// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining // a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the // "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including // without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, // distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to // permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to // the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be // included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, // EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF // MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND // NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION // OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION // WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. // // Copyright (c) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. (http://www.novell.com) // // Authors: // Peter Bartok (pbartok@novell.com) // // // NOT COMPLETE using System; using System.Collections; using System.Drawing; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; // NOTE: Possible optimization: // Several properties calculate dimensions on the fly; instead; they can // be stored in a field and only be recalculated when a style is changed (DefaultClientRect, for example) namespace ShiftUI { internal class Hwnd : IDisposable { #region Local Variables private static Hashtable windows = new Hashtable(100, 0.5f); //private const int menu_height = 14; // FIXME - Read this value from somewhere private IntPtr handle; internal IntPtr client_window; internal IntPtr whole_window; internal IntPtr cursor; internal Menu menu; internal TitleStyle title_style; internal FormBorderStyle border_style; internal bool border_static; internal int x; internal int y; internal int width; internal int height; internal bool allow_drop; internal Hwnd parent; internal bool visible; internal bool mapped; internal uint opacity; internal bool enabled; internal bool zero_sized; internal ArrayList invalid_list; internal Rectangle nc_invalid; internal bool expose_pending; internal bool nc_expose_pending; internal bool configure_pending; internal bool resizing_or_moving; // Used by the X11 backend to track form resize/move internal bool reparented; internal Stack drawing_stack; internal object user_data; internal Rectangle client_rectangle; internal ArrayList marshal_free_list; internal int caption_height; internal int tool_caption_height; internal bool whacky_wm; internal bool fixed_size; internal bool zombie; /* X11 only flag. true if the X windows have been destroyed but we haven't been Disposed */ internal bool topmost; /* X11 only. */ internal Region user_clip; internal XEventQueue queue; internal WindowExStyles initial_ex_style; internal WindowStyles initial_style; internal FormWindowState cached_window_state = (FormWindowState)(-1); /* X11 only field */ internal Point previous_child_startup_location = new Point (int.MinValue, int.MinValue); static internal Point previous_main_startup_location = new Point (int.MinValue, int.MinValue); internal ArrayList children; [ThreadStatic] private static Bitmap bmp; [ThreadStatic] private static Graphics bmp_g; #endregion // Local Variables // locks for some operations (used in XplatUIX11.cs) internal object configure_lock = new object (); internal object expose_lock = new object (); #region Constructors and destructors public Hwnd() { x = 0; y = 0; width = 0; height = 0; visible = false; menu = null; border_style = FormBorderStyle.None; client_window = IntPtr.Zero; whole_window = IntPtr.Zero; cursor = IntPtr.Zero; handle = IntPtr.Zero; parent = null; invalid_list = new ArrayList(); expose_pending = false; nc_expose_pending = false; enabled = true; reparented = false; client_rectangle = Rectangle.Empty; marshal_free_list = new ArrayList(2); opacity = 0xffffffff; fixed_size = false; drawing_stack = new Stack (); children = new ArrayList (); resizing_or_moving = false; whacky_wm = false; topmost = false; } public void Dispose() { expose_pending = false; nc_expose_pending = false; Parent = null; lock (windows) { windows.Remove(client_window); windows.Remove(whole_window); } client_window = IntPtr.Zero; whole_window = IntPtr.Zero; zombie = false; for (int i = 0; i < marshal_free_list.Count; i++) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal((IntPtr)marshal_free_list[i]); } marshal_free_list.Clear(); } #endregion #region Static Methods public static Hwnd ObjectFromWindow(IntPtr window) { Hwnd rv; lock (windows) { rv = (Hwnd)windows[window]; } return rv; } public static Hwnd ObjectFromHandle(IntPtr handle) { //return (Hwnd)(((GCHandle)handle).Target); Hwnd rv; lock (windows) { rv = (Hwnd)windows[handle]; } return rv; } public static IntPtr HandleFromObject(Hwnd obj) { return obj.handle; } public static Hwnd GetObjectFromWindow(IntPtr window) { Hwnd rv; lock (windows) { rv = (Hwnd)windows[window]; } return rv; } public static IntPtr GetHandleFromWindow(IntPtr window) { Hwnd hwnd; lock (windows) { hwnd = (Hwnd)windows[window]; } if (hwnd != null) { return hwnd.handle; } else { return IntPtr.Zero; } } public static Borders GetBorderWidth (CreateParams cp) { Borders border_size = new Borders (); Size windowborder = ThemeEngine.Current.BorderSize; /*new Size (1, 1);*/ // This is the only one that can be changed from the display properties in windows. Size border = ThemeEngine.Current.BorderStaticSize; /*new Size (1, 1);*/ Size clientedge = ThemeEngine.Current.Border3DSize; /*new Size (2, 2);*/ Size thickframe = new Size (2 + windowborder.Width, 2 + windowborder.Height); Size dialogframe = ThemeEngine.Current.BorderSizableSize; /* new Size (3, 3);*/ if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION)) { border_size.Inflate (dialogframe); } else if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_BORDER)) { if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)) { if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME) && (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_STATICEDGE) || cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE))) { border_size.Inflate (border); } } else { border_size.Inflate (border); } } else if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_DLGFRAME)) { border_size.Inflate (dialogframe); } if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME)) { if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_DLGFRAME)) { border_size.Inflate (border); } else { border_size.Inflate (thickframe); } } bool only_small_border; Size small_border = Size.Empty; only_small_border = cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME) || cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_DLGFRAME); if (only_small_border && cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME) && !cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_BORDER) && !cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_DLGFRAME)) { small_border = border; } if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE | WindowExStyles.WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)) { border_size.Inflate (clientedge + (only_small_border ? small_border : dialogframe)); } else if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_STATICEDGE | WindowExStyles.WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME)) { border_size.Inflate (only_small_border ? small_border : dialogframe); } else if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_STATICEDGE | WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)) { border_size.Inflate (border + (only_small_border ? Size.Empty : clientedge)); } else { if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE)) { border_size.Inflate (clientedge); } if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_DLGMODALFRAME) && !cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_DLGFRAME)) { border_size.Inflate (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME) ? border : dialogframe); } if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) { if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_THICKFRAME) || cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_DLGFRAME)) { border_size.Inflate (new Size (-border.Width, -border.Height)); } else { border_size.Inflate (border); } } } return border_size; } public static Rectangle GetWindowRectangle (CreateParams cp, Menu menu) { return GetWindowRectangle (cp, menu, Rectangle.Empty); } public static Rectangle GetWindowRectangle (CreateParams cp, Menu menu, Rectangle client_rect) { Rectangle rect; Borders borders; borders = GetBorders (cp, menu); rect = new Rectangle (Point.Empty, client_rect.Size); rect.Y -= borders.top; rect.Height += borders.top + borders.bottom; rect.X -= borders.left; rect.Width += borders.left + borders.right; #if debug Console.WriteLine ("GetWindowRectangle ({0}, {1}, {2}): {3}", cp, menu != null, client_rect, rect); #endif return rect; } public Rectangle GetClientRectangle (int width, int height) { CreateParams cp = new CreateParams (); cp.WindowStyle = initial_style; cp.WindowExStyle = initial_ex_style; return GetClientRectangle (cp, menu, width, height); } // This could be greatly optimized by caching the outputs and only updating when something is moved // in the parent planar space. To do that we need to track z-order in the parent space as well public ArrayList GetClippingRectangles () { ArrayList masks = new ArrayList (); if (x < 0) { masks.Add (new Rectangle (0, 0, x*-1, Height)); if (y < 0) { masks.Add (new Rectangle (x*-1, 0, Width, y*-1)); } } else if (y < 0) { masks.Add (new Rectangle (0, 0, Width, y*-1)); } foreach (Hwnd child in children) { if (child.visible) masks.Add (new Rectangle (child.X, child.Y, child.Width, child.Height)); } if (parent == null) { return masks; } ArrayList siblings = parent.children; foreach (Hwnd sibling in siblings) { IntPtr sibling_handle = whole_window; if (sibling == this) continue; // This entire method should be cached to find all higher views at the time of query do { sibling_handle = XplatUI.GetPreviousWindow (sibling_handle); if (sibling_handle == sibling.WholeWindow && sibling.visible) { Rectangle intersect = Rectangle.Intersect (new Rectangle (X, Y, Width, Height), new Rectangle (sibling.X, sibling.Y, sibling.Width, sibling.Height)); if (intersect == Rectangle.Empty) continue; intersect.X -= X; intersect.Y -= Y; masks.Add (intersect); } } while (sibling_handle != IntPtr.Zero); } return masks; } public static Borders GetBorders (CreateParams cp, Menu menu) { Borders borders = new Borders (); if (menu != null) { int menu_height = menu.Rect.Height; if (menu_height == 0) menu_height = ThemeEngine.Current.CalcMenuBarSize (GraphicsContext, menu, cp.Width); borders.top += menu_height; } if (cp.IsSet (WindowStyles.WS_CAPTION)) { int caption_height; if (cp.IsSet (WindowExStyles.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW)) { caption_height = ThemeEngine.Current.ToolWindowCaptionHeight; } else { caption_height = ThemeEngine.Current.CaptionHeight; } borders.top += caption_height; } Borders border_width = GetBorderWidth (cp); borders.left += border_width.left; borders.right += border_width.right; borders.top += border_width.top; borders.bottom += border_width.bottom; return borders; } public static Rectangle GetClientRectangle(CreateParams cp, Menu menu, int width, int height) { Rectangle rect; Borders borders; borders = GetBorders (cp, menu); rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height); rect.Y += borders.top; rect.Height -= borders.top + borders.bottom; rect.X += borders.left; rect.Width -= borders.left + borders.right; #if debug Console.WriteLine ("GetClientRectangle ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}): {4}", cp, menu != null, width, height, rect); #endif return rect; } public static Graphics GraphicsContext { get { if (bmp_g == null) { bmp = new Bitmap (1, 1, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb); bmp_g = Graphics.FromImage (bmp); } return bmp_g; } } #endregion // Static Methods #region Instance Properties public FormBorderStyle BorderStyle { get { return border_style; } set { border_style = value; } } public Rectangle ClientRect { get { if (client_rectangle == Rectangle.Empty) { return DefaultClientRect; } return client_rectangle; } set { client_rectangle = value; } } public IntPtr Cursor { get { return cursor; } set { cursor = value; } } public IntPtr ClientWindow { get { return client_window; } set { client_window = value; handle = value; zombie = false; if (client_window != IntPtr.Zero) { lock (windows) { if (windows[client_window] == null) { windows[client_window] = this; } } } } } public Region UserClip { get { return user_clip; } set { user_clip = value; } } public Rectangle DefaultClientRect { get { // We pass a Zero for the menu handle so the menu size is // not computed this is done via an WM_NCCALC CreateParams cp = new CreateParams (); Rectangle rect; cp.WindowStyle = initial_style; cp.WindowExStyle = initial_ex_style; rect = GetClientRectangle (cp, null, width, height); return rect; } } public bool ExposePending { get { return expose_pending; } } public IntPtr Handle { get { if (handle == IntPtr.Zero) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Handle", "Handle is not yet assigned, need a ClientWindow"); } return handle; } } public int Height { get { return height; } set { height = value; } } public Menu Menu { get { return menu; } set { menu = value; } } public bool Reparented { get { return reparented; } set { reparented = value; } } public uint Opacity { get { return opacity; } set { opacity = value; } } public XEventQueue Queue { get { return queue; } set { queue = value; } } public bool Enabled { get { if (!enabled) { return false; } if (parent != null) { return parent.Enabled; } return true; } set { enabled = value; } } public IntPtr EnabledHwnd { get { if (Enabled || parent == null) { return Handle; } return parent.EnabledHwnd; } } public Point MenuOrigin { get { Form frm = Widget.FromHandle (handle) as Form; if (frm != null && frm.window_manager != null) return frm.window_manager.GetMenuOrigin (); Point pt; Size border_3D_size = ThemeEngine.Current.Border3DSize; pt = new Point(0, 0); if (border_style == FormBorderStyle.Fixed3D) { pt.X += border_3D_size.Width; pt.Y += border_3D_size.Height; } else if (border_style == FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle) { pt.X += 1; pt.Y += 1; } if (this.title_style == TitleStyle.Normal) { pt.Y += caption_height; } else if (this.title_style == TitleStyle.Normal) { pt.Y += tool_caption_height; } return pt; } } public Rectangle Invalid { get { if (invalid_list.Count == 0) return Rectangle.Empty; Rectangle result = (Rectangle)invalid_list[0]; for (int i = 1; i < invalid_list.Count; i ++) { result = Rectangle.Union (result, (Rectangle)invalid_list[i]); } return result; } } public Rectangle[] ClipRectangles { get { return (Rectangle[]) invalid_list.ToArray (typeof (Rectangle)); } } public Rectangle NCInvalid { get { return nc_invalid; } set { nc_invalid = value; } } public bool NCExposePending { get { return nc_expose_pending; } } public Hwnd Parent { get { return parent; } set { if (parent != null) parent.children.Remove (this); parent = value; if (parent != null) parent.children.Add (this); } } public bool Mapped { get { if (!mapped) { return false; } if (parent != null) { return parent.Mapped; } return true; } set { mapped = value; } } public int CaptionHeight { get { return caption_height; } set { caption_height = value; } } public int ToolCaptionHeight { get { return tool_caption_height; } set { tool_caption_height = value; } } public TitleStyle TitleStyle { get { return title_style; } set { title_style = value; } } public object UserData { get { return user_data; } set { user_data = value; } } public IntPtr WholeWindow { get { return whole_window; } set { whole_window = value; zombie = false; if (whole_window != IntPtr.Zero) { lock (windows) { if (windows[whole_window] == null) { windows[whole_window] = this; } } } } } public int Width { get { return width; } set { width = value; } } public bool Visible { get { return visible; } set { visible = value; } } public int X { get { return x; } set { x = value; } } public int Y { get { return y; } set { y = value; } } #endregion // Instance properties #region Methods public void AddInvalidArea(int x, int y, int width, int height) { AddInvalidArea(new Rectangle(x, y, width, height)); } public void AddInvalidArea(Rectangle rect) { ArrayList tmp = new ArrayList (); foreach (Rectangle r in invalid_list) { if (!rect.Contains (r)) { tmp.Add (r); } } tmp.Add (rect); invalid_list = tmp; } public void ClearInvalidArea() { invalid_list.Clear(); expose_pending = false; } public void AddNcInvalidArea(int x, int y, int width, int height) { if (nc_invalid == Rectangle.Empty) { nc_invalid = new Rectangle (x, y, width, height); return; } int right, bottom; right = Math.Max (nc_invalid.Right, x + width); bottom = Math.Max (nc_invalid.Bottom, y + height); nc_invalid.X = Math.Min (nc_invalid.X, x); nc_invalid.Y = Math.Min (nc_invalid.Y, y); nc_invalid.Width = right - nc_invalid.X; nc_invalid.Height = bottom - nc_invalid.Y; } public void AddNcInvalidArea(Rectangle rect) { if (nc_invalid == Rectangle.Empty) { nc_invalid = rect; return; } nc_invalid = Rectangle.Union (nc_invalid, rect); } public void ClearNcInvalidArea() { nc_invalid = Rectangle.Empty; nc_expose_pending = false; } public override string ToString() { return String.Format("Hwnd, Mapped:{3} ClientWindow:0x{0:X}, WholeWindow:0x{1:X}, Zombie={4}, Parent:[{2:X}]", client_window.ToInt32(), whole_window.ToInt32(), parent != null ? parent.ToString() : "", Mapped, zombie); } public static Point GetNextStackedFormLocation (CreateParams cp, Hwnd parent_hwnd) { if (cp.control == null) return Point.Empty; int X = cp.X; int Y = cp.Y; Point previous, next; Rectangle within; if (parent_hwnd != null) { Widget parent = cp.control.Parent; previous = parent_hwnd.previous_child_startup_location; if (parent_hwnd.client_rectangle == Rectangle.Empty && parent != null) { within = parent.ClientRectangle; } else { within = parent_hwnd.client_rectangle; } } else { previous = Hwnd.previous_main_startup_location; within = ShiftUI.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea; } if (previous.X == int.MinValue || previous.Y == int.MinValue) { next = Point.Empty; } else { next = new Point (previous.X + 22, previous.Y + 22); } if (!within.Contains (next.X * 3, next.Y * 3)) { next = Point.Empty; } if (next == Point.Empty && cp.Parent == IntPtr.Zero) { next = new Point (22, 22); } if (parent_hwnd != null) { parent_hwnd.previous_child_startup_location = next; } else { Hwnd.previous_main_startup_location = next; } if (X == int.MinValue && Y == int.MinValue) { X = next.X; Y = next.Y; } return new Point (X, Y); } #endregion // Methods internal struct Borders { public int top; public int bottom; public int left; public int right; public void Inflate (Size size) { left += size.Width; right += size.Width; top += size.Height; bottom += size.Height; } public override string ToString () { return string.Format("{{top={0}, bottom={1}, left={2}, right={3}}}", top, bottom, left, right); } public static bool operator == (Borders a, Borders b) { return (a.left == b.left && a.right == b.right && a.top == b.top && a.bottom == b.bottom); } public static bool operator != (Borders a, Borders b) { return !(a == b); } public override bool Equals (object obj) { return base.Equals (obj); } public override int GetHashCode () { return base.GetHashCode (); } } } }