using Svg; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace ShiftOS { public partial class Graphic_Picker : Form { /// <summary> /// Graphic Picker GUI. /// </summary> /// <param name="elementName">Name of element.</param> /// <param name="showMouseImages">Should mouse images be shown?</param> public Graphic_Picker(string elementName, bool showMouseImages) { InitializeComponent(); ElementName = elementName; ShowMouseImages = showMouseImages; } private string ElementName = "Close Button"; public ImageLayout ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; public Image IdleImage = null; public Image MouseOverImage = null; public Image MouseDownImage = null; private bool ShowMouseImages = false; /// <summary> /// Sets up the user interface. /// </summary> private void SetupGUI() { lblobjecttoskin.Text = ElementName; btnstretch.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.stretchbutton; btntile.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.tilebutton; btncentre.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.centrebutton; btnzoom.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.zoombutton; switch(this.ImageLayout) { case ImageLayout.Stretch: btnstretch.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.stretchbuttonpressed; break; case ImageLayout.Tile: btntile.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.tilebuttonpressed; break; case ImageLayout.Center: btncentre.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.centrebuttonpressed; break; default: btnzoom.BackgroundImage = Properties.Resources.zoombuttonpressed; break; } if(ShowMouseImages == true) { txtmousedownfile.Show(); txtmouseoverfile.Show(); Label3.Show(); Label4.Show(); picmousedown.Show(); picmouseover.Show(); btnmousedownbrowse.Show(); btnmouseoverbrowse.Show(); this.Height = MOUSE_IMAGES_WINDOW_HEIGHT; } else { txtmousedownfile.Hide(); txtmouseoverfile.Hide(); Label3.Hide(); Label4.Hide(); picmousedown.Hide(); picmouseover.Hide(); btnmousedownbrowse.Hide(); btnmouseoverbrowse.Hide(); this.Height = IDLE_ONLY_WINDOW_HEIGHT; } picidle.BackgroundImage = IdleImage; picidle.BackgroundImageLayout = this.ImageLayout; picmousedown.BackgroundImage = MouseDownImage; picidle.BackgroundImageLayout = this.ImageLayout; picmouseover.BackgroundImage = MouseOverImage; picidle.BackgroundImageLayout = this.ImageLayout; txtidlefile.Text = idle_filename; txtmousedownfile.Text = mousedown_filename; txtmouseoverfile.Text = mouseover_filename; } private const int MOUSE_IMAGES_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 570; private const int IDLE_ONLY_WINDOW_HEIGHT = 382; private void btntile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Tile; SetupGUI(); } private void btncentre_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Center; SetupGUI(); } private void btnstretch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Stretch; SetupGUI(); } private string idle_filename = "None"; private string mouseover_filename = "None"; private string mousedown_filename = "None"; private void btnzoom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.ImageLayout = ImageLayout.Zoom; SetupGUI(); } private void btnmouseoverbrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { API.CreateFileSkimmerSession(".pic;.svg;.png;.bmp;.jpg", File_Skimmer.FileSkimmerMode.Open); API.FileSkimmerSession.FormClosing += (object s, FormClosingEventArgs a) => { string result = API.GetFSResult(); if(result != "fail") { var finf = new FileInfo(result); if (finf.Extension == ".svg") { MouseOverImage = SVGtoPNG(finf.FullName); } else { MouseOverImage = Image.FromFile(result); } mouseover_filename = finf.Name; MOFullName = finf.FullName; } SetupGUI(); }; } /// <summary> /// Scalable Vector Graphics parser. /// </summary> /// <param name="svg">Path to .svg file.</param> /// <returns>The new System.Drawing.Image.</returns> private Image SVGtoPNG(string svg) { var svgDocument = SvgDocument.Open(svg); return svgDocument.Draw(); } private void btnidlebrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { API.CreateFileSkimmerSession(".pic;.svg;.png;.bmp;.jpg", File_Skimmer.FileSkimmerMode.Open); API.FileSkimmerSession.FormClosing += (object s, FormClosingEventArgs a) => { string result = API.GetFSResult(); if (result != "fail") { var finf = new FileInfo(result); if (finf.Extension == ".svg") { IdleImage = SVGtoPNG(finf.FullName); } else { IdleImage = Image.FromFile(result); } idle_filename = finf.Name; IdleFullName = finf.FullName; } SetupGUI(); }; } private void btnmousedownbrowse_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { API.CreateFileSkimmerSession(".pic;.svg;.png;.bmp;.jpg", File_Skimmer.FileSkimmerMode.Open); API.FileSkimmerSession.FormClosing += (object s, FormClosingEventArgs a) => { string result = API.GetFSResult(); if (result != "fail") { var finf = new FileInfo(result); if (finf.Extension == ".svg") { MouseDownImage = SVGtoPNG(finf.FullName); } else { MouseDownImage = Image.FromFile(result); } mousedown_filename = finf.Name; MDFullName = finf.FullName; } SetupGUI(); }; } public string Result = "Cancelled"; private void Graphic_Picker_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { SetupGUI(); } private void btnreset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { IdleImage = null; MouseOverImage = null; MouseDownImage = null; idle_filename = "None"; mouseover_filename = "None"; mousedown_filename = "None"; SetupGUI(); } private void btncancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Result = "Cancelled"; this.Close(); } public string IdleFullName = null; public string MOFullName = null; public string MDFullName = null; private void btnapply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Result = "OK"; this.Close(); } } }