plans for XplatUIX11.cs: - 1 thread watching X socket, doing nothing but XNextEvent/hwnd.Queue.Enqueue (with minimal motion compression/key repeat detection) - figure out how to deal with the selection events, since they busy loop waiting on a response from the X socket. maybe block that thread with an event and wake it up when the event thread get enough info? - Idle event raised once regardless of how many thread queues we have (should it come from the X event thread?) - X11Hwnd which caches (amongst other things) the properties for the toplevel window so we can avoid doing all those XChangeProperty things on every single UpdateStyle call. - have RULES for things (like "do not call this function except from ...", etc) and make sure they're enforced. - SendMessage.. can't we just insert the right message on the hwnd's queue instead of using SendAsyncMethod? - what's the difference between PostMessage and SendMessage? - clean up the MESS that is: GetWindowState SetWindowState and especially: SetHwndStyles SetWMStyles DeriveStyles the Style handling in CreateWindow - multiple screens? do we care? xinerama foo? - fix the mostly static, somewhat instance nature of XplatUIX11.cs. Either make it static, or make it an instance. - we need to rethink the expose event handling. right now expose events are only handled once all the other events in the queue are handled. So, if you're resizing quickly you get no redraws until you're done. maybe look at the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST protocol (for the resize/redraw case specifically). Also, the current expose handling has us accessing the invalid list/rectangle from multiple threads. - factor out ALL knowledge of the multiple windows (client/whole) into the X11Hwnd class, so we can try to factor it out. - clean up the systray icon stuff - right now it destroys (!) the client_window and sets client_window == whole_window. ugh. - hwnds should keep track of the width/height they report to SWF as well as the x window's width/height. That is, we should allow hwnds with 0,0 width/height even though X doesn't allow it. There's some "zero_size" stuff in Hwnd, but it still appears impossible to have 0,0 sized Widgets. - window (subwindow, really) destruction should move to Hwnd if possible. - remove 90% of "lock (XlibLock)" usage. It's not really needed at all, except perhaps to synchronize the XEventThread and the PeekMessage/GetMessage methods. - the big synchronization problem now is the XEventQueue class. I think all queue operations need to be done while holding a lock, as the events are queued from the XEventThread and dequeued from GetMessage. possible classes: - XplatUIX11 (creates the first (only?) X11Display class. Most calls should just get the hwnd/display and make a method call) - X11Display (manages the display handle, creates the event thread, keeps ref to an X11Atoms and the X11RootHwnd) - XEventThread (does this need to be a separate class? can probably just be a method in X11Display) - X11Hwnd (move all the style translation here? handles property changes and caches them. window title here too) - X11RootHwnd (add the special root window property stuff here) - X11Atoms (per display atom list. should these be properties or fields? fields probably, with the builtins as constants). - Xlib (the pinvoke wrapper for Xlib calls) window managers we need to test again: - metacity on SLED/SUSE - metacity on ubuntu edgy - compiz on SLED - compiz HEAD - beryl? or should compiz be enough? specs: Extended Window Manager Hints: XEmbed spec: Systray spec: