private void tmrfirstrun_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (firstrun) { case 1: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "Installation Successfull" + Environment.NewLine; blockctrlt = true; break; case 2: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "IP Connecting..." + Environment.NewLine + "User@" + SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.osname + " $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.dial_up_modem_02); break; case 12: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "IP Connected!" + Environment.NewLine + "User@" + SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.osname + " $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 15: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: Hi, my name is DevX and you are now using an early version of my operating system \"ShiftOS\"." + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 22: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: Currently the terminal is open and I am using it to communicate with you remotely." + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 28: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: ShiftOS is going to be the most revolutionary operating system in the world that will run on every electronic device you can think of." + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 36: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: I can't tell you much about my future plans right now but if you can help me then I may tell you more in future" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 44: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: ShiftOS is barely usable in it's current state so I need you to help me evolve it using codepoints" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 50: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: Once you acquire codepoints you can use them to upgrade certain components of ShiftOS or add new software" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 59: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: I'll close the terminal now and send you to the blank ShiftOS desktop" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 65: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: You can open and close the terminal at any time by pressing CTRL + T" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 70: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: Once you are on the desktop open the terminal, type \"help\" and then press enter for a guide on using ShiftOS" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 80: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: Gotta run now but I'll contact you soon to see how you are going with evolving ShiftOS for me while I... Work on something else" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 89: txtterm.Text = txtterm.Text + "DevX: Remember to always click the black desktop first and then press press CTRL + T to open the terminal otherwise the terminal won't open!" + Environment.NewLine + "User@ShiftOS $> "; API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.writesound); break; case 94: API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources.typesound); txtterm.Text = "User@" + SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.osname + " $> "; tmrfirstrun.Stop(); this.Close(); blockctrlt = false; SaveSystem.Utilities.saveGame(); break; } firstrun = firstrun + 1; txtterm.SelectionStart = txtterm.TextLength; }