using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShiftOS { public partial class ShiftnetDecryptor : Form { public ShiftnetDecryptor() { InitializeComponent(); } int i = 0; string currentaddress = null; string encrypted_contents = null; public void WriteLine(string line) { if(txtstatus.Text == "") { txtstatus.Text = line; } else { txtstatus.Text += Environment.NewLine + line; } } private void RecursiveControlSetup(Control ctrl) { ctrl.Font = new Font(OSInfo.GetMonospaceFont(), ctrl.Font.Size); try { var pnl = (Panel)ctrl; foreach (Control c in pnl.Controls) { RecursiveControlSetup(c); } } catch { } } private void tmrdecrypt_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { switch (i) { case 0: currentaddress = txtaddress.Text; WriteLine("Checking URL..."); if(!currentaddress.StartsWith("shiftnet://")) { WriteLine(" *** ERROR: Invalid URL."); tmrdecrypt.Stop(); btnstart.Enabled = true; txtaddress.Enabled = true; } break; case 5: WriteLine("Making connection to Shiftnet..."); currentaddress = currentaddress.Replace("shiftnet://", ""); break; case 25: WriteLine("Checking file..."); if(!currentaddress.EndsWith(".enc")) { WriteLine(" *** ERROR: File not valid, must be of type .enc (encrypted file)"); tmrdecrypt.Stop(); btnstart.Enabled = true; txtaddress.Enabled = true; } break; case 27: WriteLine("Downloading file contents..."); try { encrypted_contents = new WebClient().DownloadString(currentaddress); } catch { WriteLine(" *** ERROR: Remote file could not be accessed."); tmrdecrypt.Stop(); btnstart.Enabled = true; txtaddress.Enabled = true; } break; case 30: WriteLine("Download successful. Determining encryption algorithm. This may take a bit..."); break; case 75: int r = new Random().Next(0, 100); if(r >= 25 && r <= 75) { WriteLine("Encryption algorithm determined, beginning decryption."); } else { WriteLine("Decryption failed."); tmrdecrypt.Stop(); btnstart.Enabled = true; txtaddress.Enabled = true; } break; case 95: string decrypted = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encrypted_contents); int lastslash = currentaddress.LastIndexOf("/"); int len = currentaddress.Length - lastslash; string fname = currentaddress.Substring(lastslash, len).Replace(".enc", ".lua"); WriteLine("Decryption successful. Saving to /Home/Decryptions/" + fname + "..."); if(!Directory.Exists(Paths.Home + "Decryptions")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Paths.Home + "Decryptions"); } File.WriteAllText(Paths.Home + $"Decryptions{OSInfo.DirectorySeparator}{fname}", decrypted); break; case 100: WriteLine("Decryption successful."); tmrdecrypt.Stop(); currentaddress = null; i = 0; encrypted_contents = null; btnstart.Enabled = true; txtaddress.Enabled = true; break; } i += 1; pgstatus.Value = i; } private void btnstart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { i = 0; tmrdecrypt.Start(); btnstart.Enabled = false; txtaddress.Enabled = false; } private void ShiftnetDecryptor_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { RecursiveControlSetup(panel1); } } }