using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Drawing; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using ShiftUI; namespace ShiftOS { public partial class ProgressBarEX : UserWidget { public ProgressBarEX() { InitializeComponent(); } #region " Properties " private string _label = "Progress:"; private bool show_label = false; public string Label { get { return _label; } set { _label = value; this.Invalidate(); } } public bool ShowLabel { get { return show_label; } set { show_label = value; this.Invalidate(); } } private int _Value = 0; public int Value { get { return _Value; } set { if (value >= this.MinValue & value <= this.MaxValue) { _Value = value; this.Invalidate(); } else { } } } private int _Step = 10; public int Step { get { return _Step; } set { _Step = value; } } private ProgressBarOrientation _Orientation; public ProgressBarOrientation Orientation { get { return _Orientation; } set { _Orientation = value; } } private int _MinValue = 0; public int MinValue { get { return _MinValue; } set { if (value < this.MaxValue) { _MinValue = value; } else { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("The minimum value must be less than the maximum value."); } } } private int _MaxValue = 100; public int MaxValue { get { return _MaxValue; } set { _MaxValue = value; } } private Color _Color = Color.Lime; public Color Color { get { return _Color; } set { _Color = value; } } private bool _ShowValue = true; public bool ShowValue { get { return _ShowValue; } set { _ShowValue = value; } } private ProgressBarExStyle _Style; public ProgressBarExStyle Style { get { return _Style; } set { _Style = value; } } private int _BlockWidth = 5; public int BlockWidth { get { return _BlockWidth; } set { _BlockWidth = value; } } private int _BlockSeparation = 3; public int BlockSeparation { get { return _BlockSeparation; } set { _BlockSeparation = value; } } #endregion #region " Enums, Variables " public enum ProgressBarOrientation { Horizontal = 0, Vertical = 1 } public enum ProgressBarExStyle { Blocks = 0, Continuous = 1, Marquee = 2 } #endregion #region " Events " public event PaintBackgroundEventHandler PaintBackground; public delegate void PaintBackgroundEventHandler(object sender, PaintEventArgs e); public event PaintProcessEventHandler PaintProcess; public delegate void PaintProcessEventHandler(object sender, ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs e); public class ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs : EventArgs { public ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs(Rectangle bounds, Graphics g, Rectangle[] blocks = null) { _Bounds = bounds; _Graphics = g; if (blocks == null) { _Blocks = new Rectangle[] { }; } else { _Blocks = blocks; } } private Rectangle _Bounds; public Rectangle Bounds { get { return _Bounds; } } private Rectangle[] _Blocks; public Rectangle[] Blocks { get { return _Blocks; } } private Graphics _Graphics; public Graphics Graphics { get { return _Graphics; } } } #endregion #region " Methods " public void PerformStep() { if (this.Step > 0) { this.Value = Math.Min(this.Value + this.Step, this.MaxValue); } else { this.Value = Math.Max(this.Value + this.Step, this.MinValue); } } public void Increment(int value) { if (value > 0) { this.Value = Math.Min(this.Value + value, this.MaxValue); } else { this.Value = Math.Max(this.Value + value, this.MinValue); } } #endregion #region " Process Logic " private Rectangle GetProcessRect() { int w = this.Width; int h = this.Height; int valRel = GetRelativeValue(); return new Rectangle(0, 0, w * valRel / 100, h); } private Rectangle[] GetBlocks() { List b = new List(); int w = this.BlockWidth; int h = this.Height; Rectangle r; int x = 0; int stopX = (int)(GetRelativeValue() / 100) * this.Width; while ((x + w <= stopX)) { r = new Rectangle(x, 0, w, h); b.Add(r); x += this.BlockWidth + this.BlockSeparation; } return b.ToArray(); } private int GetRelativeValue() { return (int)100 * this.Value / (this.MaxValue - this.MinValue); } #endregion #region " Drawing " protected override void OnPaint(ShiftUI.PaintEventArgs e) { base.OnPaint(e); DoPaintBackground(e.Graphics); DoPaintProcess(e.Graphics); if (this.ShowValue) DoPaintValue(e.Graphics); } private void DoPaintBackground(Graphics g) { if (PaintBackground != null) { PaintBackground(this, new PaintEventArgs(g, this.ClientRectangle)); } } private void DoPaintProcess(Graphics g) { Rectangle rect = GetProcessRect(); Rectangle[] blocks = GetBlocks(); using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(this.Color)) { if (this.Style == ProgressBarExStyle.Continuous) { g.FillRectangle(brush, rect); } else if (this.Style == ProgressBarExStyle.Blocks) { foreach (Rectangle b in blocks) { g.FillRectangle(brush, b); } } } ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs e = new ProgressBarProcessPaintEventArgs(rect, g, blocks); if (PaintProcess != null) { PaintProcess(this, e); } } private void DoPaintValue(Graphics g) { string valStr = GetRelativeValue().ToString() + "%"; if (show_label) valStr = _label + " " + valStr; StringFormat sf = new StringFormat(); sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; SizeF s = g.MeasureString(valStr, this.Font); g.DrawString(valStr, this.Font, new SolidBrush(this.ForeColor), (this.Width - s.Width) / 2, (this.Height - s.Height) / 2); } #endregion } }