using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShiftOS { public partial class Template : Form { public List<Control> NewControls = new List<Control>(); public Form ManagedForm = null; public Template(string aname, Image aicon, Form frmToTake) { AppName = aname; AppIcon = aicon; foreach(Control ctrl in frmToTake.Controls) { NewControls.Add(ctrl); ctrl.Show(); } ManagedForm = frmToTake; InitializeComponent(); } public Image AppIcon { get; set; } public string AppName { get; set; } #region "Template Code" public int rolldownsize; public int oldbordersize; public int oldtitlebarheight; public bool justopened = false; public bool needtorollback = false; //replace with minimum size public int minimumsizewidth = 0; //replace with minimum size public int minimumsizeheight = 0; // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void Template_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { justopened = true; this.Left = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width - this.Width) / 2; this.Top = (Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Height - this.Height) / 2; setupall(); foreach(Control ctrl in NewControls) { this.pgcontents.Controls.Add(ctrl); } //CHANGE NAME //modify to proper name } public void setupall() { setuptitlebar(); setupborders(); setskin(); } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void ShiftOSDesktop_keydown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs e) { //Make terminal appear if (e.KeyCode == Keys.T && e.Control) { API.CreateForm(new Terminal(), API.CurrentSave.TerminalName, Properties.Resources.iconTerminal); } //Movable Windows if (API.Upgrades["movablewindows"] == true) { if (e.KeyCode == Keys.A && e.Control) { e.Handled = true; this.Location = new Point(this.Location.X - 30, this.Location.Y); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.D && e.Control) { e.Handled = true; this.Location = new Point(this.Location.X + 30, this.Location.Y); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.W && e.Control) { e.Handled = true; this.Location = new Point(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y - 30); } if (e.KeyCode == Keys.S && e.Control) { e.Handled = true; this.Location = new Point(this.Location.X, this.Location.Y + 30); } } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void titlebar_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { // Handle Draggable Windows if (API.Upgrades["draggablewindows"] == true) { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) { titlebar.Capture = false; lbtitletext.Capture = false; pnlicon.Capture = false; pgtoplcorner.Capture = false; pgtoprcorner.Capture = false; const int WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN = 0xa1; const int HTCAPTION = 2; Message msg = Message.Create(this.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, new IntPtr(HTCAPTION), IntPtr.Zero); this.DefWndProc(ref msg); } //ShiftOSDesktop.log = //ShiftOSDesktop.log + My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime + " User dragged " + this.Name + " to " + this.Location.ToString + Environment.NewLine; } } public void setupborders() { if (API.Upgrades["windowborders"] == false) { pgleft.Hide(); pgbottom.Hide(); pgright.Hide(); this.Size = new Size(this.Width - pgleft.Width - pgright.Width, this.Height - pgbottom.Height); } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void closebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void closebutton_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { closebutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.closebtnhover; } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void closebutton_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { closebutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.closebtn; } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void closebutton_MouseDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { closebutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.closebtnclick; } public Point OldLoc = new Point(0, 0); public bool Minimized = false; // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void minimizebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OldLoc = this.Location; Minimized = true; this.Location = new Point(99999, 99999); } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void rollupbutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { rollupanddown(); } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void rollupbutton_MouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e) { rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.rollbtnhover; } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void rollupbutton_MouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e) { rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.rollbtn; } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void rollupbutton_MouseDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.rollbtnclick; } public void setuptitlebar() { setupborders(); if (this.Height == this.titlebar.Height) { pgleft.Show(); pgbottom.Show(); pgright.Show(); this.Height = rolldownsize; needtorollback = true; } pgleft.Width = API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth; pgright.Width = API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth; pgbottom.Height = API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth; titlebar.Height = API.CurrentSkin.titlebarheight; if (justopened == true) { this.Size = new Size(420, 510); //put the default size of your window here this.Size = new Size(this.Width, this.Height + API.CurrentSkin.titlebarheight - 30); this.Size = new Size(this.Width + API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth + API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth, this.Height + API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth); oldbordersize = API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth; oldtitlebarheight = API.CurrentSkin.titlebarheight; justopened = false; } else { if (this.Visible == true) { this.Size = new Size(this.Width - (2 * oldbordersize) + (2 * API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth), (this.Height - oldtitlebarheight - oldbordersize) + API.CurrentSkin.titlebarheight + API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth); oldbordersize = API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth; oldtitlebarheight = API.CurrentSkin.titlebarheight; rolldownsize = this.Height; if (needtorollback == true) { this.Height = titlebar.Height; pgleft.Hide(); pgbottom.Hide(); pgright.Hide(); } } } if (API.CurrentSkin.enablecorners == true) { pgtoplcorner.Show(); pgtoprcorner.Show(); pgtoprcorner.Width = API.CurrentSkin.titlebarcornerwidth; pgtoplcorner.Width = API.CurrentSkin.titlebarcornerwidth; } else { pgtoplcorner.Hide(); pgtoprcorner.Hide(); } if (API.Upgrades["titlebar"] == false) { titlebar.Hide(); this.Size = new Size(this.Width, this.Size.Height - titlebar.Height); } if (API.Upgrades["titletext"] == false) { lbtitletext.Hide(); } else { lbtitletext.Font = new Font(API.CurrentSkin.titletextfontfamily, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfontsize, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfontstyle, GraphicsUnit.Point); lbtitletext.Text = this.AppName; //Remember to change to name of program!!!! lbtitletext.Show(); } if (API.Upgrades["closebutton"] == false) { closebutton.Hide(); } else { closebutton.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.closebtncolour; closebutton.Size = API.CurrentSkin.closebtnsize; closebutton.Show(); } if (API.Upgrades["rollupbutton"] == false) { rollupbutton.Hide(); } else { rollupbutton.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.rollbtncolour; rollupbutton.Size = API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnsize; rollupbutton.Show(); } if (API.Upgrades["minimizebutton"] == false) { minimizebutton.Hide(); } else { minimizebutton.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.minbtncolour; minimizebutton.Size = API.CurrentSkin.minbtnsize; minimizebutton.Show(); } if (API.Upgrades["windowborders"] == true) { closebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromside - closebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromtop); rollupbutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromtop); minimizebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromtop); switch (API.CurrentSkin.titletextpos) { case "Left": lbtitletext.Location = new Point(API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromside, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; case "Centre": lbtitletext.Location = new Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; } lbtitletext.ForeColor = API.CurrentSkin.titletextcolour; } else { closebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromtop); rollupbutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromtop); minimizebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromtop); switch (API.CurrentSkin.titletextpos) { case "Left": lbtitletext.Location = new Point(API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromside + pgtoplcorner.Width, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; case "Centre": lbtitletext.Location = new Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; } lbtitletext.ForeColor = API.CurrentSkin.titletextcolour; } //Change when Icon skinning complete // Change to program's icon if (API.Upgrades["appicons"] == true) { pnlicon.Visible = true; pnlicon.Location = new Point(API.CurrentSkin.titleiconfromside, API.CurrentSkin.titleiconfromtop); pnlicon.Size = new Size(API.CurrentSkin.titlebariconsize, API.CurrentSkin.titlebariconsize); pnlicon.Image = this.AppIcon; //Replace with the correct icon for the program. } } public void rollupanddown() { if (this.Height == this.titlebar.Height) { pgleft.Show(); pgbottom.Show(); pgright.Show(); this.Height = rolldownsize; this.MinimumSize = new Size(minimumsizewidth, minimumsizeheight); } else { this.MinimumSize = new Size(0, 0); pgleft.Hide(); pgbottom.Hide(); pgright.Hide(); rolldownsize = this.Height; this.Height = this.titlebar.Height; } } public void resettitlebar() { if (API.Upgrades["windowborders"] == true) { closebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromside - closebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromtop); rollupbutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromside - rollupbutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromtop); minimizebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromside - minimizebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromtop); switch (API.CurrentSkin.titletextpos) { case "Left": lbtitletext.Location = new Point(API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromside, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; case "Centre": lbtitletext.Location = new Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; } lbtitletext.ForeColor = API.CurrentSkin.titletextcolour; } else { closebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - closebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.closebtnfromtop); rollupbutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - rollupbutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnfromtop); minimizebutton.Location = new Point(titlebar.Size.Width - API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromside - pgtoplcorner.Width - pgtoprcorner.Width - minimizebutton.Size.Width, API.CurrentSkin.minbtnfromtop); switch (API.CurrentSkin.titletextpos) { case "Left": lbtitletext.Location = new Point(API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromside + pgtoplcorner.Width, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; case "Centre": lbtitletext.Location = new Point((titlebar.Width / 2) - lbtitletext.Width / 2, API.CurrentSkin.titletextfromtop); break; } lbtitletext.ForeColor = API.CurrentSkin.titletextcolour; } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void pullside_Tick(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.Width = Cursor.Position.X - this.Location.X; resettitlebar(); } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void pullbottom_Tick(System.Object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - this.Location.Y; resettitlebar(); } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void pullbs_Tick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { this.Width = Cursor.Position.X - this.Location.X; this.Height = Cursor.Position.Y - this.Location.Y; resettitlebar(); } //delete this for non-resizable windows // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void Rightpull_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { pullside.Start(); } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void RightCursorOn_MouseDown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeWE; } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void bottomCursorOn_MouseDown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNS; } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void CornerCursorOn_MouseDown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { Cursor = Cursors.SizeNWSE; } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void SizeCursoroff_MouseDown(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { Cursor = Cursors.Default; } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void rightpull_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { pullside.Stop(); } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void bottompull_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { pullbottom.Start(); } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void buttompull_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { pullbottom.Stop(); } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void bspull_MouseDown(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { pullbs.Start(); } } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void bspull_MouseUp(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e) { if (API.Upgrades["resizablewindows"] == true) { pullbs.Stop(); } } public void setskin() { //disposals closebutton.BackgroundImage = null; titlebar.BackgroundImage = null; rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = null; pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = null; pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = null; minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = null; //apply new skin if (API.CurrentSkinImages.closebtn == null) closebutton.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.closebtncolour; else closebutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.closebtn; closebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.closebtnlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.titlebar == null) titlebar.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.titlebarcolour; else titlebar.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.titlebar; titlebar.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.titlebarlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.rollbtn == null) rollupbutton.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.rollbtncolour; else rollupbutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.rollbtn; rollupbutton.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.rollbtnlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.leftcorner == null) pgtoplcorner.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.leftcornercolour; else pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.leftcorner; pgtoplcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.leftcornerlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.rightcorner == null) pgtoprcorner.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.rightcornercolour; else pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.rightcorner; pgtoprcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.rightcornerlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.minbtn == null) minimizebutton.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.minbtncolour; else minimizebutton.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.minbtn; minimizebutton.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.minbtnlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.borderleft == null) pgleft.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.borderleftcolour; else pgleft.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.borderleft; pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.borderleftlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.borderright == null) pgright.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.borderrightcolour; else pgright.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.borderright; pgleft.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.borderrightlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.borderbottom == null) pgbottom.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.borderbottomcolour; else pgbottom.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.borderbottom; pgbottom.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.borderbottomlayout; if (API.CurrentSkin.enablebordercorners == true) { if (API.CurrentSkinImages.bottomleftcorner == null) pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.bottomleftcornercolour; else pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.bottomleftcorner; pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.bottomleftcornerlayout; if (API.CurrentSkinImages.bottomrightcorner == null) pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.bottomrightcornercolour; else pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = API.CurrentSkinImages.bottomrightcorner; pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImageLayout = (ImageLayout)API.CurrentSkin.bottomrightcornerlayout; } else { pgbottomlcorner.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.borderrightcolour; pgbottomrcorner.BackColor = API.CurrentSkin.borderrightcolour; pgbottomlcorner.BackgroundImage = null; pgbottomrcorner.BackgroundImage = null; } //set bottom border corner size pgbottomlcorner.Size = new Size(API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth, API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth); pgbottomrcorner.Size = new Size(API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth, API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth); pgbottomlcorner.Location = new Point(0, this.Height - API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth); pgbottomrcorner.Location = new Point(this.Width, this.Height - API.CurrentSkin.borderwidth); this.TransparencyKey = Skinning.Utilities.globaltransparencycolour; } // ERROR: Handles clauses are not supported in C# private void Clock_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e) { this.Close(); } } #endregion }