// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions:c // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Authors: // Peter Bartok pbartok@novell.com // // // NOT COMPLETE #undef Debug #undef DebugClick using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Text; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections; namespace ShiftUI { [ComVisible (true)] [DefaultBindingProperty ("Text")] [ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)] [DefaultEvent("TextChanged")] //[Designer("ShiftUI.Design.TextBoxBaseDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design)] public abstract class TextBoxBase : Widget { #region Local Variables internal HorizontalAlignment alignment; internal bool accepts_tab; internal bool accepts_return; internal bool auto_size; internal bool backcolor_set; internal CharacterCasing character_casing; internal bool hide_selection; int max_length; internal bool modified; internal char password_char; internal bool read_only; internal bool word_wrap; internal Document document; internal LineTag caret_tag; // tag our cursor is in internal int caret_pos; // position on the line our cursor is in (can be 0 = beginning of line) internal ImplicitHScrollBar hscroll; internal ImplicitVScrollBar vscroll; internal RichTextBoxScrollBars scrollbars; internal Timer scroll_timer; internal bool richtext; internal bool show_selection; // set to true to always show selection, even if no focus is set internal ArrayList list_links; // currently showing links private LinkRectangle current_link; // currently hovering link private bool enable_links; // whether links are enabled internal bool has_been_focused; internal int selection_length = -1; // set to the user-specified selection length, or -1 if none internal bool show_caret_w_selection; // TextBox shows the caret when the selection is visible internal int canvas_width; internal int canvas_height; static internal int track_width = 2; // static internal int track_border = 5; // internal DateTime click_last; internal int click_point_x; internal int click_point_y; internal CaretSelection click_mode; internal BorderStyle actual_border_style; internal bool shortcuts_enabled = true; #if Debug internal static bool draw_lines = false; #endif #endregion // Local Variables #region Internal Constructor // Constructor will go when complete, only for testing - pdb internal TextBoxBase () { alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Left; accepts_return = false; accepts_tab = false; auto_size = true; InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; actual_border_style = BorderStyle.Fixed3D; character_casing = CharacterCasing.Normal; hide_selection = true; max_length = short.MaxValue; password_char = '\0'; read_only = false; word_wrap = true; richtext = false; show_selection = false; enable_links = false; list_links = new ArrayList (); current_link = null; show_caret_w_selection = (this is TextBox); document = new Document(this); document.WidthChanged += new EventHandler(document_WidthChanged); document.HeightChanged += new EventHandler(document_HeightChanged); //document.CaretMoved += new EventHandler(CaretMoved); document.Wrap = false; click_last = DateTime.Now; click_mode = CaretSelection.Position; MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(TextBoxBase_MouseDown); MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(TextBoxBase_MouseUp); MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(TextBoxBase_MouseMove); SizeChanged += new EventHandler(TextBoxBase_SizeChanged); FontChanged += new EventHandler(TextBoxBase_FontOrColorChanged); ForeColorChanged += new EventHandler(TextBoxBase_FontOrColorChanged); MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(TextBoxBase_MouseWheel); RightToLeftChanged += new EventHandler (TextBoxBase_RightToLeftChanged); scrollbars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.None; hscroll = new ImplicitHScrollBar(); hscroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(hscroll_ValueChanged); hscroll.SetStyle (Widgetstyles.Selectable, false); hscroll.Enabled = false; hscroll.Visible = false; hscroll.Maximum = Int32.MaxValue; vscroll = new ImplicitVScrollBar(); vscroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(vscroll_ValueChanged); vscroll.SetStyle (Widgetstyles.Selectable, false); vscroll.Enabled = false; vscroll.Visible = false; vscroll.Maximum = Int32.MaxValue; SuspendLayout (); this.Widgets.AddImplicit (hscroll); this.Widgets.AddImplicit (vscroll); ResumeLayout (); SetStyle(Widgetstyles.UserPaint | Widgetstyles.StandardClick, false); SetStyle(Widgetstyles.UseTextForAccessibility, false); base.SetAutoSizeMode (AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink); canvas_width = ClientSize.Width; canvas_height = ClientSize.Height; document.ViewPortWidth = canvas_width; document.ViewPortHeight = canvas_height; Cursor = Cursors.IBeam; } #endregion // Internal Constructor #region Private and Internal Methods internal string CaseAdjust (string s) { if (character_casing == CharacterCasing.Normal) return s; if (character_casing == CharacterCasing.Lower) return s.ToLower(); return s.ToUpper(); } internal override Size GetPreferredSizeCore (Size proposedSize) { return new Size (Width, Height); } internal override void HandleClick (int clicks, MouseEventArgs me) { // MS seems to fire the click event in spite of the styles they set bool click_set = GetStyle (Widgetstyles.StandardClick); bool doubleclick_set = GetStyle (Widgetstyles.StandardDoubleClick); // so explicitly set them to true first SetStyle (Widgetstyles.StandardClick | Widgetstyles.StandardDoubleClick, true); base.HandleClick (clicks, me); // then revert to our previous state if (!click_set) SetStyle (Widgetstyles.StandardClick, false); if (!doubleclick_set) SetStyle (Widgetstyles.StandardDoubleClick, false); } internal override void PaintWidgetBackground (PaintEventArgs pevent) { if (!ThemeEngine.Current.TextBoxBaseShouldPaintBackground (this)) return; base.PaintWidgetBackground (pevent); } #endregion // Private and Internal Methods #region Public Instance Properties [DefaultValue(false)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public bool AcceptsTab { get { return accepts_tab; } set { if (value != accepts_tab) { accepts_tab = value; OnAcceptsTabChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } } [Browsable (false)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] [DefaultValue(true)] [Localizable(true)] [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.Repaint)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public override bool AutoSize { get { return auto_size; } set { if (value != auto_size) { auto_size = value; if (auto_size) { if (PreferredHeight != Height) { Height = PreferredHeight; } } } } } [DispId(-501)] public override System.Drawing.Color BackColor { get { return base.BackColor; } set { backcolor_set = true; base.BackColor = ChangeBackColor (value); } } [Browsable(false)] //[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override System.Drawing.Image BackgroundImage { get { return base.BackgroundImage; } set { base.BackgroundImage = value; } } [DefaultValue(BorderStyle.Fixed3D)] [DispId(-504)] [MWFCategory("Appearance")] public BorderStyle BorderStyle { get { return actual_border_style; } set { if (value == actual_border_style) return; if (actual_border_style != BorderStyle.Fixed3D || value != BorderStyle.Fixed3D) Invalidate (); actual_border_style = value; document.UpdateMargins (); if (value != BorderStyle.Fixed3D) value = BorderStyle.None; InternalBorderStyle = value; OnBorderStyleChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } [Browsable(false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool CanUndo { get { return document.undo.CanUndo; } } [DispId(-513)] public override System.Drawing.Color ForeColor { get { return base.ForeColor; } set { base.ForeColor = value; } } [DefaultValue(true)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public bool HideSelection { get { return hide_selection; } set { if (value != hide_selection) { hide_selection = value; OnHideSelectionChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } document.selection_visible = !hide_selection; document.InvalidateSelectionArea(); } } [MergableProperty (false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] //[Editor("ShiftUI.Design.StringArrayEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))] [Localizable(true)] [MWFCategory("Appearance")] public string[] Lines { get { int count; ArrayList lines; count = document.Lines; // Handle empty document if ((count == 1) && (document.GetLine (1).text.Length == 0)) { return new string [0]; } lines = new ArrayList (); int i = 1; while (i <= count) { Line line; StringBuilder lt = new StringBuilder (); do { line = document.GetLine (i++); lt.Append (line.TextWithoutEnding ()); } while (line.ending == LineEnding.Wrap && i <= count); lines.Add (lt.ToString ()); } return (string []) lines.ToArray (typeof (string)); } set { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); for (int i = 0; i < value.Length; i++) { // Don't add the last line if it is just an empty line feed // the line feed is reflected in the previous line's ending if (i == value.Length - 1 && value[i].Length == 0) break; sb.Append (value[i] + Environment.NewLine); } int newline_length = Environment.NewLine.Length; // We want to remove the final new line character if (sb.Length >= newline_length) sb.Remove (sb.Length - newline_length, newline_length); Text = sb.ToString (); } } [DefaultValue(32767)] [Localizable(true)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public virtual int MaxLength { get { if (max_length == (int.MaxValue - 1)) { // We don't distinguish between single and multi-line limits return 0; } return max_length; } set { if (value != max_length) { if (value == 0) value = int.MaxValue - 1; max_length = value; } } } [Browsable(false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public bool Modified { get { return modified; } set { if (value != modified) { modified = value; OnModifiedChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } } [DefaultValue(false)] [Localizable(true)] [RefreshProperties(RefreshProperties.All)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public virtual bool Multiline { get { return document.multiline; } set { if (value != document.multiline) { document.multiline = value; if (this is TextBox) SetStyle (Widgetstyles.FixedHeight, !value); // SetBoundsCore overrides the Height for multiline if it needs to, // so we don't need to worry about it here. SetBoundsCore (Left, Top, Width, ExplicitBounds.Height, BoundsSpecified.None); if (Parent != null) Parent.PerformLayout (); OnMultilineChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } if (document.multiline) { document.Wrap = word_wrap; document.PasswordChar = ""; } else { document.Wrap = false; if (this.password_char != '\0') { if (this is TextBox) document.PasswordChar = (this as TextBox).PasswordChar.ToString (); } else { document.PasswordChar = ""; } } if (IsHandleCreated) CalculateDocument (); } } [Browsable(false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] //[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)] // This returns the preferred outer height, not the client height. public int PreferredHeight { get { int clientDelta = Height - ClientSize.Height; if (BorderStyle != BorderStyle.None) return Font.Height + 7 + clientDelta; // usually in borderless mode the top margin is 0, but // try to access it, in case it was set manually, as ToolStrip* Widgets do return Font.Height + TopMargin + clientDelta; } } [RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)] [DefaultValue(false)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public bool ReadOnly { get { return read_only; } set { if (value != read_only) { read_only = value; if (!backcolor_set) { if (read_only) background_color = SystemColors.Control; else background_color = SystemColors.Window; } OnReadOnlyChanged(EventArgs.Empty); Invalidate (); } } } [Browsable(false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public virtual string SelectedText { get { string retval = document.GetSelection (); return retval; } set { if (value == null) value = String.Empty; document.ReplaceSelection(CaseAdjust(value), false); ScrollToCaret(); OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } [Browsable(false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public virtual int SelectionLength { get { int res = document.SelectionLength (); return res; } set { if (value < 0) { string msg = String.Format ("'{0}' is not a valid value for 'SelectionLength'", value); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("SelectionLength", msg); } document.InvalidateSelectionArea (); if (value != 0) { int start; Line line; LineTag tag; int pos; selection_length = value; start = document.LineTagToCharIndex (document.selection_start.line, document.selection_start.pos); document.CharIndexToLineTag (start + value, out line, out tag, out pos); document.SetSelectionEnd (line, pos, true); document.PositionCaret (line, pos); } else { selection_length = -1; document.SetSelectionEnd (document.selection_start.line, document.selection_start.pos, true); document.PositionCaret (document.selection_start.line, document.selection_start.pos); } } } [Browsable(false)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility(DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public int SelectionStart { get { return document.LineTagToCharIndex(document.selection_start.line, document.selection_start.pos); } set { if (value < 0) { string msg = String.Format ("'{0}' is not a valid value for 'SelectionStart'", value); throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException ("SelectionStart", msg); } // If SelectionStart has been used, we don't highlight on focus has_been_focused = true; document.InvalidateSelectionArea (); document.SetSelectionStart (value, false); if (selection_length > -1) document.SetSelectionEnd (value + selection_length, true); else document.SetSelectionEnd (value, true); document.PositionCaret (document.selection_start.line, document.selection_start.pos); ScrollToCaret (); } } [DefaultValue (true)] public virtual bool ShortcutsEnabled { get { return shortcuts_enabled; } set { shortcuts_enabled = value; } } //[Editor ("System.ComponentModel.Design.MultilineStringEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, //"System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Drawing)] [Localizable(true)] public override string Text { get { if (document == null || document.Root == null || document.Root.text == null) return string.Empty; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Line line = null; for (int i = 1; i <= document.Lines; i++) { line = document.GetLine (i); sb.Append(line.text.ToString ()); } return sb.ToString(); } set { // reset to force a select all next time the box gets focus has_been_focused = false; if (value == Text) return; document.Empty (); if ((value != null) && (value != "")) { document.Insert (document.GetLine (1), 0, false, value); } else { if (IsHandleCreated) { document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); CalculateDocument (); } } document.PositionCaret (document.GetLine (1), 0); document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); ScrollToCaret (); OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } [Browsable(false)] public virtual int TextLength { get { if (document == null || document.Root == null || document.Root.text == null) return 0; return Text.Length; } } [DefaultValue(true)] [Localizable(true)] [MWFCategory("Behavior")] public bool WordWrap { get { return word_wrap; } set { if (value != word_wrap) { if (document.multiline) { word_wrap = value; document.Wrap = value; } CalculateDocument (); } } } [Browsable (false)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout { get { return base.BackgroundImageLayout; } set { base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; } } [Browsable (false)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public new Padding Padding { get { return base.Padding; } set { base.Padding = value; } } protected override Cursor DefaultCursor { get { return Cursors.IBeam; } } #endregion // Public Instance Properties #region Protected Instance Properties protected override bool CanEnableIme { get { if (ReadOnly || password_char != '\0') return false; return true; } } protected override CreateParams CreateParams { get { return base.CreateParams; } } protected override System.Drawing.Size DefaultSize { get { return new Size(100, 20); } } // Currently our double buffering breaks our scrolling, so don't let people enable this //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] protected override bool DoubleBuffered { get { return false; } set { } } #endregion // Protected Instance Properties #region Public Instance Methods public void AppendText (string text) { // Save some cycles and only check the Text if we are one line bool is_empty = document.Lines == 1 && Text == String.Empty; // make sure the caret begins at the end if (document.caret.line.line_no != document.Lines || (document.caret.pos) != document.caret.line.TextLengthWithoutEnding ()) { document.MoveCaret (CaretDirection.CtrlEnd); } document.Insert (document.caret.line, document.caret.pos, false, text, document.CaretTag); document.MoveCaret (CaretDirection.CtrlEnd); document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); if (!is_empty) ScrollToCaret (); // // Avoid the initial focus selecting all when append text is used // has_been_focused = true; Modified = false; OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } public void Clear () { Modified = false; Text = string.Empty; } public void ClearUndo () { document.undo.Clear(); } public void Copy () { DataObject o; o = new DataObject(DataFormats.Text, SelectedText); if (this is RichTextBox) o.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, ((RichTextBox)this).SelectedRtf); Clipboard.SetDataObject(o); } public void Cut () { DataObject o; o = new DataObject(DataFormats.Text, SelectedText); if (this is RichTextBox) o.SetData(DataFormats.Rtf, ((RichTextBox)this).SelectedRtf); Clipboard.SetDataObject (o); document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Cut")); document.ReplaceSelection (String.Empty, false); document.undo.EndUserAction (); Modified = true; OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } public void Paste () { Paste (Clipboard.GetDataObject(), null, false); } public void ScrollToCaret () { if (IsHandleCreated) CaretMoved (this, EventArgs.Empty); } public void Select(int start, int length) { SelectionStart = start; SelectionLength = length; } public void SelectAll () { Line last; last = document.GetLine(document.Lines); document.SetSelectionStart(document.GetLine(1), 0, false); document.SetSelectionEnd(last, last.text.Length, true); document.PositionCaret (document.selection_end.line, document.selection_end.pos); selection_length = -1; CaretMoved (this, null); document.DisplayCaret (); } internal void SelectAllNoScroll () { Line last; last = document.GetLine(document.Lines); document.SetSelectionStart(document.GetLine(1), 0, false); document.SetSelectionEnd(last, last.text.Length, false); document.PositionCaret (document.selection_end.line, document.selection_end.pos); selection_length = -1; document.DisplayCaret (); } public override string ToString () { return String.Concat (base.ToString (), ", Text: ", Text); } [MonoInternalNote ("Deleting is classed as Typing, instead of its own Undo event")] public void Undo () { if (document.undo.Undo ()) { Modified = true; OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } public void DeselectAll () { SelectionLength = 0; } public virtual char GetCharFromPosition (Point pt) { return GetCharFromPositionInternal (pt); } internal virtual char GetCharFromPositionInternal (Point p) { int index; LineTag tag = document.FindCursor (p.X, p.Y, out index); if (tag == null) return (char) 0; // Shouldn't happen if (index >= tag.Line.text.Length) { if (tag.Line.ending == LineEnding.Wrap) { // If we have wrapped text, we return the first char of the next line Line line = document.GetLine (tag.Line.line_no + 1); if (line != null) return line.text [0]; } if (tag.Line.line_no == document.Lines) { // Last line returns the last char return tag.Line.text [tag.Line.text.Length - 1]; } // This really shouldn't happen return (char) 0; } return tag.Line.text [index]; } public virtual int GetCharIndexFromPosition (Point pt) { int line_index; LineTag tag = document.FindCursor (pt.X, pt.Y, out line_index); if (tag == null) return 0; if (line_index >= tag.Line.text.Length) { if (tag.Line.ending == LineEnding.Wrap) { // If we have wrapped text, we return the first char of the next line Line line = document.GetLine (tag.Line.line_no + 1); if (line != null) return document.LineTagToCharIndex (line, 0); } if (tag.Line.line_no == document.Lines) { // Last line returns the last char return document.LineTagToCharIndex (tag.Line, tag.Line.text.Length - 1); } return 0; } return document.LineTagToCharIndex (tag.Line, line_index); } public virtual Point GetPositionFromCharIndex (int index) { int pos; Line line; LineTag tag; document.CharIndexToLineTag (index, out line, out tag, out pos); return new Point ((int) (line.widths [pos] + line.X + document.viewport_x), line.Y + document.viewport_y + tag.Shift); } public int GetFirstCharIndexFromLine (int lineNumber) { Line line = document.GetLine (lineNumber + 1); if (line == null) return -1; return document.LineTagToCharIndex (line, 0); } public int GetFirstCharIndexOfCurrentLine () { return document.LineTagToCharIndex (document.caret.line, 0); } #endregion // Public Instance Methods #region Protected Instance Methods protected override void CreateHandle () { CalculateDocument (); base.CreateHandle (); document.AlignCaret(); ScrollToCaret(); } internal virtual void HandleLinkClicked (LinkRectangle link_clicked) { } protected override bool IsInputKey (Keys keyData) { if ((keyData & Keys.Alt) != 0) return base.IsInputKey(keyData); switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { case Keys.Enter: { return (accepts_return && document.multiline); } case Keys.Tab: { if (accepts_tab && document.multiline) if ((keyData & Keys.Widget) == 0) return true; return false; } case Keys.Left: case Keys.Right: case Keys.Up: case Keys.Down: case Keys.PageUp: case Keys.PageDown: case Keys.Home: case Keys.End: { return true; } } return false; } protected virtual void OnAcceptsTabChanged(EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [AcceptsTabChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnBorderStyleChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [BorderStyleChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnFontChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnFontChanged (e); if (auto_size && !document.multiline) { if (PreferredHeight != Height) { Height = PreferredHeight; } } } protected override void OnHandleCreated (EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleCreated (e); FixupHeight (); } protected override void OnHandleDestroyed (EventArgs e) { base.OnHandleDestroyed (e); } protected virtual void OnHideSelectionChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [HideSelectionChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnModifiedChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ModifiedChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected virtual void OnMultilineChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [MultilineChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override void OnPaddingChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnPaddingChanged (e); } protected virtual void OnReadOnlyChanged (EventArgs e) { EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [ReadOnlyChangedEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, e); } protected override bool ProcessCmdKey (ref Message msg, Keys keyData) { return base.ProcessCmdKey (ref msg, keyData); } protected override bool ProcessDialogKey (Keys keyData) { // The user can use Ctrl-Tab or Ctrl-Shift-Tab to move Widget focus // instead of inserting a Tab. However, the focus-moving-tab-stuffs // doesn't work if Ctrl is pushed, so we remove it before sending it. if (accepts_tab && (keyData & (Keys.Widget | Keys.Tab)) == (Keys.Widget | Keys.Tab)) keyData ^= Keys.Widget; return base.ProcessDialogKey(keyData); } private bool ProcessKey (Keys keyData) { bool control; bool shift; control = (Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0; shift = (Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) != 0; if (shortcuts_enabled) { switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { case Keys.X: if (control && read_only == false) { Cut(); return true; } return false; case Keys.C: if (control) { Copy(); return true; } return false; case Keys.V: if (control && read_only == false) { return Paste(Clipboard.GetDataObject(), null, true); } return false; case Keys.Z: if (control && read_only == false) { Undo (); return true; } return false; case Keys.A: if (control) { SelectAll(); return true; } return false; case Keys.Insert: if (read_only == false) { if (shift) { Paste (Clipboard.GetDataObject (), null, true); return true; } if (control) { Copy (); return true; } } return false; case Keys.Delete: if (read_only) break; if (shift && read_only == false) { Cut (); return true; } if (document.selection_visible) { document.ReplaceSelection("", false); } else { // DeleteChar only deletes on the line, doesn't do the combine if (document.CaretPosition >= document.CaretLine.TextLengthWithoutEnding ()) { if (document.CaretLine.LineNo < document.Lines) { Line line; line = document.GetLine(document.CaretLine.LineNo + 1); // this line needs to be invalidated before it is combined // because once it is combined, all it's coordinates will // have changed document.Invalidate (line, 0, line, line.text.Length); document.Combine(document.CaretLine, line); document.UpdateView(document.CaretLine, document.Lines, 0); } } else { if (!control) { document.DeleteChar(document.CaretTag.Line, document.CaretPosition, true); } else { int end_pos; end_pos = document.CaretPosition; while ((end_pos < document.CaretLine.Text.Length) && !Document.IsWordSeparator(document.CaretLine.Text[end_pos])) { end_pos++; } if (end_pos < document.CaretLine.Text.Length) { end_pos++; } document.DeleteChars(document.CaretTag.Line, document.CaretPosition, end_pos - document.CaretPosition); } } } document.AlignCaret(); document.UpdateCaret(); CaretMoved(this, null); Modified = true; OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); return true; } } switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) { case Keys.Left: { if (control) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.WordBack); } else { if (!document.selection_visible || shift) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CharBack); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.SelectionStart); } } if (!shift) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); } CaretMoved(this, null); return true; } case Keys.Right: { if (control) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.WordForward); } else { if (!document.selection_visible || shift) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CharForward); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.SelectionEnd); } } if (!shift) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); } CaretMoved(this, null); return true; } case Keys.Up: { if (control) { if (document.CaretPosition == 0) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.LineUp); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.Home); } } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.LineUp); } if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == 0) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); } CaretMoved(this, null); return true; } case Keys.Down: { if (control) { if (document.CaretPosition == document.CaretLine.Text.Length) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.LineDown); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.End); } } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.LineDown); } if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == 0) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); } CaretMoved(this, null); return true; } case Keys.Home: { if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CtrlHome); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.Home); } if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == 0) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); } CaretMoved(this, null); return true; } case Keys.End: { if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CtrlEnd); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.End); } if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) == 0) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); } CaretMoved(this, null); return true; } //case Keys.Enter: { // // ignoring accepts_return, fixes bug #76355 // if (!read_only && document.multiline && (accepts_return || (FindForm() != null && FindForm().AcceptButton == null) || ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0))) { // Line line; // if (document.selection_visible) { // document.ReplaceSelection("\n", false); // } // line = document.CaretLine; // document.Split (document.CaretLine, document.CaretTag, document.CaretPosition); // line.ending = LineEnding.Rich; // document.InsertString (line, line.text.Length, // document.LineEndingToString (line.ending)); // OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); // document.UpdateView (line, document.Lines - line.line_no, 0); // CaretMoved(this, null); // return true; // } // break; //} case Keys.Tab: { if (!read_only && accepts_tab && document.multiline) { document.InsertCharAtCaret ('\t', true); CaretMoved(this, null); Modified = true; OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); return true; } break; } case Keys.PageUp: { if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CtrlPgUp); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.PgUp); } document.DisplayCaret (); return true; } case Keys.PageDown: { if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CtrlPgDn); } else { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.PgDn); } document.DisplayCaret (); return true; } } return false; } internal virtual void RaiseSelectionChanged () { // Do nothing, overridden in RTB } private void HandleBackspace (bool Widget) { bool fire_changed; fire_changed = false; // delete only deletes on the line, doesn't do the combine if (document.selection_visible) { document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Delete")); document.ReplaceSelection("", false); document.undo.EndUserAction (); fire_changed = true; document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); if (document.CaretPosition == 0) { if (document.CaretLine.LineNo > 1) { Line line; int new_caret_pos; line = document.GetLine(document.CaretLine.LineNo - 1); new_caret_pos = line.TextLengthWithoutEnding (); // Invalidate the old line position before we do the combine document.Invalidate (line, 0, line, line.text.Length); document.Combine(line, document.CaretLine); document.UpdateView(line, document.Lines - line.LineNo, 0); document.PositionCaret(line, new_caret_pos); document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); document.UpdateCaret(); fire_changed = true; } } else { if (!Widget || document.CaretPosition == 0) { // Move before we delete because the delete will change positions around // if we cross a wrap border LineTag tag = document.CaretTag; int pos = document.CaretPosition; document.MoveCaret (CaretDirection.CharBack); document.DeleteChar (tag.Line, pos, false); document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); } else { int start_pos; start_pos = document.CaretPosition - 1; while ((start_pos > 0) && !Document.IsWordSeparator(document.CaretLine.Text[start_pos - 1])) { start_pos--; } document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Delete")); document.DeleteChars(document.CaretTag.Line, start_pos, document.CaretPosition - start_pos); document.undo.EndUserAction (); document.PositionCaret(document.CaretLine, start_pos); document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); } document.UpdateCaret(); fire_changed = true; } } CaretMoved (this, null); if (fire_changed) { Modified = true; OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } } private void HandleEnter () { // ignoring accepts_return, fixes bug #76355 if (!read_only && document.multiline && (accepts_return || (FindForm() != null && FindForm().AcceptButton == null) || ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Widget) != 0))) { Line line; if (document.selection_visible) document.ReplaceSelection ("", false); line = document.CaretLine; document.Split (document.CaretLine, document.CaretTag, document.CaretPosition); line.ending = document.StringToLineEnding (Environment.NewLine); document.InsertString (line, line.text.Length, document.LineEndingToString (line.ending)); document.UpdateView (line, document.Lines - line.line_no, 0); CaretMoved (this, null); Modified = true; OnTextChanged (EventArgs.Empty); } } protected override void SetBoundsCore (int x, int y, int width, int height, BoundsSpecified specified) { // Make sure we don't get sized bigger than we want to be if (!richtext) { if (!document.multiline) { if (height != PreferredHeight) { // If the specified has Height, we need to store that in the // ExplicitBounds because we are going to override it if ((specified & BoundsSpecified.Height) != 0) { Rectangle r = ExplicitBounds; r.Height = height; ExplicitBounds = r; specified &= ~BoundsSpecified.Height; } height = PreferredHeight; } } } base.SetBoundsCore (x, y, width, height, specified); } protected override void WndProc (ref Message m) { switch ((Msg)m.Msg) { case Msg.WM_KEYDOWN: { if (ProcessKeyMessage(ref m) || ProcessKey((Keys)m.WParam.ToInt32() | XplatUI.State.ModifierKeys)) { m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; return; } DefWndProc (ref m); return; } case Msg.WM_CHAR: { int ch; if (ProcessKeyMessage(ref m)) { m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; return; } if (read_only) { return; } m.Result = IntPtr.Zero; ch = m.WParam.ToInt32(); if (ch == 127) { HandleBackspace(true); } else if (ch >= 32) { if (document.selection_visible) { document.ReplaceSelection("", false); } char c = (char)m.WParam; switch (character_casing) { case CharacterCasing.Upper: c = Char.ToUpper((char) m.WParam); break; case CharacterCasing.Lower: c = Char.ToLower((char) m.WParam); break; } if (document.Length < max_length) { document.InsertCharAtCaret(c, true); OnTextUpdate (); CaretMoved (this, null); Modified = true; OnTextChanged(EventArgs.Empty); } else { XplatUI.AudibleAlert(AlertType.Default); } return; } else if (ch == 8) { HandleBackspace(false); } else if (ch == 13) HandleEnter (); return; } case Msg.WM_SETFOCUS: base.WndProc(ref m); document.CaretHasFocus (); break; case Msg.WM_KILLFOCUS: base.WndProc(ref m); document.CaretLostFocus (); break; case Msg.WM_NCPAINT: if (!ThemeEngine.Current.TextBoxBaseHandleWmNcPaint (this, ref m)) base.WndProc(ref m); break; default: base.WndProc(ref m); return; } } #endregion // Protected Instance Methods #region Events static object AcceptsTabChangedEvent = new object (); static object AutoSizeChangedEvent = new object (); static object BorderStyleChangedEvent = new object (); static object HideSelectionChangedEvent = new object (); static object ModifiedChangedEvent = new object (); static object MultilineChangedEvent = new object (); static object ReadOnlyChangedEvent = new object (); static object HScrolledEvent = new object (); static object VScrolledEvent = new object (); public event EventHandler AcceptsTabChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (AcceptsTabChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AcceptsTabChangedEvent, value); } } [Browsable (false)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler AutoSizeChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (AutoSizeChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AutoSizeChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler BorderStyleChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (BorderStyleChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BorderStyleChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler HideSelectionChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (HideSelectionChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (HideSelectionChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler ModifiedChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (ModifiedChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ModifiedChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler MultilineChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (MultilineChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (MultilineChangedEvent, value); } } public event EventHandler ReadOnlyChanged { add { Events.AddHandler (ReadOnlyChangedEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ReadOnlyChangedEvent, value); } } internal event EventHandler HScrolled { add { Events.AddHandler (HScrolledEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (HScrolledEvent, value); } } internal event EventHandler VScrolled { add { Events.AddHandler (VScrolledEvent, value); } remove { Events.RemoveHandler (VScrolledEvent, value); } } [Browsable(false)] //[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged { add { base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; } remove { base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged { add { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value; } remove { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (true)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)] public new event MouseEventHandler MouseClick { add { base.MouseClick += value; } remove { base.MouseClick -= value; } } [Browsable (false)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)] //[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)] public new event EventHandler PaddingChanged { add { base.PaddingChanged += value; } remove { base.PaddingChanged -= value; } } [Browsable (true)] //[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Always)] public new event EventHandler Click { add { base.Click += value; } remove { base.Click -= value; } } // XXX should this not manipulate base.Paint? #pragma warning disable 0067 [MonoTODO] [Browsable(false)] //[EditorBrowsable(EditorBrowsableState.Never)] public new event PaintEventHandler Paint; #pragma warning restore 0067 #endregion // Events #region Private Methods internal Document Document { get { return document; } set { document = value; } } internal bool EnableLinks { get { return enable_links; } set { enable_links = value; document.EnableLinks = value; } } internal override bool ScaleChildrenInternal { get { return false; } } internal bool ShowSelection { get { if (show_selection || !hide_selection) { return true; } return has_focus; } set { if (show_selection == value) return; show_selection = value; // Currently InvalidateSelectionArea is commented out so do a full invalidate document.InvalidateSelectionArea(); } } internal int TopMargin { get { return document.top_margin; } set { document.top_margin = value; } } #region UIA Framework Properties internal ScrollBar UIAHScrollBar { get { return hscroll; } } internal ScrollBar UIAVScrollBar { get { return vscroll; } } #endregion UIA Framework Properties internal Graphics CreateGraphicsInternal () { if (IsHandleCreated) return base.CreateGraphics(); return DeviceContext; } internal override void OnPaintInternal (PaintEventArgs pevent) { Draw (pevent.Graphics, pevent.ClipRectangle); // // OnPaint does not get raised on MS (see bug #80639) // pevent.Handled = true; } internal void Draw (Graphics g, Rectangle clippingArea) { ThemeEngine.Current.TextBoxBaseFillBackground (this, g, clippingArea); // Draw the viewable document document.Draw(g, clippingArea); } private void FixupHeight () { if (!richtext) { if (!document.multiline) { if (PreferredHeight != Height) { Height = PreferredHeight; } } } } private bool IsDoubleClick (MouseEventArgs e) { TimeSpan interval = DateTime.Now - click_last; if (interval.TotalMilliseconds > SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime) return false; Size dcs = SystemInformation.DoubleClickSize; if (e.X < click_point_x - dcs.Width / 2 || e.X > click_point_x + dcs.Width / 2) return false; if (e.Y < click_point_y - dcs.Height / 2 || e.Y > click_point_y + dcs.Height / 2) return false; return true; } private void TextBoxBase_MouseDown (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { bool dbliclick = false; if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { // Special case when shift key is pressed and // left mouse is clicked.. set selection from // current cursor to mouse if ((Widget.ModifierKeys & Keys.Shift) > 0) { document.PositionCaret (e.X + document.ViewPortX, e.Y + document.ViewPortY); document.SetSelectionToCaret (false); document.DisplayCaret (); return; } dbliclick = IsDoubleClick (e); if (current_link != null) { HandleLinkClicked (current_link); return; } //ensure nothing is selected anymore BEFORE we //position the caret, so the caret is recreated //(caret is only visible when nothing is selected) if (document.selection_visible && dbliclick == false) { document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); click_mode = CaretSelection.Position; } document.PositionCaret(e.X + document.ViewPortX, e.Y + document.ViewPortY); if (dbliclick) { switch (click_mode) { case CaretSelection.Position: SelectWord (); click_mode = CaretSelection.Word; break; case CaretSelection.Word: if (this is TextBox) { document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); click_mode = CaretSelection.Position; break; } document.ExpandSelection (CaretSelection.Line, false); click_mode = CaretSelection.Line; break; case CaretSelection.Line: // Gotta do this first because Exanding to a word // from a line doesn't really work document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); SelectWord (); click_mode = CaretSelection.Word; break; } } else { document.SetSelectionToCaret (true); click_mode = CaretSelection.Position; } click_point_x = e.X; click_point_y = e.Y; click_last = DateTime.Now; } if ((e.Button == MouseButtons.Middle) && XplatUI.RunningOnUnix) { Document.Marker marker; marker.tag = document.FindCursor(e.X + document.ViewPortX, e.Y + document.ViewPortY, out marker.pos); marker.line = marker.tag.Line; marker.height = marker.tag.Height; document.SetSelection(marker.line, marker.pos, marker.line, marker.pos); Paste (Clipboard.GetDataObject (true), null, true); } } private void TextBoxBase_MouseUp (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { if (click_mode == CaretSelection.Position) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); document.DisplayCaret(); // Only raise if there is text. if (Text.Length > 0) RaiseSelectionChanged (); } if (scroll_timer != null) { scroll_timer.Enabled = false; } return; } } private void SizeWidgets () { if (hscroll.Visible) { //vscroll.Maximum += hscroll.Height; canvas_height = ClientSize.Height - hscroll.Height; } else { canvas_height = ClientSize.Height; } if (vscroll.Visible) { //hscroll.Maximum += vscroll.Width; canvas_width = ClientSize.Width - vscroll.Width; if (GetInheritedRtoL () == RightToLeft.Yes) { document.OffsetX = vscroll.Width; } else { document.OffsetX = 0; } } else { canvas_width = ClientSize.Width; document.OffsetX = 0; } document.ViewPortWidth = canvas_width; document.ViewPortHeight = canvas_height; } private void PositionWidgets () { if (canvas_height < 1 || canvas_width < 1) return; int hmod = vscroll.Visible ? vscroll.Width : 0; int vmod = hscroll.Visible ? hscroll.Height : 0; if (GetInheritedRtoL () == RightToLeft.Yes) { hscroll.Bounds = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.Left + hmod, Math.Max(0, ClientRectangle.Height - hscroll.Height), ClientSize.Width, hscroll.Height); vscroll.Bounds = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.Left, ClientRectangle.Top, vscroll.Width, Math.Max(0, ClientSize.Height - (vmod))); } else { hscroll.Bounds = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.Left, Math.Max(0, ClientRectangle.Height - hscroll.Height), Math.Max(0, ClientSize.Width - hmod), hscroll.Height); vscroll.Bounds = new Rectangle ( Math.Max(0, ClientRectangle.Right - vscroll.Width), ClientRectangle.Top, vscroll.Width, Math.Max(0, ClientSize.Height - vmod)); } } internal RightToLeft GetInheritedRtoL () { for (Widget c = this; c != null; c = c.Parent) if (c.RightToLeft != RightToLeft.Inherit) return c.RightToLeft; return RightToLeft.No; } private void TextBoxBase_SizeChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsHandleCreated) CalculateDocument (); } private void TextBoxBase_RightToLeftChanged (object o, EventArgs e) { if (IsHandleCreated) CalculateDocument (); } private void TextBoxBase_MouseWheel (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { if (!vscroll.Enabled) return; if (e.Delta < 0) vscroll.Value = Math.Min (vscroll.Value + SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines * 5, Math.Max (0, vscroll.Maximum - document.ViewPortHeight + 1)); else vscroll.Value = Math.Max (0, vscroll.Value - SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines * 5); } internal virtual void SelectWord () { StringBuilder s = document.caret.line.text; int start = document.caret.pos; int end = document.caret.pos; if (s.Length < 1) { if (document.caret.line.line_no >= document.Lines) return; Line line = document.GetLine (document.caret.line.line_no + 1); document.PositionCaret (line, 0); return; } if (start > 0) { start--; end--; } // skip whitespace until we hit a word while (start > 0 && s [start] == ' ') start--; if (start > 0) { while (start > 0 && (s [start] != ' ')) start--; if (s [start] == ' ') start++; } if (s [end] == ' ') { while (end < s.Length && s [end] == ' ') end++; } else { while (end < s.Length && s [end] != ' ') end++; while (end < s.Length && s [end] == ' ') end++; } document.SetSelection (document.caret.line, start, document.caret.line, end); document.PositionCaret (document.selection_end.line, document.selection_end.pos); document.DisplayCaret(); } internal void CalculateDocument() { CalculateScrollBars (); document.RecalculateDocument (CreateGraphicsInternal ()); if (document.caret.line != null && document.caret.line.Y < document.ViewPortHeight) { // The window has probably been resized, making the entire thing visible, so // we need to set the scroll position back to zero. vscroll.Value = 0; } Invalidate(); } internal void CalculateScrollBars () { // FIXME - need separate calculations for center and right alignment SizeWidgets (); if (document.Width >= document.ViewPortWidth) { hscroll.SetValues (0, Math.Max (1, document.Width), -1, document.ViewPortWidth < 0 ? 0 : document.ViewPortWidth); if (document.multiline) hscroll.Enabled = true; } else { hscroll.Enabled = false; hscroll.Maximum = document.ViewPortWidth; } if (document.Height >= document.ViewPortHeight) { vscroll.SetValues (0, Math.Max (1, document.Height), -1, document.ViewPortHeight < 0 ? 0 : document.ViewPortHeight); if (document.multiline) vscroll.Enabled = true; } else { vscroll.Enabled = false; vscroll.Maximum = document.ViewPortHeight; } if (!WordWrap) { switch (scrollbars) { case RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both: case RichTextBoxScrollBars.Horizontal: if (richtext) hscroll.Visible = hscroll.Enabled; else hscroll.Visible = this.Multiline; break; case RichTextBoxScrollBars.ForcedBoth: case RichTextBoxScrollBars.ForcedHorizontal: hscroll.Visible = true; break; default: hscroll.Visible = false; break; } } else { hscroll.Visible = false; } switch (scrollbars) { case RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both: case RichTextBoxScrollBars.Vertical: if (richtext) vscroll.Visible = vscroll.Enabled; else vscroll.Visible = this.Multiline; break; case RichTextBoxScrollBars.ForcedBoth: case RichTextBoxScrollBars.ForcedVertical: vscroll.Visible = true; break; default: vscroll.Visible = false; break; } PositionWidgets (); SizeWidgets (); //Update sizings now we've decided whats visible } private void document_WidthChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { CalculateScrollBars(); } private void document_HeightChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { CalculateScrollBars(); } private void ScrollLinks (int xChange, int yChange) { foreach (LinkRectangle link in list_links) link.Scroll (xChange, yChange); } private void hscroll_ValueChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { int old_viewport_x; old_viewport_x = document.ViewPortX; document.ViewPortX = this.hscroll.Value; // // Before scrolling we want to destroy the caret, then draw a new one after the scroll // the reason for this is that scrolling changes the coordinates of the caret, and we // will get tracers if we don't // if (Focused) document.CaretLostFocus (); if (vscroll.Visible) { if (GetInheritedRtoL () == RightToLeft.Yes) { XplatUI.ScrollWindow (this.Handle, new Rectangle (vscroll.Width, 0, ClientSize.Width - vscroll.Width, ClientSize.Height), old_viewport_x - this.hscroll.Value, 0, false); } else { XplatUI.ScrollWindow (this.Handle, new Rectangle (0, 0, ClientSize.Width - vscroll.Width, ClientSize.Height), old_viewport_x - this.hscroll.Value, 0, false); } } else { XplatUI.ScrollWindow(this.Handle, ClientRectangle, old_viewport_x - this.hscroll.Value, 0, false); } ScrollLinks (old_viewport_x - this.hscroll.Value, 0); if (Focused) document.CaretHasFocus (); EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [HScrolledEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void vscroll_ValueChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { int old_viewport_y; old_viewport_y = document.ViewPortY; document.ViewPortY = this.vscroll.Value; // // Before scrolling we want to destroy the caret, then draw a new one after the scroll // the reason for this is that scrolling changes the coordinates of the caret, and we // will get tracers if we don't // if (Focused) document.CaretLostFocus (); if (hscroll.Visible) { XplatUI.ScrollWindow(this.Handle, new Rectangle(0, 0, ClientSize.Width, ClientSize.Height - hscroll.Height), 0, old_viewport_y - this.vscroll.Value, false); } else { XplatUI.ScrollWindow(this.Handle, ClientRectangle, 0, old_viewport_y - this.vscroll.Value, false); } ScrollLinks (0, old_viewport_y - this.vscroll.Value); if (Focused) document.CaretHasFocus (); EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events [VScrolledEvent]); if (eh != null) eh (this, EventArgs.Empty); } private void TextBoxBase_MouseMove (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { // FIXME - handle auto-scrolling if mouse is to the right/left of the window if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left && Capture) { if (!ClientRectangle.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { if (scroll_timer == null) { scroll_timer = new Timer (); scroll_timer.Interval = 100; scroll_timer.Tick += new EventHandler (ScrollTimerTickHandler); } if (!scroll_timer.Enabled) { scroll_timer.Start (); // Force the first tick ScrollTimerTickHandler (null, EventArgs.Empty); } } document.PositionCaret(e.X + document.ViewPortX, e.Y + document.ViewPortY); if (click_mode == CaretSelection.Position) { document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); document.DisplayCaret(); } } //search through link boxes to see if the mouse is over one of them bool found_link = false; foreach (LinkRectangle link in list_links) { if (link.LinkAreaRectangle.Contains (e.X, e.Y)) { XplatUI.SetCursor (window.Handle, Cursors.Hand.handle); found_link = true; current_link = link; break; } } if (found_link == false) { XplatUI.SetCursor (window.Handle, DefaultCursor.handle); current_link = null; } } private void TextBoxBase_FontOrColorChanged (object sender, EventArgs e) { Line line; document.SuspendRecalc (); // Font changes apply to the whole document for (int i = 1; i <= document.Lines; i++) { line = document.GetLine(i); if (LineTag.FormatText(line, 1, line.text.Length, Font, ForeColor, Color.Empty, FormatSpecified.Font | FormatSpecified.Color)) document.RecalculateDocument (CreateGraphicsInternal (), line.LineNo, line.LineNo, false); } document.ResumeRecalc (false); // Make sure the caret height is matching the new font height document.AlignCaret(); } private void ScrollTimerTickHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) { Point pt = Cursor.Position; pt = PointToClient (pt); if (pt.X < ClientRectangle.Left) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CharBackNoWrap); document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); CaretMoved(this, null); } else if (pt.X > ClientRectangle.Right) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.CharForwardNoWrap); document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); CaretMoved(this, null); } else if (pt.Y > ClientRectangle.Bottom) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.LineDown); document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); CaretMoved(this, null); } else if (pt.Y < ClientRectangle.Top) { document.MoveCaret(CaretDirection.LineUp); document.SetSelectionToCaret(false); CaretMoved(this, null); } } /// <summary>Ensure the caret is always visible</summary> internal void CaretMoved (object sender, EventArgs e) { Point pos; int height; if (!IsHandleCreated || canvas_width < 1 || canvas_height < 1) return; document.MoveCaretToTextTag (); pos = document.Caret; //Console.WriteLine("Caret now at {0} (Thumb: {1}x{2}, Canvas: {3}x{4}, Document {5}x{6})", pos, hscroll.Value, vscroll.Value, canvas_width, canvas_height, document.Width, document.Height); // Horizontal scrolling: // If the caret moves to the left outside the visible area, we jump the document into view, not just one // character, but 1/3 of the width of the document // If the caret moves to the right outside the visible area, we scroll just enough to keep the caret visible // Handle horizontal scrolling if (document.CaretLine.alignment == HorizontalAlignment.Left) { // Check if we moved out of view to the left if (pos.X < (document.ViewPortX)) { do { if ((hscroll.Value - document.ViewPortWidth / 3) >= hscroll.Minimum) { hscroll.SafeValueSet (hscroll.Value - document.ViewPortWidth / 3); } else { hscroll.Value = hscroll.Minimum; } } while (hscroll.Value > pos.X); } // Check if we moved out of view to the right if ((pos.X >= (document.ViewPortWidth + document.ViewPortX)) && (hscroll.Value != hscroll.Maximum)) { if ((pos.X - document.ViewPortWidth + 1) <= hscroll.Maximum) { if (pos.X - document.ViewPortWidth >= 0) { hscroll.SafeValueSet (pos.X - document.ViewPortWidth + 1); } else { hscroll.Value = 0; } } else { hscroll.Value = hscroll.Maximum; } } } else if (document.CaretLine.alignment == HorizontalAlignment.Right) { // hscroll.Value = pos.X; // if ((pos.X > (this.canvas_width + document.ViewPortX)) && (hscroll.Enabled && (hscroll.Value != hscroll.Maximum))) { // hscroll.Value = hscroll.Maximum; // } } else { // FIXME - implement center cursor alignment } if (Text.Length > 0) RaiseSelectionChanged (); if (!document.multiline) return; // Handle vertical scrolling height = document.CaretLine.Height + 1; if (pos.Y < document.ViewPortY) vscroll.SafeValueSet (pos.Y); if ((pos.Y + height) > (document.ViewPortY + canvas_height)) vscroll.Value = Math.Min (vscroll.Maximum, pos.Y - canvas_height + height); } internal bool Paste (IDataObject clip, DataFormats.Format format, bool obey_length) { string s; if (clip == null) return false; if (format == null) { if ((this is RichTextBox) && clip.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Rtf)) { format = DataFormats.GetFormat(DataFormats.Rtf); } else if ((this is RichTextBox) && clip.GetDataPresent (DataFormats.Bitmap)) { format = DataFormats.GetFormat (DataFormats.Bitmap); } else if (clip.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.UnicodeText)) { format = DataFormats.GetFormat(DataFormats.UnicodeText); } else if (clip.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.Text)) { format = DataFormats.GetFormat(DataFormats.Text); } else { return false; } } else { if ((format.Name == DataFormats.Rtf) && !(this is RichTextBox)) { return false; } if (!clip.GetDataPresent(format.Name)) { return false; } } if (format.Name == DataFormats.Rtf) { document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Paste")); ((RichTextBox)this).SelectedRtf = (string)clip.GetData(DataFormats.Rtf); document.undo.EndUserAction (); Modified = true; return true; } else if (format.Name == DataFormats.Bitmap) { document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Paste")); // document.InsertImage (document.caret.line, document.caret.pos, (Image) clip.GetData (DataFormats.Bitmap)); document.MoveCaret (CaretDirection.CharForward); document.undo.EndUserAction (); return true; } else if (format.Name == DataFormats.UnicodeText) { s = (string)clip.GetData(DataFormats.UnicodeText); } else if (format.Name == DataFormats.Text) { s = (string)clip.GetData(DataFormats.Text); } else { return false; } if (!obey_length) { document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Paste")); this.SelectedText = s; document.undo.EndUserAction (); } else { if ((s.Length + (document.Length - SelectedText.Length)) < max_length) { document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Paste")); this.SelectedText = s; document.undo.EndUserAction (); } else if ((document.Length - SelectedText.Length) < max_length) { document.undo.BeginUserAction (String.Format ("Paste")); this.SelectedText = s.Substring (0, max_length - (document.Length - SelectedText.Length)); document.undo.EndUserAction (); } } Modified = true; return true; } internal virtual Color ChangeBackColor (Color backColor) { return backColor; } internal override bool IsInputCharInternal (char charCode) { return true; } #endregion // Private Methods #region Private Classes internal class LinkRectangle { private Rectangle link_area_rectangle; private LineTag link_tag; public LinkRectangle (Rectangle rect) { link_tag = null; link_area_rectangle = rect; } public Rectangle LinkAreaRectangle { get { return link_area_rectangle; } set { link_area_rectangle = value; } } public LineTag LinkTag { get { return link_tag; } set { link_tag = value; } } public void Scroll (int x_change, int y_change) { link_area_rectangle.X += x_change; link_area_rectangle.Y += y_change; } } #endregion // This is called just before OnTextChanged is called. internal virtual void OnTextUpdate () { } protected override void OnTextChanged (EventArgs e) { base.OnTextChanged (e); } public virtual int GetLineFromCharIndex (int index) { Line line_out; LineTag tag_out; int pos; document.CharIndexToLineTag (index, out line_out, out tag_out, out pos); return line_out.LineNo; } protected override void OnMouseUp (MouseEventArgs mevent) { base.OnMouseUp (mevent); } } }