2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
using System ;
using System.Collections.Generic ;
using System.Linq ;
using System.Text ;
using System.Threading.Tasks ;
using DynamicLua ;
using System.IO ;
using System.Drawing ;
using System.Windows.Forms ;
using Gecko ;
using System.Net ;
using System.IO.Compression ;
using System.ComponentModel ;
using System.Threading ;
using Newtonsoft.Json ;
namespace ShiftOS
public class Lua_API
public static List < LuaInterpreter > RunningMods = new List < LuaInterpreter > ( ) ;
public static bool UseLuaAPI = false ;
public class LuaInterpreter
public dynamic mod = new DynamicLua . DynamicLua ( ) ;
public List < string > Errors = new List < string > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Lua interpreter and interprets a .lua file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="modfile">The file to interpret.</param>
public LuaInterpreter ( string modfile )
Errors . Clear ( ) ;
//Initiate the interpreter
mod = new DynamicLua . DynamicLua ( ) ;
//Register core functions with the interpreter
RegisterCore ( ) ;
//Parse the file contents.
var lua = File . ReadAllText ( modfile ) ;
var t = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( ) ;
ThisDirectory = Directory . GetParent ( modfile ) . FullName ;
t . Interval = 50 ;
t . Tick + = ( object se , EventArgs ea ) = >
if ( Errors . Count > 0 )
if ( API . LoggerTerminal ! = null )
API . LoggerTerminal . WriteLine ( Errors [ 0 ] ) ;
Errors . Remove ( Errors [ 0 ] ) ;
API . CreateInfoboxSession ( "Script Error" , $"An error has occurred in your script: {Errors[0]}" , infobox . InfoboxMode . Info ) ;
Errors . Remove ( Errors [ 0 ] ) ;
ExitScript ( ) ;
} ;
t . Start ( ) ;
mod ( lua ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
API . CreateInfoboxSession ( "Mod Interpretation Error" , "An error has occurred in your mod." + Environment . NewLine + Environment . NewLine + ex . Message , infobox . InfoboxMode . Info ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new Lua Interpreter but doesn't interpret a file.
/// </summary>
public LuaInterpreter ( )
Errors . Clear ( ) ;
//Initiate the interpreter
mod = new DynamicLua . DynamicLua ( ) ;
//Register core functions with the interpreter
RegisterCore ( ) ;
var t = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( ) ;
t . Interval = 50 ;
ThisDirectory = Paths . SaveRoot ;
t . Tick + = ( object se , EventArgs ea ) = >
if ( Errors . Count > 0 )
if ( API . LoggerTerminal ! = null )
API . LoggerTerminal . WriteLine ( Errors [ 0 ] ) ;
Errors . Remove ( Errors [ 0 ] ) ;
API . CreateInfoboxSession ( "Script Error" , $"An error has occurred in your script: {Errors[0]}" , infobox . InfoboxMode . Info ) ;
Errors . Remove ( Errors [ 0 ] ) ;
ExitScript ( ) ;
} ;
t . Start ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Registers all core ShiftOS Lua functions with their C# counterparts.
/// This is so we don't have to expose the entire source code to the interpreter. Add new functions here.
/// </summary>
public void RegisterCore ( )
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
//Desktop environment
mod . on_unity_check + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnUnityCheck + = ( ) = >
mod ( func + "()" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
2016-07-06 18:32:19 -04:00
mod . on_unity_set + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnUnityToggle + = ( ) = >
mod ( func + "()" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . on_desktop_panel_draw + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnDesktopPanelDraw + = ( c ) = >
mod ( func + $"(get_panel_from_guid(\" { c } \ "))" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . get_panel_from_guid = new Func < string , Control > ( ( guid ) = >
foreach ( var kv in API . DEF_PanelGUIDs )
if ( kv . Key = = guid )
return kv . Value ;
return null ;
} ) ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod . on_desktop_reset + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnDesktopReload + = ( ) = >
mod ( func + "()" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . on_clock_skin + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnClockSkin + = ( ) = >
mod ( func + "()" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . on_window_open + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . WindowOpened + = ( win ) = >
2016-07-05 18:29:22 -04:00
mod ( func + $"(\" { API . OpenGUIDs [ win ] } \ ")" ) ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
} ;
} ) ;
2016-07-05 18:29:22 -04:00
mod . get_window = new Func < string , Form > ( ( guid ) = >
Form frm = null ;
foreach ( var kv in API . OpenGUIDs )
if ( kv . Value = = guid )
frm = kv . Key ;
return frm ;
} ) ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod . on_window_close + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . WindowClosed + = ( win ) = >
2016-07-05 18:29:22 -04:00
mod ( func + $"(\" { API . OpenGUIDs [ win ] } \ ")" ) ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
} ;
2016-07-06 13:13:15 -04:00
} ) ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod . on_window_titlebar_redraw + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . TitlebarReset + = ( win ) = >
mod . win = win ;
mod ( func + "(win)" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . on_window_border_redraw + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . BorderReset + = ( win ) = >
mod . win = win ;
mod ( func + "(win)" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . on_window_skin + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . WindowSkinReset + = ( win ) = >
mod . win = win ;
mod ( func + "(win)" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . get_border = new Func < Form , WindowBorder > ( ( Form win ) = >
WindowBorder b = null ;
foreach ( Control c in win . Controls )
2016-07-06 10:26:36 -04:00
if ( c is WindowBorder )
b = c as WindowBorder ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
return b ;
} ) ;
2016-07-06 10:26:36 -04:00
mod . def_update = new Action ( ( ) = > API . UpdateWindows ( ) ) ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod . on_app_launcher_populate + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnAppLauncherPopulate + = ( items ) = >
mod . al_items = items ;
mod ( func + "(clr_to_table(al_items))" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . on_panelbutton_populate + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . OnPanelButtonPopulate + = ( items ) = >
mod . pb_items = items ;
mod ( func + "(clr_to_table(pb_items))" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . intercept_ctrlt + = new Action < string > ( ( func ) = >
API . CurrentSession . AllowCtrlTIntercept ( ) ;
API . CurrentSession . CtrlTPressed + = ( ) = >
mod ( func + "()" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . stop_intercept_ctrlt + = new Action ( ( ) = >
API . CurrentSession . DisableCtrlTIntercept ( ) ;
} ) ;
mod . on_desktopicon_populate + = new Action < ShiftOSDesktop , string > ( ( desktop , func ) = >
desktop . DesktopIconsPopulated + = ( items ) = >
mod . dl_items = items ;
mod ( func + "(clr_to_table(dl_items))" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod ( @ "function clr_to_table(clrlist)
local t = { }
local it = clrlist : GetEnumerator ( )
while it : MoveNext ( ) do
t [ # t + 1 ] = it . Current
return t
end ");
2016-07-02 11:35:27 -04:00
mod . httpget = new Func < string , string > ( ( url ) = >
WebRequest request = WebRequest . Create ( url ) ;
Stream requestStream = request . GetResponse ( ) . GetResponseStream ( ) ;
StreamReader requestRead = new StreamReader ( requestStream ) ;
return requestRead . ReadToEnd ( ) ;
} ) ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
//Shifter Extension API
mod . shifter_add_category = new Action < string > ( ( name ) = >
bool add = true ;
if ( API . LuaShifterRegistry = = null )
API . LuaShifterRegistry = new Dictionary < string , Dictionary < string , object > > ( ) ;
foreach ( var kv in API . LuaShifterRegistry )
if ( kv . Key = = name )
add = false ;
if ( add = = true )
API . LuaShifterRegistry . Add ( name , new Dictionary < string , object > ( ) ) ;
Errors . Add ( $"shifter_add_category(\" { name } \ "): Error: Category already exists!" ) ;
} ) ;
mod . shifter_remove_category = new Action < string > ( ( name ) = >
if ( API . LuaShifterRegistry . ContainsKey ( name ) )
API . LuaShifterRegistry . Remove ( name ) ;
Errors . Add ( $"shifter_remove_category(\" { name } \ "): No such category." ) ;
} ) ;
mod . shifter_add_value = new Action < string , string , object > ( ( cat , name , in_value ) = >
if ( API . LuaShifterRegistry . ContainsKey ( cat ) )
var lst = API . LuaShifterRegistry [ cat ] ;
if ( ! lst . ContainsKey ( name ) )
lst . Add ( name , in_value ) ;
Errors . Add ( $"shifter_add_value(\" { cat } \ ", \"{name}\", in_value): Category was found, but it already contained a value with the specified name." ) ;
Errors . Add ( $"shifter_add_value(\" { cat } \ ", \"{name}\", in_value): Category not found." ) ;
} ) ;
mod . shifter_get_value = new Func < string , string , object > ( ( cat , name ) = >
if ( API . LuaShifterRegistry . ContainsKey ( cat ) )
var lst = API . LuaShifterRegistry [ cat ] ;
if ( lst . ContainsKey ( name ) )
return lst [ name ] ;
Errors . Add ( $"shifter_add_value(\" { cat } \ ", \"{name}\", in_value): Category was found, but it already contained a value with the specified name." ) ;
return null ;
Errors . Add ( $"shifter_add_value(\" { cat } \ ", \"{name}\", in_value): Category not found." ) ;
return null ;
} ) ;
mod . load_api = new Action < string > ( ( name ) = >
if ( File . Exists ( Paths . APIs + name + ".lua" ) )
mod ( File . ReadAllText ( Paths . APIs + name + ".lua" ) ) ;
} ) ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
//Functions with Return Values
mod . get_app_launcher_items = new Func < List < ApplauncherItem > > ( ( ) = >
var lst = new List < ApplauncherItem > ( ) ;
API . GetAppLauncherItems ( ) ;
foreach ( var itm in API . AppLauncherItems )
if ( itm . Display = = true )
lst . Add ( itm ) ;
return lst ;
} ) ;
mod . local_image = new Func < string , Image > ( ( filepath ) = > OpenLocalImage ( filepath ) ) ;
mod . json_serialize = new Func < object , string > ( ( objectToSerialize ) = > Newtonsoft . Json . JsonConvert . SerializeObject ( objectToSerialize ) ) ;
mod . json_unserialize = new Func < string , object > ( ( json_string ) = > Newtonsoft . Json . JsonConvert . DeserializeObject ( json_string ) ) ;
mod . open_image = new Func < string , Image > ( ( filename ) = > OpenImage ( filename ) ) ;
2016-07-05 18:29:22 -04:00
mod . list_add = new Action < Control , string > ( ( lst , itm ) = >
if ( lst is ListBox )
var box = lst as ListBox ;
box . Items . Add ( itm ) ;
} ) ;
mod . list_get_selected = new Func < Control , string > ( ( lst ) = >
if ( lst is ListBox )
return ( lst as ListBox ) . SelectedItem ? . ToString ( ) ;
return null ;
} ) ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
mod . get_skin = new Func < Skinning . Skin > ( ( ) = >
return API . CurrentSkin ;
} ) ;
mod . get_skin_images = new Func < Skinning . Images > ( ( ) = >
return API . CurrentSkinImages ;
} ) ;
mod . upgrades = new Func < string , bool > ( ( id ) = > GetUpgrade ( id ) ) ;
mod . create_widget = new Func < string , string , int , int , int , int , bool , Control > ( ( type , text , x , y , width , height , dark_mode ) = > ConstructControl ( type , text , x , y , width , height , dark_mode ) ) ;
mod . screen_get_width = new Func < int > ( ( ) = >
return System . Windows . Forms . Screen . PrimaryScreen . Bounds . Width ;
} ) ;
mod . screen_get_height = new Func < int > ( ( ) = >
return System . Windows . Forms . Screen . PrimaryScreen . Bounds . Height ;
} ) ;
mod . create_window_borderless = new Func < int , int , int , int , Form > ( ( x , y , width , height ) = > CreateForm ( x , y , width , height ) ) ;
mod . random = new Func < int , int , int > ( ( min , max ) = >
return new Random ( ) . Next ( min , max ) ;
} ) ;
mod . color = new Func < int , int , int , Color > ( ( r , g , b ) = >
return Color . FromArgb ( r , g , b ) ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
Errors . Add ( "Invalid color values. Values must be a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 255." ) ;
return new Color ( ) ;
} ) ;
mod . get_desktop_session = new Func < Form > ( ( ) = >
return API . CurrentSession ;
} ) ;
mod . get_icon = new Func < string , Image > ( ( id ) = > API . GetIcon ( id ) ) ;
mod . add_icon = new Action < string , Image > ( ( id , img ) = >
if ( ! API . IconRegistry . ContainsKey ( id ) )
API . IconRegistry . Add ( id , img ) ;
Skinning . Utilities . saveimages ( ) ;
} ) ;
mod . icon_exists = new Func < string , bool > ( ( id ) = >
return API . IconRegistry . ContainsKey ( id ) ;
} ) ;
mod . create_window = new Func < string , Image , int , int , Form > ( ( title , icon , width , height ) = > CreateForm ( title , icon , width , height ) ) ;
mod . get_codepoints = new Func < int > ( ( ) = > GetCP ( ) ) ;
mod . buy_upgrade = new Func < string , bool > ( ( id ) = > BuyUPG ( id ) ) ;
mod . time = new Func < string > ( ( ) = > API . GetTime ( ) ) ;
2016-07-05 08:41:13 -04:00
mod . encrypt = new Func < string , string > ( ( raw ) = > API . Encryption . Encrypt_old ( raw ) ) ;
mod . decrypt = new Func < string , string > ( ( raw ) = > API . Encryption . Decrypt_old ( raw ) ) ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
mod . fread = new Func < string , string > ( ( filepath ) = > SafeFileRead ( filepath ) ) ;
mod . terminal = new Action < string > ( ( command ) = >
var t = new Terminal ( ) ;
API . CreateForm ( t , API . LoadedNames . TerminalName , API . GetIcon ( "Terminal" ) ) ;
t . command = command ;
t . DoCommand ( ) ;
} ) ;
mod . fwrite = new Action < string , string > ( ( path , contents ) = >
if ( path . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
var real_path = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{path.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( real_path ) )
File . WriteAllText ( real_path , contents ) ;
} ) ;
mod . add_menu_item = new Func < string , MenuStrip , ToolStripMenuItem > ( ( text , parent ) = > AddMenuItem ( text , parent ) ) ;
mod . add_child_menu_item = new Func < string , ToolStripMenuItem , ToolStripMenuItem > ( ( text , parent ) = >
var i = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
i . Text = text ;
parent . DropDownItems . Add ( i ) ;
return i ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Errors . Add ( "add_child_menu_item(): Error adding child item to parent. " + ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
} ) ;
mod . set_anchor = new Action < Control , string > ( ( ctrl , anchorstyle ) = > SetAnchor ( ctrl , anchorstyle ) ) ;
//Standard API Functions
mod . include = new Action < string > ( ( filepath ) = > IncludeScript ( filepath ) ) ;
mod . log = new Action < string > ( ( msg ) = > API . Log ( msg ) ) ;
mod . add_codepoints = new Action < int > ( ( amount ) = > API . AddCodepoints ( amount ) ) ;
mod . remove_codepoints = new Action < int > ( ( amount ) = > API . RemoveCodepoints ( amount ) ) ;
mod . launch_mod = new Action < string > ( ( modSAA ) = > API . LaunchMod ( Paths . SaveRoot + modSAA . Replace ( "/" , OSInfo . DirectorySeparator ) ) ) ;
mod . open_program = new Action < string > ( ( progname ) = > API . OpenProgram ( progname ) ) ;
mod . close_program = new Action < string > ( ( progname ) = > API . CloseProgram ( progname ) ) ;
mod . close_everything = new Action ( ( ) = > API . CloseEverything ( ) ) ;
mod . shutdown = new Action ( ( ) = > API . ShutDownShiftOS ( ) ) ;
mod . update_ui = new Action ( ( ) = > { API . UpdateWindows ( ) ; API . CurrentSession . SetupDesktop ( ) ; } ) ;
mod . load_skin = new Action < string > ( ( filepath ) = > Skinning . Utilities . loadsknfile ( filepath ) ) ;
mod . save_to_skin_file = new Action < string > ( ( filepath ) = > Skinning . Utilities . saveskintofile ( filepath ) ) ;
mod . on_click = new Action < Control , string > ( ( ctrl , funcname ) = > RegClick ( ctrl , funcname ) ) ;
mod . add_widget_to_window = new Action < Form , Control > ( ( win , ctrl ) = > AddCtrl ( win , ctrl ) ) ;
mod . open_file = new Action < string , string > ( ( filters , function ) = > OpenFile ( filters , function ) ) ;
mod . panel_add_widget = new Action < Control , Control > ( ( ctrl , parent ) = >
try {
var p = ( Panel ) parent ;
p . Controls . Add ( ctrl ) ;
} catch ( Exception ex )
Errors . Add ( ex . Message ) ;
} ) ;
mod . flow_add_widget = new Action < Control , Control > ( ( ctrl , parent ) = >
var p = ( FlowLayoutPanel ) parent ;
p . Controls . Add ( ctrl ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Errors . Add ( ex . Message ) ;
} ) ;
mod . info = new Action < string , string > ( ( title , message ) = >
API . CreateInfoboxSession ( title , message , infobox . InfoboxMode . Info )
) ;
mod . on_menu_item_activate = new Action < ToolStripMenuItem , string > ( ( item , function ) = >
item . Click + = ( object s , EventArgs a ) = >
mod ( $"{function}()" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . create_timer = new Func < int , System . Windows . Forms . Timer > ( ( interval ) = >
var t = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( ) ;
t . Interval = interval ;
return t ;
} ) ;
mod . timer_on_tick = new Action < System . Windows . Forms . Timer , string > ( ( tmr , func ) = >
tmr . Tick + = ( object s , EventArgs a ) = >
mod ( $"{func}()" ) ;
} ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Errors . Add ( ex . Message ) ;
} ) ;
mod . add_widget_to_desktop = new Action < Control > ( ( ctrl ) = > AddToDesktop ( ctrl ) ) ;
mod . set_dock = new Action < Control , string > ( ( ctrl , dstyle ) = >
API . CurrentSession . Invoke ( new Action ( ( ) = >
switch ( dstyle . ToLower ( ) )
case "fill" :
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . Fill ;
break ;
case "top" :
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . Top ;
break ;
case "bottom" :
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . Bottom ;
break ;
case "left" :
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . Left ;
break ;
case "right" :
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . Right ;
break ;
case "none" :
ctrl . Dock = DockStyle . None ;
break ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
mod . webview_navigate = new Action < GeckoWebBrowser , string > ( ( wv , url ) = > Navigate ( wv , url ) ) ;
mod . open_terminal = new Action ( ( ) = >
var t = new Terminal ( ) ;
API . CreateForm ( t , API . LoadedNames . TerminalName , API . GetIcon ( "Terminal" ) ) ;
} ) ;
mod . create_directory = new Action < string > ( ( path ) = >
path = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{path.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
if ( ! Directory . Exists ( path ) )
Directory . CreateDirectory ( path ) ;
} ) ;
mod . exists = new Func < string , bool > ( ( path ) = >
path = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{path.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
if ( Directory . Exists ( path ) )
return true ;
else if ( File . Exists ( path ) )
return true ;
return false ;
} ) ;
mod . notify = new Action < string , string > ( ( title , message ) = > API . CurrentSession . AddNotification ( title , message ) ) ;
mod . download_file = new Action < string , string > ( ( web_address , local ) = > DownloadFile ( web_address , local ) ) ;
mod . on_key_down = new Action < Control , string > ( ( ctrl , action ) = > RegKeyDown ( ctrl , action ) ) ;
mod . get_files = new Func < string , List < string > > ( ( path ) = > GetFiles ( path ) ) ;
mod . get_folders = new Func < string , List < string > > ( ( path ) = > GetFolders ( path ) ) ;
mod . zip = new Action < string , string > ( ( source , destination ) = >
var real = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{source.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
if ( Directory . Exists ( real ) )
var real_dest = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{destination.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
ZipFile . CreateFromDirectory ( real , real_dest ) ;
mod . info ( "Script Error" , "Your script tried to zip up a non-existent folder." ) ;
} ) ;
mod . beep = new Action < int , int > ( ( freq , dur ) = > Beep ( freq , dur ) ) ;
mod . color_picker + = new Action < string , Color , string > ( ( title , oldcolor , func ) = >
API . CreateColorPickerSession ( title , oldcolor ) ;
API . ColorPickerSession . FormClosing + = ( object s , FormClosingEventArgs a ) = >
var c = API . GetLastColorFromSession ( ) ;
mod ( $"{func}(color({c.R}, {c.G}, {c.B}))" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
mod . info_yes_no + = new Action < string , string , string > ( ( title , message , func ) = >
API . CreateInfoboxSession ( title , message , infobox . InfoboxMode . YesNo ) ;
API . InfoboxSession . FormClosing + = ( object s , FormClosingEventArgs a ) = >
var res = API . GetInfoboxResult ( ) ;
if ( res = = "Yes" | | res = = "No" )
mod ( $"{func}(\" { res } \ ")" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
//Script Management
mod . exit = new Action ( ( ) = > ExitScript ( ) ) ;
mod . shutdown = new Action ( ( ) = > API . ShutDownShiftOS ( ) ) ;
mod . toggle_unity = new Action ( ( ) = > API . CurrentSession . SetUnityMode ( ) ) ;
mod . lua = new Func < string , string > ( ( luacode ) = >
2016-07-05 18:29:22 -04:00
mod ( luacode ) ;
return "success" ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
} ) ;
mod . fileskimmer_open + = new Action < string , string > ( ( filters , func ) = >
API . CreateFileSkimmerSession ( filters , File_Skimmer . FileSkimmerMode . Open ) ;
API . FileSkimmerSession . FormClosing + = ( object s , F ormClosingEventArgs a ) = >
var res = API . GetFSResult ( ) ;
if ( res ! = "fail" )
var real_path = res . Replace ( Paths . SaveRoot , "/" ) . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
mod ( $"{func}(\" { real_path } \ ")" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
2016-07-05 10:43:43 -04:00
mod . open_File = mod . fileskimmer_open ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
mod . fileskimmer_save + = new Action < string , string > ( ( filters , func ) = >
API . CreateFileSkimmerSession ( filters , File_Skimmer . FileSkimmerMode . Save ) ;
API . FileSkimmerSession . FormClosing + = ( object s , FormClosingEventArgs a ) = >
var res = API . GetFSResult ( ) ;
if ( res ! = "fail" )
var real_path = res . Replace ( Paths . SaveRoot , "/" ) . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) ;
mod ( $"{func}(\" { real_path } \ ")" ) ;
} ;
} ) ;
2016-07-05 10:43:43 -04:00
mod . save_File = mod . fileskimmer_save ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod . font = new Func < string , int , Font > ( ( style , size ) = > {
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
return new Font ( style , size ) ;
} ) ;
mod . fileskimmer = new Action < string > ( ( folder ) = > OpenFS ( folder ) ) ;
mod . fopen = new Action < string > ( ( file ) = > OpenFile ( file ) ) ;
mod . loadstring = new Action < string > ( ( code ) = > { mod ( code ) ; } ) ;
mod . new_thread = new Func < string , Thread > ( ( code ) = >
return new Thread ( ( ) = >
mod ( code ) ;
} ) ;
} ) ;
mod . start_async = new Action < Thread > ( ( t ) = > { t . Start ( ) ; } ) ;
mod . add_applauncher_item = new Action < string , string > ( ( name , lua ) = >
var m = new ModApplauncherItem ( ) ;
m . Name = name ;
m . Lua = lua ;
File . WriteAllText ( Paths . Mod_AppLauncherEntries + m . Name , JsonConvert . SerializeObject ( m ) ) ;
API . UpdateWindows ( ) ;
API . CurrentSession . SetupDesktop ( ) ;
} ) ;
mod . get_loaded_skin = new Func < Skinning . Skin > ( ( ) = > { return API . CurrentSkin ; } ) ;
mod . reload_skin = new Action ( ( ) = > { API . CurrentSession . SetupDesktop ( ) ; API . UpdateWindows ( ) ; } ) ;
mod . get_applauncher_item = new Func < string , ToolStripMenuItem > ( ( name ) = >
ToolStripMenuItem i = null ;
foreach ( var item in API . CurrentSession . ApplicationsToolStripMenuItem . DropDownItems )
try {
ToolStripMenuItem it = ( ToolStripMenuItem ) item ;
if ( it . Text = = name )
i = it ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
return i ;
} ) ;
mod . get_menu_item = new Func < ToolStripMenuItem , string , ToolStripMenuItem > ( ( parent , name ) = >
ToolStripMenuItem i = null ;
foreach ( ToolStripMenuItem item in parent . DropDownItems )
if ( item . Text = = name )
i = item ;
return i ;
} ) ;
GC . Collect ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Sends a keydown event to Lua when you press a key on the specified control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctrl">Control to assign the event to.</param>
/// <param name="action">Function to call on keydown.</param>
public void RegKeyDown ( Control ctrl , string action )
{ /* */
ctrl . KeyDown + = ( object s , KeyEventArgs a ) = >
mod ( $"{action}(\" { a . KeyCode . ToString ( ) . ToLower ( ) } \ ")" ) ;
} ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of files.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">Directory to scan.</param>
/// <returns>A System.Collections.Generic.List of all files.</returns>
public List < string > GetFiles ( string dir )
if ( Directory . Exists ( $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{dir.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ) )
var luatable = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( string val in Directory . GetFiles ( $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{dir.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ) )
luatable . Add ( val ) ;
return luatable ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets a list of folders.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">Directory to scan.</param>
/// <returns>A System.Collections.Generic.List of all folders.</returns>
public List < string > GetFolders ( string dir )
if ( Directory . Exists ( $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{dir.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ) )
var luatable = new List < string > ( ) ;
foreach ( string val in Directory . GetDirectories ( $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{dir.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ) )
luatable . Add ( val ) ;
return luatable ;
return null ;
public string ThisDirectory = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Downloads a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="web">Web URL to download</param>
/// <param name="local">A ShiftOS path to download to.</param>
public void DownloadFile ( string web , string local )
var wc = new WebClient ( ) ;
var real_path = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{local.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
wc . DownloadFile ( web , real_path ) ;
mod . notify ( "Download complete" , "Successfully downloaded file " + web + " from the Internet." ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
mod . print ( "Could not download remote file " + web + ", " + ex . Message ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Interprets a script within this interpreter.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filename">Script file.</param>
public void IncludeScript ( string filename )
var real_file = $"{ThisDirectory}{filename.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
var lua = File . ReadAllText ( real_file ) ;
try {
mod ( lua ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
mod . info ( "Script Error" , "An error has occurred in your script: " + ex . Message ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Open a file skimmer in the specified directory.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">Directory to open in.</param>
public void OpenFS ( string dir )
var f = new File_Skimmer ( ) ;
API . CreateForm ( f , API . LoadedNames . FileSkimmerName , Properties . Resources . iconFileSkimmer ) ;
if ( dir . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
var real = dir ;
var real_slash = real . Replace ( "/" , OSInfo . DirectorySeparator ) ;
var real_path = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{real_slash}" ;
f . CurrentFolder = real_path ;
f . ListFiles ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Opens a file in the right program.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dir">The file path. Why this is named "dir", which means DIRECTORY, not FILE, by the way, is beyond me.</param>
public void OpenFile ( string dir )
var f = new File_Skimmer ( ) ;
if ( dir . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
var real = dir ;
var real_slash = real . Replace ( "/" , OSInfo . DirectorySeparator ) ;
var real_path = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{real_slash}" ;
f . OpenFile ( real_path ) ;
public List < Form > OpenForms = new List < Form > ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Exits the script. What did you think it would do?
/// </summary>
public void ExitScript ( )
foreach ( Form f in OpenForms )
f . Close ( ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Set control anchor from Lua.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctrl">Target control</param>
/// <param name="anchor">Anchor string (for example "top;left;bottom;right" or "top;left" or "top")</param>
public void SetAnchor ( Control ctrl , string anchor )
var a = AnchorStyles . None ;
var l = anchor . ToLower ( ) ;
if ( l . Contains ( "left" ) )
a = a | AnchorStyles . Left ;
if ( l . Contains ( "right" ) )
a = a | AnchorStyles . Right ;
if ( l . Contains ( "bottom" ) )
a = a | AnchorStyles . Bottom ;
if ( l . Contains ( "top" ) )
a = a | AnchorStyles . Bottom ;
ctrl . Anchor = a ;
/// <summary>
/// Navigate a webview to the specified URL.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="wv">The webview control. YES, We use Gecko, not Internet Exploder.</param>
/// <param name="url">The target URL, for example "http://playshiftos.ml/forum"</param>
public void Navigate ( GeckoWebBrowser wv , string url )
wv . Navigate ( url ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Add a control to the desktop.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctrl">The control to add.</param>
public void AddToDesktop ( Control ctrl )
API . CurrentSession . Controls . Add ( ctrl ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Add a child to a menu item.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="text">New item's text</param>
/// <param name="parent">New item's parent.</param>
/// <returns>The new item.</returns>
public ToolStripMenuItem AddMenuItem ( string text , MenuStrip parent )
var itm = new ToolStripMenuItem ( ) ;
itm . Text = text ;
itm . Tag = "menu_item" ;
parent . Items . Add ( itm ) ;
return itm ;
/// <summary>
/// Allows the user to get a user to open a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fi">File filter.</param>
/// <param name="fu">Function to call on select.</param>
public void OpenFile ( string fi , string fu )
API . CreateFileSkimmerSession ( fi , File_Skimmer . FileSkimmerMode . Open ) ;
API . FileSkimmerSession . FormClosing + = ( object s , FormClosingEventArgs a ) = >
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod ( $"{fu}(\" { API . GetFSResult ( ) . Replace ( Paths . SaveRoot , "" ) . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) } \ ")" ) ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
} ;
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
} //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
/// <summary>
/// Prompt user to save a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fi">File filters.</param>
/// <param name="fu">Function to call.</param>
public void SaveFile ( string fi , string fu )
API . CreateFileSkimmerSession ( fi , File_Skimmer . FileSkimmerMode . Save ) ;
API . FileSkimmerSession . FormClosing + = ( object s , FormClosingEventArgs a ) = >
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
mod ( $"{fu}(\" { API . GetFSResult ( ) . Replace ( Paths . SaveRoot , "" ) . Replace ( "\\" , "/" ) } \ ")" ) ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
} ;
/// <summary>
/// Safely read a file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="path">File to read.</param>
/// <returns>Contents of the file.</returns>
public string SafeFileRead ( string path )
string contents = "" ;
if ( path . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
var real = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{path.Replace(" \ \ ", " / ")}" ;
if ( File . Exists ( real ) )
contents = File . ReadAllText ( real ) ;
Errors . Add ( "fread(): File not found." ) ;
Errors . Add ( "fread(): Path not valid." ) ;
return contents ;
/// <summary>
/// Buy a shiftorium upgrade.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">Upgrade ID.</param>
/// <returns>Did the upgrade get bought successfully?</returns>
public bool BuyUPG ( string id )
if ( API . Upgrades . ContainsKey ( id ) )
bool bought = false ;
foreach ( Shiftorium . Upgrade upg in SaveSystem . ShiftoriumRegistry . DefaultUpgrades )
if ( upg . id = = id )
bought = Shiftorium . Utilities . Buy ( upg ) ;
return bought ;
//Upgrade doesn't exist.
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if an upgrade is bought.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">Upgrade ID.</param>
/// <returns>Whether or not it is bought</returns>
public bool GetUpgrade ( string id )
if ( API . Upgrades . ContainsKey ( id ) )
return API . Upgrades [ id ] ;
//Upgrade doesn't exist.
return false ;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current amount of Codepoints.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Can you read? Sorry, it's just... I don't feel like typing the same thing twice...</returns>
public int GetCP ( )
return API . CurrentSave . codepoints ;
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a WinForms control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="type">Control type.</param>
/// <param name="text">Control text.</param>
/// <param name="x">X coordinate.</param>
/// <param name="y">Y coordinate.</param>
/// <param name="width">Width.</param>
/// <param name="height">Height.</param>
/// <param name="darkmode">Is it dark?</param>
/// <returns>The control, all ShiftOS-ified for you.</returns>
public Control ConstructControl ( string type , string text , int x , int y , int width , int height , bool darkmode )
var ctrl = new Control ( ) ;
switch ( type . ToLower ( ) )
2016-07-04 17:43:04 -04:00
case "luatextbox" :
var stxt = new SyntaxRichTextBox ( ) ;
stxt . Text = text ;
stxt . SetLanguage ( SyntaxSettings . Language . Lua ) ;
ctrl = stxt ;
break ;
2016-07-05 18:29:22 -04:00
case "list" :
var lst = new ListBox ( ) ;
ctrl = lst ;
break ;
2016-04-09 13:16:39 -04:00
case "button" :
var btn = new Button ( ) ;
btn . FlatStyle = FlatStyle . Flat ;
if ( darkmode )
//Set dark button
btn . ForeColor = API . CurrentSkin . titletextcolour ;
btn . BackColor = API . CurrentSkin . titlebarcolour ;
btn . BackColor = Color . White ;
btn . ForeColor = Color . Black ;
ctrl = ( Control ) btn ;
break ;
case "webview" :
var g = new Gecko . GeckoWebBrowser ( ) ;
g . NoDefaultContextMenu = true ;
ctrl = ( Gecko . GeckoWebBrowser ) g ;
//This control renders HTML, so therefore a dark theme is futile.
break ;
case "menustrip" :
ctrl = new MenuStrip ( ) ;
ctrl . Tag = "menustrip" ;
//Menu Strips are rendered using a custom renderer, thus, DarkMode is not required.
break ;
case "panel" :
ctrl = new Panel ( ) ;
if ( darkmode )
ctrl . BackColor = API . CurrentSkin . titlebarcolour ;
ctrl . ForeColor = API . CurrentSkin . titletextcolour ;
ctrl . BackColor = Color . White ;
ctrl . ForeColor = Color . Black ;
break ;
case "flow" :
ctrl = new FlowLayoutPanel ( ) ;
if ( darkmode )
ctrl . BackColor = API . CurrentSkin . titlebarcolour ;
ctrl . ForeColor = API . CurrentSkin . titletextcolour ;
ctrl . BackColor = Color . White ;
ctrl . ForeColor = Color . Black ;
break ;
case "label" :
ctrl = new Label ( ) ;
//Text Color and Back Color inherited from parent.
break ;
case "textbox" :
ctrl = new TextBox ( ) ;
if ( darkmode )
ctrl . BackColor = API . CurrentSkin . titlebarcolour ;
ctrl . ForeColor = API . CurrentSkin . titletextcolour ;
ctrl . BackColor = Color . White ;
ctrl . ForeColor = Color . Black ;
break ;
case "richtextbox" :
ctrl = new RichTextBox ( ) ;
if ( darkmode )
ctrl . BackColor = API . CurrentSkin . titlebarcolour ;
ctrl . ForeColor = API . CurrentSkin . titletextcolour ;
ctrl . BackColor = Color . White ;
ctrl . ForeColor = Color . Black ;
break ;
default :
ctrl = new Control ( ) ;
if ( darkmode )
ctrl . BackColor = API . CurrentSkin . titlebarcolour ;
ctrl . ForeColor = API . CurrentSkin . titletextcolour ;
ctrl . BackColor = Color . White ;
ctrl . ForeColor = Color . Black ;
break ;
ctrl . Text = text ;
ctrl . Name = text . ToLower ( ) . Replace ( " " , "_" ) ;
ctrl . Location = new Point ( x , y ) ;
ctrl . Size = new Size ( width , height ) ;
ctrl . Visible = true ;
return ctrl ;
/// <summary>
/// Broken, piece of dump beep function.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="freq">Frequency.</param>
/// <param name="duration">Length.</param>
public void Beep ( int freq , int duration )
Beeper . Play ( freq , duration ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Adds a control to a window.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="win">Target window</param>
/// <param name="ctrl">Control to add.</param>
public void AddCtrl ( Form win , Control ctrl )
List < WindowBorder > borders = new List < WindowBorder > ( ) ;
foreach ( Control c in win . Controls )
if ( c . Name = = "api_brdr" )
var b = ( WindowBorder ) c ;
b . pgcontents . Controls . Add ( ctrl ) ;
ctrl . BringToFront ( ) ;
borders . Add ( b ) ;
if ( borders . Count = = 0 )
win . Controls . Add ( ctrl ) ;
/// <summary>
/// Fire a click event when you click the control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="ctrl">Target control</param>
/// <param name="funcname">Function to call.</param>
public void RegClick ( Control ctrl , string funcname )
ctrl . MouseDown + = ( object s , MouseEventArgs a ) = >
if ( a . Button = = MouseButtons . Left )
mod ( $"{funcname}()" ) ;
} ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a ShiftOS window.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="title">Window title.</param>
/// <param name="img">Window icon</param>
/// <param name="width">Width</param>
/// <param name="height">Height</param>
/// <returns>The new window</returns>
public Form CreateForm ( string title , Image img , int width , int height )
GC . Collect ( ) ;
//Create new Form instance.
var f = new Form ( ) ;
//Set size of form
if ( width < 100 )
width = 100 ;
if ( height < 100 )
height = 100 ;
f . Size = new Size ( width , height ) ;
//ShiftOSify it.
API . CreateForm ( f , title , img ) ;
//Add to list of forms that should be closed on script exit
OpenForms . Add ( f ) ;
//Return it.
return f ;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a borderless window.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x">Starting X coordinate.</param>
/// <param name="y">Starting Y coordinate</param>
/// <param name="width">Width</param>
/// <param name="height">Height</param>
/// <returns>The new window.</returns>
public Form CreateForm ( int x , int y , int width , int height )
GC . Collect ( ) ;
//Create new Form instance.
var f = new Form ( ) ;
//Set size of form
if ( width < 100 )
width = 100 ;
if ( height < 100 )
height = 100 ;
f . Size = new Size ( width , height ) ;
f . FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle . None ;
f . Location = new Point ( x , y ) ;
f . Show ( ) ;
//Add to list of forms that should be closed on script exit
OpenForms . Add ( f ) ;
//Return it.
return f ;
/// <summary>
/// Opens an image file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filepath">File path</param>
/// <returns>Loaded image</returns>
public Image OpenLocalImage ( string filepath )
if ( filepath . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
var real = $"{ThisDirectory}{filepath.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
if ( File . Exists ( real ) )
return Image . FromFile ( real ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Errors . Add ( ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
Errors . Add ( $"open_image({filepath}): File not found." ) ;
return null ;
Errors . Add ( $"open_image({filepath}): Not a valid file path." ) ;
return null ;
/// <summary>
/// Opens an image file.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filepath">File path</param>
/// <returns>Loaded image</returns>
public Image OpenImage ( string filepath )
if ( filepath . StartsWith ( "/" ) )
var real = $"{Paths.SaveRoot}{filepath.Replace(" / ", OSInfo.DirectorySeparator)}" ;
if ( File . Exists ( real ) )
return Image . FromFile ( real ) ;
catch ( Exception ex )
Errors . Add ( ex . Message ) ;
return null ;
Errors . Add ( $"open_image({filepath}): File not found." ) ;
return null ;
Errors . Add ( $"open_image({filepath}): Not a valid file path." ) ;
return null ;
public class Beeper
static Thread _beepThread ;
static AutoResetEvent _signalBeep ;
static bool _beeping = false ;
static Beeper ( )
_signalBeep = new AutoResetEvent ( false ) ;
_beepThread = new Thread ( ( ) = >
for ( ; ; )
while ( _beeping = = true )
_beeping = true ;
Thread . Sleep ( _freq ) ;
Console . Beep ( _freq , _dur ) ;
_beeping = false ;
} , 1 ) ;
_beepThread . IsBackground = true ;
_beepThread . Start ( ) ;
static int _freq = 38 ;
static int _dur = 1000 ;
public static void Play ( int freq , int dur )
_freq = freq ;
if ( _freq < = 37 )
_freq = 38 ;
_dur = dur ;
_signalBeep . Set ( ) ;