// // System.ComponentModel.Design.DefaultMenuCommands.cs // // Author: // Ivan N. Zlatev // // (C) 2008 Ivan N. Zlatev // // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // using System; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.Design; using System.ComponentModel.Design.Serialization; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using ShiftUI; using System.Drawing; using System.Drawing.Design; using System.Collections; using System.IO; using ShiftUI.Design; namespace ShiftUI { internal sealed class DefaultMenuCommands { private IServiceProvider _serviceProvider; private const string DT_DATA_FORMAT = "DT_DATA_FORMAT"; public DefaultMenuCommands (IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { if (serviceProvider == null) throw new ArgumentNullException ("serviceProvider"); _serviceProvider = serviceProvider; } public void AddTo (IMenuCommandService commands) { commands.AddCommand (new MenuCommand (Copy, StandardCommands.Copy)); commands.AddCommand (new MenuCommand (Cut, StandardCommands.Cut)); commands.AddCommand (new MenuCommand (Paste, StandardCommands.Paste)); commands.AddCommand (new MenuCommand (Delete, StandardCommands.Delete)); commands.AddCommand (new MenuCommand (SelectAll, StandardCommands.SelectAll)); } private object _clipboard = null; private void Copy (object sender, EventArgs args) { IDesignerSerializationService stateSerializer = GetService (typeof (IDesignerSerializationService)) as IDesignerSerializationService; IDesignerHost host = GetService (typeof (IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; ISelectionService selection = GetService (typeof (ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService; if (host == null || stateSerializer == null || selection == null) return; // copy selected components and their associated components ICollection selectedComponents = selection.GetSelectedComponents (); ArrayList toCopy = new ArrayList (); foreach (object component in selectedComponents) { if (component == host.RootComponent) continue; toCopy.Add (component); Design.ComponentDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner ((IComponent)component) as Design.ComponentDesigner; if (designer != null && designer.AssociatedComponents != null) toCopy.AddRange (designer.AssociatedComponents); } object stateData = stateSerializer.Serialize (toCopy); _clipboard = stateData; // Console.WriteLine ("Copied components: "); // foreach (object c in toCopy) // Console.WriteLine (((IComponent)c).Site.Name); // // TODO: MWF X11 doesn't seem to support custom clipboard formats - bug #357642 // // MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream (); // new BinaryFormatter().Serialize (stream, stateData); // stream.Seek (0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // byte[] serializedData = stream.GetBuffer (); // Clipboard.SetDataObject (new DataObject (DT_DATA_FORMAT, serializedData)); } // Reminder: We set control.Parent so that it gets serialized for Undo/Redo // private void Paste (object sender, EventArgs args) { IDesignerSerializationService stateSerializer = GetService (typeof (IDesignerSerializationService)) as IDesignerSerializationService; ISelectionService selection = GetService (typeof (ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService; IDesignerHost host = GetService (typeof (IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; IComponentChangeService changeService = GetService (typeof (IComponentChangeService)) as IComponentChangeService; if (host == null || stateSerializer == null) return; // // TODO: MWF X11 doesn't seem to support custom clipboard formats - bug #357642 // // IDataObject dataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject (); // byte[] data = dataObject == null ? null : dataObject.GetData (DT_DATA_FORMAT) as byte[]; // if (data != null) { // MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream (data); // stateSerializer.Deserialize (new BinaryFormatter().Deserialize (stream)); // ..... // } // if (_clipboard == null) return; DesignerTransaction transaction = host.CreateTransaction ("Paste"); ICollection components = stateSerializer.Deserialize (_clipboard); // Console.WriteLine ("Pasted components: "); // foreach (object c in components) // Console.WriteLine (((IComponent)c).Site.Name); foreach (object component in components) { Widget control = component as Widget; if (control == null) continue; // pure Components are added to the ComponentTray by the DocumentDesigner PropertyDescriptor parentProperty = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties (control)["Parent"]; if (control.Parent != null) { // Already parented during deserialization? // In that case explicitly raise component changing/ed for the Parent property, // so it get's cought by the UndoEngine if (changeService != null) { changeService.OnComponentChanging (control, parentProperty); changeService.OnComponentChanged (control, parentProperty, null, control.Parent); } } else { ParentWidgetDesigner parentDesigner = null; if (selection != null && selection.PrimarySelection != null) parentDesigner = host.GetDesigner ((IComponent)selection.PrimarySelection) as ParentWidgetDesigner; if (parentDesigner == null) parentDesigner = host.GetDesigner (host.RootComponent) as DocumentDesigner; if (parentDesigner != null && parentDesigner.CanParent (control)) parentProperty.SetValue (control, parentDesigner.Widget); } } _clipboard = null; transaction.Commit (); ((IDisposable)transaction).Dispose (); } private void Cut (object sender, EventArgs args) { IDesignerHost host = GetService (typeof (IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; if (host == null) return; using (DesignerTransaction transaction = host.CreateTransaction ("Cut")) { Copy (this, EventArgs.Empty); Delete (this, EventArgs.Empty); transaction.Commit (); } } private void Delete (object sender, EventArgs args) { IDesignerHost host = GetService (typeof (IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; ISelectionService selection = GetService (typeof (ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService; if (host == null || selection == null) return; ICollection selectedComponents = selection.GetSelectedComponents (); string description = "Delete " + (selectedComponents.Count > 1 ? (selectedComponents.Count.ToString () + " controls") : ((IComponent)selection.PrimarySelection).Site.Name); DesignerTransaction transaction = host.CreateTransaction (description); foreach (object component in selectedComponents) { if (component != host.RootComponent) { Design.ComponentDesigner designer = host.GetDesigner ((IComponent)component) as Design.ComponentDesigner; if (designer != null && designer.AssociatedComponents != null) { foreach (object associatedComponent in designer.AssociatedComponents) host.DestroyComponent ((IComponent)associatedComponent); } host.DestroyComponent ((IComponent)component); } } selection.SetSelectedComponents (selectedComponents, SelectionTypes.Remove); transaction.Commit (); } private void SelectAll (object sender, EventArgs args) { IDesignerHost host = GetService (typeof (IDesignerHost)) as IDesignerHost; ISelectionService selection = GetService (typeof (ISelectionService)) as ISelectionService; if (host != null && selection != null) selection.SetSelectedComponents (host.Container.Components, SelectionTypes.Replace); } // * StandardCommands // o AlignBottom // o AlignHorizontalCenters // o AlignLeft // o AlignRight // o AlignToGrid // o AlignTop // o AlignVerticalCenters // o BringToFront // o CenterHorizontally // o CenterVertically // -o Copy // -o Cut // -o Delete // o HorizSpaceConcatenate // o HorizSpaceDecrease // o HorizSpaceIncrease // o HorizSpaceMakeEqual // -o Paste // -o SelectAll // o SendToBack // o SizeToWidget // o SizeToWidgetHeight // o SizeToWidgetWidth // o SizeToGrid // o SnapToGrid // o TabOrder // o VertSpaceConcatenate // o VertSpaceDecrease // o VertSpaceIncrease // o VertSpaceMakeEqual // o ShowGrid // o LockWidgets // // * MenuCommands // o KeyDefaultAction // o KeySelectNext // o KeySelectPrevious // o KeyMoveLeft // o KeySizeWidthDecrease // o KeyMoveRight // o KeySizeWidthIncrease // o KeyMoveUp // o KeySizeHeightIncrease // o KeyMoveDown // o KeySizeHeightDecrease // o KeyCancel // o KeyNudgeLeft // o KeyNudgeDown // o KeyNudgeRight // o KeyNudgeUp // o KeyNudgeHeightIncrease // o KeyNudgeHeightDecrease // o KeyNudgeWidthDecrease // o KeyNudgeWidthIncrease // o DesignerProperties // o KeyReverseCancel private object GetService (Type serviceType) { if (_serviceProvider != null) return _serviceProvider.GetService (serviceType); return null; } } }