using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.IO.Compression; using System.Linq; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; /* * WARNING: SOME PARTS OF THIS FILE ARE NSFW * AS WITH REAL LIFE, VIRUSES ARE NAMED VULGAR THINGS THAT MAY BE NOT APPROPIATE FOR WORK, SCHOOL OR GRANDMOTHER'S BIRTHDAY * JUST DON'T USE THE WORK OR SCHOOL COMPUTERS TO EDIT THIS FILE, THANK YOU */ namespace ShiftOS { class Viruses { public static Dictionary Infections = new Dictionary(); public static void CheckForInfected() { VirusTimer.Interval = 1000; Infections.Clear(); Scan(Paths.SaveRoot); VirusTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(VirusTimer_Tick); VirusTimer.Start(); } public static void VirusTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e) { ShiftoriumKiller.KillRandomUpgrade(); if(InfectedWith("beepseverysecond")) { API.PlaySound(Properties.Resources._3beepvirus); } if(InfectedWith("imtheshifternow")) { Skinning.Utilities.Randomize(); } } public static void Scan(string directory) { foreach(string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory)) { CheckInfected(file); } foreach(string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(directory)) { if(dir != Paths.Mod_Temp) { Scan(dir); } } } public static void ScanForInfectable(string directory, ref List file_list) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory)) { var finf = new FileInfo(file); switch (finf.Extension) { case ".skn": case ".spk": case ".dri": case ".stp": case ".pkg": if (finf.Name != "HDD.dri") { file_list.Add(file); } break; } } foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(directory)) { if (dir != Paths.Mod_Temp) { ScanForInfectable(dir, ref file_list); } } } const string virusfilename = "00110"; public static void CheckInfected(string filepath) { var finf = new FileInfo(filepath); switch(finf.Extension) { case ".stp": case ".spk": case ".pkg": case ".skn": if (File.Exists(finf.FullName)) { try { string pth = Paths.SystemDir + "_virusregister"; API.ExtractFile(finf.FullName, pth, false); string dirsep = "\\"; switch (OSInfo.GetPlatformID()) { case "microsoft": dirsep = "\\"; break; default: dirsep = "/"; break; } if (File.Exists(pth + dirsep + virusfilename)) { string encrypted = File.ReadAllText(pth + dirsep + virusfilename); if (encrypted != "" && encrypted != null) { foreach (string line in API.Encryption.Decrypt(encrypted).Split(';')) { if (Infections.ContainsKey(line)) { Infections[line] += ";" + finf.FullName; } else { Infections.Add(line, finf.FullName); } } } } Directory.Delete(pth, true); } catch { API.LogException("Corrupted package file detected while checking for infections... skipping.", false); } } break; case ".dri": if (finf.Name != "HDD.dri" && !finf.Name.Contains("BN") && finf.Name != "Network.dri") { if (File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName) != "") { string encrypted = File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName); try { foreach (string line in API.Encryption.Decrypt(encrypted).Split(';')) { if (Infections.ContainsKey(line)) { Infections[line] += ";" + finf.FullName; } else { Infections.Add(line, finf.FullName); } } } catch { if (encrypted != "") { string decrypted = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encrypted); if (Infections.ContainsKey(decrypted)) { Infections[decrypted] += ";" + finf.FullName; } else { Infections.Add(decrypted, finf.FullName); } } } } } break; } } public enum VirusID { ShiftoriumKiller, WindowsEverywhere, WindowMicrofier, Bye, WindowSpazzer, KeyboardFucker, ImTheShifterNow, ThanksfortheInfo, SkinInterceptor, HolyFuckMyEars, BeepsEverySecond, MouseTrap, Seized, FileFucker, } public class FileFucker { public static void GetSomeFiles(string directory, ref List file_list) { foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory)) { var finf = new FileInfo(file); switch (finf.Extension) { case ".npk": case ".docx": case ".doc": case ".owd": case ".txt": if (finf.Name != "names.npk" && finf.Name != "_Log.txt") { file_list.Add(file); } break; } } foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories(directory)) { if (dir != Paths.Mod_Temp) { GetSomeFiles(dir, ref file_list); } } } public static void Infect() { List files = new List(); GetSomeFiles(Paths.SaveRoot, ref files); var rnd = new Random(); string fname = files[rnd.Next(0, files.Count - 1)]; string fcontents = File.ReadAllText(fname); string encrypted = API.Encryption.Encrypt(fcontents); File.WriteAllText(fname, encrypted); } } public static bool InfectedWith(string id) { if(Infections.ContainsKey("virus:" + id)) { return true; } else { return false; } } public static void InfectFile(string FileName, VirusID id) { bool cont = false; string infectionString = "virus:"; switch (id) { case VirusID.WindowSpazzer: infectionString = "virus:windowspazzer"; break; case VirusID.WindowMicrofier: infectionString = "virus:windowmicrofier"; break; case VirusID.Bye: infectionString = "virus:bye"; break; case VirusID.ShiftoriumKiller: infectionString = "virus:shiftoriumkiller"; break; case VirusID.WindowsEverywhere: infectionString = "virus:windowseverywhere"; break; case VirusID.KeyboardFucker: infectionString = "virus:keyboardfucker"; break; case VirusID.ImTheShifterNow: infectionString = "virus:imtheshifternow"; break; case VirusID.ThanksfortheInfo: infectionString = "virus:thanksfortheinfo"; break; case VirusID.SkinInterceptor: infectionString = "virus:skininterceptor"; break; case VirusID.HolyFuckMyEars: infectionString = "virus:holyfuckmyears"; break; case VirusID.BeepsEverySecond: infectionString = "virus:beepseverysecond"; break; case VirusID.Seized: infectionString = "virus:seized"; break; case VirusID.FileFucker: infectionString = "virus:filefucker"; break; } FileInfo finf = new FileInfo(FileName); switch(finf.Extension) { case ".skn": case ".spk": case ".stp": case ".pkg": if(!Directory.Exists(Paths.Mod_Temp)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Paths.Mod_Temp); } string pth = Paths.SystemDir + "_virusinfect1"; API.ExtractFile(finf.FullName, pth, false); string dirsep = "\\"; switch (OSInfo.GetPlatformID()) { case "microsoft": dirsep = "\\"; break; default: dirsep = "/"; break; } InfectFile(pth + dirsep + virusfilename, id); File.Delete(finf.FullName); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(pth, FileName); Directory.Delete(pth, true); break; case ".dri": if(finf.Name == "HDD.dri" || finf.Name.Contains("BN") || finf.Name == "Network.dri") { throw new NotHappeningException("You're not going to attempt to infect that file, are you?"); } else { try { string encryptedfile = File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName); string unencryptedfile = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encryptedfile); unencryptedfile += ";" + infectionString; File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(unencryptedfile)); } catch { File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(infectionString)); } } break; default: cont = true; break; } if (cont == true) { if (finf.Name == virusfilename) { try { string encryptedfile = File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName); string unencryptedfile = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encryptedfile); unencryptedfile += ";" + infectionString; File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(unencryptedfile)); } catch { File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(infectionString)); } } } CheckForInfected(); } public static void DisInfect(string FileName) { FileInfo finf = new FileInfo(FileName); switch (finf.Extension) { case ".skn": case ".spk": case ".stp": case ".pkg": string pth = Paths.SystemDir + "_viruscheck"; API.ExtractFile(finf.FullName, pth, false); string dirsep = "\\"; switch (OSInfo.GetPlatformID()) { case "microsoft": dirsep = "\\"; break; default: dirsep = "/"; break; } if (File.Exists(pth + dirsep + virusfilename)) { File.Delete(pth + dirsep + virusfilename); } File.Delete(finf.FullName); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(pth, finf.FullName); Directory.Delete(pth, true); break; case ".dri": if (finf.Name == "HDD.dri" || finf.Name.Contains("BN") || finf.Name == "Network.dri") { throw new NotHappeningException("You're not going to attempt to infect that file, are you?"); } else { try { string encryptedfile = File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName); string unencryptedfile = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encryptedfile); unencryptedfile = ""; File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(unencryptedfile)); } catch { File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, ""); } } break; } CheckForInfected(); } public static void InfectFile(string FileName, string id) { bool cont = false; string infectionString = "virus:" + id; FileInfo finf = new FileInfo(FileName); switch (finf.Extension) { case ".skn": case ".spk": case ".stp": case ".pkg": string pth = Paths.SystemDir + "_virusinfect2"; API.ExtractFile(finf.FullName, pth, false); string dirsep = "\\"; switch (OSInfo.GetPlatformID()) { case "microsoft": dirsep = "\\"; break; default: dirsep = "/"; break; } InfectFile(pth + dirsep + virusfilename, id); File.Delete(finf.FullName); ZipFile.CreateFromDirectory(pth, finf.FullName); Directory.Delete(pth, true); break; case ".dri": if (finf.Name == "HDD.dri" || finf.Name.Contains("BN") || finf.Name == "Network.dri") { throw new NotHappeningException("You're not going to attempt to infect that file, are you?"); } else { try { string encryptedfile = File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName); string unencryptedfile = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encryptedfile); unencryptedfile += ";" + infectionString; File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(unencryptedfile)); } catch { File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(infectionString)); } } break; default: cont = true; break; } if (cont == true) { if (finf.Name == virusfilename) { try { string encryptedfile = File.ReadAllText(finf.FullName); string unencryptedfile = API.Encryption.Decrypt(encryptedfile); unencryptedfile += ";" + infectionString; File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(unencryptedfile)); } catch { File.WriteAllText(finf.FullName, API.Encryption.Encrypt(infectionString)); } } } CheckForInfected(); } public static void InfectRandom() { var rnd = new Random(); var files = new List(); ScanForInfectable(Paths.SaveRoot, ref files); string filetoinfect = files[rnd.Next(0, files.Count - 1)]; VirusID v = VirusID.ShiftoriumKiller; int vid = rnd.Next(0, 11); switch(vid) { case 0: v = VirusID.ShiftoriumKiller; break; case 1: v = VirusID.WindowsEverywhere; break; case 2: v = VirusID.ImTheShifterNow; break; case 3: v = VirusID.BeepsEverySecond; break; case 4: v = VirusID.FileFucker; break; case 5: v = VirusID.MouseTrap; break; case 6: v = VirusID.Seized; break; case 7: v = VirusID.SkinInterceptor; break; case 8: v = VirusID.ThanksfortheInfo; break; case 9: v = VirusID.KeyboardFucker; break; case 10: v = VirusID.WindowMicrofier; break; case 11: v = VirusID.Bye; break; case 12: v = VirusID.WindowSpazzer; break; } InfectFile(filetoinfect, v); } public static void DropDevXPayload() { //Viruses... var files = new List(); ScanForInfectable(Paths.SaveRoot, ref files); try { var rnd = new Random(); string file = files[rnd.Next(0, files.Count - 1)]; InfectFile(file, VirusID.ImTheShifterNow); InfectFile(file, VirusID.MouseTrap); } catch { DropDevXPayload(); } } private static Timer VirusTimer = new Timer(); public class ShiftoriumKiller { public static void KillRandomUpgrade() { if(Viruses.InfectedWith("shiftoriumkiller")) { int id = new Random().Next(0, SaveSystem.ShiftoriumRegistry.DefaultUpgrades.Count - 1); Shiftorium.Upgrade upg = SaveSystem.ShiftoriumRegistry.DefaultUpgrades[id]; int chance = new Random().Next(0, 100); if(chance == 50) { Shiftorium.Utilities.Unbuy(; } } } } public class KeyboardInceptor { public static string[] Chars = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h", "i", "j", "k", "l", "m", "n", "o", "p", "q", "r", "s", "t", "u", "v", "w", "x", "y", "z", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "0", "~", "!", "@", "#", "$", "%", "^", "&", "(", ")", "-", "_", "=", "+", "/", "?", "\\", "|", "[", "]", "{", "}", "'", "\"", ";", ":", ".", ">", ",", "<", }; public static string Intercept() { Random rnd = new Random(); int shouldbeupper = rnd.Next(0, 10); switch(shouldbeupper) { case 1: case 3: case 5: case 7: case 9: return Chars[rnd.Next(0, Chars.Length - 1)].ToUpper(); default: return Chars[rnd.Next(0, Chars.Length - 1)].ToLower(); } } } } public class NotHappeningException : Exception { public NotHappeningException() : base("You tried to do something that ain't gonna happen.") { } public NotHappeningException(string message) : base(message) { } } }