// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc. // // Authors: // Peter Bartok pbartok@novell.com // Jackson Harper jackson@ximian.com // using System.ComponentModel; using System; namespace ShiftUI { [TypeConverter (typeof (ListBindingConverter))] public class Binding { private string property_name; private object data_source; private string data_member; private bool is_binding; private bool checked_isnull; private BindingMemberInfo binding_member_info; private IBindableComponent control; private BindingManagerBase manager; private PropertyDescriptor control_property; private PropertyDescriptor is_null_desc; private object data; private Type data_type; private DataSourceUpdateMode datasource_update_mode; private ControlUpdateMode control_update_mode; private object datasource_null_value = Convert.DBNull; private object null_value; private IFormatProvider format_info; private string format_string; private bool formatting_enabled; #region Public Constructors public Binding (string propertyName, object dataSource, string dataMember) : this (propertyName, dataSource, dataMember, false, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation, null, string.Empty, null) { } public Binding (string propertyName, object dataSource, string dataMember, bool formattingEnabled) : this (propertyName, dataSource, dataMember, formattingEnabled, DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation, null, string.Empty, null) { } public Binding (string propertyName, object dataSource, string dataMember, bool formattingEnabled, DataSourceUpdateMode dataSourceUpdateMode) : this (propertyName, dataSource, dataMember, formattingEnabled, dataSourceUpdateMode, null, string.Empty, null) { } public Binding (string propertyName, object dataSource, string dataMember, bool formattingEnabled, DataSourceUpdateMode dataSourceUpdateMode, object nullValue) : this (propertyName, dataSource, dataMember, formattingEnabled, dataSourceUpdateMode, nullValue, string.Empty, null) { } public Binding (string propertyName, object dataSource, string dataMember, bool formattingEnabled, DataSourceUpdateMode dataSourceUpdateMode, object nullValue, string formatString) : this (propertyName, dataSource, dataMember, formattingEnabled, dataSourceUpdateMode, nullValue, formatString, null) { } public Binding (string propertyName, object dataSource, string dataMember, bool formattingEnabled, DataSourceUpdateMode dataSourceUpdateMode, object nullValue, string formatString, IFormatProvider formatInfo) { property_name = propertyName; data_source = dataSource; data_member = dataMember; binding_member_info = new BindingMemberInfo (dataMember); datasource_update_mode = dataSourceUpdateMode; null_value = nullValue; format_string = formatString; format_info = formatInfo; } #endregion // Public Constructors #region Public Instance Properties [DefaultValue (null)] public IBindableComponent BindableComponent { get { return control; } } public BindingManagerBase BindingManagerBase { get { return manager; } } public BindingMemberInfo BindingMemberInfo { get { return binding_member_info; } } [DefaultValue (null)] public Widget Widget { get { return control as Widget; } } [DefaultValue (ControlUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged)] public ControlUpdateMode ControlUpdateMode { get { return control_update_mode; } set { control_update_mode = value; } } public object DataSource { get { return data_source; } } [DefaultValue (DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation)] public DataSourceUpdateMode DataSourceUpdateMode { get { return datasource_update_mode; } set { datasource_update_mode = value; } } public object DataSourceNullValue { get { return datasource_null_value; } set { datasource_null_value = value; } } [DefaultValue (false)] public bool FormattingEnabled { get { return formatting_enabled; } set { if (formatting_enabled == value) return; formatting_enabled = value; PushData (); } } [DefaultValue (null)] public IFormatProvider FormatInfo { get { return format_info; } set { if (value == format_info) return; format_info = value; if (formatting_enabled) PushData (); } } public string FormatString { get { return format_string; } set { if (value == null) value = String.Empty; if (value == format_string) return; format_string = value; if (formatting_enabled) PushData (); } } public bool IsBinding { get { if (manager == null || manager.IsSuspended) return false; return is_binding; } } public object NullValue { get { return null_value; } set { if (value == null_value) return; null_value = value; if (formatting_enabled) PushData (); } } [DefaultValue ("")] public string PropertyName { get { return property_name; } } #endregion // Public Instance Properties public void ReadValue () { PushData (true); } public void WriteValue () { PullData (true); } #region Protected Instance Methods protected virtual void OnBindingComplete (BindingCompleteEventArgs e) { if (BindingComplete != null) BindingComplete (this, e); } protected virtual void OnFormat (ConvertEventArgs cevent) { if (Format!=null) Format (this, cevent); } protected virtual void OnParse (ConvertEventArgs cevent) { if (Parse!=null) Parse (this, cevent); } #endregion // Protected Instance Methods internal string DataMember { get { return data_member; } } internal void SetWidget (IBindableComponent control) { if (control == this.control) return; control_property = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (control).Find (property_name, true); if (control_property == null) throw new ArgumentException (String.Concat ("Cannot bind to property '", property_name, "' on target control.")); if (control_property.IsReadOnly) throw new ArgumentException (String.Concat ("Cannot bind to property '", property_name, "' because it is read only.")); data_type = control_property.PropertyType; // Getting the PropertyType is kinda slow and it should never change, so it is cached Widget ctrl = control as Widget; if (ctrl != null) { ctrl.Validating += new CancelEventHandler (ControlValidatingHandler); if (!ctrl.IsHandleCreated) ctrl.HandleCreated += new EventHandler (ControlCreatedHandler); } EventDescriptor prop_changed_event = GetPropertyChangedEvent (control, property_name); if (prop_changed_event != null) prop_changed_event.AddEventHandler (control, new EventHandler (ControlPropertyChangedHandler)); this.control = control; UpdateIsBinding (); } internal void Check () { if (control == null || control.BindingContext == null) return; if (manager == null) { manager = control.BindingContext [data_source, binding_member_info.BindingPath]; if (manager.Position > -1 && binding_member_info.BindingField != String.Empty && TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (manager.Current).Find (binding_member_info.BindingField, true) == null) throw new ArgumentException ("Cannot bind to property '" + binding_member_info.BindingField + "' on DataSource.", "dataMember"); manager.AddBinding (this); manager.PositionChanged += new EventHandler (PositionChangedHandler); if (manager is PropertyManager) { // Match .net, which only watchs simple objects EventDescriptor prop_changed_event = GetPropertyChangedEvent (manager.Current, binding_member_info.BindingField); if (prop_changed_event != null) prop_changed_event.AddEventHandler (manager.Current, new EventHandler (SourcePropertyChangedHandler)); } } if (manager.Position == -1) return; if (!checked_isnull) { is_null_desc = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (manager.Current).Find (property_name + "IsNull", false); checked_isnull = true; } PushData (); } internal bool PullData () { return PullData (false); } // Return false ONLY in case of error - and return true even in cases // where no update was possible bool PullData (bool force) { if (IsBinding == false || manager.Current == null) return true; if (!force && datasource_update_mode == DataSourceUpdateMode.Never) return true; data = control_property.GetValue (control); if (data == null) data = datasource_null_value; try { SetPropertyValue (data); } catch (Exception e) { if (formatting_enabled) { FireBindingComplete (BindingCompleteContext.DataSourceUpdate, e, e.Message); return false; } throw e; } if (formatting_enabled) FireBindingComplete (BindingCompleteContext.DataSourceUpdate, null, null); return true; } internal void PushData () { PushData (false); } void PushData (bool force) { if (manager == null || manager.IsSuspended || manager.Count == 0 || manager.Position == -1) return; if (!force && control_update_mode == ControlUpdateMode.Never) return; if (is_null_desc != null) { bool is_null = (bool) is_null_desc.GetValue (manager.Current); if (is_null) { data = Convert.DBNull; return; } } PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (manager.Current).Find (binding_member_info.BindingField, true); if (pd == null) { data = manager.Current; } else { data = pd.GetValue (manager.Current); } if ((data == null || data == DBNull.Value) && null_value != null) data = null_value; try { data = FormatData (data); SetControlValue (data); } catch (Exception e) { if (formatting_enabled) { FireBindingComplete (BindingCompleteContext.ControlUpdate, e, e.Message); return; } throw e; } if (formatting_enabled) FireBindingComplete (BindingCompleteContext.ControlUpdate, null, null); } internal void UpdateIsBinding () { is_binding = false; if (control == null || (control is Widget && !((Widget)control).IsHandleCreated)) return; is_binding = true; PushData (); } private void SetControlValue (object data) { control_property.SetValue (control, data); } private void SetPropertyValue (object data) { PropertyDescriptor pd = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (manager.Current).Find (binding_member_info.BindingField, true); if (pd.IsReadOnly) return; data = ParseData (data, pd.PropertyType); pd.SetValue (manager.Current, data); } private void ControlValidatingHandler (object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { if (datasource_update_mode != DataSourceUpdateMode.OnValidation) return; bool ok = true; // If the data doesn't seem to be valid (it can't be converted, // is the wrong type, etc, we reset to the old data value. // If Formatting is enabled, no exception is fired, but we get a false value try { ok = PullData (); } catch { ok = false; } e.Cancel = !ok; } private void ControlCreatedHandler (object o, EventArgs args) { UpdateIsBinding (); } private void PositionChangedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e) { Check (); PushData (); } EventDescriptor GetPropertyChangedEvent (object o, string property_name) { if (o == null || property_name == null || property_name.Length == 0) return null; string event_name = property_name + "Changed"; Type event_handler_type = typeof (EventHandler); EventDescriptor prop_changed_event = null; foreach (EventDescriptor event_desc in TypeDescriptor.GetEvents (o)) { if (event_desc.Name == event_name && event_desc.EventType == event_handler_type) { prop_changed_event = event_desc; break; } } return prop_changed_event; } void SourcePropertyChangedHandler (object o, EventArgs args) { PushData (); } void ControlPropertyChangedHandler (object o, EventArgs args) { if (datasource_update_mode != DataSourceUpdateMode.OnPropertyChanged) return; PullData (); } private object ParseData (object data, Type data_type) { ConvertEventArgs e = new ConvertEventArgs (data, data_type); OnParse (e); if (data_type.IsInstanceOfType (e.Value)) return e.Value; if (e.Value == Convert.DBNull) return e.Value; if (e.Value == null) { bool nullable = data_type.IsGenericType && !data_type.ContainsGenericParameters && data_type.GetGenericTypeDefinition () == typeof (Nullable<>); return data_type.IsValueType && !nullable ? Convert.DBNull : null; } return ConvertData (e.Value, data_type); } private object FormatData (object data) { ConvertEventArgs e = new ConvertEventArgs (data, data_type); OnFormat (e); if (data_type.IsInstanceOfType (e.Value)) return e.Value; if (formatting_enabled) { if ((e.Value == null || e.Value == Convert.DBNull) && null_value != null) return null_value; if (e.Value is IFormattable && data_type == typeof (string)) { IFormattable formattable = (IFormattable) e.Value; return formattable.ToString (format_string, format_info); } } if (e.Value == null && data_type == typeof (object)) return Convert.DBNull; return ConvertData (data, data_type); } private object ConvertData (object data, Type data_type) { if (data == null) return null; TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (data.GetType ()); if (converter != null && converter.CanConvertTo (data_type)) return converter.ConvertTo (data, data_type); converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter (data_type); if (converter != null && converter.CanConvertFrom (data.GetType())) return converter.ConvertFrom (data); if (data is IConvertible) { object res = Convert.ChangeType (data, data_type); if (data_type.IsInstanceOfType (res)) return res; } return null; } void FireBindingComplete (BindingCompleteContext context, Exception exc, string error_message) { BindingCompleteEventArgs args = new BindingCompleteEventArgs (this, exc == null ? BindingCompleteState.Success : BindingCompleteState.Exception, context); if (exc != null) { args.SetException (exc); args.SetErrorText (error_message); } OnBindingComplete (args); } #region Events public event ConvertEventHandler Format; public event ConvertEventHandler Parse; public event BindingCompleteEventHandler BindingComplete; #endregion // Events } }