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synced 2025-03-12 02:50:24 +00:00
The only bugs are that windows don't show in the center of the screen, and Gecko webbrowsers are not serializing properly to be converted to ShiftUI widgets (you can use the ToWidget() extension method to convert a WinForms control to a ShiftUI widget) Also multiple desktop panels are removed due to some odd bug I can't diagnose. Will add them back in the future. Promise. I loved creating GNOME2 skins.
340 lines
8.4 KiB
340 lines
8.4 KiB
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Data;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ShiftUI;
namespace ShiftOS
public partial class ProgressBarEX : UserWidget
public ProgressBarEX()
#region " Properties "
private string _label = "Progress:";
private bool show_label = false;
public string Label
return _label;
_label = value;
public bool ShowLabel
return show_label;
show_label = value;
private int _Value = 0;
public int Value
get { return _Value; }
if (value >= this.MinValue & value <= this.MaxValue)
_Value = value;
else {
private int _Step = 10;
public int Step
get { return _Step; }
set { _Step = value; }
private ProgressBarOrientation _Orientation;
public ProgressBarOrientation Orientation
get { return _Orientation; }
set { _Orientation = value; }
private int _MinValue = 0;
public int MinValue
get { return _MinValue; }
if (value < this.MaxValue)
_MinValue = value;
else {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The minimum value must be less than the maximum value.");
private int _MaxValue = 100;
public int MaxValue
get { return _MaxValue; }
if (value > this.MinValue)
_MaxValue = value;
else {
throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The maximum value must be more than the minimum value.");
private Color _Color = Color.Lime;
public Color Color
get { return _Color; }
set { _Color = value; }
private bool _ShowValue = true;
public bool ShowValue
get { return _ShowValue; }
set { _ShowValue = value; }
private ProgressBarExStyle _Style;
public ProgressBarExStyle Style
get { return _Style; }
set { _Style = value; }
private int _BlockWidth = 5;
public int BlockWidth
get { return _BlockWidth; }
set { _BlockWidth = value; }
private int _BlockSeparation = 3;
public int BlockSeparation
get { return _BlockSeparation; }
set { _BlockSeparation = value; }
#region " Enums, Variables "
public enum ProgressBarOrientation
Horizontal = 0,
Vertical = 1
public enum ProgressBarExStyle
Blocks = 0,
Continuous = 1,
Marquee = 2
#region " Events "
public event PaintBackgroundEventHandler PaintBackground;
public delegate void PaintBackgroundEventHandler(object sender, PaintEventArgs e);
public event PaintProcessEventHandler PaintProcess;
public delegate void PaintProcessEventHandler(object sender, ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs e);
public class ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs : EventArgs
public ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs(Rectangle bounds, Graphics g, Rectangle[] blocks = null)
_Bounds = bounds;
_Graphics = g;
if (blocks == null)
_Blocks = new Rectangle[] {
else {
_Blocks = blocks;
private Rectangle _Bounds;
public Rectangle Bounds
get { return _Bounds; }
private Rectangle[] _Blocks;
public Rectangle[] Blocks
get { return _Blocks; }
private Graphics _Graphics;
public Graphics Graphics
get { return _Graphics; }
#region " Methods "
public void PerformStep()
if (this.Step > 0)
this.Value = Math.Min(this.Value + this.Step, this.MaxValue);
else {
this.Value = Math.Max(this.Value + this.Step, this.MinValue);
public void Increment(int value)
if (value > 0)
this.Value = Math.Min(this.Value + value, this.MaxValue);
else {
this.Value = Math.Max(this.Value + value, this.MinValue);
#region " Process Logic "
private Rectangle GetProcessRect()
int w = this.Width;
int h = this.Height;
int valRel = GetRelativeValue();
return new Rectangle(0, 0, w * valRel / 100, h);
private Rectangle[] GetBlocks()
List<Rectangle> b = new List<Rectangle>();
int w = this.BlockWidth;
int h = this.Height;
Rectangle r;
int x = 0;
int stopX = (int)(GetRelativeValue() / 100) * this.Width;
while ((x + w <= stopX))
r = new Rectangle(x, 0, w, h);
x += this.BlockWidth + this.BlockSeparation;
return b.ToArray();
private int GetRelativeValue()
return (int)100 * this.Value / (this.MaxValue - this.MinValue);
#region " Drawing "
protected override void OnPaint(ShiftUI.PaintEventArgs e)
if (this.ShowValue)
private void DoPaintBackground(Graphics g)
if (PaintBackground != null)
PaintBackground(this, new PaintEventArgs(g, this.ClientRectangle));
private void DoPaintProcess(Graphics g)
Rectangle rect = GetProcessRect();
Rectangle[] blocks = GetBlocks();
using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this.Color))
if (this.Style == ProgressBarExStyle.Continuous)
g.FillRectangle(brush, rect);
else if (this.Style == ProgressBarExStyle.Blocks)
foreach (Rectangle b in blocks)
g.FillRectangle(brush, b);
ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs e = new ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs(rect, g, blocks);
if (PaintProcess != null)
PaintProcess(this, e);
private void DoPaintValue(Graphics g)
string valStr = GetRelativeValue().ToString() + "%";
if (show_label)
valStr = _label + " " + valStr;
StringFormat sf = new StringFormat();
sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
SizeF s = g.MeasureString(valStr, this.Font);
g.DrawString(valStr, this.Font, new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor), (this.Width - s.Width) / 2, (this.Height - s.Height) / 2);