mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 13:07:33 +00:00
This'll be a lot easier to work on.
1421 lines
40 KiB
1421 lines
40 KiB
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Copyright (c) 2005 Novell, Inc.
// Authors:
// Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com)
// NOTE: We have some tests in Test/ShiftUI/DragAndDropTest.cs, which I *highly* recommend
// to run after any change made here, since those tests are interactive, and thus are not part of
// the common tests.
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
namespace ShiftUI {
internal class X11Dnd {
private enum State {
private enum DragState {
private interface IDataConverter {
void GetData (X11Dnd dnd, IDataObject data, ref XEvent xevent);
void SetData (X11Dnd dnd, object data, ref XEvent xevent);
private delegate void MimeConverter (IntPtr dsp,
IDataObject data, ref XEvent xevent);
private class MimeHandler {
public string Name;
public string [] Aliases;
public IntPtr Type;
public IntPtr NonProtocol;
public IDataConverter Converter;
public MimeHandler (string name, IDataConverter converter) : this (name, converter, name)
public MimeHandler (string name, IDataConverter converter, params string [] aliases)
Name = name;
Converter = converter;
Aliases = aliases;
public override string ToString ()
return "MimeHandler {" + Name + "}";
private MimeHandler [] MimeHandlers = {
// new MimeHandler ("WCF_DIB"),
// new MimeHandler ("image/gif", new MimeConverter (ImageConverter)),
// new MimeHandler ("text/rtf", new MimeConverter (RtfConverter)),
// new MimeHandler ("text/richtext", new MimeConverter (RtfConverter)),
new MimeHandler ("text/plain", new TextConverter ()),
new MimeHandler ("text/plain", new TextConverter (), "System.String", DataFormats.Text),
new MimeHandler ("text/html", new HtmlConverter (), DataFormats.Html),
new MimeHandler ("text/uri-list", new UriListConverter (), DataFormats.FileDrop),
new MimeHandler ("application/x-mono-serialized-object",
new SerializedObjectConverter ())
private class SerializedObjectConverter : IDataConverter {
public void GetData (X11Dnd dnd, IDataObject data, ref XEvent xevent)
MemoryStream stream = dnd.GetData (ref xevent);
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
if (stream.Length == 0)
stream.Seek (0, 0);
object obj = bf.Deserialize (stream);
data.SetData (obj);
public void SetData (X11Dnd dnd, object data, ref XEvent xevent)
if (data == null)
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream ();
BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter ();
bf.Serialize (stream, data);
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal ((int) stream.Length);
stream.Seek (0, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < stream.Length; i++) {
Marshal.WriteByte (buffer, i, (byte) stream.ReadByte ());
dnd.SetProperty (ref xevent, buffer, (int) stream.Length);
private class HtmlConverter : IDataConverter {
public void GetData (X11Dnd dnd, IDataObject data, ref XEvent xevent)
string text = dnd.GetText (ref xevent, false);
if (text == null)
data.SetData (DataFormats.Text, text);
data.SetData (DataFormats.UnicodeText, text);
public void SetData (X11Dnd dnd, object data, ref XEvent xevent)
IntPtr buffer;
int len;
string str = data as string;
if (str == null)
if (xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.target == (IntPtr)Atom.XA_STRING) {
byte [] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str);
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (bytes.Length);
len = bytes.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Marshal.WriteByte (buffer, i, bytes [i]);
} else {
buffer = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (str);
len = 0;
while (Marshal.ReadByte (buffer, len) != 0)
dnd.SetProperty (ref xevent, buffer, len);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (buffer);
private class TextConverter : IDataConverter {
public void GetData (X11Dnd dnd, IDataObject data, ref XEvent xevent)
string text = dnd.GetText (ref xevent, true);
if (text == null)
data.SetData (DataFormats.Text, text);
data.SetData (DataFormats.UnicodeText, text);
public void SetData (X11Dnd dnd, object data, ref XEvent xevent)
IntPtr buffer;
int len;
string str = data as string;
if (str == null) {
IDataObject dobj = data as IDataObject;
if (dobj == null)
str = (string) dobj.GetData ("System.String", true);
if (xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.target == (IntPtr)Atom.XA_STRING) {
byte [] bytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes (str);
buffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (bytes.Length);
len = bytes.Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
Marshal.WriteByte (buffer, i, bytes [i]);
} else {
buffer = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi (str);
len = 0;
while (Marshal.ReadByte (buffer, len) != 0)
dnd.SetProperty (ref xevent, buffer, len);
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (buffer);
private class UriListConverter : IDataConverter {
public void GetData (X11Dnd dnd, IDataObject data, ref XEvent xevent)
string text = dnd.GetText (ref xevent, false);
if (text == null)
// TODO: Do this in a loop instead of just splitting
ArrayList uri_list = new ArrayList ();
string [] lines = text.Split (new char [] { '\r', '\n' });
foreach (string line in lines) {
// # is a comment line (see RFC 2483)
if (line.StartsWith ("#"))
try {
Uri uri = new Uri (line);
uri_list.Add (uri.LocalPath);
} catch { }
string [] l = (string []) uri_list.ToArray (typeof (string));
if (l.Length < 1)
data.SetData (DataFormats.FileDrop, l);
data.SetData ("FileName", l [0]);
data.SetData ("FileNameW", l [0]);
public void SetData (X11Dnd dnd, object data, ref XEvent xevent)
string [] uri_list = data as string [];
if (uri_list == null) {
IDataObject dobj = data as IDataObject;
if (dobj == null)
uri_list = dobj.GetData (DataFormats.FileDrop, true) as string [];
if (uri_list == null)
StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder ();
foreach (string uri_str in uri_list) {
Uri uri = new Uri (uri_str);
res.Append (uri.ToString ());
res.Append ("\r\n");
IntPtr buffer = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAnsi ((string) res.ToString ());
int len = 0;
while (Marshal.ReadByte (buffer, len) != 0)
dnd.SetProperty (ref xevent, buffer, len);
private class DragData {
public IntPtr Window;
public DragState State;
public object Data;
public IntPtr Action;
public IntPtr [] SupportedTypes;
public MouseButtons MouseState;
public DragDropEffects AllowedEffects;
public Point CurMousePos;
public IntPtr LastWindow;
public IntPtr LastTopLevel;
public bool WillAccept;
public void Reset ()
State = DragState.None;
Data = null;
SupportedTypes = null;
WillAccept = false;
// This version seems to be the most common
private static readonly IntPtr [] XdndVersion = new IntPtr [] { new IntPtr (4) };
private IntPtr display;
private DragData drag_data;
private IntPtr XdndAware;
private IntPtr XdndSelection;
private IntPtr XdndEnter;
private IntPtr XdndLeave;
private IntPtr XdndPosition;
private IntPtr XdndDrop;
private IntPtr XdndFinished;
private IntPtr XdndStatus;
private IntPtr XdndTypeList;
private IntPtr XdndActionCopy;
private IntPtr XdndActionMove;
private IntPtr XdndActionLink;
//private IntPtr XdndActionPrivate;
private IntPtr XdndActionList;
//private IntPtr XdndActionDescription;
//private IntPtr XdndActionAsk;
//private State state;
private int converts_pending;
private bool position_recieved;
private bool status_sent;
private IntPtr target;
private IntPtr source;
private IntPtr toplevel;
private IDataObject data;
private Widget Widget;
private int pos_x, pos_y;
private DragDropEffects allowed;
private DragEventArgs drag_event;
private Cursor CursorNo;
private Cursor CursorCopy;
private Cursor CursorMove;
private Cursor CursorLink;
// check out the TODO below
//private IntPtr CurrentCursorHandle;
private bool tracking = false;
private bool dropped = false;
private int motion_poll;
//private X11Keyboard keyboard;
public X11Dnd (IntPtr display, X11Keyboard keyboard)
this.display = display;
//this.keyboard = keyboard;
Init ();
public bool InDrag()
if (drag_data == null)
return false;
return drag_data.State != DragState.None;
public void SetAllowDrop (Hwnd hwnd, bool allow)
int[] atoms;
if (hwnd.allow_drop == allow)
atoms = new int[XdndVersion.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < XdndVersion.Length; i++) {
atoms[i] = XdndVersion[i].ToInt32();
XplatUIX11.XChangeProperty (display, hwnd.whole_window, XdndAware,
(IntPtr) Atom.XA_ATOM, 32,
PropertyMode.Replace, atoms, allow ? 1 : 0);
hwnd.allow_drop = allow;
public DragDropEffects StartDrag (IntPtr handle, object data,
DragDropEffects allowed_effects)
drag_data = new DragData ();
drag_data.Window = handle;
drag_data.State = DragState.Beginning;
drag_data.MouseState = XplatUIX11.MouseState;
drag_data.Data = data;
drag_data.SupportedTypes = DetermineSupportedTypes (data);
drag_data.AllowedEffects = allowed_effects;
drag_data.Action = ActionFromEffect (allowed_effects);
if (CursorNo == null) {
// Make sure the cursors are created
CursorNo = new Cursor (Properties.Resources.DnDNo);
CursorCopy = new Cursor (Properties.Resources.DnDCopy);
CursorMove = new Cursor (Properties.Resources.DnDMove);
CursorLink = new Cursor (Properties.Resources.DnDLink);
drag_data.LastTopLevel = IntPtr.Zero;
Widget = null;
ShiftUI.MSG msg = new MSG();
object queue_id = XplatUI.StartLoop (Thread.CurrentThread);
Timer timer = new Timer ();
timer.Tick += new EventHandler (DndTickHandler);
timer.Interval = 100;
int suc;
drag_data.State = DragState.Dragging;
suc = XplatUIX11.XSetSelectionOwner (display, XdndSelection,
drag_data.Window, IntPtr.Zero);
if (suc == 0) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("Could not take ownership of XdndSelection aborting drag.");
drag_data.Reset ();
return DragDropEffects.None;
drag_data.State = DragState.Dragging;
drag_data.CurMousePos = new Point ();
source = toplevel = target = IntPtr.Zero;
dropped = false;
tracking = true;
motion_poll = -1;
timer.Start ();
// Send Enter to the window initializing the dnd operation - which initializes the data
SendEnter (drag_data.Window, drag_data.Window, drag_data.SupportedTypes);
drag_data.LastTopLevel = toplevel;
while (tracking && XplatUI.GetMessage (queue_id, ref msg, IntPtr.Zero, 0, 0)) {
if (msg.message >= Msg.WM_KEYFIRST && msg.message <= Msg.WM_KEYLAST) {
HandleKeyMessage (msg);
} else {
switch (msg.message) {
if (msg.message == Msg.WM_LBUTTONDOWN && drag_data.MouseState != MouseButtons.Left)
if (msg.message == Msg.WM_RBUTTONDOWN && drag_data.MouseState != MouseButtons.Right)
if (msg.message == Msg.WM_MBUTTONDOWN && drag_data.MouseState != MouseButtons.Middle)
HandleButtonUpMsg ();
// We don't want to dispatch button up neither (Match .Net)
// Thus we have to remove capture by ourselves
RemoveCapture (msg.hwnd);
motion_poll = 0;
drag_data.CurMousePos.X = Widget.LowOrder ((int) msg.lParam.ToInt32 ());
drag_data.CurMousePos.Y = Widget.HighOrder ((int) msg.lParam.ToInt32 ());
HandleMouseOver ();
// We don't want to dispatch mouse move
XplatUI.DispatchMessage (ref msg);
timer.Stop ();
// If the target is a mwf Widget, return until DragEnter/DragLeave has been fired,
// which means the respective -already sent- dnd ClientMessages have been received and handled.
if (Widget != null)
Application.DoEvents ();
if (!dropped)
return DragDropEffects.None;
if (drag_event != null)
return drag_event.Effect;
// Fallback.
return DragDropEffects.None;
private void DndTickHandler (object sender, EventArgs e)
// This is to make sure we don't get stuck in a loop if another
// app doesn't finish the DND operation
if (dropped) {
Timer t = (Timer) sender;
if (t.Interval == 500)
tracking = false;
t.Interval = 500;
// If motion_poll is -1, there hasn't been motion at all, so don't simulate motion yet.
// Otherwise if more than 100 milliseconds have lapsed, we assume the pointer is not
// in motion anymore, and we simulate the mouse over operation, like .Net does.
if (motion_poll > 1)
HandleMouseOver ();
else if (motion_poll > -1)
// This routines helps us to have a DndEnter/DndLeave fallback when there wasn't any mouse movement
// as .Net does
private void DefaultEnterLeave (object user_data)
IntPtr toplevel, window;
int x_root, y_root;
// The window generating the operation could be a different than the one under pointer
GetWindowsUnderPointer (out window, out toplevel, out x_root, out y_root);
Widget source_Widget = Widget.FromHandle (window);
if (source_Widget == null || !source_Widget.AllowDrop)
// `data' and other members are already available
Point pos = Widget.MousePosition;
DragEventArgs drag_args = new DragEventArgs (data, 0, pos.X, pos.Y, drag_data.AllowedEffects, DragDropEffects.None);
source_Widget.DndEnter (drag_args);
if ((drag_args.Effect & drag_data.AllowedEffects) != 0)
source_Widget.DndDrop (drag_args);
source_Widget.DndLeave (EventArgs.Empty);
public void HandleButtonUpMsg ()
if (drag_data.State == DragState.Beginning) {
//state = State.Accepting;
} else if (drag_data.State != DragState.None) {
if (drag_data.WillAccept) {
if (QueryContinue (false, DragAction.Drop))
} else {
if (QueryContinue (false, DragAction.Cancel))
// fallback if no movement was detected, as .net does.
if (motion_poll == -1)
DefaultEnterLeave (drag_data.Data);
drag_data.State = DragState.None;
// WE can't reset the drag data yet as it is still
// most likely going to be used by the SelectionRequest
// handlers
private void RemoveCapture (IntPtr handle)
Widget c = MwfWindow (handle);
if (c.InternalCapture)
c.InternalCapture = false;
public bool HandleMouseOver ()
IntPtr toplevel, window;
int x_root, y_root;
GetWindowsUnderPointer (out window, out toplevel, out x_root, out y_root);
if (window != drag_data.LastWindow && drag_data.State == DragState.Entered) {
drag_data.State = DragState.Dragging;
// TODO: Send a Leave if this is an MWF window
if (toplevel != drag_data.LastTopLevel)
SendLeave (drag_data.LastTopLevel, toplevel);
drag_data.State = DragState.Entered;
if (toplevel != drag_data.LastTopLevel) {
// Entering a new toplevel window
SendEnter (toplevel, drag_data.Window, drag_data.SupportedTypes);
} else {
// Already in a toplevel window, so send a position
SendPosition (toplevel, drag_data.Window,
x_root, y_root,
drag_data.LastTopLevel = toplevel;
drag_data.LastWindow = window;
return true;
void GetWindowsUnderPointer (out IntPtr window, out IntPtr toplevel, out int x_root, out int y_root)
toplevel = IntPtr.Zero;
window = XplatUIX11.RootWindowHandle;
IntPtr root, child;
bool dnd_aware = false;
int x_temp, y_temp;
int mask_return;
int x = x_root = drag_data.CurMousePos.X;
int y = y_root = drag_data.CurMousePos.Y;
while (XplatUIX11.XQueryPointer (display, window, out root, out child,
out x_temp, out y_temp, out x, out y, out mask_return)) {
if (!dnd_aware) {
dnd_aware = IsWindowDndAware (window);
if (dnd_aware) {
toplevel = window;
x_root = x_temp;
y_root = y_temp;
if (child == IntPtr.Zero)
window = child;
public void HandleKeyMessage (MSG msg)
if (VirtualKeys.VK_ESCAPE == (VirtualKeys) msg.wParam.ToInt32()) {
QueryContinue (true, DragAction.Cancel);
// return true if the event is handled here
public bool HandleClientMessage (ref XEvent xevent)
// most common so we check it first
if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == XdndPosition)
return Accepting_HandlePositionEvent (ref xevent);
if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == XdndEnter)
return Accepting_HandleEnterEvent (ref xevent);
if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == XdndDrop)
return Accepting_HandleDropEvent (ref xevent);
if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == XdndLeave)
return Accepting_HandleLeaveEvent (ref xevent);
if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == XdndStatus)
return HandleStatusEvent (ref xevent);
if (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type == XdndFinished)
return HandleFinishedEvent (ref xevent);
return false;
public bool HandleSelectionNotifyEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
MimeHandler handler = FindHandler ((IntPtr) xevent.SelectionEvent.target);
if (handler == null)
return false;
if (data == null)
data = new DataObject ();
handler.Converter.GetData (this, data, ref xevent);
if (converts_pending <= 0 && position_recieved) {
drag_event = new DragEventArgs (data, 0, pos_x, pos_y,
allowed, DragDropEffects.None);
Widget.DndEnter (drag_event);
SendStatus (source, drag_event.Effect);
status_sent = true;
return true;
public bool HandleSelectionRequestEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
if (xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.selection != XdndSelection)
return false;
MimeHandler handler = FindHandler (xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.target);
if (handler == null)
return false;
handler.Converter.SetData (this, drag_data.Data, ref xevent);
return true;
private bool QueryContinue (bool escape, DragAction action)
QueryContinueDragEventArgs qce = new QueryContinueDragEventArgs ((int) XplatUI.State.ModifierKeys,
escape, action);
Widget c = MwfWindow (source);
if (c == null) {
tracking = false;
return false;
c.DndContinueDrag (qce);
switch (qce.Action) {
case DragAction.Continue:
return true;
case DragAction.Drop:
SendDrop (drag_data.LastTopLevel, source, IntPtr.Zero);
tracking = false;
return true;
case DragAction.Cancel:
drag_data.Reset ();
c.InternalCapture = false;
SendLeave (drag_data.LastTopLevel, toplevel);
RestoreDefaultCursor ();
tracking = false;
return false;
private void RestoreDefaultCursor ()
// Releasing the mouse buttons should automatically restore the default cursor,
// but canceling the operation using QueryContinue should restore it even if the
// mouse buttons are not released yet.
XplatUIX11.XChangeActivePointerGrab (display,
EventMask.ButtonMotionMask |
EventMask.PointerMotionMask |
EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
Cursors.Default.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
private void GiveFeedback (IntPtr action)
GiveFeedbackEventArgs gfe = new GiveFeedbackEventArgs (EffectFromAction (drag_data.Action), true);
Widget c = MwfWindow (source);
c.DndFeedback (gfe);
if (gfe.UseDefaultCursors) {
Cursor cursor = CursorNo;
if (drag_data.WillAccept) {
// Same order as on MS
if (action == XdndActionCopy)
cursor = CursorCopy;
else if (action == XdndActionLink)
cursor = CursorLink;
else if (action == XdndActionMove)
cursor = CursorMove;
// TODO: Try not to set the cursor so much
//if (cursor.Handle != CurrentCursorHandle) {
XplatUIX11.XChangeActivePointerGrab (display,
EventMask.ButtonMotionMask |
EventMask.PointerMotionMask |
EventMask.ButtonPressMask |
cursor.Handle, IntPtr.Zero);
//CurrentCursorHandle = cursor.Handle;
private void SetProperty (ref XEvent xevent, IntPtr data, int length)
XEvent sel = new XEvent();
sel.SelectionEvent.type = XEventName.SelectionNotify;
sel.SelectionEvent.send_event = true;
sel.SelectionEvent.display = display;
sel.SelectionEvent.selection = xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.selection;
sel.SelectionEvent.target = xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.target;
sel.SelectionEvent.requestor = xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.requestor;
sel.SelectionEvent.time = xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.time;
sel.SelectionEvent.property = IntPtr.Zero;
XplatUIX11.XChangeProperty (display, xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.requestor,
8, PropertyMode.Replace, data, length);
sel.SelectionEvent.property = xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.property;
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, xevent.SelectionRequestEvent.requestor, false,
(IntPtr)EventMask.NoEventMask, ref sel);
private void Reset ()
ResetSourceData ();
ResetTargetData ();
private void ResetSourceData ()
converts_pending = 0;
data = null;
private void ResetTargetData ()
position_recieved = false;
status_sent = false;
private bool Accepting_HandleEnterEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
Reset ();
source = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1;
toplevel = xevent.AnyEvent.window;
target = IntPtr.Zero;
ConvertData (ref xevent);
return true;
private bool Accepting_HandlePositionEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
pos_x = (int) xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 >> 16;
pos_y = (int) xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 & 0xFFFF;
// Copy is implicitly allowed
Widget source_Widget = MwfWindow (source);
if (source_Widget == null)
allowed = EffectsFromX11Source (source, xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr5) | DragDropEffects.Copy;
allowed = drag_data.AllowedEffects;
IntPtr parent, child, new_child, last_drop_child;
parent = XplatUIX11.XRootWindow (display, 0);
child = toplevel;
last_drop_child = IntPtr.Zero;
while (true) {
int xd, yd;
new_child = IntPtr.Zero;
if (!XplatUIX11.XTranslateCoordinates (display,
parent, child, pos_x, pos_y,
out xd, out yd, out new_child))
if (new_child == IntPtr.Zero)
child = new_child;
Hwnd h = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (child);
if (h != null) {
Widget d = Widget.FromHandle (h.client_window);
if (d != null && d.allow_drop)
last_drop_child = child;
if (last_drop_child != IntPtr.Zero)
child = last_drop_child;
if (target != child) {
// We have moved into a new Widget
// or into a Widget for the first time
Finish ();
target = child;
Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (target);
if (hwnd == null)
return true;
Widget c = Widget.FromHandle (hwnd.client_window);
if (c == null)
return true;
if (!c.allow_drop) {
SendStatus (source, DragDropEffects.None);
Finish ();
return true;
Widget = c;
position_recieved = true;
if (converts_pending > 0)
return true;
if (!status_sent) {
drag_event = new DragEventArgs (data, 0, pos_x, pos_y,
allowed, DragDropEffects.None);
Widget.DndEnter (drag_event);
SendStatus (source, drag_event.Effect);
status_sent = true;
} else {
drag_event.x = pos_x;
drag_event.y = pos_y;
Widget.DndOver (drag_event);
SendStatus (source, drag_event.Effect);
return true;
private void Finish ()
if (Widget != null) {
if (drag_event == null) {
if (data == null)
data = new DataObject ();
drag_event = new DragEventArgs (data,
0, pos_x, pos_y,
allowed, DragDropEffects.None);
Widget.DndLeave (drag_event);
Widget = null;
ResetTargetData ();
private bool Accepting_HandleDropEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
if (Widget != null && drag_event != null) {
drag_event = new DragEventArgs (data,
0, pos_x, pos_y,
allowed, drag_event.Effect);
Widget.DndDrop (drag_event);
SendFinished ();
return true;
private bool Accepting_HandleLeaveEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
if (Widget != null && drag_event != null)
Widget.DndLeave (drag_event);
// Reset ();
return true;
private bool HandleStatusEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
if (drag_data != null && drag_data.State == DragState.Entered) {
if (!QueryContinue (false, DragAction.Continue))
return true;
drag_data.WillAccept = ((int) xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 & 0x1) != 0;
GiveFeedback (xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr5);
return true;
private bool HandleFinishedEvent (ref XEvent xevent)
return true;
private DragDropEffects EffectsFromX11Source (IntPtr source, IntPtr action_atom)
DragDropEffects allowed = DragDropEffects.None;
IntPtr type, count, remaining, data = IntPtr.Zero;
int format;
XplatUIX11.XGetWindowProperty (display, source, XdndActionList,
IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr (32), false, (IntPtr) Atom.AnyPropertyType,
out type, out format, out count, out remaining, ref data);
int intptr_size = Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (IntPtr));
for (int i = 0; i < count.ToInt32 (); i++) {
IntPtr current_atom = Marshal.ReadIntPtr (data, i * intptr_size);
allowed |= EffectFromAction (current_atom);
// if source is not providing the action list, use the
// default action passed in the x11 dnd position message
if (allowed == DragDropEffects.None)
allowed = EffectFromAction (action_atom);
return allowed;
private DragDropEffects EffectFromAction (IntPtr action)
if (action == XdndActionCopy)
return DragDropEffects.Copy;
else if (action == XdndActionMove)
return DragDropEffects.Move;
if (action == XdndActionLink)
return DragDropEffects.Link;
return DragDropEffects.None;
private IntPtr ActionFromEffect (DragDropEffects effect)
IntPtr action = IntPtr.Zero;
// We can't OR together actions on XDND so sadly the primary
// is the only one shown here
if ((effect & DragDropEffects.Copy) != 0)
action = XdndActionCopy;
else if ((effect & DragDropEffects.Move) != 0)
action = XdndActionMove;
else if ((effect & DragDropEffects.Link) != 0)
action = XdndActionLink;
return action;
private bool ConvertData (ref XEvent xevent)
bool match = false;
Widget mwfWidget = MwfWindow (source);
/* To take advantage of the mwfWidget, we have to be sure
that the dnd operation is still happening (since messages are asynchronous) */
if (mwfWidget != null && drag_data != null) {
if (!tracking)
return false;
IDataObject dragged = drag_data.Data as IDataObject;
if (dragged != null) {
data = dragged;
} else {
if (data == null)
data = new DataObject ();
SetDataWithFormats (drag_data.Data);
return true;
foreach (IntPtr atom in SourceSupportedList (ref xevent)) {
MimeHandler handler = FindHandler (atom);
if (handler == null)
XplatUIX11.XConvertSelection (display, XdndSelection, handler.Type,
handler.NonProtocol, toplevel, IntPtr.Zero /* CurrentTime */);
match = true;
return match;
private void SetDataWithFormats (object value)
if (value is string) {
data.SetData (DataFormats.Text, value);
data.SetData (DataFormats.UnicodeText, value);
data.SetData (value);
private MimeHandler FindHandler (IntPtr atom)
if (atom == IntPtr.Zero)
return null;
foreach (MimeHandler handler in MimeHandlers) {
if (handler.Type == atom)
return handler;
return null;
private MimeHandler FindHandler (string name)
foreach (MimeHandler handler in MimeHandlers) {
foreach (string alias in handler.Aliases) {
if (alias == name)
return handler;
return null;
private void SendStatus (IntPtr source, DragDropEffects effect)
XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
xevent.AnyEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xevent.AnyEvent.display = display;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = source;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = XdndStatus;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = toplevel;
if (effect != DragDropEffects.None && (effect & allowed) != 0)
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = (IntPtr) 1;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr5 = ActionFromEffect (effect);
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, source, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref xevent);
private void SendEnter (IntPtr handle, IntPtr from, IntPtr [] supported)
XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
xevent.AnyEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xevent.AnyEvent.display = display;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = handle;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = XdndEnter;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = from;
// (int) xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 & 0x1)
// int ptr2 = 0x1;
// xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = (IntPtr) ptr2;
// (e)->xclient.data.l[1] = ((e)->xclient.data.l[1] & ~(0xFF << 24)) | ((v) << 24)
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 = (IntPtr) ((long)XdndVersion [0] << 24);
if (supported.Length > 0)
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = supported [0];
if (supported.Length > 1)
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr4 = supported [1];
if (supported.Length > 2)
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr5 = supported [2];
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, handle, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref xevent);
private void SendDrop (IntPtr handle, IntPtr from, IntPtr time)
XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
xevent.AnyEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xevent.AnyEvent.display = display;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = handle;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = XdndDrop;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = from;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = time;
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, handle, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref xevent);
dropped = true;
private void SendPosition (IntPtr handle, IntPtr from, IntPtr action, int x, int y, IntPtr time)
XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
xevent.AnyEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xevent.AnyEvent.display = display;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = handle;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = XdndPosition;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = from;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3 = (IntPtr) ((x << 16) | (y & 0xFFFF));
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr4 = time;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr5 = action;
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, handle, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref xevent);
private void SendLeave (IntPtr handle, IntPtr from)
XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
xevent.AnyEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xevent.AnyEvent.display = display;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = handle;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = XdndLeave;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = from;
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, handle, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref xevent);
private void SendFinished ()
XEvent xevent = new XEvent ();
xevent.AnyEvent.type = XEventName.ClientMessage;
xevent.AnyEvent.display = display;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.window = source;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.message_type = XdndFinished;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.format = 32;
xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr1 = toplevel;
XplatUIX11.XSendEvent (display, source, false, IntPtr.Zero, ref xevent);
// There is a somewhat decent amount of overhead
// involved in setting up dnd so we do it lazily
// as a lot of applications do not even use it.
private void Init ()
XdndAware = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndAware", false);
XdndEnter = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndEnter", false);
XdndLeave = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndLeave", false);
XdndPosition = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndPosition", false);
XdndStatus = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndStatus", false);
XdndDrop = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndDrop", false);
XdndSelection = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndSelection", false);
XdndFinished = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndFinished", false);
XdndTypeList = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndTypeList", false);
XdndActionCopy = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionCopy", false);
XdndActionMove = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionMove", false);
XdndActionLink = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionLink", false);
//XdndActionPrivate = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionPrivate", false);
XdndActionList = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionList", false);
//XdndActionDescription = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionDescription", false);
//XdndActionAsk = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, "XdndActionAsk", false);
foreach (MimeHandler handler in MimeHandlers) {
handler.Type = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display, handler.Name, false);
handler.NonProtocol = XplatUIX11.XInternAtom (display,
String.Concat ("MWFNonP+", handler.Name), false);
private IntPtr [] SourceSupportedList (ref XEvent xevent)
IntPtr [] res;
if (((int) xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr2 & 0x1) == 0) {
res = new IntPtr [3];
res [0] = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr3;
res [1] = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr4;
res [2] = xevent.ClientMessageEvent.ptr5;
} else {
IntPtr type;
int format;
IntPtr count;
IntPtr remaining;
IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;
XplatUIX11.XGetWindowProperty (display, source, XdndTypeList,
IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(32), false, (IntPtr) Atom.XA_ATOM,
out type, out format, out count,
out remaining, ref data);
res = new IntPtr [count.ToInt32()];
for (int i = 0; i < count.ToInt32(); i++) {
res [i] = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32 (data, i *
Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (int)));
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
return res;
private string GetText (ref XEvent xevent, bool unicode)
int nread = 0;
IntPtr nitems;
IntPtr bytes_after;
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder ();
do {
IntPtr actual_type;
int actual_fmt;
IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;
if (0 != XplatUIX11.XGetWindowProperty (display,
(IntPtr) xevent.SelectionEvent.property,
IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(0xffffff), false,
(IntPtr) Atom.AnyPropertyType, out actual_type,
out actual_fmt, out nitems, out bytes_after,
ref data)) {
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
if (unicode)
builder.Append (Marshal.PtrToStringUni (data));
builder.Append (Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (data));
nread += nitems.ToInt32();
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
} while (bytes_after.ToInt32() > 0);
if (nread == 0)
return null;
return builder.ToString ();
private MemoryStream GetData (ref XEvent xevent)
int nread = 0;
IntPtr nitems;
IntPtr bytes_after;
MemoryStream res = new MemoryStream ();
do {
IntPtr actual_type;
int actual_fmt;
IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;
if (0 != XplatUIX11.XGetWindowProperty (display,
(IntPtr) xevent.SelectionEvent.property,
IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(0xffffff), false,
(IntPtr) Atom.AnyPropertyType, out actual_type,
out actual_fmt, out nitems, out bytes_after,
ref data)) {
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
for (int i = 0; i < nitems.ToInt32(); i++)
res.WriteByte (Marshal.ReadByte (data, i));
nread += nitems.ToInt32();
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
} while (bytes_after.ToInt32() > 0);
return res;
private Widget MwfWindow (IntPtr window)
Hwnd hwnd = Hwnd.ObjectFromHandle (window);
if (hwnd == null)
return null;
Widget res = Widget.FromHandle (hwnd.client_window);
if (res == null)
res = Widget.FromHandle (window);
return res;
private bool IsWindowDndAware (IntPtr handle)
bool res = true;
// Check the version number, we need greater than 3
IntPtr actual;
int format;
IntPtr count;
IntPtr remaining;
IntPtr data = IntPtr.Zero;
XplatUIX11.XGetWindowProperty (display, handle, XdndAware, IntPtr.Zero, new IntPtr(0x8000000), false,
(IntPtr) Atom.XA_ATOM, out actual, out format,
out count, out remaining, ref data);
if (actual != (IntPtr) Atom.XA_ATOM || format != 32 ||
count.ToInt32() == 0 || data == IntPtr.Zero) {
if (data != IntPtr.Zero)
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
return false;
int version = Marshal.ReadInt32 (data, 0);
if (version < 3) {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("XDND Version too old (" + version + ").");
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
return false;
// First type is actually the XDND version
if (count.ToInt32() > 1) {
res = false;
for (int i = 1; i < count.ToInt32(); i++) {
IntPtr type = (IntPtr) Marshal.ReadInt32 (data, i *
Marshal.SizeOf (typeof (int)));
for (int j = 0; j < drag_data.SupportedTypes.Length; j++) {
if (drag_data.SupportedTypes [j] == type) {
res = true;
XplatUIX11.XFree (data);
return res;
private IntPtr [] DetermineSupportedTypes (object data)
ArrayList res = new ArrayList ();
if (data is string) {
MimeHandler handler = FindHandler ("text/plain");
if (handler != null)
res.Add (handler.Type);
}/* else if (data is Bitmap)
res.Add (data);
IDataObject data_object = data as IDataObject;
if (data_object != null) {
foreach (string format in data_object.GetFormats (true)) {
MimeHandler handler = FindHandler (format);
if (handler != null && !res.Contains (handler.Type))
res.Add (handler.Type);
if (data is ISerializable) {
MimeHandler handler = FindHandler ("application/x-mono-serialized-object");
if (handler != null)
res.Add (handler.Type);
return (IntPtr []) res.ToArray (typeof (IntPtr));