mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 18:40:25 +00:00
This glitch has been prevelant ever since ShiftOS first had Knowledge Input. And I don't mean 0.1.0, I mean all the way back before 0.0.5 when OSFirstTimer was developing it. Basically, buttons would show light gray backgrounds when you click on them. Now they show black (and it's skinnable :D)
853 lines
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853 lines
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using System.IO;
using System.Drawing;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using ShiftOS;
using System.IO.Compression;
using ShiftUI;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing.Imaging;
namespace Skinning
public class Skin : ShiftUI.ShiftOS.Skin
public Skin()
//We need to set our base skin settings here because the 'new' keyword
//hides the variable from ShiftUI.
base.ButtonBackColor_Pressed = this.ButtonBackColor_Pressed;
base.ProgressBar_BackgroundColor = this.ProgressBar_BackgroundColor;
public new Color ButtonBackColor_Pressed = Color.Black;
public new Color ProgressBar_BackgroundColor = Color.Black;
//Widget Positions
public string ALPosition = "Top";
public string PanelButtonPosition = "Top";
public string ClockPosition = "Top";
public new int titlebarlayout = 3;
public new int borderleftlayout = 3;
public new int borderrightlayout = 3;
public new int borderbottomlayout = 3;
public new int closebtnlayout = 3;
public new int rollbtnlayout = 3;
public new int minbtnlayout = 3;
public new int rightcornerlayout = 3;
public new int leftcornerlayout = 3;
// Late entry: need to fix window code to include this
public new int bottomleftcornerlayout = 3;
public new int bottomrightcornerlayout = 3;
public new Color bottomleftcornercolour = Color.Gray;
public new Color bottomrightcornercolour = Color.Gray;
public new bool enablebordercorners = false;
// settings
public new Size closebtnsize = new Size(22, 22);
public new Size rollbtnsize = new Size(22, 22);
public new Size minbtnsize = new Size(22, 22);
public new int titlebarheight = 30;
public new int titlebariconsize = 16;
public new int closebtnfromtop = 5;
public new int closebtnfromside = 2;
public new int rollbtnfromtop = 5;
public new int rollbtnfromside = 26;
public new int minbtnfromtop = 5;
public new int minbtnfromside = 52;
public new int borderwidth = 2;
public new bool enablecorners = false;
public new int titlebarcornerwidth = 5;
public new int titleiconfromside = 4;
public new int titleiconfromtop = 4;
public new Color titlebarcolour = Color.Gray;
public new Color borderleftcolour = Color.Gray;
public new Color borderrightcolour = Color.Gray;
public new Color borderbottomcolour = Color.Gray;
public new Color closebtncolour = Color.Black;
public new Color closebtnhovercolour = Color.Black;
public new Color closebtnclickcolour = Color.Black;
public new Color rollbtncolour = Color.Black;
public new Color rollbtnhovercolour = Color.Black;
public new Color rollbtnclickcolour = Color.Black;
public new Color minbtncolour = Color.Black;
public new Color minbtnhovercolour = Color.Black;
public new Color minbtnclickcolour = Color.Black;
public new Color rightcornercolour = Color.Gray;
public new Color leftcornercolour = Color.Gray;
// Text
public new string titletextfontfamily = "Microsoft Sans Serif";
public new int titletextfontsize = 10;
public new FontStyle titletextfontstyle = FontStyle.Bold;
public new string titletextpos = "Left";
public new int titletextfromtop = 3;
public new int titletextfromside = 24;
public new Color titletextcolour = Color.White;
public Color desktoppanelcolour = Color.Gray;
public Color desktopbackgroundcolour = Color.Black;
public int desktoppanelheight = 24;
public string desktoppanelposition = "Top";
public Color clocktextcolour = Color.Black;
public Color clockbackgroundcolor = Color.Gray;
public int panelclocktexttop = 3;
public int panelclocktextsize = 10;
public string panelclocktextfont = "Byington";
public FontStyle panelclocktextstyle = FontStyle.Bold;
public Color applauncherbuttoncolour = Color.Gray;
public Color applauncherbuttonclickedcolour = Color.Gray;
public Color applauncherbackgroundcolour = Color.Gray;
public Color applaunchermouseovercolour = Color.Gray;
public Color applicationsbuttontextcolour = Color.Black;
public int applicationbuttonheight = 24;
public int applicationbuttontextsize = 10;
public string applicationbuttontextfont = "Byington";
public FontStyle applicationbuttontextstyle = FontStyle.Bold;
public string applicationlaunchername = "Applications";
public string titletextposition = "Left";
public int applaunchermenuholderwidth = 100;
public int panelbuttonicontop = 3;
public int panelbuttoniconside = 4;
public int panelbuttoniconsize = 16;
public int panelbuttonheight = 20;
public int panelbuttonwidth = 185;
public Color panelbuttoncolour = Color.Black;
public Color panelbuttontextcolour = Color.White;
public int panelbuttontextsize = 10;
public string panelbuttontextfont = "Byington";
public FontStyle panelbuttontextstyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public int panelbuttontextside = 16;
public int panelbuttontexttop = 2;
public int panelbuttongap = 4;
public int panelbuttonfromtop = 2;
public int panelbuttoninitialgap = 8;
public int launcheritemsize = 10;
public string launcheritemfont = "Byington";
public FontStyle launcheritemstyle = FontStyle.Regular;
public Color launcheritemcolour = Color.Black;
// Images
public int desktoppanellayout = 3;
public int desktopbackgroundlayout = 3;
public int panelclocklayout = 3;
public int applauncherlayout = 3;
public int panelbuttonlayout = 3;
public int userTextboxX = 171;
public int userTextBoxY = 202;
public int passTextBoxX = 171;
public int passTextBoxY = 243;
public int loginbtnX = 268;
public int loginbtnY = 286;
public int shutdownbtnX = 1755;
public int shutdownbtnY = 979;
These tell ShiftOS where skin images are.
public string applauncherclickpath = null;
public string panelbuttonpath = null;
public string applaunchermouseoverpath = null;
public string applauncherpath = null;
public string panelclockpath = null;
public string desktopbackgroundpath = null;
public string desktoppanelpath = null;
public string minbtnhoverpath = null;
public string minbtnclickpath = null;
public string rightcornerpath = null;
public string titlebarpath = null;
public string borderrightpath = null;
public string borderleftpath = null;
public string borderbottompath = null;
public string closebtnpath = null;
public string closebtnhoverpath = null;
public string closebtnclickpath = null;
public string rollbtnpath = null;
public string rollbtnhoverpath = null;
public string rollbtnclickpath = null;
public string minbtnpath = null;
public string leftcornerpath = null;
public string bottomleftcornerpath = null;
public string bottomrightcornerpath = null;
//Menu Renderer Colors
public Color Menu_ButtonSelectedHighlight = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonSelectedHighlightBorder = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonPressedHighlight = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonPressedHighlightBorder = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonCheckedHighlight = Color.White;
public Color Menu_ButtonCheckedHighlightBorder = Color.White;
public Color Menu_ButtonPressedBorder = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonSelectedBorder = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonCheckedGradientBegin = Color.White;
public Color Menu_ButtonCheckedGradientMiddle = Color.White;
public Color Menu_ButtonCheckedGradientEnd = Color.White;
public Color Menu_ButtonSelectedGradientBegin = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonSelectedGradientMiddle = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonSelectedGradientEnd = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonPressedGradientBegin = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonPressedGradientMiddle = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_ButtonPressedGradientEnd = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_CheckBackground = Color.White;
public Color Menu_CheckSelectedBackground = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_CheckPressedBackground = Color.White;
public Color Menu_ImageMarginGradientBegin = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ImageMarginGradientMiddle = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ImageMarginGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_MenuStripGradientBegin = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_MenuStripGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_MenuItemSelected = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_MenuItemBorder = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_MenuBorder = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_MenuItemSelectedGradientBegin = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_MenuItemSelectedGradientEnd = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_MenuItemPressedGradientBegin = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_MenuItemPressedGradientMiddle = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_MenuItemPressedGradientEnd = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_RaftingContainerGradientBegin = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_RaftingContainerGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_SeparatorDark = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_SeparatorLight = Color.Black;
public Color Menu_StatusStripGradientBegin = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_StatusStripGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripBorder = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripDropDownBackground = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripGradientBegin = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripGradientMiddle = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripContentPanelGradientBegin = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripContentPanelGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripPanelGradientBegin = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_ToolStripPanelGradientEnd = Color.Gray;
public Color Menu_TextColor = Color.White;
public Color TerminalTextColor = Color.White;
public Color TerminalBackColor = Color.Black;
public string TerminalFontStyle = OSInfo.GetMonospaceFont();
//Name Packs
public string EmbeddedNamePackPath = "names.npk";
//Desktop Icons
public Color IconTextColor = Color.White;
//Window Animation
public int WindowFadeTime = 1; //Interval between each decrease in opacity
public decimal WindowFadeSpeed = Convert.ToDecimal(0.1); //Speed of opacity decrease
public WindowAnimationStyle WindowCloseAnimation = WindowAnimationStyle.Fade; //Animation style for close
public WindowAnimationStyle WindowOpenAnimation = WindowAnimationStyle.Fade; //Animation style for open
public WindowDragEffect DragAnimation = WindowDragEffect.Fade;
public double DragFadeLevel = 0.5;
public double DragFadeSpeed = 0.1;
public int DragFadeInterval = 1;
public int ShakeSpeed = 10;
public int ShakeMaxOffset = 250;
public int ShakeMinOffset = 0;
//Desktop Panel
public List<DesktopWidget> Widgets = new List<DesktopWidget>();
public List<DesktopPanel> DesktopPanels = new List<DesktopPanel>();
public class DesktopWidget
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Panel { get; set; } //either top or bottom
public string Icon { get; set; }
public int Width { get; set; }
public int XLocation { get; set; }
public WidgetType Type { get; set; }
public string Lua { get; set; }
public class ShiftOSIcon
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new icon
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">New ID</param>
public ShiftOSIcon(string id)
SmallPath = id + "_small";
LargePath = id + "_large";
public string SmallPath { get; set; }
public string LargePath { get; set; }
public class DesktopPanel
public string Position = "Top";
public int Height = 24;
public Color BackgroundColor = Color.Gray;
public Image BackgroundImage = null;
public string ImagePath = null;
public class PanelWidget
public string type = "applauncher";
public class NamePack
public string TerminalName = "Terminal";
public string ArtpadName = "Artpad";
public string TextpadName = "TextPad";
public string ShiftoriumName = "Shiftorium";
public string KnowledgeInputName = "Knowledge Input";
public string PongName = "Pong";
public string ShifterName = "Shifter";
public string FileSkimmerName = "File Skimmer";
public string SkinLoaderName = "Skin Loader";
public string ShutdownName = "Shut Down";
public string UnityName = "Unity Mode";
public string NameChangerName = "Name Changer";
public class IconSet
public Image Terminal = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconTerminal;
public Image Artpad = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconArtpad;
public Image Textpad = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconTextPad;
public Image Shiftorium = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconShiftorium;
public Image KnowledgeInput = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconKnowledgeInput;
public Image Pong = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconPong;
public Image Shifter = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconShifter;
public Image FileSkimmer = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconFileSkimmer;
public Image SkinLoader = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconSkinLoader;
public Image Shutdown = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconshutdown;
public Image Unity = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconunitytoggle;
public Image NameChanger = ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconNameChanger;
public class IconPack
public string Terminal = "Terminal";
public string Artpad = "Artpad";
public string Textpad = "TextPad";
public string Shiftorium = "Shiftorium";
public string KnowledgeInput = "Knowledge Input";
public string Pong = "Pong";
public string Shifter = "Shifter";
public string FileSkimmer = "File Skimmer";
public string SkinLoader = "Skin Loader";
public string Shutdown = "Shut Down";
public string Unity = "Unity Mode";
public string NameChanger = "Name Changer";
public class Images
public Image applauncherclick = null;
public Image panelbutton = null;
public Image applaunchermouseover = null;
public Image applauncher = null;
public Image panelclock = null;
public Image desktopbackground = null;
public Image desktoppanel = null;
public Image minbtnhover = null;
public Image minbtnclick = null;
public Image rightcorner = null;
public Image titlebar = null;
public Image borderright = null;
public Image borderleft = null;
public Image borderbottom = null;
public Image closebtn = null;
public Image closebtnhover = null;
public Image closebtnclick = null;
public Image rollbtn = null;
public Image rollbtnhover = null;
public Image rollbtnclick = null;
public Image minbtn = null;
public Image leftcorner = null;
public Image bottomleftcorner = null;
public Image bottomrightcorner = null;
/// <summary>
/// ShiftOS 'Sharp' Skin Engine - Completely reworked ShiftOS skin system written in C# by Michael VanOverbeek
/// </summary>
public class Utilities {
public static Dictionary<string, Image> IconRegistry = new Dictionary<string, Image>();
public static Color globaltransparencycolour = Color.FromArgb(1, 0, 1);
public static NamePack LoadedNames = null;
public static Skin loadedSkin = null;
public static Images loadedskin_images = null;
/// <summary>
/// Load a bitmap from the skin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">Bitmap name.</param>
/// <returns>The bitmap</returns>
public static Bitmap GetImage(string fileName)
Bitmap ret;
if (File.Exists(Paths.LoadedSkin + fileName))
using (Image img = Image.FromFile(Paths.LoadedSkin + fileName))
ret = new Bitmap(img);
} else
ret = null;
return ret;
/// <summary>
/// Load the name pack embedded in the skin.
/// </summary>
public static void LoadEmbeddedNamePack()
if(loadedSkin != null)
if(loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath != null)
if(File.Exists(Paths.LoadedSkin + loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath))
string json = File.ReadAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath);
LoadedNames = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<NamePack>(json);
try {
if (LoadedNames.NameChangerName == null)
LoadedNames.NameChangerName = "Name Changer";
LoadedNames = new NamePack();
LoadedNames = new NamePack();
LoadedNames = new NamePack();
LoadedNames = new NamePack();
/// <summary>
/// Loads background images for all desktop panels
/// </summary>
public static void LoadPanels()
foreach(var pnl in loadedSkin.DesktopPanels)
string dpath = Paths.LoadedSkin + "panels" + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + pnl.ImagePath;
if (File.Exists(dpath))
pnl.BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(dpath);
/// <summary>
/// Saves background images of panels
/// </summary>
public static void SavePanels()
string dir = Paths.LoadedSkin + "panels";
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
foreach (var pnl in loadedSkin.DesktopPanels)
if (pnl.BackgroundImage != null)
pnl.ImagePath = pnl.Position + loadedSkin.DesktopPanels.IndexOf(pnl).ToString();
string dpath = Paths.LoadedSkin + "panels" + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + pnl.ImagePath;
pnl.BackgroundImage = null;
pnl.ImagePath = null;
pnl.BackgroundImage = null;
/// <summary>
/// Randomize some skin variables. Used for a virus.
/// </summary>
public static void Randomize()
Random rnd = new Random();
if (rnd.Next(0, 5000) == 25)
loadedSkin.desktoppanelheight = rnd.Next(2, 200);
switch (rnd.Next(0, 10))
case 1:
case 3:
case 5:
case 7:
case 9:
loadedSkin.desktoppanelposition = "Top";
loadedSkin.desktoppanelposition = "Bottom";
/// <summary>
/// Save the loaded name pack to the skin.
/// </summary>
public static void SaveEmbeddedNamePack()
if (loadedSkin != null)
if (loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath != null)
if (File.Exists(Paths.LoadedSkin + loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath))
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LoadedNames);
File.WriteAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath, json);
loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath = "names.npk";
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LoadedNames);
File.WriteAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath, json);
/// <summary>
/// Save a bitmap to the skin.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="img">Bitmap to save</param>
/// <param name="Name">New filename</param>
private static void saveimage(Image img, string Name)
string fullPath = Paths.LoadedSkin + Name;
if (img != null)
img.Save(fullPath, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp);
/// <summary>
/// Load the skin.
/// </summary>
public static void loadskin()
if (Directory.Exists(Paths.LoadedSkin))
string rawData = File.ReadAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + "data.json");
loadedSkin = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Skin>(rawData);
if (File.Exists(Paths.LoadedSkin + "panels.json"))
string panels = File.ReadAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + "panels.json");
loadedSkin.DesktopPanels = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<DesktopPanel>>(panels);
Application.LoadSkin(loadedSkin); //Send the skin to ShiftUI so buttons and stuff get rendered with custom colors.
loadedSkin = new Skin();
loadedskin_images = new Images();
/// <summary>
/// Load skin from .skn file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filepath">File to load.</param>
public static void loadsknfile(string filepath)
//Extract the .SKN
loadedSkin = new Skin();
loadedskin_images = new Images();
API.ExtractFile(filepath, Paths.LoadedSkin, true);
//OK, so the skin's been extracted.
//Now, let's load in the skin data.
string rawData = File.ReadAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + "data.json");
loadedSkin = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Skin>(rawData);
//Now, images.
} catch
API.CreateInfoboxSession("Error loading skin", "An error has occurred while loading the skin file. This could be because the skin file is no longer supported by this version of ShiftOS.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info);
/// <summary>
/// Load images from the skin.
/// </summary>
public static void loadimages()
loadedskin_images = new Images();
loadedskin_images.applauncherclick = GetImage(loadedSkin.applauncherclickpath);
loadedskin_images.panelbutton = GetImage(loadedSkin.panelbuttonpath);
loadedskin_images.applaunchermouseover = GetImage(loadedSkin.applaunchermouseoverpath);
loadedskin_images.applauncher = GetImage(loadedSkin.applauncherpath);
loadedskin_images.panelclock = GetImage(loadedSkin.panelclockpath);
loadedskin_images.desktopbackground = GetImage(loadedSkin.desktopbackgroundpath);
loadedskin_images.desktoppanel = GetImage(loadedSkin.desktoppanelpath);
loadedskin_images.minbtnhover = GetImage(loadedSkin.minbtnhoverpath);
loadedskin_images.minbtnclick = GetImage(loadedSkin.minbtnclickpath);
loadedskin_images.rightcorner = GetImage(loadedSkin.rightcornerpath);
loadedskin_images.titlebar = GetImage(loadedSkin.titlebarpath);
loadedskin_images.borderright = GetImage(loadedSkin.borderrightpath);
loadedskin_images.borderleft = GetImage(loadedSkin.borderleftpath);
loadedskin_images.borderbottom = GetImage(loadedSkin.borderbottompath);
loadedskin_images.closebtn = GetImage(loadedSkin.closebtnpath);
loadedskin_images.closebtnhover = GetImage(loadedSkin.closebtnhoverpath);
loadedskin_images.closebtnclick = GetImage(loadedSkin.closebtnclickpath);
loadedskin_images.rollbtn = GetImage(loadedSkin.rollbtnpath);
loadedskin_images.rollbtnhover = GetImage(loadedSkin.rollbtnhoverpath);
loadedskin_images.rollbtnclick = GetImage(loadedSkin.rollbtnclickpath);
loadedskin_images.minbtn = GetImage(loadedSkin.minbtnpath);
loadedskin_images.leftcorner = GetImage(loadedSkin.leftcornerpath);
loadedskin_images.bottomleftcorner = GetImage(loadedSkin.bottomleftcornerpath);
loadedskin_images.bottomrightcorner = GetImage(loadedSkin.bottomrightcornerpath);
IconRegistry = new Dictionary<string, Image>();
foreach (var f in Directory.GetFiles(Paths.Icons))
var finf = new FileInfo(f);
byte[] fBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(finf.FullName);
MemoryStream fStream = new MemoryStream(fBytes);
IconRegistry.Add(finf.Name, Image.FromStream(fStream));
/// <summary>
/// Generates the default icon pack if none exists.
/// </summary>
public static void GenDefaultIconPack()
IconRegistry = new Dictionary<string, Image>();
Directory.Delete(Paths.Icons, true);
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconTerminal, "Terminal");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconShiftorium, "Shiftorium");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconShifter, "Shifter");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconNameChanger, "NameChanger");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconTextPad, "TextPad");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconFileSkimmer, "FileSkimmer");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconArtpad, "Artpad");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconunitytoggle, "Unity");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconshutdown, "Shutdown");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconInfoBox_fw, "Infobox");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconKnowledgeInput, "KI");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconPong, "Pong");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconSkinLoader, "SkinLoader");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.iconIconManager, "IconManager");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.fileicondirectory, "Folder");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.fileicondoc, "TextFile");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.fileiconnone, "UnrecognizedFile");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.fileiconsaa, "SAAFile");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.fileiconsetup, "SetupPackage");
SaveIcon(ShiftOS.Properties.Resources.skinfile, "SkinFile");
IconRegistry = new Dictionary<string, Image>();
foreach (var f in Directory.GetFiles(Paths.Icons))
var finf = new FileInfo(f);
byte[] fBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(finf.FullName);
MemoryStream fStream = new MemoryStream(fBytes);
IconRegistry.Add(finf.Name, Image.FromStream(fStream));
/// <summary>
/// Saves the icon to the registry.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="img">Icon to save</param>
/// <param name="title">Icon title</param>
public static void SaveIcon(Image img, string title)
img.Save(Paths.Icons + title, ImageFormat.Png);
/// <summary>
/// Saves all skin images
/// </summary>
public static void saveimages()
//Set image paths.
loadedSkin.applauncherclickpath = "applauncherclick";
loadedSkin.panelbuttonpath = "panelbutton";
loadedSkin.applaunchermouseoverpath = "applaunchermouseover";
loadedSkin.applauncherpath = "applauncher";
loadedSkin.panelclockpath = "panelclock";
loadedSkin.desktopbackgroundpath = "desktopbackground";
loadedSkin.desktoppanelpath = "desktoppanel";
loadedSkin.minbtnhoverpath = "minbtnhover";
loadedSkin.minbtnclickpath = "minbtnclick";
loadedSkin.rightcornerpath = "rightcorner";
loadedSkin.titlebarpath = "titlebar";
loadedSkin.borderrightpath = "borderright";
loadedSkin.borderleftpath = "borderleft";
loadedSkin.borderbottompath = "borderbottom";
loadedSkin.closebtnpath = "closebtn";
loadedSkin.closebtnhoverpath = "closebtnhover";
loadedSkin.closebtnclickpath = "closebtnclick";
loadedSkin.rollbtnpath = "rollbtn";
loadedSkin.rollbtnhoverpath = "rollbtnhover";
loadedSkin.rollbtnclickpath = "rollbtnclick";
loadedSkin.minbtnpath = "minbtn";
loadedSkin.leftcornerpath = "leftcornerpath";
loadedSkin.bottomleftcornerpath = "bottomleftcorner";
loadedSkin.bottomrightcornerpath = "bottomrightcorner";
//Save to new paths.
saveimage(loadedskin_images.applauncherclick, loadedSkin.applauncherclickpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.panelbutton, loadedSkin.panelbuttonpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.applaunchermouseover, loadedSkin.applaunchermouseoverpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.applauncher, loadedSkin.applauncherpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.panelclock, loadedSkin.panelclockpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.desktopbackground, loadedSkin.desktopbackgroundpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.desktoppanel, loadedSkin.desktoppanelpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.minbtnhover, loadedSkin.minbtnhoverpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.minbtnclick, loadedSkin.minbtnclickpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.rightcorner, loadedSkin.rightcornerpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.titlebar, loadedSkin.titlebarpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.borderright, loadedSkin.borderrightpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.borderleft, loadedSkin.borderleftpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.borderbottom, loadedSkin.borderbottompath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.closebtn, loadedSkin.closebtnpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.closebtnhover, loadedSkin.closebtnhoverpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.closebtnclick, loadedSkin.closebtnclickpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.rollbtn, loadedSkin.rollbtnpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.rollbtnhover, loadedSkin.rollbtnhoverpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.rollbtnclick, loadedSkin.rollbtnclickpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.minbtn, loadedSkin.minbtnpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.leftcorner, loadedSkin.leftcornerpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.bottomleftcorner, loadedSkin.bottomleftcornerpath);
saveimage(loadedskin_images.bottomrightcorner, loadedSkin.bottomrightcornerpath);
foreach(KeyValuePair<string, Image> kv in IconRegistry)
if(kv.Value != null)
SaveIcon(kv.Value, kv.Key);
/// <summary>
/// Saves the skin to a new .skn file
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath">Target .skn file</param>
public static void saveskintofile(string filePath)
ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(Paths.LoadedSkin, filePath);
/// <summary>
/// Saves the skin.
/// </summary>
public static void saveskin()
string rawjson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loadedSkin);
File.WriteAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + "data.json", rawjson);
string panels = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loadedSkin.DesktopPanels);
File.WriteAllText(Paths.LoadedSkin + "panels.json", panels);
public class MyToolStripRenderer : ToolStripProfessionalRenderer
public MyToolStripRenderer() : base(new ShiftOSColorTable())
public MyToolStripRenderer(ProfessionalColorTable table) : base(table)
protected override void OnRenderItemText(ToolStripItemTextRenderEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.Text == API.CurrentSkin.applicationlaunchername)
e.TextColor = API.CurrentSkin.applicationsbuttontextcolour;
else {
e.TextColor = API.CurrentSkin.Menu_TextColor;
protected override void OnRenderToolStripBorder(ToolStripRenderEventArgs e)
} |