using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Net; using System.IO.Compression; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Threading; using Newtonsoft.Json; namespace ShiftOS { static class Program { /// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); //Extract all dependencies before starting the engine. ExtractDependencies(); var poolThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(new Action(() => { try { //Download ShiftOS server startup-pool string pool = new WebClient().DownloadString(""); string[] splitter = pool.Split(';'); foreach (string address in splitter) { try { string[] addSplitter = address.Split(':'); string host = addSplitter[0]; int port = Convert.ToInt32(addSplitter[1]); Package_Grabber.ConnectToServer(host, port); } catch { } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("[ServerThread/WARNING] Couldn't retrieve startup pool. Not connecting to any servers."); } }))); poolThread.Start(); //Start the Windows Forms backend Paths.RegisterPaths(); //Sets ShiftOS path variables based on the current OS. if (File.Exists(Paths.SystemDir + "settings.json")) { API.LoadedSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Settings>(File.ReadAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "settings.json")); } else { API.LoadedSettings = new Settings(); API.LoadedSettings.MusicVolume = 50; File.WriteAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "settings.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(API.LoadedSettings)); } Audio.LoadAudioData(); SaveSystem.Utilities.CheckForOlderSaves(); //Backs up C:\ShiftOS on Windows systems if it exists and doesn't contain a _engineInfo.txt file telling ShiftOS what engine created it. //If there isn't a save folder at the directory specified by ShiftOS.Paths.SaveRoot, create a new save. //If not, load that save. if (Directory.Exists(Paths.SaveRoot)) { API.Log("Loading ShiftOS save..."); SaveSystem.Utilities.loadGame(); } else { SaveSystem.Utilities.NewGame(); } //Load ShiftOS skin Skinning.Utilities.loadskin(); SaveSystem.ShiftoriumRegistry.UpdateShiftorium(); //Lua bootscreen. if(File.Exists(Paths.SaveRoot + "BOOT")) { string lua = File.ReadAllText(Paths.SaveRoot + "BOOT"); var l = new LuaInterpreter(); l.mod(lua); } //Start recieving calls from the Modding API... Application.Run(new ShiftOSDesktop()); //By now, the API receiver has been loaded, //and the desktop is shown. So, let's check //for auto-start mods. if(Directory.Exists(Paths.AutoStart)) { foreach(string file in Directory.GetFiles(Paths.AutoStart)) { var inf = new FileInfo(file); switch(inf.Extension) { case ".saa": if (API.Upgrades["shiftnet"] == true) { API.Log("Starting start-up mod \"" + inf.FullName + "\"..."); API.LaunchMod(inf.FullName); } break; case ".trm": var t = new Terminal(); t.runterminalfile(inf.FullName); API.Log("Started terminal file \"" + inf.FullName + "\"..."); break; } } } //Now, for some ShiftOS launcher integration. try { if(args[0] != null) { if(args[0] != "") { API.CurrentSave.username = args[0]; //Username set. } } } catch { } } static void ExtractDependencies() { //Wow. This'll make it easy for people... string path = Directory.GetParent(Application.ExecutablePath).FullName; string temppath = path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + "temp"; string zippath = path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + ""; var wc = new WebClient(); //Newtonsoft.Json is REQUIRED for the ShiftOS engine to start. if(!File.Exists(path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + "Svg.dll")) { wc.DownloadFile("", path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + "Svg.dll"); } if (!File.Exists(path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + "Newtonsoft.Json.dll")) { wc.DownloadFile("", path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + "Newtonsoft.Json.dll"); } //Download optional dependencies. wc.DownloadFileCompleted += (object s, AsyncCompletedEventArgs e) => { if(Directory.Exists(temppath)) { Directory.Delete(temppath, true); } ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zippath, temppath); foreach (string f in Directory.GetFiles(temppath)) { var finf = new FileInfo(f); if (!File.Exists(path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + finf.Name)) { File.Copy(finf.FullName, path + OSInfo.DirectorySeparator + finf.Name); } } //Delete that damn temp folder and zip file. File.Delete(zippath); Directory.Delete(temppath, true); }; //Because these files aren't needed for ShiftOS to function fundamentally, they're downloaded asynchronously in the background. try { //Create a new Lua API object, and a new Gecko web renderer. If the job fails, then redownload requisite libraries after notifying the user. var l = new LuaInterpreter(); var w = new Gecko.GeckoWebBrowser(); l = null; w.Dispose(); GC.Collect(); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Sorry to break the immersion, but we're currently downloading ShiftOS dependencies that'll make the game run MUCH better, such as the Lua engine and Gecko web renderer. Give us a moment. ShiftOS will continue to run while this happens but some things won't work right until we're finished."); wc.DownloadFileAsync(new Uri(""), zippath); } } } }