using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Media;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.IO.Compression;
using System.Drawing;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Net;
using System.ComponentModel;
namespace ShiftOS
public static class Consts
public const string Version = "0.1.2";
public class Settings
public int MusicVolume { get; set; }
public class PanelButton
/// Initializes a new instance of a Panel Button model.
/// The text displayed on the button.
/// The icon displayed on the button.
/// The form that is managed by the button.
public PanelButton(string name, Image icon, ref Form formToManage)
Name = name;
Icon = icon;
FormToManage = formToManage;
public string Name { get; set; }
public Image Icon { get; set; }
public Form FormToManage { get; set; }
public class ApplauncherItem
public ApplauncherItem(string name, Image icn, string lua, bool disp)
Name = name;
Icon = icn;
Lua = lua;
Display = disp;
public string Name { get; set; }
public Image Icon { get; set; }
public string Lua { get; set; } //ShiftCode that decides what ShiftOS will do when the item is clicked.
public bool Display { get; set; }
public class ModApplauncherItem
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Icon { get; set; }
/// Legacy mod AL entries for compatibilty
public string ShiftCode { get; set; } //ShiftCode that decides what ShiftOS will do when the item is clicked.
public string Lua { get; set; }
public Form FormToOpen { get; set; } //If ShiftCode == "openForm", ShiftOS will open this form.
public bool Display { get; set; }
public string AppDirectory { get; set; }
public class API
/// Settings file.
public static Settings LoadedSettings = null;
/// Whether or not dev commands like '05tray' are available.
/// Typically, this is set to true if the release is classified as
/// an alpha, beta, or release candidate.
/// Turn it off if the release is the final RC, or the stable release!
/// Enabling developer mode will cause the save engine to not encrypt the save file
/// or Shiftorium Registry on save, enabling you to easily modify your save
/// to test new features or to bring in lots of codepoints. This is why
/// Developer mode should ALWAYS be off in non-dev releases, to prevent cheating.
public static bool DeveloperMode = true;
/// If this is true, only certain applications will open and only
/// certain features will work.
/// This is useful for story plots like the End Game where you don't
/// want the user being distracted by novelty features when they should
/// be focusing on what's happening.
/// Think of it like the opposite of what Developer Mode would do.
public static bool LimitedMode = false;
public static bool InfoboxesPlaySounds = true;
public static void SkinControl(Control c)
if(c is Button)
var b = c as Button;
b.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat;
if(c is Panel || c is FlowLayoutPanel)
foreach(Control child in c.Controls)
public static List RunningModProcesses = new List();
public static Dictionary CommandAliases = new Dictionary();
public static Terminal LoggerTerminal = null;
/// Logs an exception to the log.
/// The text to log.
/// Is it a fatal crash?
public static void LogException(string Message, bool fatal)
if(!File.Exists(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt"))
if (fatal == true)
File.WriteAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt", GetLogTime() + " [ExWatch/WARNING] ShiftOS has encountered an UNHANDLED exception with message \"" + Message + "\". Report this to Michael as well as what you were doing when it happened ASAP.");
File.WriteAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt", GetLogTime() + " ShiftOS encountered a handled exception with message \"" + Message + "\" and was able to keep going. Ignore this.");
List Entries = new List();
foreach(string entry in File.ReadAllLines(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt")) {
if (fatal == true)
Entries.Add(GetLogTime() + " [ExWatch/WARNING] ShiftOS has encountered an UNHANDLED exception with message \"" + Message + "\". Report this to Michael as well as what you were doing when it happened ASAP.");
Entries.Add(GetLogTime() + " ShiftOS encountered a handled exception with message \"" + Message + "\" and was able to keep going. Ignore this.");
File.WriteAllLines(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt", Entries.ToArray());
/// Logs text to the log file.
/// The text to log.
public static void Log(string Message)
if (!File.Exists(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt"))
File.WriteAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt", GetLogTime() + " " + Message);
List Entries = new List();
foreach (string entry in File.ReadAllLines(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt"))
Entries.Add(GetLogTime() + " " + Message);
File.WriteAllLines(Paths.SystemDir + "_Log.txt", Entries.ToArray());
/// Gets a proper-formatted date/time string for the log.
public static string GetLogTime()
return "[" + DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + "\\" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + "]";
/// Property representing the currently loaded name pack.
public static Skinning.NamePack LoadedNames
if (Skinning.Utilities.LoadedNames != null)
return Skinning.Utilities.LoadedNames;
Skinning.Utilities.LoadedNames = new Skinning.NamePack();
Skinning.Utilities.loadedSkin.EmbeddedNamePackPath = "names.npk";
Log("[Name Changer] Couldn't locate loaded name pack, using default name pack.");
return Skinning.Utilities.LoadedNames;
/// Adds a command line alias.
/// Alias name
/// Command to run.
public static bool AddAlias(string key, string value)
CommandAliases.Add(key, value);
return true;
return false;
/// Saves alias list to save game.
public static void SaveAliases()
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(CommandAliases);
File.WriteAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "_aliases.json", json);
/// Loads alias list from the save game.
public static void LoadAliases()
if (File.Exists(Paths.SystemDir + "_aliases.json")) {
string json = File.ReadAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "_aliases.json");
CommandAliases = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject>(json);
CommandAliases = new Dictionary();
/// Removes an alias from the list.
/// Alias to remove.
/// Whether the alias could be removed.
public static bool RemoveAlias(string key)
return true;
return false;
/// Checks if the provided alias exists.
/// The alias to check.
/// Whether the alias exists.
public static bool AliasExists(string key)
bool no = false;
foreach(KeyValuePair kv in CommandAliases)
if(kv.Key == key)
no = true;
return no;
/// I have no idea what this does - Michael
public static void CreateNewLoggerTerminal(string AppName)
CreateForm(new Terminal(true), AppName, Properties.Resources.iconTerminal);
public const string HiddenAPMCommand = "0Ifm0DcBBy10VZo/p4r1Jg==";
public const string HiddenBTNConvertCommand = "js2qrls5kvZnutMbfH46sUKzKVrBtjzPlWn/wIIe/3g=";
public const string HiddenDodgeCommand = "mpL4WPUoDcZrsXnNUJ5RWQ==";
public const string HiddenLabyrinthCommand = "NbNzpplGKaS5D/RdwrQMXw==";
public const string HiddenQuickChatCommand = "iQm+/qDqgkHT/zgPiYRlZQ==";
public const string HiddenShiftnetCommand = "NCM++hbZox7B+m9tXRXGnw==";
public const string HiddenBWalletCommand = "1nLiZELFcaxkXDufrLuyfw==";
public const string HiddenBDiggerCommand = "g/efSjsaglt//dr3XHnPOw==";
public const string HiddenDecryptorCommand = "CYPXaweggfWAuS7ONt/OPQ==";
/// Launches an saa file, hooks it up to the Lua API, and runs it.
/// File to run.
public static void LaunchMod(string modSAA)
if (!LimitedMode)
if (Upgrades["shiftnet"] == true)
if (File.Exists(modSAA))
if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenAPMCommand)
CreateForm(new Appscape(), "Appscape Package Manager", Properties.Resources.iconAppscape);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenDecryptorCommand)
CreateForm(new ShiftnetDecryptor(), "Shiftnet Decryptor", Properties.Resources.iconShiftnet);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenBDiggerCommand)
CreateForm(new BitnoteDigger(), "Bitnote Digger", Properties.Resources.iconBitnoteDigger);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenBWalletCommand)
CreateForm(new BitnoteWallet(), "Bitnote Wallet", Properties.Resources.iconBitnoteWallet);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenShiftnetCommand)
CreateForm(new Shiftnet(), "Shiftnet", Properties.Resources.iconShiftnet);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenBTNConvertCommand)
CreateForm(new BitnoteConverter(), "Bitnote Converter", Properties.Resources.iconBitnoteWallet);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenDodgeCommand)
CreateForm(new Dodge(), "Dodge", Properties.Resources.iconDodge);
else if (File.ReadAllText(modSAA) == HiddenLabyrinthCommand)
CreateForm(new Labyrinth(), "Labyrinth", null);
ExtractFile(modSAA, Paths.Mod_Temp, true);
var l = new LuaInterpreter(Paths.Mod_Temp + "main.lua");
catch (Exception ex)
LogException("Error launching mod file (.saa): " + ex.Message, false);
CreateInfoboxSession("Error", "Could not launch the .saa file you specified. It is unsupported by this version of ShiftOS.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info);
var story_rnd = new Random();
int story_chance = story_rnd.Next(0, 3);
switch (story_chance) {
case 2:
if(API.Upgrades["holochat"] == false)
var t = new Terminal();
API.CreateForm(t, API.LoadedNames.TerminalName, API.GetIcon("Terminal"));
throw new ModNotFoundException();
CreateInfoboxSession("Limited mode", "ShiftOS is in limited mode and cannot perform this action. Please complete the current Mission first.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info);
/// Source:
/// String cryptography wrapper for ShiftOS.
public static class Encryption
private static readonly string passPhrase = "h8gf9dh790df87h9";
// This constant string is used as a "salt" value for the PasswordDeriveBytes function calls.
// This size of the IV (in bytes) must = (keysize / 8). Default keysize is 256, so the IV must be
// 32 bytes long. Using a 16 character string here gives us 32 bytes when converted to a byte array.
private static readonly byte[] initVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("tu89geji340t89u2");
// This constant is used to determine the keysize of the encryption algorithm.
private const int keysize = 256;
/// Encrypt a string.
/// Raw string to encrypt.
/// The encrypted string.
public static string Encrypt(string plainText)
byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
using (PasswordDeriveBytes password = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, null))
byte[] keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keysize / 8);
using (RijndaelManaged symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (ICryptoTransform encryptor = symmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes))
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cryptoStream.Write(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
byte[] cipherTextBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherTextBytes);
/// Decrypts an encrypted string.
/// The encrypted string.
/// The decrypted string.
public static string Decrypt(string cipherText)
byte[] cipherTextBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
using (PasswordDeriveBytes password = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, null))
byte[] keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keysize / 8);
using (RijndaelManaged symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes))
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes))
using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
byte[] plainTextBytes = new byte[cipherTextBytes.Length];
int decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainTextBytes, 0, decryptedByteCount);
/// Property representing the current client Bitnote address.
public static SaveSystem.PrivateBitnoteAddress BitnoteAddress
return SaveSystem.Utilities.BitnoteAddress;
public static class BitnoteEncryption
private static readonly string passPhrase = "jonathan_ladouceur_sucks_and_bitnotes_rock";
// This constant string is used as a "salt" value for the PasswordDeriveBytes function calls.
// This size of the IV (in bytes) must = (keysize / 8). Default keysize is 256, so the IV must be
// 32 bytes long. Using a 16 character string here gives us 32 bytes when converted to a byte array.
private static readonly byte[] initVectorBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("tu89geji340t89u2");
// This constant is used to determine the keysize of the encryption algorithm.
private const int keysize = 256;
/// Encrypts text using the bitnote passphrase.
/// The raw string.
/// The encrypted string.
public static string Encrypt(string plainText)
byte[] plainTextBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(plainText);
using (PasswordDeriveBytes password = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, null))
byte[] keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keysize / 8);
using (RijndaelManaged symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (ICryptoTransform encryptor = symmetricKey.CreateEncryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes))
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write))
cryptoStream.Write(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
byte[] cipherTextBytes = memoryStream.ToArray();
return Convert.ToBase64String(cipherTextBytes);
/// Decrypts an encrypted string using the Bitnote passphrase.
/// The encrypted text.
/// The decrypted text.
public static string Decrypt(string cipherText)
byte[] cipherTextBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(cipherText);
using (PasswordDeriveBytes password = new PasswordDeriveBytes(passPhrase, null))
byte[] keyBytes = password.GetBytes(keysize / 8);
using (RijndaelManaged symmetricKey = new RijndaelManaged())
symmetricKey.Mode = CipherMode.CBC;
using (ICryptoTransform decryptor = symmetricKey.CreateDecryptor(keyBytes, initVectorBytes))
using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(cipherTextBytes))
using (CryptoStream cryptoStream = new CryptoStream(memoryStream, decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read))
byte[] plainTextBytes = new byte[cipherTextBytes.Length];
int decryptedByteCount = cryptoStream.Read(plainTextBytes, 0, plainTextBytes.Length);
return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plainTextBytes, 0, decryptedByteCount);
/// Creates a new File Skimmer session.
/// What file types can be shown when the mode is set to Open, or what file types can be saved to when mode is set to Save.
/// The display mode of the File Skimmer.
public static void CreateFileSkimmerSession(string Filters, File_Skimmer.FileSkimmerMode mode)
FileSkimmerSession = new File_Skimmer(mode, Filters);
CreateForm(FileSkimmerSession, "File Skimmer", Properties.Resources.iconFileSkimmer);
/// Call this during a closing event on a File Skimmer session to get the user's input.
/// The user's input.
public static string GetFSResult()
string result = "";
if (FileSkimmerSession != null)
if (FileSkimmerSession.FileName != "")
result = FileSkimmerSession.FileName;
result = "fail";
result = "fail";
throw new InvalidSessionException("The File Skimmer session was not started. Try running API.CreateFileSkimmerSession().");
return result;
public static File_Skimmer FileSkimmerSession = null;
public static List PanelButtons = new List();
public static string LastRanCommand = "";
public static List AppLauncherItems = new List();
/// A dictionary of every single icon entry in the Icon Manager.
public static Dictionary IconRegistry
return Skinning.Utilities.IconRegistry;
/// Gets an icon from the Icon Registry.
/// The ID of the icon.
/// The icon, if it exists, null if it doesn't.
public static Image GetIcon(string id)
if(IconRegistry != null)
return IconRegistry[id];
return Properties.Resources.NoIconFound;
return Properties.Resources.NoIconFound;
/// Creates a list of App Launcher Items based on what you've bought in the Shiftorium.
public static void GetAppLauncherItems()
//System Applications
if (!LimitedMode)
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.ArtpadName, GetIcon("Artpad"), "open_program('artpad')", Upgrades["alartpad"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.FileSkimmerName, GetIcon("FileSkimmer"), "open_program('file_skimmer')", Upgrades["alfileskimmer"]));
if (!LimitedMode)
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem("Network Browser", GetIcon("NetworkBrowser"), "open_program('netbrowse')", Upgrades["networkbrowser"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.SkinLoaderName, GetIcon("SkinLoader"), "open_program('skinloader')", Upgrades["skinning"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.ShiftoriumName, GetIcon("Shiftorium"), "open_program('shiftorium')", Upgrades["alshiftorium"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem("HoloChat", GetIcon("HoloChat"), "open_program('holochat')", API.Upgrades["holochat"]));
if (!LimitedMode)
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem("Icon Manager", GetIcon("IconManager"), "open_program('iconmanager')", Upgrades["iconmanager"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.ShifterName, GetIcon("Shifter"), "open_program('shifter')", Upgrades["alshifter"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.NameChangerName, GetIcon("NameChanger"), "open_program('name_changer')", Upgrades["namechanger"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.PongName, GetIcon("Pong"), "open_program('pong')", Upgrades["alpong"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem("Quest Viewer", GetIcon("QuestViewer"), "open_program('quests')", true));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.TextpadName, GetIcon("TextPad"), "open_program('textpad')", Upgrades["altextpad"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.TerminalName, GetIcon("Terminal"), "open_terminal()", true));
if (!LimitedMode)
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.KnowledgeInputName, GetIcon("KI"), "open_program('ki')", true));
//System Features
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.UnityName, GetIcon("Unity"), "toggle_unity()", Upgrades["alunity"]));
AppLauncherItems.Add(new ApplauncherItem(LoadedNames.ShutdownName, GetIcon("Shutdown"), "shutdown()", Upgrades["applaunchershutdown"]));
/// The current Skin.
public static Skinning.Skin CurrentSkin
return Skinning.Utilities.loadedSkin;
public static ShiftOSDesktop CurrentSession = null; //The current ShiftOS desktop session.
/// All the graphical elements of the current Skin.
public static Skinning.Images CurrentSkinImages
return Skinning.Utilities.loadedskin_images;
/// Plays a sound inside the Properties.Resources class.
/// The unmanaged memory stream to play.
public static void PlaySound(UnmanagedMemoryStream file)
Stream str = file;
SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer(str);
/// Plays a sound from a byte[] array. Useful for MP3s and other formats.
/// The byte[] aray
public static void PlaySound(byte[] file)
Stream mstr = new MemoryStream(file);
SoundPlayer player = new SoundPlayer(mstr);
/// Shiftorium upgrades.
public static Dictionary Upgrades
return SaveSystem.ShiftoriumRegistry.ShiftoriumUpgrades;
/// Creates a graphic picker session.
/// The title of the graphic.
/// Should the user be able to pick mouse-over/mouse-down images?
public static void CreateGraphicPickerSession(string GraphicName, bool ShowMouseImages)
GraphicPickerSession = new Graphic_Picker(GraphicName, ShowMouseImages);
CreateForm(GraphicPickerSession, GraphicName, Properties.Resources.icongraphicpicker);
public static Graphic_Picker GraphicPickerSession = null;
/// Call this in a closing event of a Graphic Picker session to get whether the user actually chose images.
/// "OK" if the user chose an image, "fail" if not and "fail" if the session wasn't created.
public static string GetGraphicPickerResult()
if(GraphicPickerSession != null)
string result = null;
if (GraphicPickerSession.Result == "OK")
result = "OK";
result = "fail";
return result;
else {
return "fail";
throw new InvalidSessionException();
/// The name of the OS defined by the user.
public static string OSName
return SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.osname;
SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.osname = value;
/// The username defined by the user.
public static string Username
return SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.username;
SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.username = value;
/// Current ammount of codepoints.
public static int Codepoints
return SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.codepoints;
/// Adds the specified amount of Codepoints.
/// Amount to add.
public static void AddCodepoints(int cp)
SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.codepoints += cp * CurrentSave.CodepointMultiplier;
/// Removes the specified amount of Codepoints if you have enough.
/// Amount to remove.
public static void RemoveCodepoints(int cp)
if (Codepoints >= cp)
SaveSystem.Utilities.LoadedSave.codepoints -= cp;
/// The proper way to shut down ShiftOS.
public static void ShutDownShiftOS()
File.WriteAllText(Paths.SystemDir + "settings.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(LoadedSettings));
Audio.running = false;
if (!LimitedMode)
//Disconnect from server.
foreach (var ip in Package_Grabber.clients)
if (ip.Value.IsConnected)
//Close all mods.
WindowComposition.ShuttingDown = true;
if (RunningModProcesses.Count > 0)
foreach (Process mod in RunningModProcesses)
catch (Exception ex)
LogException(ex.Message, false);
//Right before the game closes...
if (Directory.Exists(Paths.Mod_Temp))
Directory.Delete(Paths.Mod_Temp, true);
catch (Exception ex)
API.LogException(ex.Message, false);
//Alright, ShiftOS! HAVE AT IT!
CreateInfoboxSession("Limited mode", "ShiftOS is in limited mode and cannot be shut down. Please complete the current mission before shutting down.", infobox.InfoboxMode.Info);
/// Special zip file extractor method.
/// File to extract.
/// Target directory.
/// Delete the target first?
public static void ExtractFile(string zipFile, string dir, bool deleteDir)
if (Directory.Exists(dir) && deleteDir == true)
Directory.Delete(dir, true);
if (!Directory.Exists(dir))
ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(zipFile, dir);
/// Close all open applications (besides Desktop, and HijackScreen.)
public static void CloseEverything()