlines(504) = 11 Then boughtorcwrite = True Else boughtorcwrite = False
If loadlines(505) = 11 Then boughtfloodgate = True Else boughtfloodgate = False
If loadlines(506) = 11 Then boughtmaze = True Else boughtmaze = False
If loadlines(507) = 11 Then boughtunitymodetoggle = True Else boughtunitymodetoggle = False
If loadlines(508) = 11 Then boughtunitytoggleicon = True Else boughtunitytoggleicon = False
bitnotediggergrade = loadlines(509)
If loadlines(510) = 11 Then boughtvirusscannericon = True Else boughtvirusscannericon = False
virusscannergrade = loadlines(511)
If loadlines(512) = 11 Then boughttextpadtrm = True Else boughttextpadtrm = False
If loadlines(513) = 11 Then boughtshiftapplauncheritems = True Else boughtshiftapplauncheritems = False
If loadlines(514) = 11 Then installedcalculator = True Else installedcalculator = False
If loadlines(515) = 11 Then installedaudioplayer = True Else installedaudioplayer = False
If loadlines(516) = 11 Then installedwebbrowser = True Else installedwebbrowser = False
If loadlines(517) = 11 Then installedvideoplayer = True Else installedvideoplayer = False
If loadlines(518) = 11 Then installeddodge = True Else installeddodge = False
If loadlines(519) = 11 Then installedsysinfo = True Else installedsysinfo = False
If loadlines(520) = 11 Then installedorcwrite = True Else installedorcwrite = False
If loadlines(521) = 11 Then installedfloodgate = True Else installedfloodgate = False
If loadlines(522) = 11 Then installedfloodgatenow = True Else installedfloodgatenow = False
If loadlines(523) = 11 Then installedmaze = True Else installedmaze = False
If loadlines(524) = 11 Then installedvirusscanner = True Else installedvirusscanner = False
webbrowserhomepage = loadlines(525)
bitnotebalance = loadlines(526)
bitnotebalanceappscape = loadlines(527)
'bitnotebalanceminimatch = loadlines(528) 'comment in after updating save
'downloadmanagerhistory = loadlines(529)
downloadspeedcap = loadlines(530)
osname = loadlines(531)
artpadname = loadlines(532)
audioplayername = loadlines(533)
calculatorname = loadlines(534)
clockname = loadlines(535)
colourpickername = loadlines(536)
fileopenername = loadlines(537)
filesavername = loadlines(538)
fileskimmername = loadlines(539)
graphicpickername = loadlines(540)
knowledgeinputname = loadlines(541)
pongname = loadlines(542)
shiftername = loadlines(543)
shiftoriumname = loadlines(544)
skinloadername = loadlines(545)
terminalname = loadlines(546)
textpadname = loadlines(547)
videoplayername = loadlines(548)
webbrowsername = loadlines(549)
namechangername = loadlines(550)
iconmanagername = loadlines(551)
bitnotewalletname = loadlines(552)
bitnotediggername = loadlines(553)
skinshiftername = loadlines(554)
shiftnetname = loadlines(555)
dodgename = loadlines(556)
downloadmanagername = loadlines(557)
installername = loadlines(558)
snakeyname = loadlines(559)
sysinfoname = loadlines(560)
orcwritename = loadlines(561)
floodgatename = loadlines(562)
mazename = loadlines(563)
virusscannername = loadlines(564)
titlebariconsize = loadlines(565)
panelbuttoniconsize = loadlines(566)
launchericonsize = loadlines(567)
If loadlines(568) = 11 Then Viruses.zerogravity = True Else Viruses.zerogravity = False
If loadlines(569) = 11 Then Viruses.mousetrap = True Else Viruses.mousetrap = False
If loadlines(570) = 11 Then Viruses.beeper = True Else Viruses.beeper = False
If loadlines(571) = 11 Then Viruses.ThePlague = True Else Viruses.ThePlague = False
Viruses.zerogravitythreatlevel = loadlines(572)
Viruses.mousetrapthreatlevel = loadlines(573)
Viruses.beeperthreatlevel = loadlines(574)
Viruses.theplaguethreatlevel = loadlines(575)
'Load up the corruptions if any are made
SortOutBooleans(FileSkimmerCorrupted, 580, True)
SortOutBooleans(ArtpadCorrupted, 581, True)
SortOutBooleans(AudioPlayerCorrupted, 582, True)
SortOutBooleans(BitNoteDiggerCorrupted, 583, True)
SortOutBooleans(BitNoteWalletCorrupted, 584, True)
SortOutBooleans(CalculatorCorrupted, 585, True)
SortOutBooleans(ClockCorrupted, 586, True)
SortOutBooleans(CoherenceModeCorrupted, 587, True)
SortOutBooleans(ColourPickerCorrupted, 588, True)
SortOutBooleans(DodgeCorrupted, 589, True)
SortOutBooleans(DownloadManagerCorrupted, 590, True)
SortOutBooleans(FloodGateManagerCorrupted, 591, True)
SortOutBooleans(GraphicPickerCorrupted, 592, True)
SortOutBooleans(IconManagerCorrupted, 593, True)
SortOutBooleans(InstallerCorrupted, 594, True)
SortOutBooleans(KnowledgeInputCorrupted, 595, True)
SortOutBooleans(LabyrinthCorrupted, 596, True)
SortOutBooleans(NameChangerCorrupted, 597, True)
SortOutBooleans(OrcWriteCorrupted, 598, True)
SortOutBooleans(PongCorrupted, 599, True)
SortOutBooleans(ShifterCorrupted, 600, True)
SortOutBooleans(ShifterCorrupted, 601, True)
SortOutBooleans(ShiftNetCorrupted, 602, True)
SortOutBooleans(ShiftoriumCorrupted, 603, True)
SortOutBooleans(SkinLoaderCorrupted, 604, True)
SortOutBooleans(SkinShifterCorrupted, 605, True)
SortOutBooleans(SnakeyCorrupted, 606, True)
SortOutBooleans(SystemInfoCorrupted, 607, True)
SortOutBooleans(TerminalCorrupted, 608, True)
SortOutBooleans(TextpadCorrupted, 609, True)
SortOutBooleans(VideoPlayerCorrupted, 610, True)
SortOutBooleans(VirusScannerCorrupted, 612, True)
SortOutBooleans(WebBrowserCorrupted, 613, True)
SortOutBooleans(CrashGameReady, 614, True)
NumberOn = loadlines(615)
If loadlines(614) = 11 Then boughtdesktopicons = True Else boughtdesktopicons = False
boughtdesktopicons = False
End Try
If loadlines(615) = 11 Then boughtadvapplauncher = True Else boughtadvapplauncher = False
boughtadvapplauncher = False
End Try
If loadlines(616) = "" Then loginform.throwRegister = True Else password = loadlines(616)
If IO.File.Exists(Paths.loadedskin & "skindata.dat") Then loadcurrentskin() ' FIXME (ShiftOSPath + "Shiftum42\Skins\Current\skindata.dat")
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(Paths.savedata & "Icons") Then setupicons()
If IO.File.Exists(Paths.dnldata & "Downloadhistory.lst") Then downloadmanagerhistory = IO.File.ReadAllText(ShiftOSPath & "\SoftwareData\DownloadManager\Downloadhistory.lst")
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftOSDesktop_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
If newgame = True Or justconverted = True Then
Terminal.runterminalfile(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\autorun.trm")
End If
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath + "\SoftwareData\AdvStart\Recent") Then
IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ShiftOSPath + "\SoftwareData\AdvStart\Recent")
End If
ToolStripManager.Renderer = New MyToolStripRenderer()
Me.FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
desktopicons.AllowDrop = True
desktopicons.AutoArrange = False
'For Each Control In MyBase.Controls UNFINISHED/WTF?
' Control.visible = False
If Skins.autologin = False Then
If Skins.fullScreen = False Then
End If
End If
'For Each Control In MyBase.Controls UNFINISHED/WTF?
' Control.visible = True
' hideStart()
Helper.playSound(Paths.sounddir & "startup.wav", AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete)
Catch ex As Exception
'Do nothing -- Haven't found a good startup sound
End Try
'DockWindow.Show() UNFINISHED
End Sub
Public Sub loadcurrentskin()
skinlines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(Paths.loadedskin & "skindata.dat")
titlebarcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(0))
windowbordercolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(1))
windowbordersize = skinlines(2)
titlebarheight = skinlines(3)
closebuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(4))
closebuttonheight = skinlines(5)
closebuttonwidth = skinlines(6)
closebuttonside = skinlines(7)
closebuttontop = skinlines(8)
titletextcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(9))
titletexttop = skinlines(10)
titletextside = skinlines(11)
titletextsize = skinlines(12)
titletextfont = skinlines(13)
titletextstyle = skinlines(14)
desktoppanelcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(15))
desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(16))
desktoppanelheight = skinlines(17)
desktoppanelposition = skinlines(18)
clocktextcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(19))
clockbackgroundcolor = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(20))
panelclocktexttop = skinlines(21)
panelclocktextsize = skinlines(22)
panelclocktextfont = skinlines(23)
panelclocktextstyle = skinlines(24)
applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(25))
applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(26))
applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(27))
applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(28))
applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(29))
applicationbuttonheight = skinlines(30)
applicationbuttontextsize = skinlines(31)
applicationbuttontextfont = skinlines(32)
applicationbuttontextstyle = skinlines(33)
applicationlaunchername = skinlines(34)
titletextposition = skinlines(35)
rollupbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(36))
If skinlines(37) = "" Then Else rollupbuttonheight = skinlines(37)
If skinlines(38) = "" Then Else rollupbuttonwidth = skinlines(38)
If skinlines(39) = "" Then Else rollupbuttonside = skinlines(39)
If skinlines(40) = "" Then Else rollupbuttontop = skinlines(40)
If skinlines(41) = "" Then Else titlebariconside = skinlines(41)
If skinlines(42) = "" Then Else titlebaricontop = skinlines(42)
If skinlines(43) = "" Then Else showwindowcorners = skinlines(43)
If skinlines(44) = "" Then Else titlebarcornerwidth = skinlines(44)
If skinlines(45) = "" Then Else titlebarrightcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(45))
If skinlines(46) = "" Then Else titlebarleftcornercolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(46))
If skinlines(47) = "" Then Else applaunchermenuholderwidth = skinlines(47)
If skinlines(48) = "" Then Else windowborderleftcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(48))
If skinlines(49) = "" Then Else windowborderrightcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(49))
If skinlines(50) = "" Then Else windowborderbottomcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(50))
If skinlines(51) = "" Then Else windowborderbottomrightcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(51))
If skinlines(52) = "" Then Else windowborderbottomleftcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(52))
If skinlines(53) = "" Then Else panelbuttonicontop = skinlines(53)
If skinlines(54) = "" Then Else panelbuttoniconside = skinlines(54)
If skinlines(55) = "" Then Else panelbuttoniconsize = skinlines(55)
If skinlines(56) = "" Then Else panelbuttoniconsize = skinlines(56)
If skinlines(57) = "" Then Else panelbuttonheight = skinlines(57)
If skinlines(58) = "" Then Else panelbuttonwidth = skinlines(58)
If skinlines(59) = "" Then Else panelbuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(59))
If skinlines(60) = "" Then Else panelbuttontextcolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(60))
If skinlines(61) = "" Then Else panelbuttontextsize = skinlines(61)
If skinlines(62) = "" Then Else panelbuttontextfont = skinlines(62)
If skinlines(63) = "" Then Else panelbuttontextstyle = skinlines(63)
If skinlines(64) = "" Then Else panelbuttontextside = skinlines(64)
If skinlines(65) = "" Then Else panelbuttontexttop = skinlines(65)
If skinlines(66) = "" Then Else panelbuttongap = skinlines(66)
If skinlines(67) = "" Then Else panelbuttonfromtop = skinlines(67)
If skinlines(68) = "" Then Else panelbuttoninitialgap = skinlines(68)
If skinlines(69) = "" Then Else minimizebuttoncolour = Color.FromArgb(skinlines(69))
If skinlines(70) = "" Then Else minimizebuttonheight = skinlines(70)
If skinlines(71) = "" Then Else minimizebuttonwidth = skinlines(71)
If skinlines(72) = "" Then Else minimizebuttonside = skinlines(72)
If skinlines(73) = "" Then Else minimizebuttontop = skinlines(73)
' Old skin loading
'skinimages(0) = skinlines(100)
'skinimages(1) = skinlines(101)
'skinimages(2) = skinlines(102)
'skinimages(3) = skinlines(103)
'skinimages(4) = skinlines(104)
'skinimages(5) = skinlines(105)
'skinimages(6) = skinlines(106)
'skinimages(7) = skinlines(107)
'skinimages(8) = skinlines(108)
'skinimages(9) = skinlines(109)
'skinimages(10) = skinlines(110)
'skinimages(11) = skinlines(111)
'skinimages(12) = skinlines(112)
'skinimages(13) = skinlines(113)
'skinimages(14) = skinlines(114)
'skinimages(15) = skinlines(115)
'skinimages(16) = skinlines(116)
'skinimages(17) = skinlines(117)
'skinimages(18) = skinlines(118)
'skinimages(19) = skinlines(119)
'skinimages(20) = skinlines(120)
'skinimages(21) = skinlines(121)
'skinimages(22) = skinlines(122)
'skinimages(23) = skinlines(123)
'skinimages(24) = skinlines(124)
'skinimages(25) = skinlines(125)
'skinimages(26) = skinlines(126)
'skinimages(27) = skinlines(127)
'skinimages(28) = skinlines(128)
'skinimages(29) = skinlines(129)
'skinimages(30) = skinlines(130)
'skinimages(31) = skinlines(131)
'skinimages(32) = skinlines(132)
'skinimages(33) = skinlines(133)
'skinimages(34) = skinlines(134)
'skinimages(35) = skinlines(135)
'skinimages(36) = skinlines(136)
'skinimages(37) = skinlines(137)
'skinimages(38) = skinlines(138)
'skinimages(39) = skinlines(139)
'skinimages(40) = skinlines(140)
'skinimages(41) = skinlines(141)
'skinimages(42) = skinlines(142)
'skinimages(43) = skinlines(143)
'skinimages(44) = skinlines(144)
'skinimages(45) = skinlines(145)
'skinimages(46) = skinlines(146)
'skinimages(47) = skinlines(147)
'skinimages(48) = skinlines(148)
'skinimages(49) = skinlines(149)
'skinimages(50) = skinlines(150)
End Sub
Private Sub shortdisposecode(ByVal skinloadervarible As Array, ByVal shiftosdesktopvarible As Array, ByVal shiftervarible As Array, ByVal includedesktop As Boolean)
If includedesktop = True Then
If shiftosdesktopvarible(0) Is Nothing Then Else shiftosdesktopvarible(0).Dispose()
If shiftosdesktopvarible(1) Is Nothing Then Else shiftosdesktopvarible(1).Dispose()
If shiftosdesktopvarible(2) Is Nothing Then Else shiftosdesktopvarible(2).Dispose()
shiftosdesktopvarible(0) = Nothing
shiftosdesktopvarible(1) = Nothing
shiftosdesktopvarible(2) = Nothing
End If
If Shifter.Visible Then
If shiftervarible(0) Is Nothing Then Else shiftervarible(0).Dispose()
If shiftervarible(1) Is Nothing Then Else shiftervarible(1).Dispose()
If shiftervarible(2) Is Nothing Then Else shiftervarible(2).Dispose()
shiftervarible(0) = Nothing
shiftervarible(1) = Nothing
shiftervarible(2) = Nothing
End If
If Skin_Loader.Visible Then
If skinloadervarible(0) Is Nothing Then Else skinloadervarible(0).Dispose()
If skinloadervarible(1) Is Nothing Then Else skinloadervarible(1).Dispose()
If skinloadervarible(2) Is Nothing Then Else skinloadervarible(2).Dispose()
skinloadervarible(0) = Nothing
skinloadervarible(1) = Nothing
skinloadervarible(2) = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setupdesktop()
'Set skin/size/colour of all windows
If Knowledge_Input.Visible Then Knowledge_Input.setupall()
If Shiftorium.Visible Then Shiftorium.setupall()
If Clock.Visible Then Clock.setupall()
If Shifter.Visible Then Shifter.setupall()
If Colour_Picker.Visible Then Colour_Picker.setupall()
If infobox.Visible Then infobox.setupall()
If Pong.Visible Then Pong.setupall()
If File_Skimmer.Visible Then File_Skimmer.setupall()
If File_Opener.Visible Then File_Opener.setupall()
If File_Saver.Visible Then File_Saver.setupall()
If TextPad.Visible Then TextPad.setupall()
If Graphic_Picker.Visible Then Graphic_Picker.setupall()
If Skin_Loader.Visible Then Skin_Loader.setupall()
If ArtPad.Visible Then ArtPad.setupall()
If Calculator.Visible Then Calculator.setupall()
If Audio_Player.Visible Then Audio_Player.setupall()
If Web_Browser.Visible Then Web_Browser.setupall()
If Video_Player.Visible Then Video_Player.setupall()
If Name_Changer.Visible Then Name_Changer.setupall()
If Icon_Manager.Visible Then Icon_Manager.setupall()
If Bitnote_Wallet.Visible Then Bitnote_Wallet.setupall()
If Bitnote_Digger.Visible Then Bitnote_Digger.setupall()
If Skinshifter.Visible Then Skinshifter.setupall()
If Shiftnet.Visible Then Shiftnet.setupall()
If Downloader.Visible Then Downloader.setupall()
If Dodge.Visible Then Dodge.setupall()
If Downloadmanager.Visible Then Downloadmanager.setupall()
If Installer.Visible Then Installer.setupall()
If Snakey.Visible Then Snakey.setupall()
If systeminfo.Visible Then systeminfo.setupall()
If OrcWrite.Visible Then OrcWrite.setupall()
If FloodGate_Manager.Visible Then FloodGate_Manager.setupall()
If Labyrinth.Visible Then Labyrinth.setupall()
If VirusScanner.Visible Then VirusScanner.setupall()
If terminalfullscreen = False Then Terminal.setupall()
If Not My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(ShiftOSPath & "\Home\Desktop") Then
IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(ShiftOSPath & "\Home\Desktop")
End If
'Desktop Icons
If unitymode = False Then
End If
'Setup windows
If unitymode = False Then
desktopicons.Visible = True
desktopicons.BackColor = Skins.desktopbackgroundcolour
If Skins.desktopbackground Is Nothing Then desktopicons.BackgroundImage = Nothing Else desktopicons.BackgroundImage = Skins.desktopbackground
desktopicons.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.desktopbackgroundlayout
Me.BackColor = Skins.desktopbackgroundcolour
If Skins.desktopbackground Is Nothing Then Me.BackgroundImage = Nothing Else Me.BackgroundImage = Skins.desktopbackground
Me.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.desktopbackgroundlayout
Me.BackColor = globaltransparencycolour
Me.BackgroundImage = Nothing
desktopicons.Visible = False
Me.TransparencyKey = globaltransparencycolour
End If
ToolStripManager.Renderer = New MyToolStripRenderer()
If boughtdesktoppanel = True Then
If Skins.desktoppanel Is Nothing Then
desktoppanel.BackColor = Skins.desktoppanelcolour
desktoppanel.BackgroundImage = Nothing
desktoppanel.BackgroundImage = Skins.desktoppanel
desktoppanel.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.desktoppanellayout
desktoppanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent
End If
desktoppanel.Size = New Size(desktoppanel.Size.Width, Skins.desktoppanelheight)
Select Case Skins.desktoppanelposition
Case "Top"
desktoppanel.Dock = DockStyle.Top
desktopappmenu.Dock = DockStyle.Top
Case "Bottom"
desktoppanel.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
desktopappmenu.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom
End Select
End If
If boughtapplaunchermenu = True Then
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.applicationbuttontextfont, Skins.applicationbuttontextsize, Skins.applicationbuttontextstyle)
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Text = applicationlaunchername
KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
ClockToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
ShifterToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
TerminalToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
PongToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
TextPadToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
DodgeToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
InstallerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
SnakeyToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
MazeToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
ShutdownToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
UnityToolStripMenuItem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
desktopappmenu.ImageScalingSize = New Size(launchericonsize, launchericonsize)
KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.Text = knowledgeinputname
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.Text = shiftoriumname
ClockToolStripMenuItem.Text = clockname
ShifterToolStripMenuItem.Text = shiftername
TerminalToolStripMenuItem.Text = terminalname
PongToolStripMenuItem.Text = pongname
FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.Text = fileskimmername
TextPadToolStripMenuItem.Text = textpadname
SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.Text = skinloadername
ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.Text = artpadname
CatalystToolStripMenuItem1.Text = catalystname
CatalystToolStripMenuItem1.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
CatalystToolStripMenuItem1.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.Text = calculatorname
AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.Text = audioplayername
WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Text = webbrowsername
VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.Text = videoplayername
NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.Text = namechangername
IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.Text = iconmanagername
BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.Text = bitnotewalletname
BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.Text = bitnotediggername
SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.Text = skinshiftername
ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.Text = shiftnetname
DodgeToolStripMenuItem.Text = dodgename
downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.Text = downloadmanagername
InstallerToolStripMenuItem.Text = installername
sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.Text = sysinfoname
orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.Text = orcwritename
FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.Text = floodgatename
MazeToolStripMenuItem.Text = mazename
VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.Text = virusscannername
KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ClockToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ShifterToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
TerminalToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
PongToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
TextPadToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
DodgeToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
InstallerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
MazeToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
SnakeyToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ShutdownToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
UnityToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
applaunchermenuholder.Size = ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Size
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.ForeColor = Skins.applicationsbuttontextcolour
desktopappmenu.BackColor = Skins.applauncherbuttoncolour
applaunchermenuholder.Height = Skins.applicationbuttonheight
desktopappmenu.Height = Skins.applicationbuttonheight
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Height = Skins.applicationbuttonheight
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
TerminalToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Height = Skins.applicationbuttonheight
If Not IsNothing(Skins.applauncher) Then
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Text = ""
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = Color.Transparent
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Text = Skins.applicationlaunchername
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = Skins.applauncherbackgroundcolour
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackgroundImage = Nothing
End If
applaunchermenuholder.Width = Skins.applaunchermenuholderwidth
desktopappmenu.Width = Skins.applaunchermenuholderwidth
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Width = Skins.applaunchermenuholderwidth
If Not IsNothing(Skins.applauncher) Then ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackgroundImage = Skins.applauncher Else ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = Skins.applauncherbackgroundcolour
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.applauncherlayout
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
'DevX's Advanced App Launcher Skin Code
For Each item In allPrograms.DropDownItems 'Clever way of adding proper font to All Programs, where each subitem of each item is skinned. This uses the default App Launcher skinning system, so you could
'indeed rip an entire XP skin, as this engine is also used by the Desktop++ Right-click menu.
item.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
item.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
For Each subitem In item.DropDownItems
subitem.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
subitem.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
btnadvshutdown.Text = Skins.shutdownstring
lbuser.Font = New Font(Skins.usernamefont, Skins.usernamefontsize, Skins.usernamefontstyle)
lbuser.ForeColor = Skins.usernametextcolor
lbuser.BackColor = Skins.userNamePanelBackgroundColor
If IsNothing(Skins.userNamePanelBackground) Then lbuser.BackgroundImage = Nothing Else lbuser.BackgroundImage = Skins.userNamePanelBackground
lbuser.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.usrPanelBackgroundLayout
btnadvshutdown.BackColor = Skins.powerPanelBackgroundColor
If IsNothing(Skins.powerPanelBackgroundImage) Then btnadvshutdown.BackgroundImage = Nothing Else btnadvshutdown.BackgroundImage = Skins.powerPanelBackgroundImage
btnadvshutdown.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.pwrPanelBackgroundLayout
If Skins.recentIconsHorizontal = True Then
lvadvfiles.Alignment = ListViewAlignment.Top
lvadvfiles.View = View.LargeIcon
lvadvfiles.Alignment = ListViewAlignment.Left
lvadvfiles.View = View.SmallIcon
End If
Select Case Skins.placesSide
Case "Left"
pnladvplaces.Dock = DockStyle.Left
Case "Right"
pnladvplaces.Dock = DockStyle.Right
End Select
pnladvtopbar.Height = Skins.topBarHeight
pnladvbottombar.Height = Skins.bottomBarHeight
Select Case Skins.userNamePosition
Case "Top, Left"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft
Case "Top, Middle"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter
Case "Top, Right"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopRight
Case "Middle, Left"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft
Case "Middle, Middle"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter
Case "Middle, Right"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight
Case "Bottom, Left"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomLeft
Case "Bottom, Middle"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomCenter
Case "Bottom. Right"
lbuser.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.BottomRight
End Select
'End ADV App Launcher Code
'Desktop++ Skin Code
ContextMenuStrip1.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
ContextMenuStrip1.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
For Each item In NewToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems
item.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
item.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
For Each item In TileViewToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems
item.ForeColor = Skins.launcheritemcolour
item.Font = New Font(Skins.launcheritemfont, Skins.launcheritemsize, Skins.launcheritemstyle)
'End Desktop++ Code
If boughtalclock = True Then
ClockToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtclockicon = True Then
ClockToolStripMenuItem.Image = clockiconlauncher
End If
ClockToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtalknowledgeinput = True Then
KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.Image = knowledgeinputiconlauncher
End If
KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtalshiftorium = True Then
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftoriumicon = True Then
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.Image = shiftoriumiconlauncher
End If
ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtalshifter = True Then
ShifterToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftericon = True Then
ShifterToolStripMenuItem.Image = shiftericonlauncher
End If
ShifterToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtalpong = True Then
PongToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtpongicon = True Then
PongToolStripMenuItem.Image = pongiconlauncher
End If
PongToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtskinloader = True Then
NewSkin.Visible = True
NewSkin.Visible = False
End If
If boughtalfileskimmer = True Then
FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtfileskimmericon = True Then
FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.Image = fileskimmericonlauncher
End If
FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtaltextpad = True Then
TextPadToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughttextpadicon = True Then
TextPadToolStripMenuItem.Image = textpadiconlauncher
End If
TextPadToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtskinning = True Then
SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.Image = skinloadericonlauncher
SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtalartpad = True Then
ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtartpadicon = True Then
ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.Image = artpadiconlauncher
End If
ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedcalculator = True Then
CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.Image = calculatoriconlauncher
End If
CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedaudioplayer = True Then
AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.Image = audioplayericonlauncher
End If
AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedwebbrowser = True Then
WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Image = webbrowsericonlauncher
End If
WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedvideoplayer = True Then
VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.Image = videoplayericonlauncher
End If
VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtnamechanger = True Then
NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.Image = namechangericonlauncher
End If
NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughticonmanager = True Then
IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.Image = iconmanagericonlauncher
End If
IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtbitnotewallet = True Then
BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.Image = bitnotewalleticonlauncher
End If
BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtbitnotedigger = True Then
BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.Image = bitnotediggericonlauncher
End If
BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtskinshifter = True Then
SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.Image = skinshiftericonlauncher
End If
SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtshiftnet = True Then
ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.Image = shiftneticonlauncher
End If
ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installeddodge = True Then
DodgeToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
DodgeToolStripMenuItem.Image = dodgeiconlauncher
End If
DodgeToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtdownloadmanager = True Then
downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtknowledgeinputicon = True Then
downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.Image = downloadmanagericonlauncher
End If
downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtinstaller = True Then
InstallerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
InstallerToolStripMenuItem.Image = installericonlauncher
End If
InstallerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedsnakey = True Then
SnakeyToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
SnakeyToolStripMenuItem.Image = snakeyiconlauncher
End If
SnakeyToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedsysinfo = True Then
sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtsysinfoicon = True Then
sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.Image = sysinfoiconlauncher
End If
sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedorcwrite = True Then
orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.Image = orcwriteiconlauncher
End If
orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedfloodgate = True Then
FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.Image = floodgateiconlauncher
End If
FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedmaze = True Then
MazeToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtshiftneticon = True Then
MazeToolStripMenuItem.Image = mazeiconlauncher
End If
MazeToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If installedvirusscanner = True Then
VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
If boughtvirusscannericon = True Then
VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.Image = virusscannericonlauncher
End If
VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtdesktoppanelclock = True Then
paneltimetext.ForeColor = Skins.clocktextcolour
If Skins.panelclock Is Nothing Then
timepanel.BackColor = Skins.clockbackgroundcolor
timepanel.BackgroundImage = Nothing
timepanel.BackColor = Color.Transparent
timepanel.BackgroundImage = panelclock
timepanel.BackgroundImageLayout = panelclocklayout
End If
paneltimetext.Font = New Font(Skins.panelclocktextfont, Skins.panelclocktextsize, Skins.panelclocktextstyle)
timepanel.Size = New Size(paneltimetext.Width + 3, timepanel.Height)
paneltimetext.Location = New Point(0, Skins.panelclocktexttop)
End If
If boughtapplaunchershutdown = True Then
ShutdownToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
unitySeperator.Visible = True
If boughtshutdownicon = True Then
ShutdownToolStripMenuItem.Image = shutdowniconlauncher
End If
ShutdownToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
unitySeperator.Visible = False
End If
If boughtunitymodetoggle = True Then
UnityToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
unitySeperator.Visible = True
If boughtunitytoggleicon = True Then
UnityToolStripMenuItem.Image = unitytoggleiconlauncher
End If
UnityToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
End If
If boughtterminalicon = True Then
TerminalToolStripMenuItem.Image = terminaliconlauncher
End If
If boughttitlebar = False Then
Skins.titlebarheight = 0
End If
If boughtwindowborders = False Then
Skins.borderwidth = 0
End If
ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.BackColor = Skins.applauncherbuttoncolour
'Fixes an AL bug with ADVAL
If boughtadvapplauncher = True Then
For Each item In ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems
item.Visible = False
For Each item In ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems
item.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setuppanelbuttons()
If boughtpanelbuttons Then
If Catalyst_Main.Visible Then pnlcatalystpanelbutton.Visible = True Else pnlcatalystpanelbutton.Visible = False
If Knowledge_Input.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonknowledgeinput.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonknowledgeinput.Hide()
If Shiftorium.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonshiftorium.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonshiftorium.Hide()
If Clock.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonclock.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonclock.Hide()
If Shifter.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonshifter.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonshifter.Hide()
If Colour_Picker.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttoncolourpicker.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttoncolourpicker.Hide()
If infobox.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttoninfobox.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttoninfobox.Hide()
If Pong.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonpong.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonpong.Hide()
If File_Skimmer.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer.Hide()
If File_Opener.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonfileopener.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonfileopener.Hide()
If File_Saver.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver.Hide()
If TextPad.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttontextpad.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttontextpad.Hide()
If Graphic_Picker.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttongraphicpicker.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttongraphicpicker.Hide()
If Skin_Loader.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonskinloader.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonskinloader.Hide()
If ArtPad.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonartpad.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonartpad.Hide()
If Calculator.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttoncalculator.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttoncalculator.Hide()
If Audio_Player.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonaudioplayer.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonaudioplayer.Hide()
If Web_Browser.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonwebbrowser.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonwebbrowser.Hide()
If Video_Player.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonvideoplayer.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonvideoplayer.Hide()
If Name_Changer.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonnamechanger.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonnamechanger.Hide()
If Icon_Manager.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttoniconmanager.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttoniconmanager.Hide()
If Bitnote_Wallet.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonbitnotewallet.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonbitnotewallet.Hide()
If Bitnote_Digger.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonbitnotedigger.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonbitnotedigger.Hide()
If Skinshifter.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonskinshifter.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonskinshifter.Hide()
If Shiftnet.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonshiftnet.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonshiftnet.Hide()
If Downloader.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttondownloader.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttondownloader.Hide()
If Dodge.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttondodge.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttondodge.Hide()
If Downloadmanager.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager.Hide()
If Installer.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttoninstaller.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttoninstaller.Hide()
If Snakey.Visible Then pnl_panelbuttonsnakey.Show() Else pnl_panelbuttonsnakey.Hide()
If systeminfo.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonsysinfo.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonsysinfo.Hide()
If OrcWrite.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonorcwrite.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonorcwrite.Hide()
If FloodGate_Manager.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonfloodgate.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonfloodgate.Hide()
If Labyrinth.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonmaze.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonmaze.Hide()
If VirusScanner.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonvirusscanner.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonvirusscanner.Hide()
If Terminal.Visible Then pnlpanelbuttonterminal.Show() Else pnlpanelbuttonterminal.Hide()
tbknowledgeinputicon.Image = knowledgeinputiconpanelbutton.Clone
lbcatalystname.Text = catalystname
tbknowledgeinputtext.Text = knowledgeinputname
tbshiftoriumtext.Text = shiftoriumname
tbclocktext.Text = clockname
tbshiftertext.Text = shiftername
tbcolourpickertext.Text = colourpickername
tbpongtext.Text = pongname
tbfileskimmertext.Text = fileskimmername
tbfileopenertext.Text = fileopenername
tbfilesavertext.Text = filesavername
tbtextpadtext.Text = textpadname
tbgraphicpickertext.Text = graphicpickername
tbskinloadertext.Text = skinloadername
tbartpadtext.Text = artpadname
tbcalculatortext.Text = calculatorname
tbaudioplayertext.Text = audioplayername
tbwebbrowsertext.Text = webbrowsername
tbvideoplayertext.Text = videoplayername
tbnamechangertext.Text = namechangername
tbiconmanagertext.Text = iconmanagername
tbbitnotewallettext.Text = bitnotewalletname
tbbitnotediggertext.Text = bitnotediggername
tbskinshiftertext.Text = skinshiftername
tbshiftnettext.Text = shiftnetname
tbdownloadertext.Text = downloadername
tbdodgetext.Text = dodgename
tbdownloadmanagertext.Text = downloadmanagername
tbinstallertext.Text = installername
tbsnakeytext.Text = snakeyname
tbsysinfotext.Text = sysinfoname
tborcwritetext.Text = orcwritename
tbfloodgatetext.Text = floodgatename
tbmazetext.Text = mazename
tbvirusscannertext.Text = virusscannername
tbterminaltext.Text = terminalname
pnlpanelbuttonknowledgeinput.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonshiftorium.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonclock.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonshifter.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttoncolourpicker.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttoninfobox.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonpong.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonfileopener.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttontextpad.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttongraphicpicker.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonskinloader.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonartpad.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttoncalculator.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonaudioplayer.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonwebbrowser.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonvideoplayer.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonnamechanger.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttoniconmanager.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonbitnotewallet.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonbitnotedigger.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonskinshifter.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonshiftnet.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttondownloader.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttondodge.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttoninstaller.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnl_panelbuttonsnakey.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonsysinfo.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonorcwrite.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonfloodgate.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonmaze.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonvirusscanner.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
pnlpanelbuttonterminal.Margin = New Padding(0, Skins.panelbuttonfromtop, Skins.panelbuttongap, 0)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonknowledgeinput, tbknowledgeinputicon, tbknowledgeinputtext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonshiftorium, tbshiftoriumicon, tbshiftoriumtext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonclock, tbclockicon, tbclocktext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonshifter, tbshiftericon, tbshiftertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttoncolourpicker, tbcolourpickericon, tbcolourpickertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttoninfobox, tbinfoboxicon, tbinfoboxtext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonpong, tbpongicon, tbpongtext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer, tbfileskimmericon, tbfileskimmertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonfileopener, tbfileopenericon, tbfileopenertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver, tbfilesavericon, tbfilesavertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttontextpad, tbtextpadicon, tbtextpadtext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttongraphicpicker, tbgraphicpickericon, tbgraphicpickertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonskinloader, tbskinloadericon, tbskinloadertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonartpad, tbartpadicon, tbartpadtext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttoncalculator, tbcalculatoricon, tbcalculatortext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonaudioplayer, tbaudioplayericon, tbaudioplayertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonwebbrowser, tbwebbrowsericon, tbwebbrowsertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonvideoplayer, tbvideoplayericon, tbvideoplayertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonnamechanger, tbnamechangericon, tbnamechangertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttoniconmanager, tbiconmanagericon, tbiconmanagertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonbitnotewallet, tbbitnotewalleticon, tbbitnotewallettext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonbitnotedigger, tbbitnotediggericon, tbbitnotediggertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonskinshifter, tbskinshiftericon, tbskinshiftertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonshiftnet, tbshiftneticon, tbshiftnettext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttondownloader, tbdownloadericon, tbdownloadertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttondodge, tbdodgeicon, tbdodgetext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager, tbdownloadmanagericon, tbdownloadmanagertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttoninstaller, tbinstallericon, tbinstallertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnl_panelbuttonsnakey, tbsnakeyicon, tbsnakeytext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonsysinfo, tbsysinfoicon, tbsysinfotext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonorcwrite, tborcwriteicon, tborcwritetext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonfloodgate, tbfloodgateicon, tbfloodgatetext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonmaze, tbmazeicon, tbmazetext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonvirusscanner, tbvirusscannericon, tbvirusscannertext, False)
setpanelbuttonappearnce(pnlpanelbuttonterminal, tbterminalicon, tbterminaltext, False)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbknowledgeinputicon, knowledgeinputiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbshiftoriumicon, shiftoriumiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbclockicon, clockiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbshiftericon, shiftericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbcolourpickericon, colourpickericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbinfoboxicon, infoboxiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbpongicon, pongiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbfileskimmericon, fileskimmericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbfileopenericon, fileopenericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbfilesavericon, filesavericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbtextpadicon, textpadiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbgraphicpickericon, graphicpickericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbskinloadericon, skinloadericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbartpadicon, artpadiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbcalculatoricon, calculatoriconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbaudioplayericon, audioplayericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbwebbrowsericon, webbrowsericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbvideoplayericon, videoplayericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbnamechangericon, namechangericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbiconmanagericon, iconmanagericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbbitnotewalleticon, bitnotewalleticonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbbitnotediggericon, bitnotediggericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbskinshiftericon, skinshiftericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbshiftneticon, shiftneticonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbdownloadericon, downloadericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbdodgeicon, dodgeiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbdownloadmanagericon, downloadmanagericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbinstallericon, installericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbsnakeyicon, snakeyiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbsysinfoicon, sysinfoiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tborcwriteicon, orcwriteiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbfloodgateicon, floodgateiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbmazeicon, mazeiconpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbvirusscannericon, virusscannericonpanelbutton)
setuppanelbuttonicons(tbterminalicon, terminaliconpanelbutton)
pnlpanelbuttonholder.Padding = New Padding(Skins.panelbuttoninitialgap, 0, 0, 0)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setuppanelbuttonicons(ByVal tbicon As PictureBox, ByVal image As Image)
tbicon.Image = image
tbicon.Size = New Size(Skins.panelbuttoniconsize, Skins.panelbuttoniconsize)
End Sub
Public Sub setpanelbuttonappearnce(ByVal panelbutton As Panel, ByVal icon As PictureBox, ByVal text As Label, ByVal sendback As Boolean)
If sendback = True Then panelbutton.SendToBack()
icon.Location = New Point(Skins.panelbuttoniconside, Skins.panelbuttonicontop)
icon.Size = New Size(Skins.panelbuttoniconsize, Skins.panelbuttoniconsize)
panelbutton.Size = New Size(Skins.panelbuttonwidth, Skins.panelbuttonheight)
panelbutton.BackColor = Skins.panelbuttoncolour
panelbutton.BackgroundImage = Skins.panelbutton
If Skins.panelbutton Is Nothing Then Else panelbutton.BackColor = Color.Transparent
panelbutton.BackgroundImageLayout = Skins.panelbuttonlayout
text.ForeColor = Skins.panelbuttontextcolour
text.Font = New Font(Skins.panelbuttontextfont, Skins.panelbuttontextsize, Skins.panelbuttontextstyle)
text.Location = New Point(Skins.panelbuttontextside, Skins.panelbuttontexttop)
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftOSDesktop_keydown(sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles MyBase.KeyDown
If e.KeyCode = Keys.T AndAlso e.Control Then
If terminalfullscreen = True Then Terminal.fullterminal()
End If
End Sub
Public Sub closeeverything()
If boughtmultitasking = False Then
For Each f In My.Application.OpenForms.Cast(Of Form)().ToArray()
Select Case f.Name
Case "ShiftOSDesktop", "HijackScreen", "ShiftOS Save File Converter"
'do nothing
Case Else
End Select
End If
If forceclose = True Then
For Each f In My.Application.OpenForms.Cast(Of Form)().ToArray()
Select Case f.Name
Case "ShiftOSDesktop", "HijackScreen", "ShiftOS Save File Converter"
'do nothing
Case Else
End Select
End If
forceclose = False
End Sub
Public Sub shutdownshiftos()
forceclose = True
Terminal.txtterm.Text = Terminal.txtterm.Text & Environment.NewLine & "System Is Shutting Down..." & Environment.NewLine
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " ShutDown ShiftOS with " & codepoints & " Code Points!" & Environment.NewLine
playSound(sounddir & "shutdown.wav", AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete)
Catch ex As Exception
'Do nothing -- I haven't found a good shutdown sound...
End Try
End Sub
Public Sub addtitlebars()
'attempted future code to dramatically increase development time and simplify code
'For Each f In My.Application.OpenForms.Cast(Of Form)().ToArray()
' Select Case f.Name
' Case "ShiftOSDesktop", "HijackScreen", "ShiftOS Save File Converter"
' 'do nothing
' Case Else
' If f.Visible = True Then
' f.titlebar.Show()
' f.setuptitlebar()
' f.Size = New Size(f.Width, f.Size.Height + f.titlebar.Height)
' End If
' End Select
'This cause windows to shrink with the new skinning system
'If Knowledge_Input.Visible = True Then
' Knowledge_Input.titlebar.Show()
' Knowledge_Input.setuptitlebar()
' Knowledge_Input.Size = New Size(Knowledge_Input.Width, Knowledge_Input.Size.Height + Knowledge_Input.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Shiftorium.Visible = True Then
' Shiftorium.titlebar.Show()
' Shiftorium.setuptitlebar()
' Shiftorium.Size = New Size(Shiftorium.Width, Shiftorium.Size.Height + Shiftorium.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Clock.Visible = True Then
' Clock.titlebar.Show()
' Clock.setuptitlebar()
' Clock.Size = New Size(Clock.Width, Clock.Size.Height + Clock.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Shifter.Visible = True Then
' Shifter.titlebar.Show()
' Shifter.setuptitlebar()
' Shifter.Size = New Size(Shifter.Width, Shifter.Size.Height + Shifter.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Colour_Picker.Visible = True Then
' Colour_Picker.titlebar.Show()
' Colour_Picker.setuptitlebar()
' Colour_Picker.Size = New Size(Colour_Picker.Width, Colour_Picker.Size.Height + Colour_Picker.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If infobox.Visible = True Then
' infobox.titlebar.Show()
' infobox.setuptitlebar()
' infobox.Size = New Size(infobox.Width, infobox.Size.Height + infobox.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Pong.Visible = True Then
' Pong.titlebar.Show()
' Pong.setuptitlebar()
' Pong.Size = New Size(Pong.Width, Pong.Size.Height + Pong.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If File_Skimmer.Visible = True Then
' File_Skimmer.titlebar.Show()
' File_Skimmer.setuptitlebar()
' File_Skimmer.Size = New Size(File_Skimmer.Width, File_Skimmer.Size.Height + File_Skimmer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If TextPad.Visible = True Then
' TextPad.titlebar.Show()
' TextPad.setuptitlebar()
' TextPad.Size = New Size(TextPad.Width, TextPad.Size.Height + TextPad.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If File_Opener.Visible = True Then
' File_Opener.titlebar.Show()
' File_Opener.setuptitlebar()
' File_Opener.Size = New Size(File_Opener.Width, File_Opener.Size.Height + File_Opener.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If File_Saver.Visible = True Then
' File_Saver.titlebar.Show()
' File_Saver.setuptitlebar()
' File_Saver.Size = New Size(File_Saver.Width, File_Saver.Size.Height + File_Saver.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Graphic_Picker.Visible = True Then
' Graphic_Picker.titlebar.Show()
' Graphic_Picker.setuptitlebar()
' Graphic_Picker.Size = New Size(Graphic_Picker.Width, Graphic_Picker.Size.Height + Graphic_Picker.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Skin_Loader.Visible = True Then
' Skin_Loader.titlebar.Show()
' Skin_Loader.setuptitlebar()
' Skin_Loader.Size = New Size(Skin_Loader.Width, Skin_Loader.Size.Height + Skin_Loader.titlebar.Height)
'End If
''If ArtPad.Visible = True Then
'' ArtPad.titlebar.Show()
'' ArtPad.setuptitlebar()
'' ArtPad.Size = New Size(ArtPad.Width, ArtPad.Size.Height + ArtPad.titlebar.Height)
''End If
'If Calculator.Visible = True Then
' Calculator.titlebar.Show()
' Calculator.setuptitlebar()
' Calculator.Size = New Size(Calculator.Width, Calculator.Size.Height + Calculator.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Audio_Player.Visible = True Then
' Audio_Player.titlebar.Show()
' Audio_Player.setuptitlebar()
' Audio_Player.Size = New Size(Audio_Player.Width, Audio_Player.Size.Height + Audio_Player.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Web_Browser.Visible = True Then
' Web_Browser.titlebar.Show()
' Web_Browser.setuptitlebar()
' Web_Browser.Size = New Size(Web_Browser.Width, Web_Browser.Size.Height + Web_Browser.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Name_Changer.Visible = True Then
' Name_Changer.titlebar.Show()
' Name_Changer.setuptitlebar()
' Name_Changer.Size = New Size(Name_Changer.Width, Name_Changer.Size.Height + Name_Changer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Icon_Manager.Visible = True Then
' Icon_Manager.titlebar.Show()
' Icon_Manager.setuptitlebar()
' Icon_Manager.Size = New Size(Icon_Manager.Width, Icon_Manager.Size.Height + Icon_Manager.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Bitnote_Wallet.Visible = True Then
' Bitnote_Wallet.titlebar.Show()
' Bitnote_Wallet.setuptitlebar()
' Bitnote_Wallet.Size = New Size(Bitnote_Wallet.Width, Bitnote_Wallet.Size.Height + Bitnote_Wallet.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Bitnote_Digger.Visible = True Then
' Bitnote_Digger.titlebar.Show()
' Bitnote_Digger.setuptitlebar()
' Bitnote_Digger.Size = New Size(Bitnote_Digger.Width, Bitnote_Digger.Size.Height + Bitnote_Digger.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Skinshifter.Visible = True Then
' Skinshifter.titlebar.Show()
' Skinshifter.setuptitlebar()
' Skinshifter.Size = New Size(Skinshifter.Width, Skinshifter.Size.Height + Skinshifter.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Shiftnet.Visible = True Then
' Shiftnet.titlebar.Show()
' Shiftnet.setuptitlebar()
' Shiftnet.Size = New Size(Shiftnet.Width, Shiftnet.Size.Height + Shiftnet.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Downloader.Visible = True Then
' Downloader.titlebar.Show()
' Downloader.setuptitlebar()
' Downloader.Size = New Size(Downloader.Width, Downloader.Size.Height + Downloader.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Dodge.Visible = True Then
' Dodge.titlebar.Show()
' Dodge.setuptitlebar()
' Dodge.Size = New Size(Dodge.Width, Dodge.Size.Height + Dodge.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Downloadmanager.Visible = True Then
' Downloadmanager.titlebar.Show()
' Downloadmanager.setuptitlebar()
' Downloadmanager.Size = New Size(Downloadmanager.Width, Downloadmanager.Size.Height + Downloadmanager.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Installer.Visible = True Then
' Installer.titlebar.Show()
' Installer.setuptitlebar()
' Installer.Size = New Size(Installer.Width, Installer.Size.Height + Installer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If Snakey.Visible = True Then
' Snakey.titlebar.Show()
' Snakey.setuptitlebar()
' Snakey.Size = New Size(Installer.Width, Installer.Size.Height + Installer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If systeminfo.Visible = True Then
' systeminfo.titlebar.Show()
' systeminfo.setuptitlebar()
' systeminfo.Size = New Size(Installer.Width, Installer.Size.Height + Installer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If OrcWrite.Visible = True Then
' OrcWrite.titlebar.Show()
' OrcWrite.setuptitlebar()
' OrcWrite.Size = New Size(Installer.Width, Installer.Size.Height + Installer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If FloodGate_Manager.Visible = True Then
' FloodGate_Manager.titlebar.Show()
' FloodGate_Manager.setuptitlebar()
' FloodGate_Manager.Size = New Size(Installer.Width, Installer.Size.Height + Installer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If VirusScanner.Visible = True Then
' VirusScanner.titlebar.Show()
' VirusScanner.setuptitlebar()
' VirusScanner.Size = New Size(Installer.Width, Installer.Size.Height + Installer.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If template.Visible = True Then
' template.titlebar.Show()
' template.setuptitlebar()
' template.Size = New Size(ArtPad.Width, ArtPad.Size.Height + ArtPad.titlebar.Height)
'End If
'If terminalfullscreen = False Then
' If Terminal.Visible = True Then
' Terminal.titlebar.Show()
' Terminal.setuptitlebar()
' Terminal.Size = New Size(Terminal.Width, Terminal.Size.Height + Terminal.titlebar.Height)
' End If
'End If
End Sub
Public Sub addborders()
Knowledge_Input.Size = New Size(Knowledge_Input.Width + Knowledge_Input.pgleft.Width + Knowledge_Input.pgright.Width, Knowledge_Input.Height + Knowledge_Input.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Knowledge_Input.setuptitlebar()
Shiftorium.Size = New Size(Shiftorium.Width + Shiftorium.pgleft.Width + Shiftorium.pgright.Width, Shiftorium.Height + Shiftorium.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Shiftorium.setuptitlebar()
Clock.Size = New Size(Clock.Width + Clock.pgleft.Width + Clock.pgright.Width, Clock.Height + Clock.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Clock.setuptitlebar()
Shifter.Size = New Size(Shifter.Width + Shifter.pgleft.Width + Shifter.pgright.Width, Shifter.Height + Shifter.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Shifter.setuptitlebar()
Colour_Picker.Size = New Size(Colour_Picker.Width + Colour_Picker.pgleft.Width + Colour_Picker.pgright.Width, Colour_Picker.Height + Colour_Picker.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Colour_Picker.setuptitlebar()
infobox.Size = New Size(infobox.Width + infobox.pgleft.Width + infobox.pgright.Width, infobox.Height + infobox.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then infobox.setuptitlebar()
Pong.Size = New Size(Pong.Width + Pong.pgleft.Width + Pong.pgright.Width, Pong.Height + Pong.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Pong.setuptitlebar()
File_Skimmer.Size = New Size(File_Skimmer.Width + File_Skimmer.pgleft.Width + File_Skimmer.pgright.Width, File_Skimmer.Height + File_Skimmer.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then File_Skimmer.setuptitlebar()
TextPad.Size = New Size(File_Skimmer.Width + TextPad.pgleft.Width + TextPad.pgright.Width, TextPad.Height + TextPad.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then TextPad.setuptitlebar()
File_Opener.Size = New Size(File_Skimmer.Width + File_Opener.pgleft.Width + File_Opener.pgright.Width, File_Opener.Height + File_Opener.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then File_Opener.setuptitlebar()
File_Saver.Size = New Size(File_Skimmer.Width + File_Saver.pgleft.Width + File_Saver.pgright.Width, File_Saver.Height + File_Saver.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then File_Saver.setuptitlebar()
Graphic_Picker.Size = New Size(Graphic_Picker.Width + Graphic_Picker.pgleft.Width + Graphic_Picker.pgright.Width, Graphic_Picker.Height + Graphic_Picker.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Graphic_Picker.setuptitlebar()
Skin_Loader.Size = New Size(Skin_Loader.Width + Skin_Loader.pgleft.Width + Skin_Loader.pgright.Width, Skin_Loader.Height + Skin_Loader.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Skin_Loader.setuptitlebar()
ArtPad.Size = New Size(ArtPad.Width + ArtPad.pgleft.Width + ArtPad.pgright.Width, ArtPad.Height + ArtPad.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then ArtPad.setuptitlebar()
Calculator.Size = New Size(Calculator.Width + Calculator.pgleft.Width + Calculator.pgright.Width, Calculator.Height + Calculator.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Calculator.setuptitlebar()
Audio_Player.Size = New Size(Audio_Player.Width + Audio_Player.pgleft.Width + Audio_Player.pgright.Width, Audio_Player.Height + Audio_Player.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Audio_Player.setuptitlebar()
Web_Browser.Size = New Size(Web_Browser.Width + Web_Browser.pgleft.Width + Web_Browser.pgright.Width, Web_Browser.Height + Web_Browser.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Web_Browser.setuptitlebar()
Video_Player.Size = New Size(Video_Player.Width + Video_Player.pgleft.Width + Video_Player.pgright.Width, Video_Player.Height + Video_Player.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Video_Player.setuptitlebar()
Name_Changer.Size = New Size(Name_Changer.Width + Name_Changer.pgleft.Width + Name_Changer.pgright.Width, Name_Changer.Height + Name_Changer.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Name_Changer.setuptitlebar()
Icon_Manager.Size = New Size(Icon_Manager.Width + Icon_Manager.pgleft.Width + Icon_Manager.pgright.Width, Icon_Manager.Height + Icon_Manager.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Icon_Manager.setuptitlebar()
Bitnote_Wallet.Size = New Size(Bitnote_Wallet.Width + Bitnote_Wallet.pgleft.Width + Bitnote_Wallet.pgright.Width, Bitnote_Wallet.Height + Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Bitnote_Wallet.setuptitlebar()
Bitnote_Digger.Size = New Size(Bitnote_Digger.Width + Bitnote_Digger.pgleft.Width + Bitnote_Digger.pgright.Width, Bitnote_Digger.Height + Bitnote_Digger.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Bitnote_Digger.setuptitlebar()
Skinshifter.Size = New Size(Skinshifter.Width + Skinshifter.pgleft.Width + Skinshifter.pgright.Width, Skinshifter.Height + Skinshifter.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Skinshifter.setuptitlebar()
Shiftnet.Size = New Size(Shiftnet.Width + Shiftnet.pgleft.Width + Shiftnet.pgright.Width, Shiftnet.Height + Shiftnet.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Shiftnet.setuptitlebar()
Downloader.Size = New Size(Downloader.Width + Downloader.pgleft.Width + Downloader.pgright.Width, Downloader.Height + Downloader.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Downloader.setuptitlebar()
Dodge.Size = New Size(Dodge.Width + Dodge.pgleft.Width + Dodge.pgright.Width, Dodge.Height + Dodge.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Dodge.setuptitlebar()
Downloadmanager.Size = New Size(Downloadmanager.Width + Downloadmanager.pgleft.Width + Downloadmanager.pgright.Width, Downloadmanager.Height + Downloadmanager.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Downloadmanager.setuptitlebar()
Installer.Size = New Size(Installer.Width + Installer.pgleft.Width + Installer.pgright.Width, Installer.Height + Installer.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Installer.setuptitlebar()
Snakey.Size = New Size(Snakey.Width + Snakey.pgleft.Width + Snakey.pgright.Width, Snakey.Height + Snakey.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Snakey.setuptitlebar()
systeminfo.Size = New Size(systeminfo.Width + systeminfo.pgleft.Width + systeminfo.pgright.Width, systeminfo.Height + systeminfo.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then systeminfo.setuptitlebar()
OrcWrite.Size = New Size(OrcWrite.Width + OrcWrite.pgleft.Width + OrcWrite.pgright.Width, OrcWrite.Height + OrcWrite.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then OrcWrite.setuptitlebar()
FloodGate_Manager.Size = New Size(FloodGate_Manager.Width + FloodGate_Manager.pgleft.Width + FloodGate_Manager.pgright.Width, FloodGate_Manager.Height + FloodGate_Manager.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then FloodGate_Manager.setuptitlebar()
VirusScanner.Size = New Size(VirusScanner.Width + VirusScanner.pgleft.Width + VirusScanner.pgright.Width, FloodGate_Manager.Height + FloodGate_Manager.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then VirusScanner.setuptitlebar()
template.Size = New Size(template.Width + template.pgleft.Width + template.pgright.Width, template.Height + template.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then ArtPad.setuptitlebar()
If terminalfullscreen = False Then
Terminal.Size = New Size(Terminal.Width + Terminal.pgleft.Width + Terminal.pgright.Width, Terminal.Height + Terminal.pgbottom.Height)
If boughttitlebar = True Then Terminal.setuptitlebar()
End If
End Sub
Public Sub shiftwindowsontop()
If unitymode = True Then
Me.TopMost = True
Knowledge_Input.TopMost = False
Shiftorium.TopMost = False
Clock.TopMost = False
Shifter.TopMost = False
Colour_Picker.TopMost = False
infobox.TopMost = False
Pong.TopMost = False
File_Skimmer.TopMost = False
TextPad.TopMost = False
File_Opener.TopMost = False
File_Saver.TopMost = False
Graphic_Picker.TopMost = False
Skin_Loader.TopMost = False
ArtPad.TopMost = False
Calculator.TopMost = False
Audio_Player.TopMost = False
Web_Browser.TopMost = False
Video_Player.TopMost = False
Name_Changer.TopMost = False
Icon_Manager.TopMost = False
Bitnote_Wallet.TopMost = False
Bitnote_Digger.TopMost = False
Skinshifter.TopMost = False
Shiftnet.TopMost = False
Downloader.TopMost = False
Dodge.TopMost = False
Downloadmanager.TopMost = False
Installer.TopMost = False
Snakey.TopMost = False
systeminfo.TopMost = False
OrcWrite.TopMost = False
FloodGate_Manager.TopMost = False
VirusScanner.TopMost = False
template.TopMost = False
Terminal.TopMost = False
Me.TopMost = False
Knowledge_Input.TopMost = True
Shiftorium.TopMost = True
Clock.TopMost = True
Shifter.TopMost = True
Colour_Picker.TopMost = True
infobox.TopMost = True
Pong.TopMost = True
File_Skimmer.TopMost = True
TextPad.TopMost = True
File_Opener.TopMost = True
File_Saver.TopMost = True
Graphic_Picker.TopMost = True
Skin_Loader.TopMost = True
ArtPad.TopMost = True
Calculator.TopMost = True
Audio_Player.TopMost = True
Web_Browser.TopMost = True
Video_Player.TopMost = True
Name_Changer.TopMost = True
Icon_Manager.TopMost = True
Bitnote_Wallet.TopMost = True
Bitnote_Digger.TopMost = True
Skinshifter.TopMost = True
Shiftnet.TopMost = True
Downloader.TopMost = True
Dodge.TopMost = True
Downloadmanager.TopMost = True
Installer.TopMost = True
Snakey.TopMost = True
systeminfo.TopMost = True
OrcWrite.TopMost = True
FloodGate_Manager.TopMost = True
VirusScanner.TopMost = True
template.TopMost = True
Terminal.TopMost = True
End If
End Sub
Public Sub loadskinfiles()
' Old skin loading
'If skinimages(0) = "" Then Else skinclosebutton(0) = GetImage(skinimages(0))
'If skinimages(1) = "" Then Else skinclosebutton(1) = GetImage(skinimages(1))
'If skinimages(2) = "" Then Else skinclosebutton(2) = GetImage(skinimages(2))
'If skinimages(3) = "" Then Else skintitlebar(0) = GetImage(skinimages(3))
'If skinimages(4) = "" Then Else skintitlebar(1) = GetImage(skinimages(4))
'If skinimages(5) = "" Then Else skintitlebar(2) = GetImage(skinimages(5))
'If skinimages(6) = "" Then Else skindesktopbackground(0) = GetImage(skinimages(6))
'If skinimages(7) = "" Then Else skindesktopbackground(1) = GetImage(skinimages(7))
'If skinimages(8) = "" Then Else skindesktopbackground(2) = GetImage(skinimages(8))
'If skinimages(9) = "" Then Else skinrollupbutton(0) = GetImage(skinimages(9))
'If skinimages(10) = "" Then Else skinrollupbutton(1) = GetImage(skinimages(10))
'If skinimages(11) = "" Then Else skinrollupbutton(2) = GetImage(skinimages(11))
'If skinimages(12) = "" Then Else skintitlebarrightcorner(0) = GetImage(skinimages(12))
'If skinimages(13) = "" Then Else skintitlebarrightcorner(1) = GetImage(skinimages(13))
'If skinimages(14) = "" Then Else skintitlebarrightcorner(2) = GetImage(skinimages(14))
'If skinimages(15) = "" Then Else skintitlebarleftcorner(0) = GetImage(skinimages(15))
'If skinimages(16) = "" Then Else skintitlebarleftcorner(1) = GetImage(skinimages(16))
'If skinimages(17) = "" Then Else skintitlebarleftcorner(2) = GetImage(skinimages(17))
'If skinimages(18) = "" Then Else skindesktoppanel(0) = GetImage(skinimages(18))
'If skinimages(19) = "" Then Else skindesktoppanel(1) = GetImage(skinimages(19))
'If skinimages(20) = "" Then Else skindesktoppanel(2) = GetImage(skinimages(20))
'If skinimages(21) = "" Then Else skindesktoppaneltime(0) = GetImage(skinimages(21))
'If skinimages(22) = "" Then Else skindesktoppaneltime(1) = GetImage(skinimages(22))
'If skinimages(23) = "" Then Else skindesktoppaneltime(2) = GetImage(skinimages(23))
'If skinimages(24) = "" Then Else skinapplauncherbutton(0) = GetImage(skinimages(24))
'If skinimages(25) = "" Then Else skinapplauncherbutton(1) = GetImage(skinimages(25))
'If skinimages(26) = "" Then Else skinapplauncherbutton(2) = GetImage(skinimages(26))
'If skinimages(27) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderleft(0) = GetImage(skinimages(27))
'If skinimages(28) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderleft(1) = GetImage(skinimages(28))
'If skinimages(29) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderleft(2) = GetImage(skinimages(29))
'If skinimages(30) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderright(0) = GetImage(skinimages(30))
'If skinimages(31) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderright(1) = GetImage(skinimages(31))
'If skinimages(32) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderright(2) = GetImage(skinimages(32))
'If skinimages(33) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottom(0) = GetImage(skinimages(33))
'If skinimages(34) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottom(1) = GetImage(skinimages(34))
'If skinimages(35) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottom(2) = GetImage(skinimages(35))
'If skinimages(36) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottomright(0) = GetImage(skinimages(36))
'If skinimages(37) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottomright(1) = GetImage(skinimages(37))
'If skinimages(38) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottomright(2) = GetImage(skinimages(38))
'If skinimages(39) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottomleft(0) = GetImage(skinimages(39))
'If skinimages(40) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottomleft(1) = GetImage(skinimages(40))
'If skinimages(41) = "" Then Else skinwindowborderbottomleft(2) = GetImage(skinimages(41))
'If skinimages(42) = "" Then Else skinminimizebutton(0) = GetImage(skinimages(42))
'If skinimages(43) = "" Then Else skinminimizebutton(1) = GetImage(skinimages(43))
'If skinimages(44) = "" Then Else skinminimizebutton(2) = GetImage(skinimages(44))
'If skinimages(45) = "" Then Else skinpanelbutton(0) = GetImage(skinimages(45))
'If skinimages(46) = "" Then Else skinpanelbutton(1) = GetImage(skinimages(46))
'If skinimages(47) = "" Then Else skinpanelbutton(2) = GetImage(skinimages(47))
End Sub
Private Function GetImage(ByVal fileName As String) As Bitmap
Dim ret As Bitmap
Using img As Image = Image.FromFile(fileName)
ret = New Bitmap(img)
End Using
Return ret
End Function
'Public Sub setcolours()
' ' Why is this even here, windows are skinned in the template code
' If Shiftorium.Visible = True Then
' Shiftorium.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Shiftorium.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Shiftorium.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Shiftorium.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Shiftorium.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Shiftorium.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Shiftorium.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Shiftorium.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Shiftorium.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Shiftorium.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Shiftorium.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Shiftorium.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Shiftorium.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Shiftorium.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Shiftorium.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Shiftorium.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Shiftorium.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Shiftorium.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Shiftorium.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Shiftorium.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Shiftorium.Close()
' End If
' If Knowledge_Input.Visible = True Then
' Knowledge_Input.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Knowledge_Input.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Knowledge_Input.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Knowledge_Input.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Knowledge_Input.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Knowledge_Input.Close()
' End If
' If Clock.Visible = True Then
' Clock.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Clock.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Clock.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Clock.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Clock.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Clock.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Clock.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Clock.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Clock.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Clock.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Clock.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Clock.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Clock.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Clock.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Clock.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Clock.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Clock.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Clock.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Clock.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Clock.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Clock.Close()
' End If
' If Shifter.Visible = True Then
' Shifter.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Shifter.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Shifter.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Shifter.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Shifter.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Shifter.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Shifter.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Shifter.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Shifter.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Shifter.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Shifter.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Shifter.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Shifter.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Shifter.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Shifter.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Shifter.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Shifter.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Shifter.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Shifter.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Shifter.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Shifter.Close()
' End If
' If Colour_Picker.Visible = True Then
' Colour_Picker.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Colour_Picker.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Colour_Picker.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Colour_Picker.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Colour_Picker.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Colour_Picker.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Colour_Picker.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Colour_Picker.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Colour_Picker.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Colour_Picker.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Colour_Picker.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Colour_Picker.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Colour_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Colour_Picker.Close()
' End If
' If infobox.Visible = True Then
' infobox.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' infobox.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' infobox.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' infobox.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' infobox.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' infobox.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' infobox.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' infobox.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' infobox.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' infobox.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' infobox.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' infobox.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' infobox.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' infobox.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' infobox.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' infobox.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' infobox.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' infobox.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' infobox.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' infobox.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' infobox.Close()
' End If
' If Pong.Visible = True Then
' Pong.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Pong.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Pong.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Pong.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Pong.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Pong.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Pong.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Pong.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Pong.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Pong.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Pong.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Pong.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Pong.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Pong.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Pong.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Pong.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Pong.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Pong.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Pong.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Pong.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Pong.Close()
' End If
' If File_Skimmer.Visible = True Then
' File_Skimmer.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' File_Skimmer.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' File_Skimmer.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' File_Skimmer.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' File_Skimmer.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' File_Skimmer.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' File_Skimmer.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' File_Skimmer.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' File_Skimmer.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' File_Skimmer.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' File_Skimmer.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' File_Skimmer.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' File_Skimmer.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' File_Skimmer.Close()
' End If
' If TextPad.Visible = True Then
' TextPad.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' TextPad.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' TextPad.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' TextPad.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' TextPad.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' TextPad.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' TextPad.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' TextPad.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' TextPad.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' TextPad.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' TextPad.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' TextPad.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' TextPad.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' TextPad.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' TextPad.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' TextPad.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' TextPad.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' TextPad.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' TextPad.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' TextPad.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' TextPad.Close()
' End If
' If File_Opener.Visible = True Then
' File_Opener.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' File_Opener.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' File_Opener.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' File_Opener.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' File_Opener.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' File_Opener.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' File_Opener.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' File_Opener.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' File_Opener.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' File_Opener.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' File_Opener.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' File_Opener.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' File_Opener.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' File_Opener.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' File_Opener.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' File_Opener.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' File_Opener.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' File_Opener.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' File_Opener.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' File_Opener.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' File_Opener.Close()
' End If
' If File_Saver.Visible = True Then
' File_Saver.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' File_Saver.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' File_Saver.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' File_Saver.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' File_Saver.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' File_Saver.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' File_Saver.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' File_Saver.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' File_Saver.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' File_Saver.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' File_Saver.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' File_Saver.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' File_Saver.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' File_Saver.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' File_Saver.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' File_Saver.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' File_Saver.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' File_Saver.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' File_Saver.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' File_Saver.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' File_Saver.Close()
' End If
' If Graphic_Picker.Visible = True Then
' Graphic_Picker.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Graphic_Picker.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Graphic_Picker.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Graphic_Picker.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Graphic_Picker.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Graphic_Picker.Close()
' End If
' If Skin_Loader.Visible = True Then
' Skin_Loader.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Skin_Loader.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Skin_Loader.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Skin_Loader.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Skin_Loader.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Skin_Loader.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Skin_Loader.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Skin_Loader.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Skin_Loader.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Skin_Loader.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Skin_Loader.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Skin_Loader.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Skin_Loader.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Skin_Loader.Close()
' End If
' If ArtPad.Visible = True Then
' ArtPad.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' ArtPad.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' ArtPad.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' ArtPad.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' ArtPad.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' ArtPad.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' ArtPad.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' ArtPad.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' ArtPad.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' ArtPad.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' ArtPad.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' ArtPad.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' ArtPad.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' ArtPad.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' ArtPad.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' ArtPad.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' ArtPad.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' ArtPad.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' ArtPad.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' ArtPad.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' ArtPad.Close()
' End If
' If Calculator.Visible = True Then
' Calculator.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Calculator.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Calculator.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Calculator.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Calculator.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Calculator.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Calculator.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Calculator.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Calculator.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Calculator.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Calculator.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Calculator.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Calculator.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Calculator.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Calculator.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Calculator.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Calculator.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Calculator.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Calculator.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Calculator.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Calculator.Close()
' End If
' If Audio_Player.Visible = True Then
' Audio_Player.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Audio_Player.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Audio_Player.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Audio_Player.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Audio_Player.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Audio_Player.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Audio_Player.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Audio_Player.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Audio_Player.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Audio_Player.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Audio_Player.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Audio_Player.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Audio_Player.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Audio_Player.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Audio_Player.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Audio_Player.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Audio_Player.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Audio_Player.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Audio_Player.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Audio_Player.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Audio_Player.Close()
' End If
' If Web_Browser.Visible = True Then
' Web_Browser.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Web_Browser.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Web_Browser.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Web_Browser.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Web_Browser.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Web_Browser.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Web_Browser.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Web_Browser.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Web_Browser.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Web_Browser.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Web_Browser.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Web_Browser.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Web_Browser.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Web_Browser.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Web_Browser.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Web_Browser.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Web_Browser.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Web_Browser.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Web_Browser.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Web_Browser.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Web_Browser.Close()
' End If
' If Video_Player.Visible = True Then
' Video_Player.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Video_Player.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Video_Player.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Video_Player.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Video_Player.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Video_Player.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Video_Player.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Video_Player.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Video_Player.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Video_Player.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Video_Player.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Video_Player.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Video_Player.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Video_Player.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Video_Player.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Video_Player.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Video_Player.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Video_Player.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Video_Player.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Video_Player.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Video_Player.Close()
' End If
' If Name_Changer.Visible = True Then
' Name_Changer.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Name_Changer.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Name_Changer.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Name_Changer.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Name_Changer.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Name_Changer.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Name_Changer.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Name_Changer.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Name_Changer.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Name_Changer.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Name_Changer.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Name_Changer.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Name_Changer.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Name_Changer.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Name_Changer.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Name_Changer.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Name_Changer.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Name_Changer.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Name_Changer.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Name_Changer.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Name_Changer.Close()
' End If
' If Icon_Manager.Visible = True Then
' Icon_Manager.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Icon_Manager.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Icon_Manager.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Icon_Manager.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Icon_Manager.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Icon_Manager.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Icon_Manager.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Icon_Manager.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Icon_Manager.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Icon_Manager.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Icon_Manager.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Icon_Manager.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Icon_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Icon_Manager.Close()
' End If
' If Bitnote_Wallet.Visible = True Then
' Bitnote_Wallet.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Bitnote_Wallet.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Bitnote_Wallet.Close()
' End If
' If Bitnote_Digger.Visible = True Then
' Bitnote_Digger.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Bitnote_Digger.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Bitnote_Digger.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Bitnote_Digger.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Bitnote_Digger.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Bitnote_Digger.Close()
' End If
' If Skinshifter.Visible = True Then
' Skinshifter.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Skinshifter.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Skinshifter.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Skinshifter.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Skinshifter.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Skinshifter.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Skinshifter.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Skinshifter.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Skinshifter.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Skinshifter.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Skinshifter.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Skinshifter.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Skinshifter.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Skinshifter.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Skinshifter.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Skinshifter.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Skinshifter.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Skinshifter.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Skinshifter.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Skinshifter.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Skinshifter.Close()
' End If
' If Shiftnet.Visible = True Then
' Shiftnet.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Shiftnet.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Shiftnet.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Shiftnet.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Shiftnet.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Shiftnet.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Shiftnet.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Shiftnet.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Shiftnet.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Shiftnet.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Shiftnet.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Shiftnet.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Shiftnet.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Shiftnet.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Shiftnet.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Shiftnet.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Shiftnet.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Shiftnet.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Shiftnet.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Shiftnet.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Shiftnet.Close()
' End If
' If Downloader.Visible = True Then
' Downloader.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Downloader.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Downloader.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Downloader.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Downloader.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Downloader.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Downloader.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Downloader.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Downloader.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Downloader.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Downloader.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Downloader.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Downloader.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Downloader.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Downloader.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Downloader.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Downloader.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Downloader.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Downloader.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Downloader.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Downloader.Close()
' End If
' 'If Dodge.Visible = True Then
' ' Dodge.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' ' Dodge.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' ' Dodge.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' ' Dodge.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' ' Dodge.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' ' Dodge.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' ' Dodge.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' ' Dodge.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' ' Dodge.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' ' Dodge.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' ' Dodge.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' ' Dodge.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' ' Dodge.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' ' Dodge.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' ' Dodge.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' ' Dodge.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' ' Dodge.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' ' Dodge.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' ' Dodge.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' ' Dodge.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' 'Else
' ' Dodge.Close()
' 'End If
' If Downloadmanager.Visible = True Then
' Downloadmanager.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Downloadmanager.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Downloadmanager.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Downloadmanager.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Downloadmanager.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Downloadmanager.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Downloadmanager.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Downloadmanager.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Downloadmanager.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Downloadmanager.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Downloadmanager.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Downloadmanager.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Downloadmanager.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Downloadmanager.Close()
' End If
' If Installer.Visible = True Then
' Installer.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Installer.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Installer.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Installer.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Installer.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Installer.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Installer.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Installer.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Installer.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Installer.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Installer.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Installer.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Installer.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Installer.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Installer.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Installer.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Installer.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Installer.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Installer.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Installer.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Installer.Close()
' End If
' If Snakey.Visible = True Then
' Snakey.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Snakey.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Snakey.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Snakey.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Snakey.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Snakey.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Snakey.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Snakey.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Snakey.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Snakey.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Snakey.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Snakey.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Snakey.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Snakey.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Snakey.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Snakey.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Snakey.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Snakey.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Snakey.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Snakey.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Snakey.Close()
' End If
' If SystemInfo.Visible = True Then
' SystemInfo.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' SystemInfo.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' SystemInfo.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' SystemInfo.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' SystemInfo.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' SystemInfo.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' SystemInfo.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' SystemInfo.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' SystemInfo.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' SystemInfo.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' SystemInfo.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' SystemInfo.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' SystemInfo.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' SystemInfo.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' SystemInfo.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' SystemInfo.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' SystemInfo.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' SystemInfo.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' SystemInfo.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' SystemInfo.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' SystemInfo.Close()
' End If
' If OrcWrite.Visible = True Then
' OrcWrite.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' OrcWrite.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' OrcWrite.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' OrcWrite.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' OrcWrite.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' OrcWrite.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' OrcWrite.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' OrcWrite.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' OrcWrite.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' OrcWrite.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' OrcWrite.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' OrcWrite.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' OrcWrite.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' OrcWrite.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' OrcWrite.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' OrcWrite.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' OrcWrite.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' OrcWrite.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' OrcWrite.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' OrcWrite.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' OrcWrite.Close()
' End If
' If FloodGate_Manager.Visible = True Then
' FloodGate_Manager.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' FloodGate_Manager.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' FloodGate_Manager.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' FloodGate_Manager.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' FloodGate_Manager.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' FloodGate_Manager.Close()
' End If
' If VirusScanner.Visible = True Then
' VirusScanner.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' VirusScanner.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' VirusScanner.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' VirusScanner.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' VirusScanner.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' VirusScanner.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' VirusScanner.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' VirusScanner.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' VirusScanner.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' VirusScanner.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' VirusScanner.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' VirusScanner.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' VirusScanner.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' VirusScanner.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' VirusScanner.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' VirusScanner.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' VirusScanner.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' VirusScanner.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' VirusScanner.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' VirusScanner.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' VirusScanner.Close()
' End If
' If template.Visible = True Then
' template.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' template.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' template.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' template.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' template.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' template.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' template.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' template.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' template.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' template.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' template.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' template.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' template.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' template.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' template.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' template.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' template.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' template.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' template.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' template.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' template.Close()
' End If
' If Terminal.Visible = True Then
' Terminal.titlebar.BackColor = titlebarcolour
' Terminal.pgtoplcorner.BackColor = titlebarleftcornercolour
' Terminal.pgtoprcorner.BackColor = titlebarrightcornercolour
' Terminal.pgleft.BackColor = windowborderleftcolour
' Terminal.pgleft.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderleft(0)
' Terminal.pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderleftstyle
' Terminal.pgright.BackColor = windowborderrightcolour
' Terminal.pgright.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderright(0)
' Terminal.pgright.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderrightstyle
' Terminal.pgbottom.BackColor = windowborderbottomcolour
' Terminal.pgbottom.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottom(0)
' Terminal.pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomstyle
' Terminal.pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomleftcolour
' Terminal.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomleft(0)
' Terminal.pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomleftstyle
' Terminal.pgbottomlcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Terminal.pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = windowborderbottomrightcolour
' Terminal.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = skinwindowborderbottomright(0)
' Terminal.pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = skinwindowborderbottomrightstyle
' Terminal.pgbottomrcorner.Height = windowbordersize
' Else
' Terminal.Close()
' End If
'End Sub
Public Sub setupiconprocess(ByVal location As String, ByRef imagetochange As Image)
If IO.File.Exists(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\Icons\" & location & ".pic") Then
imagetochange = GetImage(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\Icons\" & location & ".pic")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub setupicons()
iconmanagericondatalines = IO.File.ReadAllLines(ShiftOSPath + "\Shiftum42\Icons\icondata.dat")
titlebariconsize = iconmanagericondatalines(0)
panelbuttoniconsize = iconmanagericondatalines(1)
launchericonsize = iconmanagericondatalines(2)
setupiconprocess("titlebarartpadicon", artpadicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebaraudioplayericon", audioplayericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarcalculatoricon", calculatoricontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarclockicon", clockicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarcolourpickericon", colourpickericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarfileopenericon", fileopenericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarfilesavericon", filesavericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarfileskimmericon", fileskimmericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebargraphicpickericon", graphicpickericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarinfoboxicon", infoboxicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarknowledgeinputicon", knowledgeinputicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarpongicon", pongicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarshiftericon", shiftericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarshiftoriumicon", shiftoriumicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarskinloadericon", skinloadericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarterminalicon", terminalicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebartextpadicon", textpadicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarvideoplayericon", videoplayericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarwebbrowsericon", webbrowsericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarnamechangericon", namechangericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebariconmanagericon", iconmanagericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarbitnotewalleticon", bitnotewalleticontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarbitnotediggericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebardownloadericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebardodgeicon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebardownloadmanagericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarinstallericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarsnakeyicon", snakeyicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarsysinfoicon", sysinfoicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarorcwriteicon", orcwriteicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarfloodgateicon", floodgateicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarmazeicon", mazeicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarvirusscannericon", virusscannericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonartpadicon", artpadiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonaudioplayericon", audioplayericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttoncalculatoricon", calculatoriconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonclockicon", clockiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttoncolourpickericon", colourpickericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonfileopenericon", fileopenericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonfilesavericon", filesavericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonfileskimmericon", fileskimmericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttongraphicpickericon", graphicpickericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttoninfoboxicon", infoboxiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonknowledgeinputicon", knowledgeinputiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonpongicon", pongiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonshiftericon", shiftericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonshiftoriumicon", shiftoriumiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonskinloadericon", skinloadericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonterminalicon", terminaliconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttontextpadicon", textpadiconpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonvideoplayericon", videoplayericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonwebbrowsericon", webbrowsericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonnamechangericon", namechangericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttoniconmanagericon", iconmanagericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonbitnotewalleticon", bitnotewalleticonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttonbitnotediggericon", bitnotediggericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("panelbuttondownloadericon", bitnotediggericonpanelbutton)
setupiconprocess("titlebardodgeicon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebardownloadmanagericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarinstallericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarsnakeyicon", snakeyicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarsysinfoicon", sysinfoicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarorcwriteicon", orcwriteicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarfloodgateicon", floodgateicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarmazeicon", mazeicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarvirusscannericon", virusscannericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("launcherartpadicon", artpadiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcheraudioplayericon", audioplayericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchercalculatoricon", calculatoriconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherclockicon", clockiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchercolourpickericon", colourpickericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherfileopenericon", fileopenericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherfilesavericon", filesavericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherfileskimmericon", fileskimmericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchergraphicpickericon", graphicpickericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherinfoboxicon", infoboxiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherknowledgeinputicon", knowledgeinputiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherpongicon", pongiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchershiftericon", shiftericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchershiftoriumicon", shiftoriumiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherskinloadericon", skinloadericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherterminalicon", terminaliconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchertextpadicon", textpadiconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchervideoplayericon", videoplayericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherwebbrowsericon", webbrowsericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchernamechangericon", namechangericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launchericonmanagericon", iconmanagericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherbitnotewalleticon", bitnotewalleticonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherbitnotediggericon", bitnotediggericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherdownloadericon", bitnotediggericonlauncher)
setupiconprocess("titlebardodgeicon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebardownloadmanagericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarinstallericon", bitnotediggericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarsnakeyicon", snakeyicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarsysinfoicon", sysinfoicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarorcwriteicon", orcwriteicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarfloodgateicon", floodgateicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarmazeicon", mazeicontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("titlebarvirusscannericon", virusscannericontitlebar)
setupiconprocess("launchershutdownicon", shutdowniconlauncher)
setupiconprocess("launcherunitytoggleicon", unitytoggleiconlauncher)
End Sub
Private Sub KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem.Click
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User opened Knowledge Input from the app launcher" & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem.Click
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User opened Shiftorium from the app launcher" & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
Private Sub ClockToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ClockToolStripMenuItem.Click
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User opened Clock from the app launcher" & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
Private Sub TerminalToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TerminalToolStripMenuItem.Click
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User opened Terminal from the app launcher" & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
Private Sub CalculatorToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CalculatorToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem_MouseEnter(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.MouseEnter
ToolStripManager.Renderer = New MyToolStripRenderer()
End Sub
Private Sub ShutdownToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShutdownToolStripMenuItem.Click
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User Shut Down ShiftOS from the app launcher" & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
Private Sub clocktick_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles clocktick.Tick
End Sub
Private Sub setclocktime()
If boughtsplitsecondtime = True Then
paneltimetext.Text = TimeOfDay
If boughtminuteaccuracytime = True Then
If Date.Now.Hour < 12 Then
paneltimetext.Text = TimeOfDay.Hour & ":" & Format(TimeOfDay.Minute, "00") & " AM"
paneltimetext.Text = TimeOfDay.Hour - 12 & ":" & Format(TimeOfDay.Minute, "00") & " PM"
End If
If boughtpmandam = True Then
If Date.Now.Hour < 12 Then
paneltimetext.Text = TimeOfDay.Hour & " AM"
paneltimetext.Text = TimeOfDay.Hour - 12 & " PM"
End If
If boughthourspastmidnight = True Then
paneltimetext.Text = Math.Floor(Date.Now.Subtract(Date.Today).TotalSeconds / 60 / 60)
If boughtminutespastmidnight = True Then
paneltimetext.Text = Math.Floor(Date.Now.Subtract(Date.Today).TotalSeconds / 60)
If boughtsecondspastmidnight = True Then
paneltimetext.Text = Math.Floor(Date.Now.Subtract(Date.Today).TotalSeconds)
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShifterToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShifterToolStripMenuItem.Click
log = log & My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime & " User opened Shifter from the app launcher" & Environment.NewLine
End Sub
Private Sub PongToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PongToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub TextPadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextPadToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub ArtpadToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ArtpadToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AudioplayerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem.Click
If Web_Browser.Location.Y <= 0 Then Web_Browser.Location = New Point(Web_Browser.Location.X, Web_Browser.Location.Y + 5000)
End Sub
Private Sub VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles VideoplayerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub NameChangerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NameChangerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub IconManagerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles IconManagerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub bitnotewalletToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub bitnotediggerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub SkinshifterToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub DodgeToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DodgeToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles downloadmanagerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub installerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles InstallerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub snakeyToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SnakeyToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub sysinfoToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles sysinfoToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub orcwriteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles orcwriteToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub floodgateToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FloodGateToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub mazeToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MazeToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub virusscannerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem.Click
End Sub
Private Sub autosave_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles autosave.Tick
End Sub
Public Sub ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem_Paint(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Paint
If Skins.applauncher Is Nothing Then
e.Graphics.DrawImage(Skins.applauncher, 0, 0, Skins.applauncher.Width, Skins.applauncher.Height)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub minimizeprogram(ByVal whatprogram As Form, ByVal isitpong As Boolean)
If whatprogram.Location.Y > 0 Then
whatprogram.Location = New Point(whatprogram.Location.X, whatprogram.Location.Y - 5000)
If isitpong = True Then
End If
whatprogram.Location = New Point(whatprogram.Location.X, whatprogram.Location.Y + 5000)
If isitpong = True Then
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonclock_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonclock.Click, tbclockicon.Click, tbclocktext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Clock, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttoncolourpicker_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttoncolourpicker.Click, tbcolourpickericon.Click, tbcolourpickertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Colour_Picker, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonfileopener_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonfileopener.Click, tbfileopenericon.Click, tbfileopenertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(File_Opener, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonfilesaver.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(File_Saver, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonfileskimmer.Click, tbfileskimmericon.Click, tbfileskimmertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(File_Skimmer, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttongraphicpicker_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttongraphicpicker.Click, tbgraphicpickericon.Click, tbgraphicpickertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Graphic_Picker, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttoninfobox_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttoninfobox.Click, tbinfoboxicon.Click, tbinfoboxtext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(infobox, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonknowledgeinput_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonknowledgeinput.Click, tbknowledgeinputicon.Click, tbknowledgeinputtext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Knowledge_Input, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonpong_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonpong.Click, tbpongicon.Click, tbpongtext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Pong, True)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonshifter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonshifter.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Shifter, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonshiftorium_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonshiftorium.Click, tbshiftoriumicon.Click, tbshiftoriumtext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Shiftorium, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonskinloader_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonskinloader.Click, tbskinloadericon.Click, tbskinloadertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Skin_Loader, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonterminal_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonterminal.Click, tbterminalicon.Click, tbterminaltext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Terminal, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttontextpad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttontextpad.Click, tbtextpadicon.Click, tbtextpadtext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(TextPad, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonartpad_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonartpad.Click, tbartpadicon.Click, tbartpadtext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(ArtPad, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttoncalculator_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttoncalculator.Click, tbcalculatoricon.Click, tbcalculatortext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Calculator, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonaudioplayer_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonaudioplayer.Click, tbaudioplayericon.Click, tbaudioplayertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Audio_Player, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonwebbrowser_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonwebbrowser.Click, tbwebbrowsericon.Click, tbwebbrowsertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Web_Browser, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonvideoplayer_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonvideoplayer.Click, tbvideoplayericon.Click, tbvideoplayertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Video_Player, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonnamechanger_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonnamechanger.Click, tbnamechangericon.Click, tbnamechangertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Name_Changer, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttoniconmanager_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttoniconmanager.Click, tbiconmanagericon.Click, tbiconmanagertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Icon_Manager, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonbitnotewallet_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonbitnotewallet.Click, tbbitnotewalleticon.Click, tbbitnotewallettext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Bitnote_Wallet, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonbitnotedigger_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonbitnotedigger.Click, tbbitnotediggericon.Click, tbbitnotediggertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Bitnote_Digger, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonskinshifter_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonskinshifter.Click, tbskinshiftericon.Click, tbskinshiftertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Skinshifter, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonShiftnet_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonshiftnet.Click, tbshiftneticon.Click, tbshiftnettext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Shiftnet, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonDownloader_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttondownloader.Click, tbdownloadericon.Click, tbdownloadertext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Downloader, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttondodge_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttondodge.Click, tbdodgeicon.Click, tbdodgetext.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Dodge, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttondownloadmanager.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Downloadmanager, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttoninstaller_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttoninstaller.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Installer, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnl_panelbuttonsnakey_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnl_panelbuttonsnakey.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Snakey, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnlpanelbuttonsysinfo_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonsysinfo.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(systeminfo, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnl_panelbuttonorcwrite_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonorcwrite.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(OrcWrite, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnl_panelbuttonfloodgate_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonfloodgate.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(FloodGate_Manager, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnl_panelbuttonmaze_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonmaze.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(Labyrinth, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub pnl_panelbuttonvirusscanner_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles pnlpanelbuttonvirusscanner.Click
If boughtusefulpanelbuttons = True Then
minimizeprogram(VirusScanner, False)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub setpanelbuttonappearnce(label As Label, pictureBox As PictureBox, label1 As Label, p4 As Boolean)
Throw New NotImplementedException
End Sub
Private Sub UnityToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles UnityToolStripMenuItem.Click
If boughtunitymodetoggle = True Then
If unitymode = False Then
unitymode = True
unitymode = False
End If
End If
End Sub
Public Sub logit(msg As String)
log = log & ControlChars.NewLine & msg
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Auto-Generated Code"
'Don't use the toolkit
#End Region
#Region "DetectCrashes"
Private Sub nocheat_Tick(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles nocheat.Tick
End Sub
#End Region
' disabled for release (Completely unfinished feature)
'Private Sub Button1_Click_1(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) handles button1.click
' STML_Test.Show()
' Me.BackgroundImage = Skins.applauncher
'End Sub
Public Sub refreshIcons()
desktopicons.ForeColor = Skins.icontextcolor
desktopicons.View = iconview1
If Skins.showicons = True Then
desktopicons.LargeImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
desktopicons.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(Paths.desktop)
Dim files As IO.FileInfo() = dir.GetFiles()
Dim file As IO.FileInfo
Dim folders As IO.DirectoryInfo() = dir.GetDirectories()
Dim folder As IO.DirectoryInfo
Dim filetype As Integer
For Each folder In folders
Dim Str(3) As String
Str(0) = folder.Name
Str(1) = folder.LastAccessTime
Str(2) = "Directory"
Dim folderIcon As New ListViewItem
folderIcon.Text = Str(0)
folderIcon.Tag = folder.FullName
folderIcon.ImageIndex = 0
For Each file In files
Dim filename As String = file.Name
Dim fileex As String = file.Extension
Dim program As String
Dim item As New ListViewItem
item.Text = filename
item.Tag = file.FullName
filetype = File_Skimmer.getExType(fileex)(0)
program = File_Skimmer.getExType(fileex)(1)
item.ImageIndex = filetype
End If
lvadvplaces.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
lvadvplaces.LargeImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
For Each folder In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetDirectories(Paths.home)
Dim placeinfo As New IO.DirectoryInfo(folder)
Dim place As New ListViewItem
place.Text = placeinfo.Name
place.Tag = placeinfo.FullName
place.ImageIndex = 0
lvadvfiles.LargeImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
lvadvfiles.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
For Each File In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(Paths.advdata & "Recent")
Dim fileinfo As New IO.FileInfo(File)
Dim item As New ListViewItem
item.Text = fileinfo.Name
item.Tag = fileinfo.FullName
Dim fileex As String = fileinfo.Extension
item.ImageIndex = File_Skimmer.getExType(fileex)(0)
End Sub
Private Sub ClickDesktopIcon(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DoubleClick
If desktopicons.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
Dim Path As String = desktopicons.SelectedItems(0).Tag
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AboutToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AboutToolStripMenuItem.Click
infobox.title = "Desktop++ - About"
infobox.textinfo = My.Resources.DesktopPlusPlusAbout
infobox.resizeAndLoad(infobox.Width, 325) 'Resizes Infobox because if not, the full text for the message is cut off.
End Sub
Private Sub IconViewToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
desktopicons.View = View.LargeIcon
End Sub
Private Sub TileViewToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TileViewToolStripMenuItem.Click
desktopicons.View = View.SmallIcon
desktopicons.SmallImageList = File_Skimmer.ImageList1
End Sub
Public Sub makefolder()
My.Computer.FileSystem.CreateDirectory("C:/ShiftOS/Home/Desktop/" & infobox.txtuserinput.Text)
End Sub
Private Sub FolderToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FolderToolStripMenuItem.Click
infobox.title = "Create New Folder"
infobox.textinfo = "What shall the name of your folder be?"
infobox.txtuserinput.Visible = True
infobox.state = "makingdesktopfolder"
End Sub
Private Sub contextmenu_Show(sender As Object, e As PaintEventArgs) Handles ContextMenuStrip1.Paint
If desktopicons.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
TileViewToolStripMenuItem.Visible = True
fileActionsSeparator.Visible = True
TileViewToolStripMenuItem.Visible = False
fileActionsSeparator.Visible = False
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NewSkin_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NewSkin.Click
infobox.title = "Skin Loader"
infobox.textinfo = "What should the name of your skin be?"
infobox.state = "generatingskin"
infobox.txtuserinput.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub SystemInformationReportToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SystemInformationReportToolStripMenuItem.Click
infobox.title = "System Information Dump"
infobox.textinfo = "Please enter the name of the dump file."
infobox.state = "generatingdump"
infobox.txtuserinput.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub TextDocumentToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextDocumentToolStripMenuItem.Click
infobox.title = "New Text Document"
infobox.textinfo = "What should the name of your text file be?"
infobox.state = "newtextdocondesktop"
infobox.txtuserinput.Visible = True
End Sub
Public Sub generateShortCut(Name As String, relayPath As String)
Dim sw As New IO.StreamWriter("C:/ShiftOS/Home/Desktop/" & Name & ".sct")
End Sub
Private Sub ShortcutToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShortcutToolStripMenuItem.Click
File_Opener.openingprogram = "shortcut"
File_Opener.lbtitletext.Text = "Create Shortcut"
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_ItemDrag(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ItemDragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.ItemDrag
If Skins.enabledraggableicons = True Then
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = CType(e.Item, ListViewItem)
desktopicons.DoDragDrop(New DataObject("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem", lvi), DragDropEffects.Move)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DragEnter
If Skins.enabledraggableicons = True Then
If e.Data.GetDataPresent("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem") Then
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
End If
End If
End Sub
Private Sub desktopicons_DragOver(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.DragOver
If Skins.enabledraggableicons = True Then
Dim lvi As ListViewItem = CType(e.Data.GetData("System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItem"), ListViewItem)
Dim Offset As Size = Size.Subtract(Cursor.Size, New Size(Cursor.HotSpot.X, Cursor.HotSpot.Y))
If (e.X < 53) Then
lvi.Position = Point.Subtract(desktopicons.PointToClient(New Point(53, e.Y)), Offset)
lvi.Position = Point.Subtract(desktopicons.PointToClient(New Point(e.X, e.Y)), Offset)
End If
e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DeleteToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DeleteToolStripMenuItem.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.DirectoryExists(desktopicons.SelectedItems(0).Tag) Then
My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory(desktopicons.SelectedItems(0).Tag, FileIO.DeleteDirectoryOption.DeleteAllContents)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TerminalToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TerminalToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Terminal.TopMost = True
End Sub
Private Sub FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FileSkimmerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtfileskimmer = True Then
File_Skimmer.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'File Skimmer'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SystemInformationToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SystemInformationToolStripMenuItem.Click
If installedsysinfo = True Then
systeminfo.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'System Information'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShifterToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShifterToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtshifter = True Then
Shifter.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Shifter'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SkinLoaderToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtskinloader = True Then
Skin_Loader.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Skin Loader'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SkinShifterToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtskinshifter Then
Skinshifter.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'skinshifter.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub IconManagerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles IconManagerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughticonmanager = True Then
Icon_Manager.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'icon_manager.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub NameChangerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles NameChangerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtnamechanger = True Then
Name_Changer.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'namechanger.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShiftnetToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtshiftnet = True Then
Shiftnet.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'shiftnet.dri'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ShiftoriumToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Shiftorium.TopMost = True
End Sub
Private Sub WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles WebBrowserToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtwebbrowser = True Then
Web_Browser.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'webbrowser.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DownloadManagerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DownloadManagerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtshiftnet = True Then
Downloadmanager.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'shiftnet.dri'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InstallerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles InstallerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtshiftnet = True Then
Installer.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'shiftnet.dri'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BitnoteDiggerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtbitnotedigger = True Then
Bitnote_Digger.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'btn_dig.dri'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles BitnoteWalletToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtbitnotewallet = True Then
Bitnote_Wallet.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'btn_wallet.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub FloodGateManagerToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles FloodGateManagerToolStripMenuItem.Click
If boughtfloodgate = True Then
FloodGate_Manager.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'floodgateman.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles VirusScannerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If installedvirusscanner = True Then
VirusScanner.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'virusscanner.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub DodgeToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles DodgeToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If installeddodge = True Then
Dodge.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Dodge'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub SnakeyToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles SnakeyToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtsnakey = True Then
Snakey.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Snakey'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PongToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles PongToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtpong = True Then
Pong.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Pong'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles KnowledgeInputToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Knowledge_Input.TopMost = True
End Sub
Private Sub LabyrinthToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles LabyrinthToolStripMenuItem.Click
Labyrinth.TopMost = True
End Sub
Private Sub ArtpadToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ArtpadToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtartpad = True Then
ArtPad.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Artpad'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TextpadToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles TextpadToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughttextpad = True Then
TextPad.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'TextPad'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub OrcWriteToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles OrcWriteToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If installedorcwrite = True Then
OrcWrite.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find driver 'OWDHandler.dri'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub AudioPlayerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles AudioPlayerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtaudioplayer = True Then
Audio_Player.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'audplay.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub VideoPlayerToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles VideoPlayerToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtvideoplayer = True Then
Video_Player.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find file 'video_player.saa'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ClockToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ClockToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtclock = True Then
Clock.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Clock'.")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub CalculatorToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CalculatorToolStripMenuItem1.Click
If boughtcalculator = True Then
Calculator.TopMost = True
infobox.showinfo("Error", "Could not find app 'Calculator'.")
End If
End Sub
Public Sub hideStart()
End Sub
Private Sub btnadvshutdown_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnadvshutdown.Click
End Sub
Private Sub lvadvplaces_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lvadvplaces.SelectedIndexChanged
If lvadvplaces.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
Dim fName As String = lvadvplaces.SelectedItems(0).Tag
fName = fName.Replace("\", "/")
End If
End Sub
Private Sub lvadvfiles_SelectedIndexChanged(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles lvadvfiles.SelectedIndexChanged
If lvadvfiles.SelectedItems.Count > 0 Then
End If
End Sub
Private Sub ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem.Click
If boughtadvapplauncher = True Then
If pnladvapplauncher.Visible = False Then
End If
lbuser.Text = username
Select Case Skins.desktoppanelposition
Case "Top"
pnladvapplauncher.Location = New Point(0, desktoppanel.Height)
Case "Bottom"
pnladvapplauncher.Location = New Point(0, Me.Height - desktoppanel.Height - pnladvapplauncher.Height)
End Select
End If
End Sub
Private Sub StartFixer(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles desktopicons.MouseDown, pnlpanelbuttonholder.MouseDown
If pnladvapplauncher.Visible = True Then pnladvapplauncher.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub CatalystToolStripMenuItem_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CatalystToolStripMenuItem.Click
Catalyst_Main.TopMost = True
End Sub
Private Sub ToolStripMenuItem1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles CatalystToolStripMenuItem1.Click
Catalyst_Main.TopMost = True
End Sub
End Class